Monster Rancher Fan Fiction ❯ When Destiny Calls ❯ Melonzo's Secret Treasure ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When Destiny Calls
The Journey Begins: Melonzo's Hidden Treasure
By Cale Kuecker (

Summary: In their search for the Phoenix, the seven searchers find out about a fabulous treasure, containing an old mystery disk. Could this be end of their quest?

Disclaimer: I do not own Monster Rancher in any way shape or form. If you try to sue me for using it, you'll get nothing but bus change. Do not use this story without my permission and do not change it for the same. Oh, and since I don't know all the names and attacks of the monsters, I may have to make some up. Please read and review, but be forewarned, any and all rude comments will be misread and warped to whatever my imagination can come up with. Enjoy

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"Misers are doomed to never possess what they really want."
-a tombstone, "King's Quest IV: Perils of Rosella"

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The sun drooped low in the sky as the searchers, now numbering seven, approach the village of Tendaki. The tiny village was a welcome sight to the weary group, who had been traveling for days through the valley. And tiny the village was.
"There can't be more than a hundred people here," Hare said, looking around at the sparse evening traffic.
"Well that's one thing in favor for this place, I don't like crowds," Gray Wolf replied.
"May I point out that a town of this size may not have the facilities we need."
"You're furry butt may be too good for the ground but I don't mind it."
"Guys, do you mind not starting this," Genki said, skating around the rabbit and wolf with Mocchi on his back.
"Too loud, chi." Both monsters seemed to back off at Genki's request, much to the relief of the others. Despite their mutual agreement not to beat each other to death, Hare and Gray Wolf had spent every minute they could arguing, at least in everyone else's opinion. As it turned out, Hare's fears were unjustified as Tendaki possessed both an inn and a market, perfect for a group of tired travelers. The inn was called the Swarthy Hog, and it looked as though it could do with a bit more maintenance. Beggars could not be choosers, however, and the searchers entered the building, all save Golem who was too big to enter the doors. The common room of the Swarthy Hog was actually a combination dinning room and bar, complete with a long counter with several glasses along one wall. Behind the counter was a fat man in an pure white apron, a tie, and an eye-patch over one eye, watching the six with his beady eyes.
"Can I help you 'folks'?" he asked, his voice gruff as he eyed the four monsters.
"Yeah, how much for a room for the night?" asked Joshua
"Depends, is the big fella gonna come inside," answered the innkeeper, point to Golem through the window.
"Would you be able to house him?"
"Got a barn out back. Might be a bit cramped, but should do fine."
"Then how much for all of us?"
"Two gold for the humans, three for the monsters."
"That's unfair, how can you charge more for monsters?" Genki said in an angry voice. Gray Wolf growled while Pink Eye and Hare glared. The only one who didn't seem to understand the situation was Mocchi.
"I'm taking a big chance, harboring monsters these days. How do I know the followers of Moo ain't gonna show up for them. I need some sort of insurance ta protect my business."
"Well maybe we'll just take our business to someone a little less frightened of big bad Moo," Hare retorted, turning to leave.
"Be my guest, friend, but you'll have ta build the building. I'm the only inn in town." At these words, the innkeeper began to polish his counter, leaving the rebels to consider their options.
"Then I guess we have no choice in the matter. We'll take your rooms."
"Room. I only got one open. Breakfast comes an hour past sunrise and I don't do special orders. You eat what I give you or you go elsewhere." So saying the man grabbed a ring of keys and led the group upstairs.


"Man that guy was nice," Pink Eye said, sarcasm rich in his voice.
"Guy just restores your faith in humanity, doesn't it," Hare quipped, unrolling his sleeping roll in the corner.
"People are scared, Moo tends to bring that out in everyone," Joshua said.
"Doesn't give him the right to treat us like that," Genki said under his breath, laying down on his bed roll. The other's mimicked the boy's actions, finding places to lay down in the cramped room.
"I bet Golem's having a better night than us." Was Pink Eye's last comment before he shut his eye.


"All right everyone, time to rise and shine! Get up, get up, it's time to get up!!"
"Get up chi!"
"Genki have I ever told you how much I appreciate these morning rousings?" Hare asked.
"Think about that." So saying Hare's head flopped back down to his bed. Of course his comment really had no impact on Genki.
"Come on, come on. You heard what the innkeeper said. Breakfast's already started and unless you guys want to walk on empty stomachs, you better get ready. I don't think that guy'll hold some leftovers for us." At these words the others did begin to visibly stir, grumpily but steadily waking to sneer at the morning. Finally, the group descended the stairs back to the lobby, only to find the place half full of people and monsters, all of whom turned to stare at them. Two of the Innkeeper's staff were carrying in a large plate from outside, where Golem sat finishing his sandy drink. The other six searchers sat at a table, only to find the Innkeeper walking up to them with a limp.
"You're late, so there's not much left. You can have ham and eggs or sausage and eggs."
"Eh, nothing with a little less meat in it?" Hare asked.
"Look, I already told you I don't do special orders. But, given what you hares eat, I can offer you some cold cereal. No meat in that."
"All right then."
"And the rest of you?" In less time than it takes to tell the group had their food, greasy and cold as it was. As far as breakfasts went, the only thing that could be said for this one was that it was filling. Even Gray Wolf, used to eating foul things when food became scarce, had trouble eating the runny eggs and carbonized sausage. The six walked outside to join Golem, the only member of their group who's stomach wasn't rebelling from breakfast.
"So, which way do we go today?" Pink Eye asked Joshua, an act echoed by the others.
"Give me a moment." The large human reached into his shirt and pulled out the black stone that hung from a cord around his neck. Cupping the stone in both hands, Joshua closed his eyes and began to concentrate, his will fueling the magic stone's power. A red glow began to surround the rock's black surface and then began to rise into the air. The flame red glow pulled together to from the shape of a bird, then shifted once more into an arrow, pointing the rebels towards where the Phoenix's disk was supposed to be. "Looks like we're headed into that forest we saw last night."
"Oh that's just perfect," Pink Eye said. "I'm getting the distinct impression that that stone is just an ancient travel guide to the world's trees."
"If you seven are leaving I would suggest you go anywhere but that forest, unless you plan on spending a few days in it," the innkeeper said, coming out to collect Golem's glass.
"Why's that?" Genki asked.
"That particular section of the forest is under a curse."
"Oh not this old story again. Didn't we already go through this with Golem," Pink Eye said. "Look buddy, it's nice that your town has it's own 'special' folklore, but the last thing we need to hear about is some enigma or guardian of the forest that's making problems for you or this town."
"Pink Eye."
"Hey, it's no skin off my nose if you guys wanna get yourselves lost, 'cause that's exactly what'll happen if you go into that accursed forest."
"What do you mean?" Joshua asked.
"A few decades ago this real rich guy foolishly left all his gold to his favorite monster, a melon suezo named Melonzo. When this village fell on hard times, the village elders went to Melonzo, begging for money to buy food so they wouldn't starve. Melonzo, being the greedy cuss he was, turned them away, saying that the money was his and only his. Well that angered this monster named Suezo Mask. You know what a suezo mask it right?"
"Yeah, he's supposed to be the guardian of us suezo-types. So?"
"Well, according to the story, he was so angry over what Melonzo did that he put a curse on the idiot, transformed the monster's most valued treasure and hid it in the forest. Then he cast a spell on the forest so that it's always shifting, never staying the same for long, that way Melonzo can't get to the treasure and change it back. The guy can't even get into the forest without someone else. Then Suezo Mask said something like 'Since the cries of others fell upon your deaf ears, so shall your cries never be heard by others.' Cast a spell so Melonzo couldn't ask anyone for help. Suezo Mask said the curse would only be broken when Melonzo was able to get someone to help him of there own free will. And if you enter the forest on you own, it'll shift with you in there, and you'll be lost for hours, possibly days."
"Sounds like a load of crock to me," Pink Eye said.
"So did the story of the enigma, but we still found one," Genki retorted.
"What happened to the rest of the treasure?" Hare asked, his eyes glowing with the prospect of more gold.
"I imagine it's hidden as well. Lotsa gold and silver coins, ingots, and trinkets all waiting to be claimed. There's even rumor that a valuable mystery disk is in it, but anything more I couldn't tell you."
"Guys, it might be prudent for us to help this unfortunate monster. I mean, for all we know, the reason the magic stone is pointing in that direction is because the disk is the Phoenix's." The other searchers looked at Hare with disbelief, and a sweat drop suddenly formed on the back of his head.
"Who do you think you're fooling, rabbit."
"Gray Wolf, you know perfectly well it's a feasible idea."
"Yeah, and I'm sure the thought of the treasure didn't enter your mind at all."
"Well, if the rest of the treasure is still there, then I don't see the harm in taking along a few pieces of gold."
"You greedy little..."
"Gray Wolf! Greed aside, Hare does make a valid point. If there is a chance that the mystery disk containing the Phoenix is there, then we should investigate," Joshua said.
"Don't say I didn't warn you guys," came the innkeepers voice. "Now, if you'll pay me my nineteen gold I'll leave."
"Here," Joshua said, handing the man his money.
"I should probably warn you, that curse can work just as well on you if you're not careful." Gold in hand, the innkeeper left, casting a glance back at his former guests as he went.
"So I guess were off on a treasure hunt," Genki said, yanking on his skates as he prepared to take off. Only Joshua's large hand grabbing his shirt collar stopped him.
"Hold on a minute, the last thing we need is to get separated in a forest that never stays the same. If we go we have to all agree to stick together. And I mean like glue." They left the village, heading for the forest, never noticing the eyes watching them from the shadows of the Swarthy Hog.


"Boss, boss. I got news, I got news," called a skipper, rushing into a clearing, looking around for it's group. The blue and white hopper hybrid suddenly felt the earth begin to move as several arrow heads unearthed themselves. The red and beige lobsters surrounded Skipper as one arrow head wearing a brass ringlet on it's middle horn walked up. All the monsters wore the familiar symbol of Moo on their bodies.
"Ah Skipper, what news have you brought me?" Captain Arrow Head asked, putting a claw around Skipper's shoulders in an almost friendly gesture. True to his hopper nature, the skipper didn't let it faze him, continuing on in his cheery mood.
"The searchers we've be tracking, their gonna enter Melonzo's woods. They think the Phoenix might be there."
"Well, so the searchers have heard the story of Melonzo's hidden treasure, eh. This is perfect. I think this is a job for Indigo, don't you boys?" The other arrow heads began to nod and snicker in agreement, their claws clicking as they began to get excited.
"Cool, so what am I gonna do?" Skipper asked, eager to help his teammates.
"Why Skip, you have the most important part, my furry friend."
"Really." As he said this Captain Arrow Head began to walk off, still holding the hopper/tiger, a sly smile on his face.

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It wasn't long before the searchers arrived at the forest, anxious to get started.
"Okay Gray Wolf, think you can find Melonzo?" Genki asked, his voice almost daring the silver wolf to say no. Gray Wolf smiled at the boy.
"Oh course." Sniffing the air, the lupine monster entered the forest, his friends close behind him. The trees formed a think canopy that blocked out the sun almost completely, giving the forest an eerie twilight feeling. All around the group shadows played, making impossible shapes that almost seemed to reach out at them. Mocchi moved closer to Genki, a little afraid that one of the shadows might prove to be real. Golem had to stoop at some points to avoid hitting any of the trees, not wanting to scare some poor animal out of its home. Suddenly, Gray Wolf stopped in his tracks, sniffing the air and ground repeatedly.
"I don't believe it."
"What's wrong Gray?"
"I... I've lost the scent," the wolf said, surprised at his own words. "But that's impossible."
"How could you loose the scent, I thought you were an expert tracker," Pink Eye yelled. His words received a scowl from Gray Wolf.
"I am an expert, but the trail just stops. It was a fresh one too. It doesn't go up, it doesn't go left, it doesn't go right, and their are no holes to indicate that eyeball went down. Let's go back a little, maybe he took another path." The seven turned only to find that the clear path they had followed to this point had been replaced by a wall of trees, shrubs, and vines. Joshua drew his dagger and began to cut at the offending plants, but every time one was cut more seemed to take it's place.
"Well it looks like we can only go forward," Joshua finally said. The fact that the forest had actually trapped them seemed to agitate Mocchi even more, causing him to squeeze Genki's hand harder.
"If anyone had any ideas, now is the time to say 'em," Gray Wolf said.
"Since we can't get out, the only course open to us is to continue to with our original mission. Even if we can't find this Melonzo character or his treasure, at some point this place may open up again and let us out," Hare said.
"That innkeeper did say we'd only be lost for a few days at the most if we entered," Golem said.
"I don't like just accepting this, it leaves too much to chance. What if this forest just decides not to let us go?"
"We really don't have a choice Gray." So saying, Genki began to move onward, followed by his friends. As they walked, Gray Wolf continued to sniff the air, often complaining that the scent kept appearing and vanishing before he could do anything. Everyone was on guard, unwilling to be attacked in a forest that refused to cooperate with them. That was when Genki realized Mocchi was no longer hanging onto his hand. The boy looked around, spotting Mocchi a few yards behind them, talking to a bush.
"Mocchi, stay with the group," the boy called. The baby monster didn't respond. By this time, all the searchers turned to look, noticing Mocchi. Again Genki called, and again he was ignored. Getting angry, Genki began to stomp over to his partner fully intending to scold him for ignoring everyone. Suddenly, Mocchi walked into the bush, smiling all the way. That was all it took for Genki to speed up, charging to were his partner had disappeared, Gray Wolf and the others right behind him. He moved aside the bush only to find a very large rock right behind it.
"Melonzo was here!!" Gray Wolf called, sniffing the bush, hopping to find where Mocchi had gone.
"What?!" Genki said.
"He was here, not but a few short seconds ago. He's who Mocchi was talking to."
"Are you sure?" Hare said.
"Of course I'm sure, why shouldn't I be sure?!" came Gray Wolf's angry response.
"Well, unless I miss my guess, isn't that a Melon Suezo?" Hare pointed down the path were a scaly green suezo-type was happily hopping in place, his tongue sticking out at the searchers. Genki took off like a shot, intent on making the suezo/zuum tell him what he'd done with Mocchi. Behind the boy, the others also ran, unwilling to loose another of their own to the forest's shifting topography. The Melon Suezo also took off, a smile on his face as he tried to lead them on a chase. Tried being the operative word.
"Sonic Move!" With those words Gray Wolf disappeared only to reappear in front of Melonzo, growling for the scaled monster to come to a halt. Melonzo skidded to a halt in front of the angry wolf and tried to jump off to the side, only to find Golem's rocky hand grabbing his tail, holding him in mid-air.
"Okay Melonzo what'd you do with Mocchi?" Genki demanded waving his fist in the captive monster's face. No answer came from the scaled suezo, who seemed more than a little frightened of the boy. "We know you took him so if you don't tell us where he is right now I'm gonna..."
"Genki," Joshua interrupted, stopping the boy's tirade. Then the big man turned to Melonzo. "Please forgive the boy's temper, he is worried about his friend whom you took from us a short while ago." Melonzo nodded, never making a sound. "Now then, if you promise not to run off, Golem will let you go. All right?" Once more Melonzo nodded. Golem set him down gently and, to everyone's surprise, Melonzo simply smiled as if waiting for something.
"Well, aren't you going to say anything for yourself," Gray Wolf said, his voice as commanding as he could make it. Melonzo simply opened his mouth and used his tongue to point at it, grunting as he did so.
"I don't think he can talk," Hare said. "That makes sense, that innkeeper did say that Suezo Mask did something to make sure Melonzo couldn't just ask for help."
"Well that's just perfect. Now how are we gonna find out what he did with Mocchi?" Genki asked. Melonzo began to move, motioning for the others to follow.
"Well, it looks like our luck hasn't run out. Melonzo's gonna show us where he took Mocchi," Hare said.


Elsew here found Mocchi smiling at the beautiful flora of the forest, beside him the familiar scaly form of Melonzo.
"It's really pretty, chi," Mocchi stated. Suddenly a butterfly alighted on the young monster's nose.
"Ti ekil d'uoy uoy dlot I," Melonzo replied, smiling as his new friend sneezed at the butterfly. Mocchi chased after the bug for a short while before he realized his friends were not with them.
"Oh no, oh no. Where's Genki-chi, where's Hare-chi, where's Gray Wolf-chi? Where is everybody?" Mocchi was close to panic.
"Meht ot kcab uoy ekat ll'i, eno elttil yrrow t'nod," said Melonzo, getting the hysterical child's attention.
"You will?" Melonzo nodded and turned back to the bush they had entered the meadow through. Then he whistled. A strange feeling came over Mocchi, almost like vertigo, which forced the little monster to sit down. Melonzo parted the bush to reveal the same path Mocchi had left from, complete with the foot marks of where the other searchers had investigated their friend's disappearance. "How did you make the forest change?" Mocchi asked, amazed at how powerful Melonzo seemed to be.
"Ihccom stfihs tserof eht yaw eht lortnoc ot woh oga gnol denrael I. Erusaert ym dnif ot elbanu ma I fi sselgninaem si rewop siht tneve tub."
"CHI!!! They're gone!!!" Mocchi cried.
"TAHW?!" Melonzo called, looking around. It didn't take him long to find the tell-tale footprints of the group leading away only to stop at the point where the forest had shifted. Something about the prints was unsettling for Melonzo, who gave another shrill whistle. Once more the wave of vertigo washed over Mocchi, though not as badly as before. Melonzo's tongue moved to steady Mocchi. "Ti hguorht og uoy semit erom eht reisae s'teg ti." With that, both followed the tracks hoping to find the others before anything befell them.

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The group followed the scaly suezo as he lead them through the forest. How was a mystery. At some points Melonzo even seemed lost, looking around almost like he hadn't expected the paths to turn at points. But these instances were short-lived as Melonzo quickly moved ahead, hiding anything that might have given the rebels pause to think. Finally, they came to a clearing. And in the clearing rested, not Mocchi, but...
"GOLD!!!" Hare cried as he saw the mounds of gold piled up over the grass, and at the top rested a disk.
"Looks like he was showing us where his treasure was, not Mocchi."
"Grrrr. YOU GREEDY MONSTER, WE DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID TREASURE!! WHERE DID YOU TAKE MOCCHI!?!" Genki yelled, causing the scaled suezo to shrink back in fear.
"Genki, you should not get so angry at poor Melonzo," Golem said, trying to calm his friend down. "He is trying to help us as best he can."
"Yeah and, after all Genki, you know how easy it is for Mocchi to become lost. If we break the curse I bet it'll be a lot easier to find him." So saying the smiling Hare grabbed a gold coin. As soon as he touched it, his smiled faded into a deep frown and he whirled around on his heel, throwing the coin directly at the melon suezo. "Okay you little liar, the jigs up. What's going on here?"
"What are you talking about Hare?" Pink Eye said, his guard going up as he glanced back at Melonzo while Gray Wolf began to growl menacingly.
"Those coins are just wood painted gold. This isn't the treasure in any way, shape, or form."
"My what a smart bunny, you thought that up all by yourself," said the suddenly vocal "Melonzo." He bit into a vine nearby and a large net scooped up all the searchers save for Golem. Two forked poles flipped out of the ground, pinning Golem's arms to his side, holding him in place.
"So you can talk!" Gray Wolf growled, as silver energy began to appear at his horns. "Let's see if you can scream."
"I wouldn't wolf boy. That net is metal and would more than likely run that lightening attack right through your friends before it ever had a chance to strike me. Oh Captain!!" At the suezo-type's call, the ground began to erupt as the arrow head unit came out of the ground. Captain Arrow Head cast a glance at the entrapped searchers a sneer on his face.
"Excellent job Indigo," the Captain said as the impostor Melonzo began to wipe off the green make-up from his body, revealing deep purple scales instead.
"Why thank you Captain. I'd like to thank academy for my acting ability." Indigo then looked up at the disk sitting on top of the fake gold. "And of course, we can't forget my supporting cast. Put your claws together for the ever talented Skipper." All the arrow heads begin a kind of mocking clap as the snicker at the lost disk they'd used to fool the rebels.
"Now, you dweebs have a stone Master Moo wants. Give it to me and I promise you'll all get a nice quick death. Don't and, well, you get the idea."
"Sir aren't there supposed to be seven rebels?" Another arrow head asked. "I only count six."
"What!?" Quickly Captain Arrow Head counted his prisoners, coming to the same conclusion as his subordinate. "Indigo, there ARE only SIX rebels. What happened to the seventh one?"
"I... I don't know sir. These were all the rebels I found," said the flustered Indigo. "They were all leaning over a bush, maybe the other one got lost in the forest."
"So they don't have Mocchi," Genki whispered.
"I told you, Melonzo was the one who took Mocchi, for whatever the reason. Since this guy isn't Melonzo, it stands to reason Mocchi wouldn't be with them," Gray Wolf said.
"Hey, quiet up there," Captain Arrow Head ordered. "We'll just have to wipe them out now and find that other one. Moo wants their heads and I for one don't wanna keep the master waiting." On his orders the arrow heads moved into a circle around the searchers, pointing their open claws at the captive heroes. "Indigo, you sure you don't wanna get in on this."
"I... Am an actor, not a fighter. All I want is credit for helping to capture the rebels."
"Your loss. Arrow Heads ready... aim... LOBSTER LASER FI...." Captain Arrow Head's command was cut off as a pink ball slammed into his head, bouncing off it and into the other arrow heads like a cannonball. Needless to say their attacks were nowhere near on target. Lasers flew everywhere, one actually hitting another arrow head and transforming him into a lost disk. Mocchi landed outside the circle smiling with glee at the chaos he'd caused.
"Woleb tuo kool," came a voice from above the rebels. They looked up just in time to see the real Melonzo bite into the rope that held them over the ground, snapping it in two and sending them tumbling to the ground. The group scrabbled into a fighting formation as Melonzo dropped down in front of them and rushed to Golem. A large tongue snapped one of the poles in two, freeing the rock giant. Having lost the element of surprise, Captain Arrow Head did the only thing he could think of.
"Retreat!" The baddies, need no other stimulus to do so, obeyed, creating a very short river of red and white as they beat a hasty retreat.
"We won," Mocchi cheered, bouncing over to Genki to grab the boy around the waist, happy to be among his friends again. That was when he remembered his new friend, who stood slightly off to the side so as to avoid being noticed. Mocchi let go of his trainer and partner and bounced over to the scaled eyeball. "This is my friend, he's the one who helped me find you in time." Genki carefully approached Melonzo, who offered his tongue to the boy to shake.
"Are you the real Melonzo?" Genki asked, a little unsure.
"Ma I sey." Was the reply he got. Gray Wolf took a quick sniff of the new monster and confirmed he was indeed Melonzo.
"Good than can you tell us why you kidnapped Mocchi?"
"He didn't kidnap me, he asked if I wanted to see something neat," Mocchi said, defending his new friend.
"Uoy gniracs rof yrros ma I."
"What?" The searchers said in unison, unable to understand the melon suezo's words.
"He said he's sorry for scaring you," Mocchi translated.
"So then, what'd you need Mocchi for?" Melonzo began to explain, using Mocchi as his translator.
"I'm sure you've already heard about my curse, that is why you're here, so there is no need to for me to tell you how I came to this sorry state. A long time has passed since my punishment started, long enough for an old fool to finally realize the price my greed extracted from me. For years I've been forced to wonder this accursed forest, figuring out how to manipulate the spell that keeps others from stumbling across me or my treasure, and I've even learned where he hid my treasure, but I can't get at it. That's my problem. Suezo Mask's curse is only supposed to end when I am able to transform my prized treasure back into its original form. I can only do it with the help of others who do it of their own free will. I thought that Mocchi here would be able to help me, since he can actually understand what I say. I'm begging you to help me get my treasure back and break the curse. Will you help me?"
"Of course we'll help you, Melonzo," Genki answered.
"Uoy knaht. Em wollof esaelp." With that, Melonzo began to hop off, whistling a pecular tune as Mocchi and the now slightly nauseous searchers followed him.


It took only an hour before Melonzo called the procession to a stop in front of a a building almost buried in the growth of the forest.
"Emoh ym ot emoclew," Melonzo said.
"What'd he say Mocchi?"
"This is his home," the young monster answered. Genki looked harder at the vine covered edifice, finally recognizing it as the dilapidated remains of a large manor house. It might once have been beautiful, but now, after so many years of neglect, it could barely be functional. The windows looked like they'd been smashed by objects flying out side, many of which's remnants still littered the ground, weather damaged beyond repair. The door was off it's hinges and lying on the ground in two pieces, silent testament the anger that put it there. Melonzo walked through the door way, pausing only to tell his companions to be careful of the rotten floor.
"Suezo Mask found the perfect place to hide my treasure," Melonzo said, using Mocchi as his translator. "Right where I never thought he'd hide it, a hidden closet in my old master's room. When he took it from me, he told me I'd have to go back to the beginning to reclaim my treasure. I kept trying to think of every place something started for me, but it was there my master gave me the gold that helped to cause all this in the first place." The eight finally arrived at a room that seemed very out of place in the rundown mansion. Though it still was dirty and old, it was in much better condition than the rest of the house and still looked quite functional. A large covered bed dominated the room, complete with red satin pillows and a green comforter. In one corner sat a vanity with a cracked mirror. A bookshelf was also present in the room, almost filled with books on different monsters. Genki walked over looking at the titles.
"Hare Today Gone Tommorrow, Hunting with the Wolfpack, Golems: the Geologist's Friend, Seeing the Future with Suezos... Melonzo, what was your trainer?" Genki asked.
"He was a monster fanatic in my opinion," Melonzo/Mocchi said. "He loved monsters and wanted to learn everything he could about them. Wave any book on the subject at him and the only way you could walk away was with his money in it's place. Suezos were his favorite, with dinos coming in a very close second, so I was perfect for his partner. Other than that, he tended to live like a hermit. I don't know why, but he couldn't stand to be around other humans for too long." Melonzo walked over to the bookshelf, pulling on a book whose cover looked remarkably like the melon suezo's skin. "Of course some books are more than they appear." The book turned out to be connected to a switch that opened a hidden door in the wall. Behind the door sat a second room whose floor was covered with several neat piles of gold in a ring. And in the center of the ring was a pedestal on which sat a shining mystery disk. Melonzo's hopped quickly over to the disk, urging the others to follow.
"Em morf koot Ksam Ozeus eno eht, erusaert ym, ti si siht," Melonzo said. Mocchi translated so his friends could understand.
"So, what do you need us for?" Genki asked. Melonzo's tongue moved to grab the disk, only to pass through it as though it were etherial. The scaled monster then motioned for Genki to try, and the boy found himself quite capable of holding the disk
"Well, if his treasure is the disk, then I guess the Phoenix isn't here," Pink Eye said, examining the mystery disk.
"Tnemesab eht ni ti tup dna enirhs a thgoub retsam ym. Gninnur ti teg nac I, em rof edistuo ksid eht yrrac ll'uoy fi tub, won evitcani s'ti."
"Take it outside chi," Mocchi said, grabbing the disk and running off with it. The group followed him, Melonzo pausing at the front door just long enough to pull a lever by the door.
"Skrow siht epoh I." As if in answer, the whole area was filled with the loud sounds of many rusty gears grinding away against each other. Slowly and steadily the ruins of the house began to move backwards, revealing a large hole underneath. Once the hole was uncovered, more gears began to work, lifting a stone platform, complete with a monster gate, to the surface. Mirrors surrounded the stone structure, and the instant the sunlight hit those mirrors, the torches in the mouths of the four statues ignited. Mocchi raced over to the center of the gate, intending to put the disk in it's place, when a long pink tongue snatched it from the child's hands.
"INDIGO!" Genki yelled, spotting the suezo/naga hybrid off to the side. The purple suezo smiled as he placed the disk down beside him.
"What? Did you think we'd actually let you loosers go so easily?"
"I'll make you wish you had," Gray Wolf growled, leaping for the baddie fully intent of tearing him apart. Suddenly, a lasso looped around his neck and mouth, and pulled him to the ground. Attached to the rope were two arrow heads snickering as Gray Wolf landed with a crash. Four more arrow heads, each wielding rope, snagged the wolf's legs. More arrow heads erupted from the ground, two grabbing Hare's arms, another snapping down on Genki, while a fourth grabbed Mocchi. Pink Eye and Melonzo tried to help only to find themselves tackled from behind by four more of the lobster-like monsters. Golem and Joshua moved to help their friends only to hear the unwelcome voice of Captain Arrow Head.
"I wouldn't if I were you gents. My crew's claws are sharp and quick and I'd hate for them to slit your friends' throats in a fit of nervousness." One look at the eager faces of the red and beige monsters was enough to let the two know the captain was serious in his threat. Captain Arrow Head walked over to Indigo, taking the mystery disk from the purple monster. "So this is the famous treasure of Melonzo. Somehow I expected more, but I suppose Moo will reward us for bringing him the magic stone and a new warrior to boot." At these words Melonzo began struggling even more to get free, rage apparent in his eye.
"Yap uoy ekam ll'I raews I, ksid taht ekat erad uoy fi!" He yelled and the two arrow heads holding him down had to struggle to keep him from moving.
"I'm sure you said something most heroic, and I'm sure it also deserves some masterfully villainous retort, but for the life of me I can't understand you. You'll understand if I just ignore you," Captain Arrow Head said, a cruel tone in his voice.
"He said that if you take that disk he'd make you pay. A sentiment I find myself echoing." Came a familiar gruff voice that caused everyone to turn towards the treeline. Standing there, still in the same pure white apron, tie and eye-patch stood the Swarthy Hog's innkeeper, a stern look on his face. A look of recognition fell over Melonzo's face as he saw the human's face.
"Well what do we have here?" Indigo said, spitting in the innkeeper's direction.
"I would suggest you do as you are told," the Innkeeper said, but this seemed to have no effect on the Indigo or the arrow heads.
"Ooh the human thinks he can stand up to the forces of Moo. Who do you think you are old man?"
"I'll let you figure that out," the innkeeper said, as his one eye began to glow a golden light. The human lifted off the ground and began to float forward as a thick mist began to swirl around his body, completely hiding him from view. The cloud soon parted revealing, not a human, but what appeared to be a gali. It possessed the same picture clad cape and golden sun mask, but, instead of two completely frozen eyes etched into the mask, there was one moving eye in the center of it's forehead. It almost looked like it was a real eye, but like all galis the eye was sightless.
"Ksam Ozeus," Melonzo said.
"So that's a suezo mask," Genki said.
"Hello again Melonzo. I see you are doing well," Suezo Mask said in a freindly voice. "But I see you're still getting into trouble."
"Won esruc ruoy kaerb nac I," Melonzo answered.
"Yes I can see that. I assume you understand why I put the curse on you in the first place?"
"Then the ball is in your court Captain Arrow Head. I give you one final warning to return that disk to it's proper owner." At these words the baddies began to laugh, all save Indigo, who was now actively trying to disappear into the forest.
"I think not mask boy. If you'll look around, you'll notice that you are vastly outnumbered. I suggest you leave, before we tear you to pieces."
"Be it so," Suezo Mask quietly said. The sky darkened as Suezo Mask's single eye began to glow and, before they could react, lightening bolts surged through the arrow heads' bodies from the sky. The attack was accurate and ferocious, destroying all the baddies, save for Captain Arrow Head and Indigo, and freeing the searchers. Scared now, Captain Arrow Head clutched the mystery disk, his only remaining defense against the angry searchers.
"Nos ym kcab em evig!!" Melonzo yelled menacingly, glaring at Captain Arrow Head.
"I believe he is demanding the disk back. You have a choice Captain; you can either attempt to keep the disk, and thus battle all nine of us for it, or..."
"Or? Or is good."
"Or you can challenge Melonzo to a two on two battle, with you and your purple friend against Melonzo and a partner of his choice."
"Wait that's not fair Suezo Mask," Pink Eye said, hoping up to the holy monster. "With that curse on him, Melonzo can't call his attacks. He'd be outmatched."
"Then he had best choose his partner wisely."
"I accept your challenge. If Indigo and I win, we get the disk to take to Master Moo, no interferenced from you guys."
"Ihccom rentrap ym sa esoohc dna, tpecca I." Melonzo answered. Mocchi stepped forward ready to help, despite the laughing comming from his enemies.
"Melonzo are you nuts?" Gray Wolf yelled.
"He's just a kid, you can't send him in against those baddies," Pink Eye said.
"I gotta help him," Genki said, as he started to move forward, only to be blocked by a hand made of golden energy.
"No, Melonzo has asked and Mocchi has accepted. You must not interfere with the match. Trust that your friends know what they're doing." Suezo Mask then turned to the four combatants. "The arena you will fight in is this clearing. If you pass the tree-line, you are out of bounds and loose. The match ends when either member of one of the two teams is defeated. The winner gains the mystery disk. Now FIGHT!"
The two teams began to circle each other, sizing each other up and trying to guess what move would be used first. Indigo was the first to move, charging forward and attempting to bite Mocchi in half. The pink and green monster ran forward as well, getting under the purple suezo and jumping up, catching his chin with a headbutt. Captain Arrow Head was also ready, catching Mocchi's leg in his claws and throwing the boy back to the ground hard. The captain pressed his attack with a swipe at Mocchi's exposed belly, only to be knocked away by Melonzo's tongue. Indigo's attempt to stop his green counterpart also resulted in his recieving a tongue slap. He went flying through the air, only to land on his stalk.
"That's it, now you'll feel my power. TELEPORT!" Indigo disappeared only to appear above Melonzo and landing on him like a stone.
"Melonzo," Mocchi cried running over to help his partner only to run head first into Captain Arrow Head's head. Both monsters were stunned by the impact. Melonzo threw Indigo off of his head and hopped over to Mocchi. The purple suezo was not pleased and once more teleported appearing to block Melonzo from reaching the baby monster. By this time Mocchi had recovered and attacked, hitting Indigo in the back and sending him skidding to a halt next to his partner.
"Pleh ruoy deen I, ihccom," Melonzo said, and whispered something in Mocchi's ear. Mocchi moved behind Melonzo, ready for whatever plan the two had concocted.
"MAEBEYE!" Melonzo called.
"EYEBEAM!" Mocchi said at the same time. Melonzo's eye took on a red glow and a powerful beam of pure energy came forth, striking both Arrow Head and Indigo. The baddies went sailing only to be struck again by a fireball from Melonzo's mouth. Before the two could recover, both Melonzo and Mocchi struck them with a vicious headbutt, knocking them out of the ring, out of the match, and possible out of the country.
"It appears the winners are Melonzo and Mocchi," Suezo Mask said. A tendril of golden energy picked up the mystery disk. "And I thereby present you with the mystery disk you have so long sought." The disk floated over to the green eyeball.
"Ihccom uoy knaht," Melonzo said.
"You're welcome chi."
"So let's unlock this sucker and see what the all the fuss is about," Pink Eye said, grabbing the disk from Melonzo and placing it in the center of the monster gate. Genki took his position at the controls, starting the unlocking procedure. Faster and faster the disk spun until a small ball of light escaped it. The ball landed nearby, it's form altering to reveal a golden skinned suezo with a pink bow on it's head.
"MY BABY!" Melonzo yelled, perfectly understandably, as he raced over to the tiny eyeball, who squeeled in delight as the older monster hugged her tight.
"She is Melonzo's daughter, the most precious thing he had, and the one he was hurting the most with his greed," Suezo Mask explained.
"So you turned her into a mystery disk?"
"He needed to be reminded what was truly important in life, and what better way to do that than let him live with nothing." At that point Melonzo and his daughter returned to the group.
"Guys, I'd like you to meet my daughter, Goldie."
"I'm very pleased to meet you," Goldie said in a sweet voice.
"We're pleased to meet you too," Genki said, bowing to the little lady.
"Hi chi," Mocchi giggled extending his hand to Goldie. A large wet tongue met his hand and shook. Meanwhile, Melonzo and Suezo Mask stared each other.
"It is good to see you're still a powerful fighter Melonzo," Suezo Mask said.
"I have nothing to say to you," Melonzo replied.
"Such venom."
"Did you think I'd thank you. You stole my daughter from me. I may understand why you did it, but I don't have to agree with it."
"Did you learn the lesson I tried to teach?"
"Then our business has concluded... Farwell Melonzo, may I never need to return here again." With that Suezo Mask Teleported away. With him gone, Melonzo became instantly friendlier.
"You seven helped to break my curse, and for that I will be forever grateful. You have restored my daughter to me as well, and I am even more in your debt. If there is anyway I can help you, you have only to ask."
"Well," Hare said, "now that you mention it, I couldn't help noticing the gold in..."
"Don't you ever stop?" Gray Wolf interrupted.
"Actually Melonzo, we're on a quest to find a monster called the Phoenix so he can defeat Moo. If you have any information that could help us..." Melonzo laughed as Joshua spoke.
"Ha ha. The Phoenix! I know what that is! Hee hee! Give me a moment, I'll be right back... TELEPORT!" With a flash the melon suezo disappeared, only to reappear holding a thin red book. "Like I said, my former master collected anything and everything having to do with monsters. This book is one of the oldest in his collection." Melonzo held up the book, who's title read Phoenix's Last Battle. "I'm not sure if it'll help you find the Phoenix, but it might generate some leads. It's yours."
"Thank you Melonzo. Where will you go from here?"
"Don't worry about us. Goldie and I are gonna get a new home somewhere in town."
"Then I guess this is good-bye."
"Sayonara, and good luck on your quest."
"Thanks Melonzo. See you again some time."
"See you again, chi," Mocchi mimicked, waving at the two eyeballs as the group left, bound for their next adventure.

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Weed was hot, thirsty and tired, dangerous things to be when one treks accross the desert. Unfortunately, the terrain around Gali's sandcastle was too unstable to land an iron bird in. Finally, though, Weed did make it to Gali's courtyard. In the center of a lush garden sat a beautiful fountain spraying gallons of water into the air, Gali's most famous possession. The clear, sparkling water was so tempting, but Weed knew better. Gali was known to have an interest in chemistry, particularly poisons, and often sought to test his latest creations on unwary travellers.
"It would appear I have an unannounced vistor," came a low nasal voice. Floating in the arched doorwar of the palace stood Gali, the golden masked second member of the Big Bad Four. His entire body was composed of the golden sun mask and the white cloak, with a Moo medallion pinned to thin air where his chest should be. It felt like the monster truly was nothing but pure power.
"Master Gali, I bring you a message from Master Moo," Weed said.
"He commands your presence at the floating castle in a week's time. He is concerned over the seven rebels searching for the Phoenix."
"He needn't be, they will be dealt with in time. However, I will be there. Now please go and take a drink from my fountain if you wish."
"Oh good, it's not poisoned."
"Well now, I didn't say that, did I?" Laughter filled the air as Gali disappeared, leaving a now very nervous Weed behind him.

The end.

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There you go. If you like it please send me a review. If not, then don't. Next time though, it's a redo of Courageous Seven. When the rebels come accross a village under attack by the Evil Hares, they of course move to defend it. But are the baddies really as bad as they're reputation suggests. Also I will be trying a new format, so stay tuned.