Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Genma's ❯ Healing ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer, Warning, A/N in
Ch 1: Genma's Finding.
A boy was found pinned to a tree upside down with kunai, Genma and Shikamaru bring him back to Tsunade-sama. On with the new!


Genma called out greeting to the ANBU gate guards, passing them without hassle that was the other reason that Shikamaru was sent ahead otherwise entry into Konoha was not a quick process. He traveled by rooftops and landed in front of the medical building, there was a medical team there for the boy and Tsunade-sama was waiting near by to see if she was really needed. She nodded then followed the medical team.

"Shiranui-san, your face..." Genma turned to glare at the nurse attempting to talk to him about his face. Two years later it was still a sore subject. He'd cherished his flawless complexion, it was an even light complexion complementing his brown hair and eyes. He spat a needle at her feet.

"What about it?" He snarled.

"Th--the s-scar's gone!" She explained timidly, he remembered her vaguely as the nurse's who'd help the doctor take the stitches out. He turned to look for a mirror, and saw Ayaka nodding instead.

"That's what I was trying to say in the forest." Ayaka said.

Genma pushed past her looking for the nearest bathroom. He quickly entered it, looking at his face he noticed that it was near flawless again, there was a hint of the scar, but it had faded to white and smoothed out to be hardly visible.

"Troublesome." Genma turned to see Shikamaru leaning against the doorframe of the men's room. "Ayaka says it's my turn to write the report, what should I say about the boy?"

"Whatever the hell you want?" Genma replied almost pleasantly. He was happy, he'd find Raido and Kotetsu and go drinking again in celebration of the miraculous recovery of his cheek wound. "Write, drop it in the file room and do what ever the hell you want."

Shikamaru watched as his mentor strode past looking tired but happy. He hadn't seen Genma ever smile before, smirk yes, and frequently, but genuine happy smile? Never. "Troublesome. Reports are troublesome." He headed over to the Shinobi headquarters, there was usually a good view of the clouds from the roof, he'd write his report there and it's make it easy for them to find him to make him turn it in later. The cool night breeze that pushed the clouds along was calling him.


"The hell," Tsunabe said looking at her hand then back at the unconscious boy. "Sakura you heal him, I want to watch." Tsunabe stood over them and watched as Sakura charged up chakra into her palms and held it over the boy, it was sucked away from her, she wasn't directing it. The same thing had happened to her as well. "Stop. Go get one of the Hyuuga family member to come here pronto. I think Neji is on gate duty."

She wanted to see where the chakra was going, it was being pulled out and sent to different places then where she intended to guide it. However, the wounds where partially healed, a short break wouldn't damage him further. She watched as the attending doctor wrapped his ribs. Just as he was finishing Sakura returned with Hyuuga Neji in tow. Glowering as usual he waited for instructions.

"I'm going to release chakra to heal the boy, I want you to watch with Byakugan and tell me what's happening with the chakra, it's not going where I'm directing it." Tsunade saw Neji nod and then moved to stand across on the other side of the operating table. Once more she held out her hands and attempted to direct the chakra.

Neji watched as the chakra was pulled from the Godaima's hands and broken down into finer wisps of energy which were readily absorbed, he followed their path along the chakra/internal organ system, the energy was being used to heal the very deep parts of the wounds all over his body not just the one she was working on, the energy when to the worst injured places and then worked their way out, first the blood vessels, then the tissue, capillaries, Neji was fascinated by what he saw. The chakra was being made not just to heal but to reform the vessels.

"The body is manipulating the chakra to be ultra efficient, it doesn't need the chakra to be directed just to be there." Neji said as Tsunade stopped, he showed what he meant. Placing his hands over the boy's chest he released a tendril of chakra, the chest wounds were not affected, but under Tsunade's eyes she could see the tissue matter being formed in the boy's palms. This kind of healing usually took a lot more chakra, than what either she or Neji had put out and it usually had to be directed carefully as the chakra usually healed whatever what directly in front of it regardless of severity. He bore watching.

"Stop." Tsunade ordered. "That's enough for now, could you go find Naruto? He just returned to the village a few days ago, I want to use his boundless chakra and see what happens." Tsunade was intrigued. She faintly recalled something her teacher had told, but it was so long ago that she'd have to look it up. Some story about a clan, she couldn't remember what they were called...Seiryoki? Seiryuku? Ah yes Seiryoku, what had happened to them again? Tsunade wrinkled her young looking brow. Neji left to go get Naruto, turning to Sakura she said, "Look up the Seiryoku clan and leave any information you find about them on my desk. I'd like it as soon a possible."

Sakura nodded and left, she wasn't sure what the Seiryoku clan had to do with anything but she was used to getting odd requests from Tsunade-sama, they usually made sense eventually. She headed to the archive, if she hadn't come across them yet they were obviously in the older records. She'd already organized the past then years, Sakura thought grimacing. Wonder how far back I'll have to look. On a hunch she stopped by a restaurant and placed a large order of food, she better be prepared who knows when she'll make it home, on second thought, "Could you please double that order." She'd get her Genin assistants to help, she'd call it a night mission.


"Oi, baba-san! What do you want?" Naruto asked following Neji into the room. A very aggravated Neji, while he may admire the skill Naruto had acquired while away, Naruto's personality hadn't changed much, he was still much too loud. Naruto was slightly dirty he'd just gotten back from going on an outing with Kakashi to show how much he'd changed.

"Shut up and sit down, brat!" Tsunade said fuming at the baba-san comment. "In this chair." Naruto obeyed complaining, Tsunade smiled inwardly Naruto was still the same she was happy that Jaraiya hadn't made him into some sort of perv. She was going to send him to Sand village in a few days there was a request from the Kazekage. "Summon some chakra into your palm, then hold it over the boy."

"Eh!? Whose this? Naruto pointed, he'd only just seen the boy who was in the middle of the room.

"I don't know, Genma's team brought him in, he was attacked by cloud nin, I need him to wake up before I can question him. Now do what I said!"

Grumbling Naruto did so, Neji slid into Byakugan and watched as Naruto summoned up a large amount of chakra to his palm. Neji was startled by how quickly the ball disappeared broken down and sent to the injured sites. The chakra system sucked up the chakra quickly as though fearing it would disappear. Naruto yelled then summoned up more he had to work to keep a ball of chakra there, he could see Naruto hold onto the ball of chakra and the flow stopped.

"What was that!?" Naruto demanded. He was ignored.

Neji summoned some up and offered it, the chakra system responded draining accordingly, he stopped it, not strongly but quite weakly, he thought that maybe the chakra system was responding to the intentions of the chakra welder rather than the simple presence of the chakra, he willed his chakra not to help and the other system lay passive not attacking.

"He's only taking what's freely given, not stealing the energy. I'm sure that if he were conscious he'd be able to over power my hold and take the chakra there shouldn't be a change because he's unconscious and hurt, instead he should be stealing chakra to heal himself." Neji said what he'd deduced.

"Naruto offer up you chakra freely!" Tsunade ordered and Naruto did so grumbling. He brought up another large ball and it was sucked out of his control and into the boy's Naruto kept it coming, Tsunade told him to see it as training.

This is the first time I've seen someone who could unconsciously direct their healing, what was it about the Seiryoku clan? Is he once of them? Something I'm not remembering, and it's bothering me, I hope Sakura takes me seriously I want that information. I'm going to be sending her with Naruto.

Neji watched as the chakra became less concentrated in the hand and foot wounds and moved to the ribs then to the chest, only the bones healed fully, otherwise it just healed 70 %. Suddenly his whole body became encompassed in the barrowed chakra flaring brightly causing Neji to flinch from the sudden brightness. The chakra went racing thought the body it gathered around certain areas and seemed to be attacking them? Neji dropped Byakugan and looked with normal vision. Some of the areas were his chest where the binding for the ribs were, Neji grabbed his kunai that wasn't needed any more, Neji pulled down the sheet and cut open the bindings. What? Neji looked again with Byakugan and sure enough his forehead, ears, nipples and somewhere he didn't really want to look, but he did anyway was where the healing chakra gathered, at least where there was a physical corresponding element visible. The piercings?

"Godaime-sama, there seems to be something wrong with the piercings. All the chakra is drawn to them, it appears to be attempting to heal them?" Neji said the last bit was questioning, he wasn't sure and he wasn't going to lie.

"Ah," Tsunade leaned over and looked at the piercing in his ears then the eyebrows, then finally his chest... "They're implanted...They don't have openings." Tsunade picked up a pair of clippers, if he wanted them then she could replace it, that decided she clipped one in his ear in half and pulled it out. Before her eyes it healed up. She reached for another one.

"Wait it's focused here more strongly then the piercings..." Neji said pointing to his neck.

"Naruto stop for a moment. Help Neji turn him over."

"Here?" Tsunade asked Neji once the unconscious boy was on his stomach. She pointed to a slight bump on the back of his neck.

"Yes, there seems to be a metal object there." Neji answered.

"Ah," Tsunade could have figured that out, but she was lazy and it took less energy to have Neji look. Scanning his neck she saw the object, then saw that it was tied into his brain and spinal cord. Who ever put that in knew what they were doing... to remove it haphazardly, maybe to remove it at all would cause damage at the least, probably to the brain and most likely kill him if she failed. "Leave it alone," Tsunade thanked them and said they could go. Naruto left complaining that she owed him ramen now, he was hungry from all that energy expended. Neji left with a curious look on his face, as though he were both fascinated and confused by the whole event.

"Inform me immediately if his condition changes," Tsunade ordered the doctor, "that means moves on his own, wakes up, gets worse...any change." The doctor nodded and turned the boy over, he snipped and pulled out the now useless stitches, and removed the remainder of the bandages.

"Watch him, I have no idea if he's combat capable or not, you are both his keeper and his jailer. I'll switch out the jailer at the end of your assignment, stay in the room, if anything happens summon a doctor then myself." Tsunade ordered one of her ANBU guards. "If he wakes up and tries to touch you, get away from his reach, he has the ability to absorb chakra. That'll be all."

Mozuku nodded and straightened his glasses, positioning a chair by the window he adjusted it so that he could see the bed and the door. Unless the kid woke up it was going to be a boring three hours. And it was a very boring time, but just as the sun was setting, 2:48 minutes later it got interesting.

The boy began to thrash, walking to the door he yelled for the doctor and sent a summoning message to Tsunade-sama, waiting for them to show up. Mozuku watched the boy twitch, his mouth opened and shut no sound, not even a whimper escaped. The eyelids fluttered rapidly but didn't open. Mozuku decided to risk it and shook the kid's shoulder, the kid stopped moving as if he ceased up, his muscles locking, he breathed shallowly. "It's okay kid, we gottcha. You're safe." He decided to try his hand at reassurance, it wasn't what he was used to, he was slatted by his fellow Jounin's to take Morino Ibiki's place as a questioner, he'd started as his assistant a last year, due to the threat of war with Orochimaru being so heavily pending, and they found that he had a knack for it.

"What happened?" The doctor asked worried.

"Kid woke up. He was thrashing around, but when I touched him he froze up." Mozuku backed off and let the doctor see the kid he hand done more than touch the kid when Tsunade-sama showed up asking what happened, Mozuku said the same thing. He resumed his position in the chair by the window, watching Tsunade-sama work, Shizune had accompanied her.