Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Back to the Past ❯ Chapter Twenty-Seven: Future Neji is Alive! Give Back His Memory! ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Walking up, Sakura looks around to see a face that she hoped to see again. In her time as she stands up to speak to the person as she notices his eyes.



Sakura look at him in shock and all, Was he really, her Neji from her time and not this time.

"You kunoichi will explained to Orochimaru," Neji said in a trance like way.

Sakura looks over to see Orochimaru looking at her with a grin on his face with Kabuto standing right beside him with a same look too.

"Oh maybe little Sakura-chan might need a bit of explaining too," Kabuto replied pushing up his glasses.

"Oh you're right Kabuto," He said as he looks over to her.

"Well, we know that you are from the future time, I in the future decide to send this man back to help us," Orochimaru said.


"Sakura-chan he wasn't die, he only look dead to you when you tried to heal him. Kabuto healed him in the future after you had to leave him." Orochimaru replied.

"No," Sakura whispered as she looked over to her Neji from her time. "Why doesn't he remember me?"

Kabuto took that up and told her," A jutsu's that can take the memories away and lock them up,"

Sakura stored that information until later when she can use it. "Why am i here?"

"You are here because you have been a thorn in my side," Orochimaru smirked at her.

"Lord Orochimaru, should we be going now," Kabuto suggested to him.

"Yes it's a perfect time to attack the village, Neji you stay and guarded the prisoner," He ordered to him.

"Yes Orochimaru," Neji said again in his stance like way.

As the Orochimaru and Kabuto leave the room and the cabin, that Sakura had no idea where it was, she just had to get out of this problem, try, and stop Orochimaru and Kabuto from killing her friends and villagers.

Sakura looked over to Neji the one from the future; she thought he was dead for good, as her mind went back to the night that he when killed on a mission.

"Keep running," Neji, ordered his team.

While the group ran forward, Sakura look back to see Neji fighting off some sound ninjas, without thinking she raced over to help her. Killing off two ninjas with her chakra infused hands.

"Sakura, get out of here," Neji called over to her as he noticed that she was fighting with him.

"No, Neji i will not," Sakura replied as she killed more off, when she hits the grounds as it breaks it opened with one infused chakra punch.

"Sakura that is a order from your captain," Neji ordered out.

"Well reprimanded me then, I'm staying." Sakura said as she continued to fight against three sound ninjas.

"Sakura Please, "Neji plead with her as he killed some more ninja's that were coming at him.

Neji turned to see Sakura fighting two ninja's while one was sneaking to her back, racing over to her side, Neji knew only one thing it save his love.

"NEJI-KUN!" Sakura screamed when she saw him racing towards her, then felt blood on her face, placing her hand on her face, she took off blood. Looking at it, she screamed again, as she attacked the rest of the ninja's before going to Neji's side.

"Neji!" Sakura yelled out to him, as she tried to heal him but of chakra was almost gone from before, when she killed all the sound ninja's.

"S..ak..ura.." Neji whispered as his mouth filled with blood.

"Neji! Stay with me," Sakura cried out as she tried to heal some wounds on his sides of his stomach.

"Saku..ra stop you have to get out of here," Neji ordered.

"No!" Sakura shouted at him, "i won't leave you here at all,"

"Sakura, listen the mission has to come first, Now get going, Sakura you can't die... because you are pregnant..." Neji replied with a smile on his bloodied face.

"What..." Sakura said as she looked at Neji face.

"Yes it is true you are pregnant, please get home and take care of your baby," Neji whispered to her, as his white eyes parish in blackness.

Sakura screamed aloud and in pain.

Now she knew were his body went to sound; now she knew how to bring someone's memory back, now it all she had to do is touch his forehead. However, this Neji was under Orochimaru's control.

Sakura looked over the one guarding her to see he was looking at her with a soft expression on his face. She knew that she could get through to him.

"Neji," Sakura replied at him but the soft look was gone as soon as it came. Thinking up a plan to help her get Neji's memories back to him, she heard some screams, as she knew Orochimaru was attacking her home.

Soon her mind came up with a plan, as she looks over to Neji; she slowly stands up as he looks over to her.


He pointed to the side of him, as she looks over to it, she smiled at him and started to walk towards the bathroom, when she got closer to him it was time to place her plan into action. Standing right in forward of him, she jump at him, making both of them fall to the ground.

Sakura wrestled Neji down to the ground with some chakra, but she knew that he would flip them over when she let go his hands.


Sakura leaned down, gently kissing his lips, as she moved her hands from his hands. Soon she was flip on her back, as she was still kissing him. Slowly but surely, Neji kiss her back, as she touches his forehead with some hand seals.

Sakura stopped kissing him, and brought back her head from his, looking over his face. He smiled and she knew that he was remembering his past, until he opened his eyes at her.

"Sakura," Neji said with a gently smile.

"Neji," Sakura sobbed out as she clutched his shirt and as she pulled him closer to her, giving him a long kiss of passion.

She lets him go, and looked into his white eyes. "I thought you were really gone."

"I'm not gone, Sakura i never was but sorry if i made you worry about it," Neji said true fully to her, as he gets up from her. Placing his hand out to her, she smiled and grabbed it.

"So you were never die? But i check your purse it was gone." Sakura replied to him.

"Sakura, when i got hit by the sound ninja it was just to paralysed me and my organs too." Neji said.

"So Kabuto?"

"Yes he healed me, and then did a jutsu that lock my memories away, so i couldn't remember my life before he healed me," Neji recalled to Sakura.

She lets go of him and raced towards the door, with him chasing after her. Opening the door, to see a bit of flames in the air, Sakura did hand seals then shouted out" Mizu no Kazu!" as water winds went to the flame near them. Putting them out, as Sakura and Neji race to help few ninja's.

"Neji you fight, I'll heal now." Sakura said as she runs over to a ninja that was injuried, from the fight. Doing some hand seals, her chakra turned green and started to heal one ninja at a time, when she turned to see Sasuke killing one ninja that was behind her.

"Thanks Sasuke," Sakura said as she went back on healing more fallen ninja's.

"Look after your back, Sakura-chan," He replied as he kills more ninja's that were coming their way.

"Oh great," Sakura thought as she heard that, "is he liking me now" before turning around and healing the others ninja's.

A/N- Yes i know not long at all. But at less you have something to read from this story now. Right, please review it. Bye