Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Baby of Mine ❯ Prologue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hello everyone. I've had this idea in my head for a long ass time. One night I was lying in bed trying to sleep, and then it hit me xD. I'm pretty sure that this is the first fic of its kind. I don't know, but all I'm saying is that I might be in possession of some strong 'stuff' :D....

You do not know how confusing the math was, I even made a time line on some paper at my desk. xD

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the anime, just the people I make. Any and all flames are -along with Axel- what warm my bed at night. ;3

Italics - thoughts
oOoOoOo - Flashback

Chapter 1.

Kagome shivered, pulling her brown and orange floral-patterned yukata closer around her small form. It was November, and the earth had started to warn them of it's change. The air had turned fresh and cold, contrasting greatly to the stuffy and warm air of summer. Various trees in the courtyard she was sitting before had an array of brown, orange, green, and yellow leaves, if any at all.

Thinking about it, wearing the simple cloth was probably not the best idea, especially with winter only a month away...not even that. She sighed, absentmindedly laying her hand on her stomach. Her blue-black hair whipped around her waist as a gust of wind rattled the frame of the Shoji screen behind her. Kagome was about to get up but a pair of dark blue haori covered arms wrapped around her smaller frame.

Legs soon slid on either side of her. She continued to stare out, pretending to ignore the person behind her, a soft smile crossing her face. This didn't last long as a hand brushed her side and Kagome let out a giggle. The eight year old grabbed the appendage and turned to glare at dark eyes, amusement swimming in them. "Hey, quit that mister!" The owner of said eyes just continued to look at her, making her huff and stand.

She walked away from him, already knowing he would follow her before she felt a poke in the back. Trying not to giggle Kagome sped up and turned the corner, hitting something... or someone. Falling hard on her but, she looked up to tell whoever she had hit off and found out just who she had ran into.

Scrambling to straighten herself, she looked down, trying not to provoke the older man. "S-Sorry Fugaku-sama-a!" Kagome sighed quietly when a grunt was heard from the Uchiha head, her hair shielding her down tilted head. Missing the slight glaring match that took place over her head, the young girl looked up when she felt a hand on her arm, pulling her up gently.
Itachi glared at the back of his fathers retreating head, and turned back to Kagome. “Are you okay Kagome-chan?” His eyes softened as he gazed at the smaller girl, her blue eyes sparkling, the chilly air causing her cheeks to redden.

She sighed and nodded. Thinking back to two days ago, she almost cringed in worry.
Kagome knelt on the tatami mat covered floor, her hands in her lap like a good little girl. On her other side was Itachi, who sat in a similar position. He was glaring at the four clan elders with a coldness that nobody thought an eleven year old could possess. Sitting off to the side was Itachi's parents, Fugaku and Mikoto.

The smile normally on the latter's face was nowhere to be seen, a scowl now present. At the sound of a throat being cleared, everyone looked to the five silhouettes at the center of the room, which was cut off by a black net-like screen. “Now, if we're done with this little glaring contest.” A raspy voice called out, slight sarcasm in his voice.
“Isao-!” This voice was just as rough, but held a feminine touch. A cracked chuckle ran through the room, as well as a ruffle of cloth.

Shigeo, control that woman you call a sister before she says something meaningless again”

Hey!-” The two siblings chorused, only to be interrupted by the last voice.“Stop this foolishness.” Quieting down, everyone turned to look at the 8 and 10 year old. Kagome was tempted to fidget from the stares, seeing this Itachi his hand on hers.

They broke out in not-so-quiet whispers.


When the other clans find out about this-”

Who said they will find out?!”

“What about those Inuzuka-”

Your big mouth Sadao, obviously!”
Shigeko no baka!”

Listen!” Everyone quieted, Kunio stopping yet another petty argument between Sadao and the twins Shigeo and Shigeko.”The other clans will not find out about this.” The shadow moved slightly. “Mikoto.” Mikoto sat up straighter at the mention of her name. “Your having another child correct?” At her nod, he continued. “I'll imagine your both due around the same time. From this day on, your having “twins”.

Itachi's grip tightened, but he did not leave. It was disrespectful to the elders, even if he was the head's son. Kagome was only half related to the clan, so she had to show even more respect then he. After continuing to debate 'unnecessary' issues, Kunio finally dismissed them.

Pulling the black-haired girl from the room, Itachi gripped her shoulders as they rounded the corner. “Nothing will happen to you, I promise!” His eyes were determined, affection underlining his words. Kagome teared up, throwing herself into his embrace......
She was shaken from her thoughts as Itachi poked her yet again. “Your friend, the Inuzuka came by, but she was turned away.” Kagome frowned. She knew they would start making her stay away from Hana-chan. She pushed Itachi away, a frantic look on her face.
“I need to go to the hospital!
“What, why?'
“Because, I start my hours tomorrow and I need to know what wing I'm in!” Kagome huffed, as if it was obvious. She had been one of the ones nominated to become a chunin along with Itachi, because of her outstanding healing abilities. The clan had then decided for her she work at the hospital, then move on to a even better skilled medic nin.
The boy's black eyes closed as he, almost lazily, grabbed her elbow and lead her back to her room. “Your mistaken. That's next week.”
“Stalker!” Kagome giggled.