Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Can We Be More Than Friends, Naruto? ❯ Newcomer: Utsukushii Inuzuka ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Newcomer Utsukushii Inuzuka Chapter 1

It was that time again. All the leaves turn marvelous colors and the wind starts to chill. Normally I'm happy, but not this year. The wind had picked up speed and I blew into my hands a little just to calm myself down. How could he do this ? I questioning myself every time I pass his house. I can't image how Sakura must feel to lose someone she cared about, enough to die for him. I could never forget that day. At the waterfall in the Valley of the End. I understand now why this had to happen. But apart of me just wants to scream : HOW COULD YOU DO THIS ? NOT ONLY TO ME, BUT TO EVERYONE WHO CARED ABOUT YOU !! WHAT ABOUT US !!??!!
But I must confide that of which I keep locked up inside. Deep into the confines of my heart. He was my best friend. I trusted him, and in return he trusted me. He had said that I had force a friendship on him that he didn't want, and that he thanked me for it. I tell myself that know one must know of these thoughts, that if they knew, they would never stop ranting about it. I know a man never cries, but I don't cry for him, I cry for Sakura. How she struggles to get past the thought of him leaving her, us, Konoha. She tries to hide it, but I know the truth. We go on a mission today, just me, Sakura, and Kakashi. Maybe this is what I need to free my mind. This could be it....

A sudden push had awakened me from my thoughts. When I had looked back to cuss out the one had so blindedly pushed me over, I noticed it was Kiba.
"Kiba, what are you doing ??" I grabbed Kiba's hand and he helped raise me back to my feet.
"Well, I don't want to miss it !" I was puzzled. Kiba sighed.
"I can't believe you haven't heard !! There's a transfer, just like Sasuke, and everyone in the whole entire village has to be there to greet him. But right after, we have to sit through a public briefing for the Jounin squad leaders." Kiba told me. I looked bummed and confused. Wasn't I supposed to go on a mission today with the others? I sighed, and accompanied Kiba to the assembly.

When Kiba and I had arrived, Sakura waved her hand signaling me to come to where she and Kakashi were. Kiba and I told each other we'd see each other later and fanned out to meet up with our squads.
"Too bad we couldn't go on our mission today." Sakura started, trying to spark a conversation before the Hokage had arrived. I looked at her.
Yeah, and I was kinda looking forward to it. It sure would keep our mind off of things. Maybe even give us new things to think and worry about."
"Well that's just how it goes ---- Hey! Here comes Tsunade-sama!" Sakura exclaimed as she pointed out to the stage. It was indeed Tsunade-sama. And she had a girl standing next to her with a Sound village forehead protector on. I didn't know whether to think it was the transfer that Kiba had mentioned or ... someone else.

The whole room got quiet, and the 5th started the assembly how she always started it: boring and with too many big words. After fifteen minutes of continuous chatter, she finally announced that the young lady standing next to her was indeed the transfer. I wasn't to found of her, and I could tell that she wasn't to hot for Kiba, too. Sakura just watched contently and you could tell she was eagerly awaiting more about this stranger.
"This is Utsukushii Inuzuka. She has transferred from the Sound Village to here ........." I tried to think that the 5th had not said 'Inuzuka'. If she did, that would mean she's Kiba's sister ... I looked over to where Kiba and his squad sat. Kiba had this weird face, and his team members looked like they had say something maybe they shouldn't have. Either way, they were in awe, along with my squad.

The assembly was over, and we found during the briefing that she was placed on our team, since we were a team of only two. Utsukushii walked over to us with Tsunade-sama closely at her side.
"You don't mind that I'm placing her here, do you Kakashi?" Kakashi simply shook his head. "It looks like you have time to embark on your mission today, it seems that it didn't take as long as we had suspected."
"That may be a good thing. The family we are supposed to be meeting is very precise, so we can't delay any longer. This is also a good chance to learn more our Utsukushii." Kakashi started towards the exit from the village. Tsunade-sama urged her to go, so it seemed that she wasn't very outgoing. Either way, I hoped that she didn't come to replace Sasuke. Not that I wold let it happen anyway. As we left Konoha, Utsukushii remained silent all the way there. We were starting to wonder if she was a mute or something. I was also starting to get freaked out, because she kept glancing at me every 5 minutes. Sakura fell back to where Utsukushii was to try to talk to her. Utsukushii only shook her head and signaled that they fall back a little more.

Sakura started talking to Utsukushii about suff that I wish I knew. All I could see was the moving of their lips. I couldn't hear anything, too. Sakura looked at Utsukushii.
"Are you sure that isn't just a puppy I'm-seeing-you-for-the-first-time-and-I-think-I-like-you crush?" Sakura asked.
"No, I'm certain that I like him. Actually, it's like I met him before. I keep making glances at him, hoping he won't notice, trying to think of where I could've met him... I'm sure that I did." Utsukushii let her hands fall to her side. Sakura kept thinking about how places that they could've been to where she saw me. Nothing came up and she made the suggestion that they join up with the est of them. Utsukushii walked up to the side of Kakashi, and he looked at her and just smiled. Sakura leaned in close to me, as if to whisper in my ear.
"She says that she's seen you before, and that she , weirdly, has a crush on you. I know it must be a puppy I'm-seeing-you-for-the-first-time-and-I-think-I-like-you crush, because there's no other way to describe it."
"Well whatever it is, I wish that she could cut it out. It's giving me the creeps. It makes me feel that there's something on my face or something..." Sakura shrugged, walking forward a bit. I know I can't let Utsukushii know that Sakura told me this, and that's no problem under the circumstances.

We made to the families residence, they were a little upset that we were 2 minutes late. Kakashi had apologize, and we were welcomed in. The family looked very, strict, and it was freaking me out, but what doesn't? Something about these guys just doesn't seem right, they look a bit different from what they were described to look like. But I can't just blurt it out. I'll have to tell Kakashi-sensei when they all go to sleep. It's bound to be almost midnight. And that's another thing, wouldn't they want us to come earlier?? I broke from my silence when I noticed I was asked a question.
"Well, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" The woman said, a little paranoid.
"Oh, right. I'm Naruto Uzumaki. Future Hokage is what I like to call myself." I felt a little high of myself.
"Good, good. Then we know we have the right people. We have heard many things about his group. Let me give you a tour and then point out your sleeping quarters." The woman took Sakura and Utsukushii, and the man took me and Kakashi-sensei. After the tour, we were paired in gender to where we were going to sleep. I didn't seem too tired, and my mind was still trying to process why I have a bad feeling about these people.
Hey, Kakashi-sensei," I started. "Are you awake?"
"What is it Naruto?" I was relieved to know that he hadn't fell asleep yet. I gathered myself and told him what I was thinking.
"I have a bad feeling about these people. They just don't seem right to me. Not only that, they don't match the description well enough. And ----" I was cut off by my sensei and was curious why.
"I have a bad feeling about them too. It's not just you. The time seems to irk me. Why would they want to meet us at the dead of night? We'll just have to see. Don't tell the others, they'll just get worried and they might find out. Now go to sleep Naruto. We have to be up at precisely 5:00 in the morning." 5:00 IN THE MORNING ?!?!?! I sighed. This isn't what I had imagined it to be...

When we woke in the morning, We were directly appointed to our job. The morning was misty, and a little groggy, and my fatigue wasn't helping any. Kakashi-sensei and I had the outside and all the work that came with it: grooming the horses, shoveling manure, rebuilding the fences, moving, cutting the hedges, and too many other things that my mind couldn't name off. Sakura and Utsukushii had all of the inside jobs, including the laundry, dishes, sweeping, moping, changing the animal's litter boxes, and the barn duties. They have the better jobs, to tell the truth. When we all were done with our duties, it was 6:00 p.m. I still couldn't believe it took so long. We didn't have breakfast or lunch, but had a gigantic dinner. Of course, I forgot to mention that Sakura and Utsukushii are great cooks !! After the meal was over, I could hardly walk because I was soooo full. Out of everyone else, I ate the most.

"Oi, Naruto!" I heard Sakura call. I rushed over to her andit looked like she had something on her mind. Before the mission, Sakura looked very cheery, not a care in the world, but this is a look I have never seen on Sakura's face.
"What's wrong, Sakura-chan ?" Sakura shook her head.
"N-No-Nothing. I j-just w-w-w-wanted to ask you something." I was starting to get a bit worried at where she was getting at.
"What is it Sakura-chan ? You're starting to worry me." Sakura looked up and saw that I was serious.
N-Nothing. Naruto, would you like to go berry picking with me?" Sakura's expression had totally changed. "I know it's a bit early to ask, but we don't have any work planned out for tomorrow..."
"Sure!" I said quickly. Sakura had a bright smile. That was all that was said before we trailed off to bed. Sakura and I had went out for berry picking as she promised.
"Naruto, you're aware of why I asked you to come, right?" Sakura asked, a little shake in her voice.
"Sakura-chan, what the hell is going on ?!?" I yelled.
"It's a little ..... it's about Utsukushii. I mentioned Sasuke and she got red and ran out of the room. I think she knows something, or something happened between her and Sasuke at one point. I think we have another lead to him." Sakura had a determined look on her face, but that didn't change her shakiness in her voice. I looked down. She knows about Sasuke? Is that why she's always so silent? I'm sorry Sakura-chan, but I have to talk to her about this. And that means it exceeds the circumstances that mean I have to bring up what you told a while back. Sakura and I were FINALLY done picking berries. Come to mention it, she baked a pie using them, too.

It had been two exhausting weeks. We were almost done with the mission. Kakashi has been reading that darn book of his most of the mission. It makes me wonder why he never stops reading those kind of books. Me Utsukushii were assigned to barn duty together, which is a totally awesome thing. Utsukushii did anything to get away from me. After 3 hours of her dodging me, I thought it time to bring up my old rival Sasuke's name.
"Sakura-chan told me about you storming away after she mentioned Sasuke Uchiha's name. That gets me very suspicious. Sakura-chan and I was wondering, not to offend you or make you uncomfortable, but I need to know if you know anything about him or where he is and ----" Utsukushii started talking before I had a chance to finish.
"I was one of Orochimaru's followers until I decided what he was doing wasn't right. Before I had decided to run, I met Sasuke. I was surprised that he talked to me, and soon we were talking like we knew each other forever. Sakura and your name was brought up. I said that I had no clue to who you were. Sasuke had found out that I wanted to run away, and he wanted me to tell you something that he would soon tell you when you two meet again. 'I have long found you to be my rival, and my closest friend. You have forced a friendship on me that I didn't want, and wanted to thank you for it. I have already told you that once before. I have nothing to say to Sakura at all. I have no intention of saying anything to her, but that simple thank you that she had heard once before also. I know we are going to meet, and hopefully you can trick me to leaving Orochimaru, though I highly doubt it. I consider you a rival, and nothing more.' He wanted me to tell you this." I had a expression, one I had when Sasuke and I had faced in battle long ago. But now, it doesn't seem to long at all. Sasuke is my rival, and my closest friend. I hope we meet again as well. "That's not all. I over heard your and Sakura talking about wanting to know his whereabouts. In a way, I still have contact with him. And I know where he be. I also know that your feelings have been right. This is not that family to whom this mission is based on ....."

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I was stunned and tried to soak in all the information I was being given. Utsukushii didn't seem to be finished.
"The mission is based on the family of a Sand village, very wealthy and important family of this village. Orochimaru's goons are impersanating this family."
"Then where is the real family ??" I tried to rush her into more information.
"Dead. They plan to capture you and your friends within the end of this week. I'd leave tomorrow. I've also informed the death of the family to the others, but do not know this information I'm giving you because Sasuke wanted just you to know. Sasuke is heading east of here, but is staying at a retreat only Orochimaru's followers can enter. You need this tattoo, and this uniform that I am wearing now. I slipped it on when I kept dodging you. Also, I sort of draw a liking to you. But the two goons at the house know that I was a follower, yet they don't know I ran. They think that I am here to help with the seduction of your capture."
"But how am I supposed to look like a follower? They all know what I look like because I was captured not too long ago." Utsukushii smiled.
"Uzumaki, that's the power of make-up." She smiled a devilish smile and pulled out a bag in front of her. "This is the fun part......"


How was the first chapter? I'm new at this, so please be kind. You probably hear that a lot huh? It's a little shorter than I
like, but I have to go home. If you want, you can review, evenif you don't I'm still going to update !!*!!
If you do review and have any suggestions to what I can put into the next chapter, I’ll see what I can
do !!*!!

2nd chapter coming soon !!*!! ^.^

Utsukushii = Beautiful
Oi = Hey

...... O.o ...... My Mark