Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugivania: The Lost Chapters ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yugivania: Lost Chapters
By Sakura (L-sama no Miko)
Chapter 3
It was another typical Friday night and Ryuuji's club was as usual practically filled to the brim with all manners of creatures of the night and their human pets. A petit vampire with hair with shades of ebony, red and gold sat between his two loves at one of the corner tables, having chosen a separate one from the rest of their boisterous coven. A soft chuckle drew the attention of the pale blond at his left.
“What's so funny, Yugi?” he asked.
“I'm just glad to see him finally happy,” Yugi replied.
The taller vampire followed his lover's gaze and smiled as his midnight blue eyes fell on a table across the crowded club. A group of demons and vampires were having an impromptu tea party with a human girl in an Alice costume. A strawberry blond rabbit demon was merrily munching on what appeared to be a very orange carrot cake. Two twin vampires dressed in red and blue fought with a cat demon dressed in tight black leather pants, matching crop top and a pink and purple striped boa, of all things, over the various other dishes splayed out on the table while a dormouse demon in a green Victorian suit and hat was blissfully sleeping away through the chaos, nestled in the lap of a long haired vampire with an eye patch and black military style clothiung. The human looked rather embarrassed, not at her companion's antics, but because she was currently in the lap of a black haired vampire dressed in a white Victorian style suit and black top hat adorned with blood red roses.
However, they were not who the petit vampire was referring to. The subject of Yugi's amusement was the sky blue haired vampire sitting across the black haired one. A tiny smile was on the man's lips as he chatted with a brunet vampire in a red military style outfit. It had been many a decade since any of them had seen a smile on Endrance's lips. The somewhat misanthropic bouncer had lost the love of his life and fledgling to a hunter many centuries ago and it had hurt the gentle vampire deeply.
“It is good to see him with others,” Yugi's silver haired mate commented.
“I just hope he finds someone someday,” the smallest of the three wished.
“I'm sure he will little one,” reassured his blond love, placing a gentle kiss on the boy's head.
Meanwhile, the blue haired vampire's garnet eyes, focused in concern as a white haired rabbit demon started pestering a wolf demon who just happened to be the club's DJ. The girl in the Alice costume noticed this as well and began to flinch in terror and anger. “Do excuse me,” Endrance said, rising from his seat with a dancer's grace, “It appears someone has forgotten to take out the rubbish.” The white suited vampire nodded and waved his fellow creature of the night off.
Endrance stalked through the gyrating throng and made his way to the stage with the ease of water flowing through a sieve. “I do believe you've outworn your welcome here, sir,” Endrance said with a tone that could put ice to shame. “Do not make me warn you again.”
“I'll not leave until my dear Alice hears what I must say,” the rabbit demon said, boldly thrusting his red and black check clad chest out, “She'll not listen to me alone, so there is no other way.”
Endrance scowled. He hated this part of his job, but someone had to deal with riffraff like this rabbit demon. He sighed exasperatedly as he reached out and grabbed the rabbit's fluffy white ears. “Yeowtch! Not so rough you ruffian!” the white haired demon cried as the vampire began to drag him away and toward the exit.
“Thanks man!” the wolf demon called, greatly relieved to have the psychotic rabbit removed from his presence. “He wouldn't leave until I put on `A Bushel and a Peck' so he could sing it. Endrance's flawless steps faltered at that image. Just the mere idea of the bespectacled rabbit singing bad show tunes would be enough to clear the jam packed club in nanoseconds.
“Unhand me you ill mannered cur!” the white rabbit demon continued to protest as Endrance opened the door, the vampire's fellow redheaded bouncer watching the scene with mild curiosity. “You're ruining my fur!”
“He was bothering Koga-kun again,” Endrance offered in explanation.
“Ah,” the redhead replied coolly, stepping aside to let the taller vampire by. The sky haired vampire ignored the rabbit's continued protesting and forcibly shoved him out of the club.
Endrance dusted his hands off in disgust, the pleasant mood he'd been in while enjoying a short break with a few acquaintances being ruined. He turned to get back to work when movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention.
“Hey!” a rough voice yelled off to the side of the club's door, “Say something ya punk!”
“'e looks like `e's stoned or on somet'in,” another voice joined in.
“Well if he's not gonna apologize for running inta me,” the first voice said, “Guess I'm gonna have to make `im pay somehow.”
The vampire bouncer froze, not liking the sound of that voice. He knew that voice; it belonged to one of the rougher and less civilized demons in Domino. Endrance turned around and sure enough, there was Keith with his ever present cronies. It looked like the thugs had someone trapped against the building wall, someone human by the scent.
Normally, Endrance would just ignore the scum and go back to his job, however, it he knew Keith's habits and tastes all too well. It wouldn't do for some poor human to get raped and brutally murdered right outside their door. The vampire owned Ryuuji too much to let that happen.
It had been the half Japanese, half Irish vampire who had found him wandering the back alleys of the city one night while he was having a bout of deep depression. The raven haired man simply refused to leave him alone and immediately dragged him to his club where he also ran a bit of a hostel for the non human citizenry. Those without places to stay could stay as long as they needed until they found other lodgings or moved one free of charge as long as they did nothing to bring the wrath of the more zealous `monster hunters' down on the club or its owner. Endrance had stayed for so long, that Ryuuji had offered him a job as the club's bouncer which he had shyly accepted. Ever since then, flocks of females - and quite a few males - began to show up regularly at the club's door, boosting its popularity.
Sighing boredly the elegant vampire strode out of the club to get rid of the rest of the `garbage', reaching for his sword along the way. Deep red eyes narrowed in disdain and revulsion as his suspicions were confirmed. Keith did indeed have a human pinned to the wall and was no doubt about to molest the poor thing. A stab of pity combined with a flash of anger surged through the normally stoic vampire at the boy's blank and glassy eyed stare. One of the more twisted of his kind must have sent the poor human out like that for kicks.
Endrance wasn't too found of humans, but there was no way he'd ever hand one over to wolves and sharks like Keith in such a state. Growling lowly he marched straight over to the blond, frightening off the blond demon's toadies. He didn't bother with etiquette. Instead the deceitfully frail looking vampire promptly pressed the tip of his beloved Tempting Rose to the back of the bulkier demon's neck.
“I do believe I've told you not to show yourself anywhere around here, trash,” Endrance said, in barely controlled hatred.
“Well, if it ain't my favorite hoity toity vamp,” Keith drawled, “I'm just trying to have a bit o' fun. Back off, Enny.”
The sword dug into the demon's flesh, making the blond flinch slightly. “Do not make me tell you a second time, filth.”
The demon snarled, but obeyed the vampire's command. He wasn't really in the mood for an out right fight, besides, Endrance had far more power than him. Such a battle would end terribly, for him that is. “Alright, alright, I'm leaving,” he spat. Keith left in a huff, but not before giving the human a good swift kick to the gut.
The boy gave a groan and slumped forward. Within seconds, the sky haired vampire had caught the human before he even hit the ground. It was then that he got a better look at the boy. Garnet orbs widened in complete and utter shock. There in his arms was the spitting image of his centuries dead love. The only difference being that his beloved had silver hair and ruby eyes while this frail mortal had black hair and eyes.
The vampire lost all reason. Nothing else mattered now, only the boy. Without another thought, Endrance scooped up the still enthralled boy in his arms and strode back inside Ryuuji's club. The redheaded demon guarding the door widened his teal eyes as he watched his co-worker pass him with the human still in his arms. Sensing something was up with the taller vampire, he tapped a brunet lycan on the shoulder.
“What's up Gaara?” Kiba asked, “I know it can't be time for my shift yet.”
“I need to check up on something,” the sand demon replied emotionlessly.
The lycan was about to press further, but something in those teal depths told him to just stay quiet. “Ok, ok, I got it, buddy. But you owe me.” Gaara gave a nod in thanks and went off in search of his fellow bouncer.
Gaara found the blue haired vampire in their room below the club. Endrance was sitting on his bed with the human in his lap and was whispering nonsense in the boy's ear while rocking him. The redhead was completely flabbergasted. In the few short years he'd known the quiet and reclusive vampire, he'd never seen him act like that toward any living creature, human or otherwise.
“Endrance,” he attempted.
The vampire's head shot up and he bared his fangs, hissing a deadly warning at his roommate. Gaara chose to stay where he was; he'd seen enough of vampires to know not to approach one in a territorial state. “Just what do you think you're doing?” he asked, icy teal orbs narrowing at the boy's glassy eyed face. Had his companion done that to the boy? He never liked it when vampires took a human pet by force, robbing them of their free will.
“Haseo, my Haseo,” the taller man crooned and purred, stroking the human's soft black hair, “You've come back to me.”
“He is not your dead lover!” Gaara growled, “Let him go! Lift the spell!” Endrance continued to ignore the irate sand demon and went back to his rocking and crooning, the poor boy blissfully unaware to what was going on around him. “Damn it, Endrance!” the redhead shouted and called up a mass of swirling sand.
The golden substance rushed forward, snatching the boy from the vampire's lap. Endrance let out a blood-curdling growl. It was the only warning Gaara would ever get. The sand demon however was not intimidated by the now mad vampire and directed his sand to carry the boy toward the hall while calling up more sand to form a thick wall in between him and Endrance.
Seeing that his mate was being once again snatched away from him, the vampire leapt from the bed and rushed past the redhead, completely intent in getting to the boy. The sand demon was fast, but Endrance with the speed of strength from centuries of fighting smashed through the hastily formed wall of sand. In just a few scant seconds, he managed to grab hold of the human. Fearing the boy would be torn apart by his sand and the vampire, Gaara was forced to relinquish the poor human back into the clutches of the clearly insane vampire.
“Please, Endrance,” the sand demon tried once more, “Release the human.”
“You'll never leave me again, will you Haseo?” the blue haired vampire said, clutching the boy to him as if he were a prized stuffed toy. “You'll walk this path with me for all eternity, won't you?”
“Endrance, snap out of it! Your Haseo's dead! He's not coming back!”
“I've missed you so much, my lovely rose,” Endrance purred in a voice that would make all who heard it turn into an instant pile of goo. “It's alright now, my love. We'll be together once more. I'll fix everything.” The unhinged vampire turned the boy to face him and lovingly stroked the human's face before tilting his head back, exposing the boy's pale throat. Gaara, seeing what his roommate was about to do, sent his sand toward the boy only to have it swatted away by the much stronger man. “None shall part us ever again,” Endrance vowed, a horrible and violent death for any who dared interfere blazed in his crimson depths.
Gaara knew he had to do something or two lives would be ruined that night. Not caring for his own safety, the redheaded sand demon rushed forward, reaching for the black haired mortal. Endrance let out an animalistic snarl and kicked the smaller demon. Gaara went sailing back and crashed into the door, causing it to slam open on impact and him to crash to the floor. He lay there, dazed from the blow to his head the falling back had caused.
Seeing that there were no more distractions, the sky haired vampire bent his lips to the soft skin of the boy's neck. “Haseo, my Haseo,” he purred before sinking his fangs into the alluring flesh.
By the time Gaara got back on his feet, it was too late. The mortal was doomed.
Sasuke found himself being jolted awake from a dense fog that had been clouding his mind at the sharp pain to his neck. He blinked and saw he was in the lap of a man who just happened to be sucking at his neck. He let out a scream and struggled to reach for his dagger only to remember his `beloved' brother had taken it away when he confronted him.
`Shh… my love it'll be over soon,' he heard whispered in his mind. That only made him struggle more. The vampire's arms were like a vise and clamped tightly around him, preventing anymore movement. `My Haseo...' the insipid voice repeated over and over, echoing throughout the Uchiha's head. Sasuke did his best to resist the pull of oblivion, but the velvety smoothness of the vampire's voice was making it almost impossible to focus.
Just as he was about to sink into the very depths of nothingness, Sasuke felt himself being gently shaken. He wanted to protest at being taken away from such a blissfully comfortable place. His brain was still fogged from the vampire's sucking of his blood and the raven haired boy offered no resistance when he felt his head pressed against something. He smelled something oddly familiar and strangely alluring.
Sasuke pressed against the thing, trying to identify what it was he smelled. As he did so, his lips brushed against a wet sticky substance. The boy's pink tongue darted out to wipe it off them and found that it was delicious! He wanted more! Sasuke planted his lips back where the liquid was and began to lap it up.
Somewhere at the back of his mind he heard a faint breathy moan, but his mind was currently focused on getting more of the delicious liquid. He whimpered when there was no more to lap up. The raven haired boy suddenly found his head being pressed against the neck he'd been lapping at and faintly heard a soft command, “Suck, beloved and drink.” Sasuke needn't be told a second time and eagerly sucked at the cool flesh and drank the delicious fluid his action produced.
Gaara scowled in disapproval as he watched the mortal unwittingly give up the last vestiges of his mortality. Hard hate filled teal eyes narrowed at his roommate. “What you have done is unforgivable,” he said, “I can no longer stay your roommate.”
Endrance gave the redhead a cursory glance, his attention more focused on the boy currently attached to his neck. “Do as you like,” the vampire answered, nonchalantly.
Gaara nodded. “Do not expect me to talk to you any more,” he hissed, “Our friendship is dead to me.” The sand demon then stalked from the room.
The redhead wandered the lower halls aimlessly, knowing full well he should get back to work, but his heart wasn't in it at the moment. Endrance had been one of the very few people he'd been able to get close too and now that was gone. The vampire's insanity had been too much for Gaara to handle for it reminded him of his own past as a crazed bloodthirsty maniac - killing being the only thing he could focus on.
“You look like you could use a drink,” a purple haired cat demon in punk clothing remarked as the sand demon passed by.
“It's nothing,” Gaara shot back, not in the mood for company.
“Uh-huh. I can see that,” the cat boy quipped, “I'm getting you a drink like it or not.” He latched onto the shorter demon and wrapped one gloved arm around his shoulders, causing his boa to tickle Gaara's skin.
“Get your hands off me,” the smaller of the two hissed icily.
“Not until you cheer up,” the taller demon beamed, “Let's get that drink, you can tell me all about it on the way.”
The redheaded demon sighed. He knew how stubborn cats can be. Once they made up their minds about something, there was no changing them.
“Feeling better?” the cat demon asked, opening the door to his room and ushering his smaller companion inside.
Gaara nodded. “Thank you,” he said, the strong alcohol of the drinks slurring his words a tiny bit. A light blush was on his normally pale face, though it wasn't just from whatever it was the cat boy had insisted on getting him.
“You ready to talk?” the taller of the two queried sitting down on the bed. He patted the mattress beside him.
“I should leave, I have work,” the sand demon stated, not understanding why he followed the other demon back into the hostel part of the club.
“I don't think so,” the purple haired cat said, grinning widely. He then leapt from the bed and pounced onto his prey, pinning him to the floor. Gaara struggled, the alcohol in his system dulling his senses and reflexes. “I'm not letting you go until you're feeling a hundred percent better,” his captor purred wickedly.
The redhead whimpered as he felt the cat demon's tongue play along the back of his ear then moaned as the wet appendage traveled downward along his jawline and flicked against his pale lips. “You're delicious!” the cat demon drawled, licking his own lips, “Like vanilla and spice.” He scooped up the rapidly melting sand demon and carried him to the bed. The bed gave a slight groan at their combined weight but held together. Gaara no longer struggled as his soon to be bed partner resumed to lick, nip, and suck at whatever flesh the cat could get at, causing the redheaded sand demon to moan and arch into the taller one's soft caressing touches.
Some time later, Gaara lay curled up against the dozing cat demon. His head lay against the taller demon's bare chest as one hand shyly rubbed along the cat's abdomen. His partner purred contently at the tender touching.
“Why?” the redhead asked after a few more minutes.
“Why?” Gaara repeated, “Why… this?”
“You have no idea how hot you are,” the cat replied, titling the smaller boy's head up gently, “besides you looked like you really needed it.” Gaara could not respond to that for his lips were promptly devoured by the feline demon's.
The sand demon shoved the taller one away. “I want more,” he said, a solemn look on his face.
“And I thought I was the pervy one,” the cat smirked, attempting to reach for a certain sensitive part of Gaara's anatomy.
The redhead smacked the hand away, teal orbs narrowing in warning. “I'm not going to be just some one-night stand. So don't act like you even care,” he snarled, furious at himself for letting a cat demon seduce him like this. After all, cats were notorious Cassanovas, the love `em and leave `em type. The taller demon balked at the shorter one's words. He was well aware of his kind's reputation.
He had tired of the cavalier life style he'd been leaving and hadn't bedded anyone in years since making the decision to search for a long term partner. He had almost given up hope of ever finding a suitable candidate until he saw the redheaded bouncer. Gaara had practically everything he'd been looking for, incredibly good looks, a sense of danger covering up a soft and gentle heart deep inside, and not to mention the most delicious scent that drove him near insane as if the sand demon were made of catnip.
“I do care,” the cat said with equal solemnity, “I haven't had a partner in almost twenty years. I wouldn't just bed any gorgeous redhead if I wasn't interested in more than just a single night.”
The sand demon stared as the cat boy cupped his face in his hands forcing him to peer into the taller demon's golden eyes. “You're all anyone could ever want for a mate. But there's no way I'm gonna like anyone else get you.”
Gaara's eyes widened at his taller partner's passionate words. Once again the sand demon was prevented from answering by the cat demon's oh so skilled tongue and hands. “I… I don't even know your name,” he panted.
“Mmm…” the taller demon purred, teasing his soon to be mate's side with his tail. “It's Boris. I'm gonna make sure you never forget it, `cause you'll be screaming it verrrry soon.”
Endrance lay beside his slumbering fledgling, having dragged his former roommate's bed next to his own. The blue haired vampire was greatly saddened that his actions those few hours ago had caused him to loose a dear friend, but he had his beloved Haseo again. To him that was more than enough for companionship. He continued to stroke his love's ebony hair as he waited patiently for the boy to awaken.
About half an hour later, the fledgling vampire sleepily blinked his eyes and let out a cute `mrrr' sound as he started to wake up further. Endrance smiled and helped his precious to a sitting position. “My Haseo,” he crooned once again crushing the boy against him. “Never again will I loose you.”
The younger vampire stared confusedly at the man, but soon relaxed into the amorous embrace; smiling as his hair and back were being stroked by loving hands. He wasn't sure how he knew this, but it was a long, long time since anyone had held him like this and he liked it a lot.
“Come, my love,” the man said, gently pulling the raven haired boy from the bed. “We must eat.”
His fledgling pouted cutely, wishing to remain as they were. But quietly obeyed the man he instinctively knew as his sire and master and allowed him to drag him from the room.
Sakura: Why won't this thing die?!!!
Joachim: I thought you liked this one, Sakura. Especially after all the begging you did to get me to agree to this thing.
Sakura: I do darling, buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt enough is enough!
L-sama: Was that a complaint, my miko?
Sakura: Eep!! N-N-N-No m-m-ma'am!
L-sama: Hmm… I really need to get my ears checked out. Well, get back to work little miko.
Sakura: H-Hai ma'am!
Joachim: You poor thing. And I thought Walter was bad.
Sakura: Joachim! Hush! She'll hear you! Anyhoo, let me know what you think ppl. Oh yeah, cyber cookies for all of you who can guess who was having the tea party. You gamers should know. -_^