Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Forest of Death ❯ Killer in the Shadows ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Killer in the Shadows
This story follows the path of fan-made characters, all other characters are not mine and are copyright of Shonen Jump.
The events of this story take place after the two and a half year time jump of the Naruto Manga. More precisely two days before Naruto's return after training with Jirha.
A shadow flies through the trees in a forest of death. He moves with a desperate haste to escape some unknown danger. He leaves a trail of crimson blood which flows freely from several places on his body. He stops to catch his breath and soon finds himself coughing up his own blood into his shaking hands. But this is but a second of reprieve; the shadow is soon upon him again, prodding him to run. The voice returns as well, that ever present unemotional voice that seems to come from all directions at once.
*Run Nekode, run, run for life, run, run for freedom. *the voice would call to him from out of now where and every where.
-How did this happen? What has happened? How am I alive? How does this thing know my name? -were constant thoughts that tried to run through Nekode's head.
But every time one would start the voice returned and the fear drove it from his head. So he ran on, to escape this forest he need to reach one of the gates get through it and seal it behind him then he would safe. So he ran ever on until the gates could be seen ahead, he moved to them in a single bound. He moved with frantic speed to remove the seal and escape. The voice was there, ever there, quickening his frantic efforts to remove the seal. But finally the seal fell and he was out, out into the sun and land outside the Forest of Death. Now all he had to do was seal the gates behind him.
*Very good Nekode, very good indeed. *the voice said evenly above him.
Even before he could turn to see the figure, or run, or seal the gates a burning sensation filled his side. A blade stuck through his side, flowing blood ran from his new wound to the ground below him. did he know * was the last intelligent thought he would have for a while.
*Because, I can see into your mind. *the voice explained a little mockingly.
-Now. Where to first? -the owner of the voice thought to its self unemotionally.
The Hidden Leaf Village nearby the forest often used it for training its most skilled ninja.
-There was always a danger to it before, but nothing like this. -Tusanda thought to herself as she reviewed the new figures of casualties her aids had brought her.
Ten chunin rank ninja killed while in the forest, five jonin rank ninja killed in forest as well. And all just in the last two weeks.
-What is going on in there? -she thought angrily as she looked at the tally of loses again.
Just then a ninja of jonin rank burst through her door screaming something about another one going down. He was talking so fast and loudly that she couldn't follow and was getting a headache.
*SHUT UP! SIT DOWN! AND EXPLAIN! *she roared commandingly, slamming her fist on her solid oak desk for added effect.
*Do that to much more and we'll have to get you a new desk. *Shikimaru said quietly from her side.
He had been so quiet before that she had completely forgotten he was there.
*Oh, shut the hell up. *she hissed back before turning to the now, seated and silent, jonin. *Now, what are you yelling about? *she asked the man in front of her.
*Well, we just found Nekode badly injured outside of one of the gates into the Forest of Death. He's in critical situation right now and not expected to live through the day. *the man recited all in one breath.
-Another one! God, if the forest starts eating through our people this fast what hope do we have in the future.-Tusanda thought bitterly. *Has he said anything sense being found. *she asked the man.
*Only something about a voice attacking and following him out of the forest, we think. It was a lot of babble to understand. *the man confessed.
*Do you think it could be Orochimaru in there? *Shikimaru asked with a little concern in his voice.
*No, he would not attack before he could get a new body. *she informed -I hope. -she thought to herself.
*Then what could do this. *Shikimaru thought aloud.
The academy of the Hidden Leaf Village where the future generation of ninja learns the basic skills they will need in their shinobi careers. The kunai training room, a simple target at the end of the room with a symbol and bulls eye. A class of students and their chunin teacher were currently in the room that formed one of the entrances into the school area. The students were practicing throwing techniques while their teacher supervised. As one of the students rested against a nearby wall he noticed the man in the entrance. The man wore a black shirt, matching cargo jeans, combat boots, and black leather coat; all seemed to have seen better days. On his back hung a katana easily over 6 foot long and on the belt this there was the headbands from ninjas of this very village. The man's build was that of tall and lean with long translucent white hair falling to his shoulders. He had a strange ease about him that bothered the child. What disturbed the child more was the smirk the man had on his face and the emotionless eyes that boar into his very soul. The teacher noticed him next, the very stance of the stranger showed no intentions, his eyes showed no interest, but the smirk spoke volumes of what the man may be thinking. It did not take long for the rest of the class to stop their training and pay attention to the newcomer.
*Hey you! Mr. Big Black and Spooky! What cha doing here? *one brazen youth shouted out.
The chunin tensed as the man moved ready to die in protection of his class if need be.
*I'm a teacher. *the man replied flatly.
*Huh? Teacher of what? *another youth questioned.
*Well... of death, of course. *the man returned in the same empty tones.
At this the children moved back from the man as their chunin teacher leapt forward intent on taking this freak down. As the ninja speed forward the man's sword seemed to appear in front of him deflecting the chunin's blow to one side. As he went past the man though an arm shot out and around his neck, immobilizing him.
*Now class I will show you what death is. *the man said, ever in that same empty tone, as he turned the class's teacher back towards the children.
The man's blade rested against the instructor's throat. As one last act the teacher stabbed the man with all his force in the side. A strange clear liquid seeped out of the wound, all most unseen among the two men. The injury seemed to have no effect on the man as he slit the poor man's throat. Blood sprayed out across the room and the students as they scrambled for the closest exit from this thing.
*Now class, any more volunteers? *he questioned. Screams were the only response that he received from the terrified children. *No. Then I will have to pick randomly from the group. *he said in that ever even voice as he moved into the room after the students.
Cont. in Shadows of the Past