Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Brother ❯ Unwanted Feelings ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Baby Brother
Chapter 5
Unwanted Feelings
Itachi woke to a warm comforting body next to his that he was not used too. He slowly turned toward the lump next to him and felt the boy move closer to him. He felt Sasuke wrap his legs around Itachi's right one and was surprised to feel Sasuke's hard erection pressed against his thigh. His eyes snapped open and he stared at the ceiling in surprise.
Sasuke moved closer and moaned into his ear. The sound sent a delicious shiver down his spine. Itachi's body tensed like a bow and his heart sped up to a fast nervous pace. He let his eyes slide closed as he tried to calm his breathing. He couldn't believe this was happening, this was his own brother and he was getting turned on. What in the world was happening to him?
Sasuke started rubbing enticingly against his thigh and Itachi begun to sweat. Sasuke whimpered as his smaller hands worked on Itachi's shirt. Itachi's own cock started to harden in his pants and he shifted uncomfortably, in the processes rubbing harder against Sasuke's own twitching dick. Sasuke's groaned deeply and started rubbing against his toned thigh harder.
What in god's name did I do to deserve this? Thought Itachi as he started to work to release Sasuke's hands from his clothing. He needed to get out of this bed with his baby brother before he did something that he was going to regret. He was already questioning his sanity. It's not like he didn't understand his sexuality. He knew he was bisexual. Maybe more gay then anything, but gay for his own brother was a little disturbing.
He looked over at the boy. He felt an overpowering urge to kiss the boy's softly parted lips. That was about the point that he was out of bed, startling Sasuke awake, and running to the bathroom, locking himself in. He sank to the floor in a winded mess and stared at his bare feet. What the hell was that? He asked completely horrified. He had kissed Sasuke on the second night that he was here, but that was pure impulse and he hadn't really thought about it. Now that he was thinking about it before hand, he was mortified.
He let his eyes closed as that same headache that had been haunting him since he came here started to form behind his eyes. He was really starting to hate his brother with each passing day. Every since he came to this hell hole, his whole life had been crazy. He didn't understand why he even cared in the first place, but he did and now he had to deal with. He really didn't want to though. The last thing he really wanted to do was be babysitting his brother.
“Niisan, are you okay?” Came Sasuke's soft uncertain voice through the door.
Itachi almost groaned out loud. He couldn't get away from the boy as hard as he tried. He was irritated that Sasuke even cared if he was okay or not. He stood to his feet slowly and recomposed himself. He opened the door and glared down at Sasuke.
“I'm fine, ignorant otouto.” Itachi walked to the bed and started strapping on his shoes. “I'm going to go talk to your master. Stay here and I'll have food brought up for the both of us.”
Sasuke inwardly cringed at the word `master' and glared at his brother's broad back. He wanted so badly to pick a fight with Itachi and he didn't understand why. But for some reason Itachi was really pissing him off this morning. He watched the man slip on the Akatsuki cloak and head for the door. Sasuke decided none of this was worth his time and disappeared into the bathroom at the same time as Itachi closed the front door.
Orochimaru threw the scrolls that he was holding across the room and listened to them collide against the far wall with a satisfying thud. He was so pissed he couldn't even see straight. How dare that little shit intervene in his relationship with Sasuke. He was convinced that Itachi wouldn't give a fuck what was done to Sasuke. He had been counting on Itachi making life a little bit harder on Sasuke. Hoping the outcome would be the little Uchiha brat coming back to him for consoling. He had been misinterpreted the situation horribly.
Apparently, Itachi still cared for his brother and now Orochimaru didn't get off last night and Sasuke never came back this morning. He was pretty sure this had to do with that Sharingan bitch that was in the Akatsuki, but why would Itachi care? There was something that made Itachi keep Sasuke alive, something important. Orochimaru just had to figure out what that was. If he could blackmail the Uchiha Prodigy, he could very well end up with the original Uchiha that he wanted at the price of Sasuke.
A slow devious smile curled his pale lips. Maybe this had turned out better then he first thought. If he could be able to verify that Itachi indeed still cared for Sasuke more then the man let on, then Orochimaru would get exactly what he wanted and he would be able to take over the leaf village. He was really starting to like the sound of that. Now, he just needed to find someone qualified enough to be able to pull off spying without being suspected or caught.
A knock on the door pulled him from his pondering. He rose to his feet and made his way to the door. He opened it to see Aya standing there with a bowed head. He raised a black eyebrow and crossed his arms. She glanced at him shyly then looked away.
“Itachi-sama is in the main room waiting for you. He said he needed to speak to you.” She said in a hurry.
“Tell him, I'll be right there.”
Aya nodded and scurried away. Orochimaru stood there for a few seconds then a broad smile split his pale face. Oh yes, this was going to turn out to be very exciting indeed. He made his way down the hallway to the royal room where he greeted all his guests. He slid the door open and stepped in.
Itachi turned toward him and glared. The man looked like a time bomb just ready to exploded. Orochimaru was quite certain that he would be one of the first people to die if Itachi did snap. He offered a friendly smile and walked over to his mini bar. Itachi followed his every movement like a hawk trailing a mouse and that made Orochimaru want to laugh. Of course, he didn't though. He valued his life too much to be so careless.
“Would you like something to drink?” Orochimaru purred making the Uchiha Prodigy cringe.
“How was your rest last night?”
“Quit the pleasantries. We both no better then anyone how much we hate each other so let's get down to business.”
Orochimaru gave a heavy sigh and set down his glass. He turned fully to face Itachi and let him know that the kid had his full attention. Itachi stood there tall and unthreatened. He always stood that way. Orochimaru had wondered more then once if the man was afraid of anything. He figured not. Itachi had looked death in the face many times before and still survived to tell the tale.
Itachi could have easily became the next Hokage in the Leaf village if he hadn't betrayed them. Orochimaru knew there had to be a really good reason that the boy had done it, but he had yet to reveal it. He had been working very hard on trying to find the weaknesses of both Uchiha's since he needed a new young body. Sasuke was the only one that had weaknesses and that was Itachi. So he had taken advantage of that and now Sasuke was his, until his other plan worked out.
“Okay. Then what do you want, Itachi?”
“The ring, Orochimaru. I want the ring. We made an agreement with you and I want to finish it.”
“I told you it's not here. As soon as Kabuto get's back you will have what you want and so will I. But until then you will have to endure. It isn`t that bad here, is it? You get free food, free lodging, and all the beautiful women you want… or men, depending on your preference.” Itachi only glared at him, then turned to leave. “Oh, one more thing Itachi.”
The younger man stopped short of the door and slowly turned to face the man he couldn't stand. Orochimaru's face was twisted into a bone chilling smile and Itachi had to force himself not to cringe. He was sure that he knew what the snake wanted, but he really didn't want to get into it with the disgusting man.
“Are you done with Sasuke, because I have use for my pet?”
Itachi almost snapped that Sasuke was not the snake's pet, but he was able to hold it back. It was hard though. For some reason the thought of Orochimaru getting to his younger brother really ruffled his feathers, which pissed him off even more. He needed to get out of here soon, before he killed Orochimaru just because of that knowing grin that was plastered to his disturbing face.
“You will not see Sasuke until I leave here.” Itachi stated.
Orochimaru raised an eyebrow and made his way to his chair. He sank down into his seat and placed his chin on the palm of his hand. The man looked nonchalantly at the Uchiha Prodigy, that irritating grin growing in size. The snake was enjoying this and Itachi's tolerance was growing thin.
“Really? And why is that Itachi? Are you denying me my pet?”
“You were the one that assigned Sasuke to serve us on our stay here. I will be in full use of him until the day I depart so you will have to wait to have your fun with him.”
“I didn't know you desired your brother in that way Itachi. So adding incest to your many sins?” Orochimaru taunted.
Itachi's jaw twitched as he tried so very hard to restrain himself from attacking the man in front of him. He was really irate now and he knew it was because the snake was right. Itachi had been thinking a lot about his brother's withering body under his sweaty body and it was starting to distract him, which wasn't a good thing. But it was also making him extremely possessive which could be a fatal mistake. Especially when it came to Orochimaru.
“You know nothing.” Itachi was really proud of the control to make his voice sound bored.
“I guess not. But do know your brother is amazing when it comes to sex. I think you would enjoy him a lot if you wanted to take him for a test ride.”
Itachi had enough. He turned on his heel, not saying a word and disappeared out the double doors. Orochimaru watched him go and smiled victoriously. Oh yes, this was going to turn out to be very entertaining indeed. Now he needed to go find Aya and then put his plan into play. It was going to be absolutely delicious to watch Itachi sweat in his own clothes. The man was already near breaking.
Itachi stopped a young girl on his way back up to his room. He ordered her to bring food up to his suite and then left her standing there terrified. He was so fucking mad that he couldn't even think. He was ready to break things and wanted to kill someone so badly. He just wanted to feel like himself again. He was so out of his league right now it was frustrating.
The more he thought of Orochimaru and Sasuke together, the more he wanted to strangle the life out of something breathing and feel the lifeless body under his hands. He was on his last string of self control and he didn't know if he was going to make it through the week.
He made it outside the door of his room and could hear noise coming from within. He opened the door and stared startled at the messy room. His clothes were all over the place. His weapons were embedded in different parts of the walls and furniture. Sasuke was in the bathroom cussing up a storm and Itachi saw red as the thread snapped. He decided that his brother was going to be the outlet of his stress.
How dare his brother go through his stuff and mess up his room. He slammed the door behind him and moved to the bathroom with one thing on his mind. Killing Sasuke. He got to the doorframe and looked in on his brother. What he saw startled him, upset him, but he also found it slightly humorous.
Sasuke was covered from head to toe in red paint. Apparently, he had opened one of the trick scrolls that Itachi used to blind his enemies so he was able to perform more advanced jutsu's that he had yet to master. He stared at his brother in mild amusement as Sasuke continued to curse and scrub at the paint that was splattered across his face and upper chest.
That's when Itachi realized his brother was shirtless and he looked really good. Sasuke had filled out a lot and his muscles on his chest were well defined. The boy was also starting to form a nice six pack. Itachi felt his cock harden and he went pale. He turned away quickly before he was spotted and ran to the only exit in the room.
He slammed the door behind him and went straight for Kisame's room. He knocked twice and opened the door. What he saw made him almost want to die. Kisame had a whore tied to his bed and was pounding into her frantically. Itachi stared with a slightly opened mouth then proceeded to close the door.
He stared at the wood for a long time wondering where he could get the best therapy without the doctor annoying him to the point that he'd have to murder them for their stupidity. He turned back to face his room and closed his eyes in frustration. He really didn't want to go back in there, but he really didn't want to hang around the whorehouse. He decided he needed to get some fresh air.
He headed for the stairs when he stopped short. The girl he had yelled at earlier was standing there with a tray of food. She was practically shaking where she stood. Good, she had every reason to be terrified, because he was in a really foul mood right now.
“Take it in to my ignorant brother.” He ordered then left.
This whole place was a fucking circus house and Itachi wanted no part in it. Why was everyone crazy? It was starting to make him go insane and he just didn't know if he could handle that. He probably slaughter everyone and then bathe in their blood.
Sasuke's head shot up when he heard the door slam. He looked out the bathroom door, but didn't see anybody. He wondered if his brother had come back, saw the room then left. Sasuke went back to scrubbing at himself. He didn't know why he had felt the need to tear through his brother's bag. He had just been so pissed. Then he came across the scroll. He had an overwhelming urge to find out what was in it and decided to open it. Big mistake.
Now he was covered in red paint and was furious at himself. The saying, `curiosity killed the cat' was true. He should have known it was a trap scroll. Itachi would never carry anything important with him. Especially into a snake's den. He was finally making progress when a soft voice made him stop. He looked up to see one of the servant girls staring at him in mild shock.
“Can I help you?” He asked mildly exasperated.
“I just wanted to let you know that I dropped off some food for you.”
“Good, go.” Sasuke ordered and turned away to continue to work on the paint.
“Do you want help?”
“No, I want you to get the fuck out.” Sasuke yelled.
The girl let out a started squeal and booked it for the door. Sasuke rolled his eyes. He decided that women were the most annoying creatures on the planet. Well, not all of them. Just most of them. Especially Sakura. He continued to work on himself and his thoughts drifted to his brother. What was Itachi thinking? Why was he acting this way?
Sasuke had never expected his brother to protect him from Orochimaru, let alone be civil with him. But then again, he had never expected to get along with his older brother. His whole life had been based on trying to avenger the killer of his clan and now he was relying on his brother to keep the snake's slimy grip away from him.
He threw the rag against the wall in a sudden burst of anger. What the hell was going on here? He was all mixed up over his own brother. Why did Itachi have to do this to him? Why did the older Uchiha have to mess up his life even more then it already was?
He was not happy at all and he really didn't know if he could be civil with his brother, but he was sure he was soon to find out. There wasn't much else he could do, now being under the protection of his most hated enemy. His own brother. The one he had secretly loved with all his heart, only to have it ripped out of his body.
Things were not looking good for either Uchiha but everything was turning out perfectly for Orochimaru. Too bad, neither of the boy's would know what hit them until it was too late. The only thing either one of them could do now, was rely on each other and hopefully over come whatever was to be thrown their way.
Kitty- Ok, so here's the chapter I've been figuring out how to write all week. For some reason I cannot come up with a plot twist that will satisfy me in a way that will make the story interesting and bring Sasuke and Itachi closer together. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I probably will not use them or I may, but at least it will get my imagination going and that will be a big help. I'm really into finishing the Prodigy and starting my Sess x Ita piece so ya. I've got a one track mind and ideas for that exploding out my ears. SO PLEASE HELP ME UCHIHACEST FANS!! Until next time, Ja Ne!