Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Back to the Past ❯ Chapter thirty-five: Healing Technique ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Naruto cheers as he mastered his new technique, as Tsunade and the rest watches him throughout the whole week of training.

'Naruto, since you mastered the technique within the time limit, I will become the Hokage and the first Hokage's necklace is yours now." Tsunade replies as she took off the necklace from her neck and placing it around Naruto's neck.

"Let's get going." Naruto says as he jumps up and starts to walk away from them.

...Back in Konoha...

"AAHHHHH!" Sakura screams out loud in pain, as the medic-nins work around her to stop the bleeding and the pain.

"Stop the bleeding now; cast the calming jutsus on Lady Hokage put her to sleep as we get a pain killer." One orders the rest as he heals the new wounds that came from the poison within Sakura's body.

The medic-nins could only heal the wounds and make the pain stop, while the poison was still going through her body like hot lava.

Sakura stopped screaming in pain, as the medic-nins were exhausted from healing her. Sakura needs to be healed every two hours, and it takes about four medic-nins to do it. Healing the Hokage, the people and the Ninjas that came into the village was hard when eight of the medic-nins were always healing and drained out of their chakra.

Sakura also had on a mask to help her breath and tubes giving her the items she needs to stay alive.

...Naruto and group...

It has been two days since Tsunade agreed to become Hokage the group had left the village and was making their way back home. Camping for the night in places, Tsunade remembers her younger brother and her boyfriend and their dreams to become Hokage of the leaf village.

Dawn approaches as the group left the area to get home again. Naruto was telling Tsunade about Sakura and her idea to get her, Tsunade smiled at the thought of having a second apprentice to her. A day went by as they finally saw the gates to Konoha.

They walked into the gate as Shizune saw a medic-nin walking towards them with a frightful look across his face.

"Lady Tsunade..."

"What?" Tsunade asks.

'Lady Hokage is poisoned with unknown poison that is eating at her flesh and insides while her blood cells are slowly down at a slow pace that will kill her while new wounds are appearing on her body." One says as he takes a big breath while he looks at them.

"Sakura-Chan!" Naruto yells as he looks at them.

Tsunade snaps at them "Who poisoned her?"

"Orochimaru, he had a new body, we also kept the body just in case you needed it. Orochimaru is also dead by Lady Hokage." He says.

Tsunade nods her head as she grabs Shizune arm and takes off towards the hospital to save Sakura Haruno, her second apprentice. Tsunade and Shizune step into the hospital as were brought to Sakura's room to hear screams of pain that no human should make.

Walking into the room both saw medic-nins healing her wounds that had appeared again this time more. Tsunade just walk right up to her and places her head on her chest listening to her heart beep. Nodding her head at this, she turns to Shizune and walks out with her.

"Shizune, you heal her with them, I will make the antidote for her." Tsunade utters as she walks away from her.

Shizune went back into the room and starts to heal Sakura.


Tsunade makes her way into the green house to the Nara clan; she looks for the ingredients to make the antidote, after getting the items. She went to the table and starts to mix crash and smash each herb into a liquid form and starts to refined it more into an odourless drink.

She smiles at this while she makes her way towards the hospital again to treat her patient.


Shizune and the rest of the medics were at lost at the poison and the source to Lady Hokage's pain, until one medic spoken up. "Should we use acupuncture?"

Shizune looks at the young medic to see it was a female. "Hai, we should but someone for us doesn't know what acupuncture is?"

The female medic nods her head at them" acupuncture is a type of healing and relaxation techniques. It helps relieves pain to the people, treats disease, prevents disease, or promotes general health. To use acupuncture is to place needles into the body at nerves centre."

"Well, that's get that up on her," Shizune says. "You do it, as you know more than us."

The medic nods her head and gets her needles ready. The medic took her fingers and places them on Sakura's arm near her wrist rubbing her skin; she quickly found the first blood vessel nerve. She gently presses down with her fingers then inserts one needle into her wrist. Then she started all the way up her arm, then to her another arm. The medic inserts needles to her legs and stomach area to help relieve the pain for the poison.

The medic's waits for Tsunade to come with the antidote for lady Hokage. The door slams open with Tsunade with a green liquid without her hands. Tsunade walks up to Sakura to see the needles in her body.

"Good job." She tells them, and then she opens antidote bottle. Tsunade gently opens Sakura mouth and slowly pours some antidote in while Shizune rubs her throat to make the antidote goes down. Once Tsunade had poured the entire antidote, they all waited to make sure that Lady Hokage was going to be okay.

Tsunade turns to the rest of the medics "Who knows acupuncture?"

"I do, Lady Tsunade." The same medic that did Sakura body step up.

"Your name?" Tsunade asks.

"Aiko." Aiko replies.

"Could you please remove the needles now?" Tsunade tells her.

Aiko nods her head and slowly takes out each and every needle in Sakura's body, until she was done and hand over thirty needles within her hands. She got up and went out of the room with the rest of the medics all but Tsunade and Shizune.

Hours went by for them, until they hear sounds coming from the bed. They glance over to see Sakura waking up rubbing her eyes when she got the sight of them.

"Tsunade, Shizune welcome back. " Sakura utters to them. Then she checks herself of other wounds that she might have. Sakura stop and smiles at them as she got out of bed.

"Well, i guess i should make preparations to give you the title of Hokage." Sakura tells them as she walks out. "Oh please follow me too."

They followed Sakura out of the room and down the halls at the hospital towards the outside.

"Sakura!" Sakura hears her name and turns to see Neji running towards her. "Neji!" Sakura yells as she jumps into his arms and gave him a kiss on his lips.

"Tsunade, Shizune this is my husband Neji Hyuuga. I'm Sakura Hyuuga and we are from the future." Sakura utters.

A/N- I hope you like this chapter. Only five more left to go and then this story is completed then. See ya. Bye