Naruto Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Yin and Yang: Reflections of Chaos ❯ Life Goes On ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Woohoo... another chapter. I have no idea what I'm doing the chapter after this, so it could take a while. In any case, if you dunno what the heck's going on, read the summary for this chapter. It should help.
*** Time/place break
<><><> Flashback/Dreams
~-~-~ Begin/End Chapter
Disclaimer: Perhaps in a past life I owned these anime, but unless I have a serious case of amnesia, I don't now. Also, if you're someone who hates homosexual relationships, but you fail to read the warning below about how to avoid it in this story, you're an idiot and it's your own fault.
WARNING: If you don't like yaoi/shounen-ai, you pro'bly shouldn't be reading this fic. Anything ecchi will be labeled clearly and put as side stories, so nothing necessary to the plot will be included in those (therefore, you can still read the story without reading anything beyond guys kissing a bit). There will pro'bly also be a bit of shoujo-ai, but not so much. If you aren't as open minded as me, gomen nasai, but that's how I am. Now go read.
Chapter One:
Life Goes On
::You accuse me of being evil; in fact, you hate me for it. You shout at me, hurling obscenities and stones alike, and I know not which is more painful. To cry out would only further encourage you, and so I must remain silent before you, an obedient little slave accepting penance. Tears I will save for another time...::
::And yet...::
::What is evil but a misinterpretation? No individual will set out to do something, believing that it is wrong; thus everyone must think themselves right, and the rest of the world evil in comparison. And thus they continue to deceive themselves...::
Cerulean waves roll onto the shore, rushing as far up the beach as possible with a joyful shout before their grip is prized from the shore and they are drawn back to the ocean. From the depths of shimmering waters the pale orb of the sun creeps lethargically, bathing the sky in soft, pastel colors. Light glistens off dew-coated grass of a pristine emerald green as it sways gently just beyond the sea's grasp. All is silent, save for the lilting, longing song of a lone nightingale in poignant counterpart to the ocean's harmony as it laps lovingly along the sandy stretch, barely brushing against the low outcrop of rock.
Upon this slight cliff laid a young child, his liquid silver eyes slightly unfocused as he watched the pale clouds above, one hand distractedly tracing runes in a tiny pile of sand at his side.
::This is my prison.::
He smoothed the sand and sat up, allowing the breeze to claim the tiny granules and send them scuttling across the rock's face to join their brethren, once more unidentifiable on the beach. The clouds frisked about above, tugged insistently by the same wind as though they too were no more than sand. The boy held himself poised and silent, watching all of this and listening intently to a sound that does not exist.
::This is my hell.::
As though waking from a trance, he stood, sighing as he reluctantly tore his eyes from the sky to look instead at the distant towers of cold stone, towers that seem to stretch towards the sun to greet the morning. And the familiar forest suddenly turned dark and sinister, the trees' long shadows clutching the turrets and dragging them back down, back into captivity. They reached for him too, calling him invitingly, silent voices whispering broken, false promises.
::This... is my life.::
::In a time and place where the entire world is against you, trying to continue life normally is meaningless.::
::So why is it the only reasonable solution?::
She stood alone, wrapped in an entrancing cloak of shadows in an out of the way corridor. Those who passed cast admiring looks in her direction, though an occasional tint of puzzlement darkened them. All these she ignored, standing straight and proud, hands folded just so in front of her, eyes gazing straight ahead as she waited for him to appear...
"Kazumi..." the address came from a boy who looked to be a few years the junior to the girl he spoke to. When the girl looked his way, amber eyes demure and gentle, he lifted an eyebrow and examined her more fully, one hand on his hip while the other hung limply at his side. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Oh, Sasuke-kun," she said breathlessly, drawing the sleeve of her maroon kimono up to hide her blush. "I was... hoping to see you." The young woman looked coyly at him from under lowered lashes.
"Cut the crap," the young Uchiha growled. "You were waiting for that fire demon again, weren't you?"
The girl dropped all pretense of grace and grinned openly at him. "And I suppose you'd deny that you were looking for the Kyuubi if I asked." The fourteen-year-old shinobi shrugged, gracing his cross dressing roommate with the smirk that drove fangirls wild.
"So you figure if you spy on him enough, he'll actually notice you?" Sasuke shook his head disbelievingly. "He's way out of your league, Kazumi. Do you know why he got sent here?"
A pang of sorrow passed across the elder's face, "Please, Sasu-kun, don't be so vulgar. I wouldn't say I'm spying... it's more like..." He sighed as though trying to think of a word that could properly convey his devotion to this poor simpleton as he ran a hand through his short hair, ruffling the crimson and black streaks that matched his kimono so perfectly.
"...stalking?" The two boys looked up to note that someone had joined them, someone with a wide grin spreading beneath his sparkling blue eyes. He appeared to be about the same age as Sasuke, though perhaps more childish in nature from his posture, hands linked behind his head and his blond hair remaining stubbornly mussed as though daring someone to attempt to take a comb to it.
Kazumi Loki smiled approvingly, "Yes, something like that." Sasuke gave a snort of derision at both of them, at which the newcomer's eyes darkened, his hands dropping to his sides and straying towards the weapons' pouch attached to his thigh.
"Today's the day I'll beat you," announced the ninja. He frowned, noting something that seemed to irk him even more than the other's derision. "What happened to your sharingan?" Sasuke shrugged.
"I think I hardly need it for a battle like this," his eyes narrowed as he spat the next word, "dobe." Loki gave a knowing little smile as he watched the whole exchange, amused. He knew, in reality, exactly how much the battles really meant to the sharingan wielder.
The effect on the younger nin was instantaneous. "Teme!" Naruto snarled, diving forward as he yanked a kunai out with both hands and slashed viciously at the other boy. Sasuke easily blocked the attack with a kunai of his own, then brought his right fist up into the blond's diaphragm so that he was forced to stagger back.
Watching this, the Uchiha flexed his right hand, pondering if it was worth the trouble of dealing with the guards if he unleashed the chidori here. Seeing his opponent straighten decided him immediately however, and he dashed forward and ducked a potential attack, performing a sweeping kick that caused the off balance loudmouth to fall to the floor, stopped before he had time to finish the hand seals for his signature Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.
Wasting no time, Sasuke pinned his opponent effectively, smirking condescendingly the whole time. "Tch. I told you this was a waste of time." The smaller boy struggled vainly beneath him, snarling fiercely before he finally went limp, a stubborn look adorning his face.
"It appears Sasuke's won again," Loki chuckled. "At least you didn't take it to a deathmatch today."
Naruto smiled sheepishly. "I swore I wouldn't lose, and I never go back on my word. That's my ninja way. Besides," he continued, eyes fixed on the bishounen above him for a potential opening, "I still have my trump card." That being said, he managed to lift his head up, fusing his lips awkwardly with the older boy's. Taking advantage of his element of surprise, the boy rolled the pair over so that he was on top, pinning the Uchiha heir's arms above his head.
Sasuke was in a strange mix of shock and heaven as his body reacted to the kiss, his mind struggling to catch up. Loki, on the other hand, was in hysterics by now, one hand bracing him against the wall so that he didn't fall over.
::Looks like he found his Kyuubi after all, ne?::
The brush of a familiar mind against his own only made Loki laugh harder, to the point where he was gasping for breath. It took a good couple of minutes for him to compose himself, during which time the two on the floor continued their contest in a slightly different way from the fight it had originated as.
Eventually Loki gathered enough presence of mind to state, "I should tell Kyuubi-san on you, Yoko-chan." Naruto emitted an uncharacteristic giggle as he drew back from the kiss, breathing slightly hard from the exertion. Mind still reeling from the kiss, Sasuke looked with a measure of confusion up at his crush, who was straddling him even now.
"Y'know," the younger said in a singsong child's voice, "without the sharingan, you're real easy to fool." Naruto winked, before vanishing in a puff of smoke, a girl of roughly the same age appearing in his place. "Keep that in mind." His eyes wide, Sasuke broke easily from the smaller girl's grip and jabbed the kunai he still held at her.
Using his chest as a springboard, she flipped backwards out of his reach, landing lightly on her toes. "You didn't forget I was a shinobi too, did you?" she taunted, adjusting the Konoha village hitai-ate around her forehead. She didn't look much like the classic ninja, however; she was wearing an orange t-shirt, denim overalls, and sneakers with a grey sweatshirt over it all, left unzipped.
"You..." Sasuke was incoherent, seeming to be unable to put into words exactly how much he loathed the ninja in front of him. She simply continued to stare up at him, storm grey eyes flashing defiantly as he came closer, despite the fact that he stood nearly a half foot taller than her 5'.
Only once he was within arm's length, hefting his kunai threateningly, did she break eye contact, sighing and shrugging. "This again?" she inquired, a smug, knowing smile settling on her features. "I would've expected something more original from a genius of the great Uchiha clan." Sasuke's eye twitched irritably; his hand darted out of its own volition, lifting the smaller nin up by her collar.
"Hope you enjoyed that, 'cause it's the last time you'll ever kiss Naruto-kun," she informed him, apparently oblivious to her current peril. There was a puff of smoke, and Sasuke found himself holding nothing but air; not missing a beat, he turned to toss his kunai down towards the end of the hallway where Sayoko now stood. Ducking to avoid being struck, she pulled her eyelid down and stuck out her tongue childishly before flashing the victory sign and dashing away.
::Life. Yeah right, as if this could even be considered living.::
::Look at us. We eat when they tell us to; we sleep when they tell us to. We sit here, living out our pointless little lives in mindless complacency... until we forget we were even trying to escape.::
He snarled, a sound halfway between a growl and a hiss, his reptilian amber eyes fixed loathingly upon the imagined enemy in front of him. He curled his hand into a fist, sharp claws digging into his palm. His tongue ran sensuously over his fangs as he remembered the luscious taste of blood that once lingered there.
He lunged forwards, feeling his heart pound once more with the desire to kill. Soon, he pledged. But for now...
Claws tore through flesh, waves of heat melting through muscles as bones shattered in his grasp, splinters flying everywhere. Clawed toes left deep, parallel grooves from his victim's groin to ankles as he dug his teeth into the throat, eagerly searching for the artery that would send blood pumping into his mouth of its own volition. Till then, his whip-like tail laid lash after lash upon the most sensitive areas of the human's body; the rattle on his tail became the last sound his victims ever heard. His goal was to kill slowly, by inches, and causing his victim as much pain as possible.
Screams of horror and pain rang like sweet music in his ears. Then he severed the vocal cords and the cries became distant. They would never make it in time. By then, he would wear the blood of their comrades as a second skin, and his victims would be so mangled that they wouldn't even be able to be recognized as human.
He left the scene laughing to himself, his hunger satiated, a heady feeling settling over him with the knowledge of his victory. Over time, his spiky brown hair had been tinted from the blood that stained it like a dye. He didn't mind; it only made people fear him more.
And those fools would believe it was all because of his heritage, that he was like a dumb beast that knew no better than to slaughter them off and feed upon their life force. That thought at once infuriated and amused him.
...They made it almost too easy.
The teen paused, surveying the damage he had done levelly. The wall had been reduced to rubble, and he wasn't even short of breath. Still unsatisfied, he whirled and stalked away. Here, there was only a single thought that could reassure him.
If he had been captured like all the other brats here, at least he had gone down fighting.
Some notes: I really, really hate that title. But I couldn't think of anything else at the time, and I wanted to post it so... The random thoughts between sections might've been confusing, but oh well. Oh yeah, the charries in the first and last part are ones that you'll be introduce to more thoroughly later on... If you ever need help keeping the OCs straight, go read the bios section. It'll be updated every chapter in order of charrie appearance (by when their name is given, that is).
Feedback appreciated as always. May start another fic soon depending on how soon I finish summer reading.