Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Can I keep You ? ❯ Part 14: Drive ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Can I keep you?
Sequel to Pumpkins and Ravens
Main Pairings: Kakashi/Iruka, Sasuke/Naruto and others
Part of my 100 themes challenge.
Part 14 - Drive (9):
Iruka sat quietly sifting through the preparation work for the new school term; he'd been working on the couch in his small living room so as not to disturb the man sleeping in his bed. The jounin had finally dozed off a little earlier in the afternoon allowing the chuunin time to get some work done. The new term would start in less than three weeks time and he was nowhere near ready. After all the drama that had landed on his doorstep he had only had odd chances here and there to get a few things done.
Naruto and Sasuke had been called out on a mission with their team the day after Kakashi awoke for the first time after one of his `memory dreams' - as he had taken to calling them. They had fallen into an odd routine after that night; he had been sleeping in the now empty lounge on the extra futon when the Kakashi had awoken again with a throaty yell that had the young teacher up and running for his room. The fact that he never left the bed after calming the other man down had been both promising and agonising.
It was painful for him to be so close to the jounin and refrain from touching him and yet the way the Kakashi seemed to be soothed by his very presence, long fingers twining into his loose chocolate coloured strands every night made him hope that perhaps he wanted more. But he had never pushed, Iruka knew the other man was still fragile and needed time and space to recover - it didn't help that he couldn't bring himself to say anything for fear that Kakashi would leave if he had misinterpreted things.
Iruka shook his head at the invading thoughts, trying to keep his flagging attention on all the work he had left to do, when he was more tempted to go and watch the sleeping man in his bed. He found the sight of the slumbering jounin to be quite endearing; he curled around the blankets or a pillow just like a child, and what he wouldn't give for the beautiful man to curl around him as they slept. He had always kept himself to his own side of the bed and above the covers, trying to place some form of propriety on their nightly routine. He would not coerce an injured man - especially one he cared for so much.
Iruka started to quietly hum to himself as he noted down details on different students as he went through his papers. It was the same melody he had hummed quietly to the jounin when he had been in a coma like state hoping to sooth the man. He could remember his own mother humming the distinctive tune to him many years ago as she had brushed and tied his hair before he went out for the day. He had missed the feel of someone running their fingers through his hair; it was one of only a few happy memories that he could remember from his childhood.
Iruka started when he heard a heavy sigh from the direction of his room. He shifted rapidly, turning to face the noise and letting his mind click over possible defence strategies only to find Kakashi leaning heavily against the doorjamb. He spoke in his typical teachers voice, chastising the jounin, “You should not be up and about Kakashi. Tsunade said you should be in bed for at least another week. Not to mention you gave me a fright.” As he went to stand he heard the oddest noise coming from the other man, a rough and throaty growl, undoubtedly aimed at him. He let out a confused “What?”
Kakashi couldn't help but growl at the chuunin he had been watching silently from the doorway for the past few minutes. The pain in his chest had been lancing sharply through his muscles and he had had no choice but to rest for a few moments. Unfortunately the pain had made him a tad irritable and even more determined than when he had shifted out of the bed on his own, biting his lip to restrain the bark of agony that had raced through the taut skin.
“Don't get up, I can get this far without your assistance Iruka.” He tried his best not to show how much the action of moving hurt him; he had been dying to get out of that God forsaken bed for days now. Though he loved the scent of the soft linens he was fed up of lying around doing nothing all day but sleep, eat and annoy the young teacher before him into needing to take care of all his needs.
Iruka scowled at the grumpy man before him, knowing full well why he was up and about after only being awake for four days. He knew it bit at the jounin's pride to have him taking care of his every need, but sometimes these things were necessary. He gave as good as he got though, growling his own reply, to the arrogant male, “Fine then, if you fall over because you ignored the pain in your own body on top of the orders of your Hokage who am I to stop you.” All he got for that was a grunt as he watched Kakashi slowly cross the wooden floor.
Iruka relented somewhat sitting back down on the edge of the cushioned chair, but he was ready to catch the other man if he fell. He watched the other man with rapt attention assessing every movement to see what healing may still need to be done. The jounin walked slowly, one arm curled protectively around his healing ribs as he kept his eyes focused on the floor so as not to trip over. Iruka's eyes wandered up and down the powerful man, taking in the bandages and the loose, low riding grey trousers he had given Kakashi to wear in bed.
He could feel his cheeks heat at the sight of the other nin's toned body, though he had lost some weight since he had been injured, the result of the fever and his body taking in as much energy as possible to heal the chest wound he had suffered. Kakashi looked slightly thinner but overall Iruka was pleased at the healing the other man had done under his care. In a few more weeks he would be back out training and give it a month or so and he would likely be back out on missions as well. Iruka sighed quietly at that thought, knowing that as soon as he was well enough Kakashi would go home.
Kakashi took his steps carefully as he crossed the floor, feeling pain rippling through his chest muscles whenever he shifted to quickly. The jounin had been through worse pain than this but, thankfully he had been kept bed ridden, he knew that Iruka didn't have it in him to restrict his movements if he wanted to be up and about - though he knew he would grouse about it. The thought brought a smile to his lips that were well concealed under his mask. He lent into the back of the couch, letting his hand brace him as he shifted the last few feet around the chair and collapsed as carefully as he could, surprised to feel, calloused hands helping him down into the chair more gently than he had been going to do.
The jounin was glad for the help; the journey across the small apartment had felt like a race across Konoha with Gai, he was exhausted now he had reached the plush sofa. He let his body settle into the couch but found that the curl of his stomach made his healing body ache further. When he looked up at Iruka he could see he had settled back into his own corner, having retrieved his paperwork from the low coffee table. Kakashi eyed the length of the sofa and the way the teacher's legs were settled enticingly like a pillow and made a quick decision, knowing Iruka wouldn't refuse him.
Iruka had helped the jounin down onto the couch and he was happy that he hadn't told him off for the gesture. He could see the pain that was marring the usually smooth skin of Kakashi's forehead and he had settled his hands on the shinobi's hips and let him press his weight into his hands. He had felt his face flush crimson at the feel of the supple skin beneath his hands and had rapidly released the soft skin and withdrawn into his corner, snatching up his paperwork to try to shift his attention away from the delectable sight sitting next to him.
Iruka was startled when he felt weight resting against his thigh and looking down under his paperwork, he stared at a head of silvery strands now resting against him. He felt his cooling cheeks pink once more as he looked down the length of the sofa to see the whole of the jounin sprawled across the sofa. He couldn't help but smile even though his voice stuttered slightly when he spoke to Kakashi, “C-comfy Kakashi?” It was unfair that the Copy-nin could rest so easily against him and put those tempting strands within reach of his fingers. He clamped his free hand under his arm to stop the action, his digits itching to burrow into the silky locks.
Kakashi felt much better for lying down and Iruka was very comfortable to lean against, he didn't reply to the chuunin, just giving him a quiet “Mmmmm…” before carefully resettling himself, allowing his body to sink further into the couch. He waited a few moments as he assessed the teacher, hoping he wouldn't dislodge him from his lap. When nothing happened he opened his eyes and looked up at the other nin, feeling a soft warmth spread across his own cheeks at the proximity and the tender smile that had curled Iruka's lips.
The jounin, hadn't thought about just how close the other man would be, he was usually far more strict on sharing his personal space with people but for some reason he didn't mind doing this with Iruka. He lay there quietly as the other man had shaken his head gently, brandy coloured eyes sparkling as he returned to his paperwork. Kakashi closed his eye once more, breathing in the soft scent of the chuunin, freshly washed linen, chalk and spice. He lay contentedly thinking about the young man, knowing he had been putting off this thought process for some time now.
Iruka went back to his paperwork, happy to let Kakashi rest in the chair with him - though he had to restrain himself from touching the other man, knowing what a privilege it really was to be sharing this moment with Kakashi. It was so rare for either of them to let the boundaries go. Naruto had always told him how protective the Copy-nin was of his own space and that he was willingly sharing it with him made him unbelievably happy. He could feel that same hope he had felt on and off for the past few days flickering in his heart but he quashed it down knowing it could lead to disappointment.
Kakashi was happy resting with Iruka, he had never spent much time with Naruto's adoptive family. He knew the chuunin must have made a deep impression on the blond haired ninja early in his life and after all the time he had spent with Naruto he knew how much he cared for the chuunin. Over the past few days he could see why. He was everything a good teacher should be and more, patient, kind, encouraging but he was also intelligent, strong, thoughtful and funny. He had enjoyed spending these last few afternoon's talking with the teacher or just quietly watching him do odd bit's of paperwork.
Kakashi looked up at Iruka from under lowered lashes, he was warm and soft, just leaning against the him made him feel safe and content. That feeling had been missing from his life for such a long time. It didn't help that as he had spent each night sleeping close to Iruka, he had watched him sleeping so peacefully, he had never known how much you could tell about someone as they slept. Iruka was beautiful, the moonlight trickling in from the open curtains caressing smooth skin, taut muscles and delicately parted lips, as they had shared his bed the night before. Kakashi reached up then to run his fingers across the chuunin's cheek, knowing now what it was he was feeling - he cared about this man. He could only hope that Iruka felt the same as a sleepy smile curled his lips.
Iruka could feel the jounin watching him but continued to do his work quietly, used to the smoky orb watching him as he worked. He wasn't really focused on the paperwork in his hands, but on the warmth seeping through his thin trousers from the other nin. When he felt fingertips ghosting across his cheek, he shifted forward pressing his cheek to the gentle touch, before looking down atKakashi. “You alright there Kakashi?”
“Mmmmm…fine `Ruka.”
He smiled softly, “You sound tired - try and get some sleep hmm…” He watched the jounin nod subtly, as those fingers carefully rubbed against his cheek before slowly running downwards. He couldn't stop himself from flinching back from the tender caress as it passed close to his throat. He looked down hoping the other man hadn't noticed the action and his eyes met a sole dark orb.
“What was that Iruka… what did I do that makes you react like that?” The open concern and soothing note in Kakashi's voice had him close to telling him everything, but he with held the need. He couldn't tell this man that was, it seemed, carefully stepping outside his personal bubble. He knew it would send Kakashi back inside that bubble, the obvious guilt he had felt when he had hurt his arm, the protective and independent nature he had seen in this man over the past few days would be hurt by what he was hiding from him. Iruka wanted to continue whatever it was that was making his heart stretch out and open to him, he wanted to see where they were going with this.
Kakashi listened to the quietly, reassuring voice, “I'm fine. Sorry …my skins very sensitive. Please get some rest Kakashi.” He knew without a doubt that Iruka was lying to him or more appropriately he was hiding something from him. He scowled at the other man, turning carefully on his side, before giving a reply, “You suck at lying Iruka.”
“I….I'm sorry Kakashi - san.” Iruka felt the guilt of his words wrapping around his heart, weighing him down when he saw the way the jounin had looked at him with his knowing eye. He went to reach out and touch Kakashi's head, but withdrew the limb feeling it would not be excepted. He found his wrist in a familiar grip, being tugged down to rest in the soft strands of Kakashi's hair.
Kakashi didn't like that Iruka wasn't telling him something, it hurt far more than he thought it would but he knew he would get the truth from the other man eventually. He let his anger retreat, wanting to rest and recoup so that he could bully Iruka into the truth. He heard the chuunin's quiet apology, feeling him shift underneath him and knew that Iruka had reached for him as he had a few days before.
He turned just enough to see the withdrawing hand and grabbed the wrist gently, pulling the hand down to rest in his hair. Kakashi loved Iruka's touch, they way he ran his fingers through his locks when he thought he was sleeping. He spoke in a firm tone, “You will tell me Iruka - just not right now.” He pressed a hand to the chuunin's cloth clad thigh, feeling calloused fingers, stroking against his scalp softly.
Iruka felt his heart squeeze in his chest at the retort he received from Kakashi, but he couldn't deny him. He was well aware of the man's stubborn determination - he was a lot like Naruto that way. The truth would come out but hopefully it would wait a little while. Iruka wanted to spend more time with Kakashi before he was well enough to leave him. He let his fingers knead the jounin's scalp gently, he was more like a cat than a dog with the way he liked his fingers in his hair. He whispered to the sleepy shinobi, “I will Kakashi-san. I am sorry.”
“Mahh… `Ruka forget about it for now.” He yawned and snuggled closer to the other man, letting the soothing motion of Iruka's fingers carding through his hair put him to sleep.