Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ 14 Gifts ❯ Tomo Choco ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

February 5th - Tomo Choco

As the copy ninja exited the hospital a female chunin approached him with word that the Hokage wished to see him. "She said immediately, Kakashi-san."

"Thank you," he muttered with a slight smile to the message deliverer and walked off. It had not missed his keen eye that the young chunin blushed at his smile. He was not unfamiliar with the longing looks from many a female he'd received since removing his mask.

As a young boy, and a brilliant mind at such an age, he had noticed how his father had garnered much attention from the female, and some male, population. Sometimes the attention wasn't very positive and it would cause conflict between his parents.

It wasn't long after they had passed on that he would notice the facial similarities in himself and his father. Instead of drawing unwanted attention to himself he donned the black mask that would soon become his trademark, along with the Sharingan.

He'd removed his mask for good a few years before now, deciding that it was time to stop hiding behind it and allow himself to let people see the man that he truly was. Besides, the response he got from people, especially Sakura, had been priceless.

He had awakened that current morning, bright and early with the express intent to leave the latest gift to Sakura's office. Hoping to run into her on her way in, he decided to forego wearing his headband and allowing his hair to fall down his face instead of up and unruly. Truth be told, he liked the way it looked and donning the smaller black eye patch gave him a distinctly dangerous look. Based on the looks Sakura had given him and the slight blush and stutter, she had agreed wholeheartedly.

The fact that she thought he was good looking would at least open her eyes to his appeal as a male. Through the gifts, poems and notes, he had hoped that she would eventually figure out his identity and discover that there was more to him than just the Sharingan and an emotionally damaged male. Never mind the fact that he was her genin sensei. That last remark from Sakura, calling him 'Kakashi-sensei, had cut him deeply.

The war had made him relook at his life. Was he always going to be a lone wolf in the world? He was the last of the Hatake line, much like Sasuke had been the last of the Uchiha. Would he let it die out just because he thought there was no hope for him to find happiness?

There had been much soul-searching over the months and a lot of meditating. He had even spent some time with monks to find himself. It was during that time that he began to see Sakura differently. Though she was still quite young when he made the discovery, only 18 at that time, he felt he needed to stand back and make sure what he felt was true. He didn't want to approach the young woman until he was sure of his feelings. It would also give her time to date and mature.

What he hadn't counted on was for Sakura to not date. She didn't go out much but worked herself to the bone at the hospital; going in early and leaving at late hours. He had thought it was because she was still pining over the Uchiha, but after overhearing her conversation with Naruto one summer afternoon, that wasn't the case.

'Sakura-chan? Do you still love Sasuke? Even after everything?' Naruto asked. The last Uchiha had died at the end of the war, still trying to destroy Konoha for having given the order to slay his family.

'No. The love I had for him was gone long ago,' she told him. 'His mind had become so warped and trained on only one thing - to destroy our home. How could I continue to love someone that had become a monster?' she asked. 'I know he thought he was right in his actions, but it hurt to see him become so cold and unfeeling.'

Naruto looked at her like she had two heads.

'Well, colder than usual." Sakura smiled.

'Do you think you'll ever fall in love again?' the blond asked.

'I don't know, Naruto,' she looked off into the sky. 'I don't know.'

At the time, Kakashi hadn't realized how much hearing her say those words had hurt him. To know that she was still in pain over the Uchiha's actions towards her and their village made something within him clench in pain.

Looking back, he had hurt for her and had wanted to soothe that hurt and make her forget. He wanted to see her live again.

He was glad to see that she wasn't working at the hospital as much. Shizune had noticed that the Kunoichi had been spending too many hours at the hospital wearing herself out, and had appealed to the Hokage.

That was the end of the long hours.

Now that she had a regular schedule it made his job easier to know where she was at most times. She would either be home, at the training grounds, the hospital or at the library. It made delivery of her gifts so much easier.

He approached the doors leading to the Hokage's office and was just about to knock when he heard, "Don't just stand there, Kakashi. Get in here."

He took a deep breath before entering the lion's den. He had a feeling this conversation was what he had been hoping to postpone for a little while longer.

The following day was almost a copy of the one before, though Sakura checked her desk to see if there was something left for her before going on her rounds. A little disappointed to find nothing, she knew there was a full day ahead of her for her 'mystery admirer' to leaver her something.

After a full day of rounds, she went back to her office to finish her paperwork for the day and still, there was nothing left for her.

A little disappointment filled her heart, but she wasn't disillusioned yet. Besides, she still had to go home. Maybe he left her something at her door like he had before?

Finishing up for the day, Sakura left the hospital and walked the village streets towards her apartment building, noticing that advertisements for Valentine's Day were up. Some shops were displaying examples of chocolates to give out friends, acquaintances, loved ones and now there was one type geared towards girlfriends called 'Tomo Choco.'

Sakura shook her head at the marketing ploy made by the chocolatiers to sell more candy, but made a mental note to pick some up for Ino-pig later.

When she arrived at her apartment, there was nothing there. No note, no gift, nothing. It left her feeling a little empty inside but figured maybe something had happened to him. 'Maybe he's been sent on a mission.'

That seemed reasonable to Sakura. He did mention in one of his notes that he was a shinobi in his last note, so she could understand that.

With that though in mind, she went on with her evening.