Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Gamble ❯ A Kyuubi/Shukaku love story ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I, do not own Naruto. “Sand in my pants, in my underpants.”NexusGambleGaara was an angel, an absolute angel. Well you wouldn’t really be able to tell by his physical appearance or his personality. Hell I don’t even know why I associated him as one. Oh, now I remember, he took a trip to hell for me. I had told him that I was one of the people who were participating in the cultural festival tomorrow. Now it’s not like I was wrecking some sort of law but we were suppose to keep that little tidbit of information to ourselves. But like any good soldier he nodded and went about his task.He had to face countless obstacles on his way there too! Like my door, number 202 thank you very much. Then he had to suffer through my, weird-eyed, huge eye browed, spandex wearing freak of a roommate. Oh that’s not even the worst part. Gaara had to encounter the doom that was my closet. Not that imagining Gaara covered in a mass of boxers and an orange thing isn’t unpleasant. But somehow, in someway Gaara had managed to get the targeted necessities with minimal death threats.Of course, there had been death threats. I only vaguely feel sorry for Rock Lee, vaguely being the keyword. It’s not my fault the bastard refused my call of help earlier this morning. Stupid idiot just had to go back to sleep while I was being dragged down the hall in my boxers. Now that got me thinking. My boxers are still in Sasukes room. I really hope he doesn’t find out about those, though it is sort of obvious who they belong to. I’m so stupid!Now Sasukes going to know I went commando in his shorts! He’s also going to discover how much closer he was to his goal. That still makes me shiver. Why in holy hell would Sasuke want to touch me? He was so damn close to, without him even realizing it! That was the scary part. I think something detached from my brain the instant I heard that zipper go down. Worst of all I was almost hard, over my best friend. Screaming was now a good option on the menu wasn’t it?I heard the door click open and felt rather then saw a very heavy garbage bag land hard into my chest. Well that hurt, and I did put a lot of effort into it. In fact Rock Lee said that if I put this amount of effort into projects I might be able to have higher grades then Sasuke. That’d be the day wouldn’t it? But alas my mind only focuses well on pointless crap. Now you’re probably wondering about this festival. Well each year a couple of people are chosen to do some sort of fine art act. Of course our anal school boards make us keep the roles in this a secret from everyone else of our fellow student body. I had come to the decision privately; I really couldn’t talk to anyone about it since it’s a secret. That this year’s festival to put it simply would suck. See this year the selected people had to do a play. With no rehearsal, think about those consequences.And oh yes, you guessed it. It’s the anal school boards damn fault. I jumped as a pale hand touched my shoulder, a pale hand with very nicely shaped nails. I bet he gets them manicured! Then again, I shouldn’t say the word bet as long as I shall live. Look how much shit that word put me through in one day! I looked up into jade eyes and smiled.“It’s getting late, do you want dinner or do you just want to go to sleep?” I watched him shift and fall ungracefully into the tan colored leather sofa. Well, well, well pretty boys can be ungraceful like the rest of us. “Food is good but sleep is so much better.” That little comment was then followed by my stomach making a highly undignified rumble. I could just imagine Gaara’s eyebrows lifting at the sound, that is, if he had any. “I don’t have much; all of it requires effort which as of now I can’t possess so you’re going to have to live with fruit.” Gaara got up slowly and dragged his feet to the kitchen. I watched him, eyes widening when a bright yellow banana came flying at my face. “Why thank you my humble servant.” I quickly unpeeled the banana and got to work on eating it. Gaara had already crashed back into his place on the sofa. I looked up and pulled my mouth away from the fruit at Gaara’s look. His eyes were glued to the banana as if it were some sort of godly item, given to him by some goddess with big breasts. “Do you want a bite?” I shook the banana in front of him and his eyes snapped back to mine. “No.” Well, that was certainly strange. Then again, nothing had been normal for me recently. I continued eating the banana and only looked up when I was done. Gaara had this sort of concentrated look on his face and his mouth was hanging open. Only thing I could think of at that moment was to close it. So that’s exactly what I did. Made a nice clanking noise for me followed by some swears. “I’m ready for my beauty sleep!” I rubbed his jaw is silent apology. He looked at me funny before pushing me. Thankfully I had been prepared for something so I only stumbled back a tad. He led me silently to his room and showed me the very clean bed. “God man, do you sleep at all?” I looked at the room questionably. There was nothing in here. The sheets didn’t even look used. Actually, they looked like they were solid. You know that sort of thing that usually happens in cartoons except with a sheet. You’re not following? Alright simple terms, the sheet looked solid so if you were to say, lift it and shake it per se, it’d make a nice noise like sheet metal and stay solid. Got me now? Good.And my god, he actually had the gall to give me a Look.“Naruto do you see these marks around my eyes? That’s what we call sleep deprivation. I’m an insomniac, I can’t sleep.” He then decided on giving me a deadpan look as if I was mentally unstable.“So? Take a sleeping pill.” I looked at him with the same look except he was an idiot.“Can’t, sleeping pills make me hyper.” That got the old imagination working. I could just picture Gaara running around campus butt-naked. I then proceeded to mentally bash my head into a wall. No, more naked men! Where did all the women go?“You know, seeing you hyper would be the most amusing thing.” I began to smile as my happy imagination took over the spot of low gutter imagination. Boarding happy train, next stop happiness, last stop doom.“Go to bed. As I understand it, you have a busy day tomorrow.” I took one final look and started to pull off my, or rather Sasuke’s very tight black shirt. I didn’t need to worry about Gaara. He had no sexual interest towards me, nope not any at all. I looked back and saw him staring at me incredulously. “What? Is it my ass? You’re going to have to tell me straight Gaara. Is it to big, I know I’ve been picking up the poundage but I didn’t think it was all going to my ass.” I looked down at my ass over my shoulder but actually couldn’t see a thing.“Uzumaki, your ass is fine.” Then the cutest thing happened Gaara’s cheeks went pink. Can I have an awe because that was just adorable. He also said my ass was Fine and my self esteem rose four points. “Well, then goodnight.” I climbed under the stiff covers not bothering to take off my shorts. Only because seconds earlier I had remember there was nothing under them. “Do you always sleep in shorts Uzumaki?” I looked over at Gaara and could almost feel his none existent eyebrow raise. “Well usually Gaara I sleep in all my bare assed glory, but since I am sleeping in your bed I thought I should be a courteous guest. Sadly, I can’t even strip out of these shorts since there is alas, nothing under them. So your just going to have to live with my strip tease ending right there.” I smiled at him impishly and turned my body on its side. I felt something hit the side of my head and turned over to see Gaara leaving the room. I peeled the article off my face and noticed a pair of blood red silk boxers. I got up slowly and somehow managed to shimmy my way out of Sasuke’s shorts. I then pulled up the boxers and felt absolutely wonderful.Silk boxers were heavenly. Deciding not to dwell into the wonders of silk on very important body parts I remade my nest/cocoon in Gaara’s bed. Almost instantly I was off in dreamland skipping through fields of chocolate and strawberry sauce. With a Neji moaning in a strawberry stream, a Gaara sucking on a banana Popsicle and a Sasuke nestled in a bed of chocolate, covered in chocolate sauce with his brother.I screamed.I felt a hand on my chest as soon as I hurtled upwards. Oh my GOD. Scary!As soon as I managed to catch my breath I looked sidelong to see Gaara’s profile. One of his hands was on my chest the other gently playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. I relaxed immediately, and slumped further into his form. I felt a soft pressure on my forehead but kept my eyes closed. “You were having a nightmare.” My eyes fluttered open again at the sound of concern in his voice.“What time is it?” I looked around, the room was fairly light. I took a look to my right and my field of vision was immediately blocked off by red hair. I laughed as it tickled my nose, blowing warm air unknowingly into Gaara’s ear. I felt him shiver as he turned his head away to look at a small digital clock in the corner of his room.“Its 6:30, we have quite a bit of time before school starts. It’s not like it’s a real day anyway not with the play and everything.” Gaara shrugged and looked back at me, our faces a bare inch apart. I smiled lazily before something dawned on me.“How do you know it’s a play?” I looked closely at him. I noticed vaguely that his arms were still around me but I didn’t really mind. “I’m in it.” My eyes widened. Well why the hell couldn’t he have told me that last night? It could have been introduced as a part of conversation during a semi-intimate date with a banana. “Well what part do you have? We might as well practice if we’re in it together.” Oh course I knew my lines off by heart. I mean who wouldn’t, especially when you get a hot kissing scene with your sexy co-star. “I play Shukaku.”**About an hour later I was still in the bathroom holding my breath. Well, I hadn’t been holding it for an hour or I’d be dead but I was going a weird shade of red. I also think I have some explaining to do to make this clearer for you people. Wait I won’t explain, I’ll summarize.This little play is about a legend in our little town, about two demons that bring torture and destruction to the town every year. The two demons hit it off every year too. I mention earlier the kissing part. Well the two demons are stopped in there ‘weakened states’ by the 4th also known as Yondaime. Those two demons happen to be Shukaku and Kyuubi. You guessed it I play Kyuubi.Some really horny girl must have done the secret casting for this year. Well I couldn’t care less, their all in for one hell of a treat. Uzumaki Naruto always gives a grand show!I looked into the mirror one last time smiling at my reflection. I had spent the last hour, not only hyperventilating but also touching up my appearance. Of course I had picked up some red contacts, but I’d also streaked my hair with some temporary red dye. Not to mention I actually went out to buy clothes that didn’t consist of orange. I got some red and black sort of punk pants, fit in with the demon look and a ripped black t-shirt. I mean ripped as in the sleeves nothing on chest area, though you have to admit that would be hot.I reached over to pull on my black boots and fumbled with the laces a bit having just done my nails with black nail polish.Now I know what you’re thinking, Ah Naruto’s going punk! Well to set the record straight it’s for a god damn play. Orange is still my favorite color no matter how hideously ugly it looks on everyone else. I grabbed the plastic bag by my feet and pulled out the wooden mask with fiery red hair, placing it over his head so only his mouth was visible. It was followed by the same shade of red tail. One last look and I took a deep breath and I ventured out into the other room. I almost broke out laughing at the sight of Gaara. His little costume was made entirely of cardboard. A few blue swirls here and there, but it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. All his costume consisted of was the mask that went a little past his shoulders. He was wearing his regular clothes underneath. Well little effort can sometimes be a good thing.“You look… wonderful Gaara.” I chuckled a bit when I saw him shift. “You look like shit.” My eyes narrowed at cardboard man.“Hey! This took me forever to make you ungrateful sack of shit!” I tackled him to the ground being careful of his mask and began my tickle torture.Only to realize a full minute later that Gaara was not ticklish.Anywhere.“Damn you and your body!” I heaved myself up and gave him my hand he pulled himself up with a smirk on his face. “Let’s go, we have to parade around like idiots before the play.”And so they did just that. Of course everyone knew who Gaara was because of his clothing but everyone was giving me odd unknowing looks. I even passed Sasuke and he had no idea. At last after being groped by some people who wanted to know who I was by just plain touching, we arrived at the gym for the play. Of course it was boring as hell.Sure there were really cool special effects.Sure we got to blow things up and destroy.But then it came, when we took off our masks and oh, how the crowd would gasp. We both got on to the raising platform in silence, sitting down huddled together, like a couple. We could hear the narrator announce the once a year demon rut. The platform rose and the curtains opened to fog. I saw Gaara remove his mask and I did the same with mine I watched as his mouth fell open in shock. When the fog cleared we then heard the rest of the auditorium go into a state of shock. Who knew it was Naruto under that mask? Ha suckers. For a minute I forgot we were supposed to be acting and I brought my hand to Gaara’s face caressing. I leaned in to nuzzle at his neck and if I teasingly ran my tongue along it, it was only for entertainment reasons on my part. I felt a hand on my jaw and I looked up. In a mere moment Gaara’s lips were on mine and he was pushing me back onto the floor. He pulled away slightly and I smirked up at him. He came down again to my surprise and completely caught me off guard when I felt a tongue probing at my lips. Well I did promise a show and that is exactly what they would get. I opened my mouth for Gaara and let him explore. I could feel his hands wrap back into my now streaked hair while mine had gone and pulled him closer by his collar. A little while later he pulled away a line of saliva connecting our mouths. A second later more actors rushed on stage, and our scene ended in a haze of red. As the platform lowered the last thing that caught my eyes were the burning eyes of one:Uchiha Sasuke.