Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Crista the Ultimat Half Demon Book 1 The Lovers Bonds ❯ Chapter 92 Two years later ( Chapter 92 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 92

Two years later

Two years had passed and two days before she awoke,edward came through the door,he looked older a little,his hair was a little longer,his face had matured,he went over to crista and smiled."I'm back"he whispered.
Hagi and saya were by the door,smiling,edward looked at them,they hadn't aged one bit."Welcome back edward"they said.Edward smiled at them,he stroked crista's cheek.Crista looked a little older,her hair had grown longer,her face looked more mature.
Edward kissed her on the cheek and smiled,he set his cello case down and went to the bathroom.He took off his clothes and stepped in the shower,saya went over to crista,hagi did too."He's been treating my cello that I gave him,nicely"he said.
Crista heard the shower go off,hagi heard his son's footsteps.Edward was standing at the edge of the bed,a white shirt on,and black pants,his hair was still wet.Saya smiled at edward and fainted,hagi caught her.
Edward went up to saya and looked at hagi."She's alright,she just went into her deep sleep too,and I alwaya's wait for her to awaken again like always"he said.Hagi layed saya on their bed and sat down beside her."Saya I love you"he whispered.
Edward sat down beside crista and stroked her cheek."Crista"he whispered.Blood suddenly went down crista's mouth,edward gasped as his eyes widened.He grasped his chest tightly,his eyes turning a bloodlust red,hagi came down and rushed toward edward.
Edward's eyes returned to normal,he gasped,he looked at hagi."You haven't fed in a while have you?"Hagi asked.Edward shook his head and gripped his shirt tightly,holding his bloodlust at bay.Hagi gave him a packet full of blood and he drank it,hagi sat by the window.
Inside crista,she was in her inner world,she saw envy,heki and cresentmaru,envy stood up."Hello sister crista"envy said.Her eyes bright blue,crista's was bright red,she was in her vampire form,envy scoffed."It's the night of the full moon huh sister"envy said.
Crista sighed and walked away,she stopped dead in her tracks as she saw heki,an evil glint in his eyes."You can't leave"he said.Crista put her hand on his chest and giggled,a playful look in her eyes."Watch me"she said.
A bright blue blast went out of her hand,heki went flying backwords,a keyblade in her hands,surrounded by lightling.Envy rushed at crista,she spun around angrily.She blocked envy's attack and put two fingers on envy's chest."Hakado number 3: burst apart"crista whispered.
Envy screamed as a huge ball went in her chest,she gripped her heart,tightly,in pain.A button went in crista's hands,envy looked at her."If you even try to do that again,I will blow you apart envy"crista growled,her eyes as black as night itself.
Crista disappeared and went to sleep,smiling to herself."Tomarrow's the day I wake up"she whispered and fell asleep.In the real world,edward was holding crista in his arms,smiling at her.
Tomarrow came,crista moaned,edward gasped and looked at her,she slowly opened her eyes,edward's eye's widened."Cri...crista"he whispered.Crista looked at edward,smiling,edward smiled back.He put his hand on her cheek and caresed it.
Hagi was in the doorway,looking,he smiled.Crista sat up and put her arms around edward's neck.He smiled and leaned forword.He kissed her passoinatly,crista did the same,he put his other arm and wrapped it around her waist,bringing her closer to him.
He put his hand that was on her cheek,on the back of her head,deepening their kiss,his arm around her waist tightend it's hold on her,they both had a kissing fit,his kiss held two years of waiting,passion,he couldn't stop.
His lust rose not for blood but for her,to hold her,make her his,he pushed her on the bed,sofly,she was in her human form,so he had to be gentle with her,she took off his shirt,he took of hers,hagi went up to his bedroom with saya,leaving those two alone.
After that,crista and edward layed in the bed,pants still on,but no shirts,her head and arms were on his chest,he had his arms wrapped around her tightly.He listened to her breathing and smiled,she was asleep,he carresed her cheek again.
Saya had awoken and she and hagi went downstairs,they saw edward and crista,they smiled.Edward blushed,saya giggled,hagi smiled.Crista's grip on his chest tightened,he looked at her.She was sweating and mummbling.
He got out and got a washcloth,saya blushed a little,hagi chuckled.He sat down by the bed and wiped the sweat off her forehead."I'm sorry"she whispered.Edward wondered why and went back in the bed.
He held her tight again,wiping sweat off her forehead once in a while.She had a look of fear and sadness on her face,edward lifted his hand and made a ice crystal,he kissed crista and her expression went away,he smiled.
Hagi and saya went over to them and looked at crista."Is she alright?"Saya asked.Edward looked at crista,concern on his face."I don't know,she's been having alot of nightmares since we met,they go away whenever I'm beside her though"he said.
Hagi had fallen asleep on the couch,saya sat down on edward's bed."Why didn't you two take off everything while you were kissing her?"Saya asked,blushing a little.Edward blushed too,and looked at crista.
Hagi went upstairs,saya looked at edward."She told me when we got more into our relationship that,she didn't want to,that she'd die if she did,it's part of her curse"he said.Saya looked at crista and smiled,edward looked at saya.
Hagi was already in bed,asleep,saya stood up."That's why you lust for blood so much,because you want her so badly that it turned to blood lust instead"she said.Saya went upstairs and went to bed.Edward layed down and held crista tighter,her breathing was even and soft now,he smiled.
In the morning crista moaned, edward looked at her,she opened her eyes and looked at him,he put his hand on her cheek and carased it."Morning"he said.Crista smiled at him and kissed him,he kissed back."Morning"she whispered.
He could tell she hadn't gotten much sleep last night,a worried expression on his face."Are you okay?"He asked.Crista nodded,confused,he sighed,he put his hand under her chin and made her look at him.
He kissed her pastionatly,she kissed back,his eyes widened and he parted from her,he smiled at her,eyes closed."I'll be back"he said.He gave her a quick kiss and went to the bathroom upstairs,hagi and saya were in there too.
He went to the sink and grabbed some blood tablets,he went to his knees,coughing,his grip on his chest tightened.His eyes widened,he went on his hands and knees,his eyes turned a red haze color,hagi touched his shoulder.
Saya got him a blood packet,he grabbed it and drank it,soon his eyes turned blue again,he dropped the packet on the floor,leaned against the wall,and panted,saya went over to him."I'm okay"he said,out of breath.
Saya went downstairs to get crista to go on a walk with her,crista went with her,edward's hair and shirt were soaked with sweat and blood."Did you have it this bad father?"He asked hagi.
Hagi touched his son's shoulder with his chiropteran hand,edward looked at him."No,I had it way easier than this,once your body adapts to this the blood lust with go down,it will become easier"hagi said.
Edward stood up and clenched the sink,he broke it,he was angry."WHAT IF IT DOSEN'T!"Edward shouted,anger in his face and eyes.Hagi stepped back,his face calm.Edward looked down,his bangs covering his eyes."What if I kill her dad?"He asked,his voice breaking.
Edward slid to the floor,hagi knelt in front of him."What if I kill crista,because the blood lust will get too strong I've kept my blood lust at bay for two years,but I can't control it anymore,like I used to"edward said.
Hagi sighed and embraced edward,edward gasped,looking at his father."I don't know what to do,what am I supposed to do at a time like this,your mother held me like this when I was little"hagi said.
Edward calmed down,hagi released him."It will be alright edward"hagi said.He nodded and stood up.He changed his clothes,he put on a marron color shirt and black pants,he put a long white jacket on and went outside.