Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Haunting Past ❯ Time of bloodshed called a war ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Usually at the beginning of a war there would just be the colliding of weapons. But here it was different, immediate life consuming screams filled the air. Rare cries of courage were heard through out the field. During the first five minutes half the shinobi were down. Every know and then Manami would get a cut on her body. As the next minute passed the opposing sides shinobi started throwing acupuncture needles and kunai. On the other side Kakashi was doing the best he could to keep the enemy off a young Konoha ninja. The chuunin shinobi was seriously injured. His stomach was nearly gushing blood. He coughed and cried.
“ Hatake, I can’t hold on any longer.”
Kakashi groaned fighting off others.
“ Don’t you give in on me” he yelled injecting the katana at a male ninja with great force.
Kakashi looked at the fallen boy with sorrow in his eyes.
“ God, if we were only a little more ready” he kneeled down and kissed the boys forehead,” Rest in peace ,brave warrior”
Manami had been hit in the back with two kunai. She didn’t have the time to take them out. As a katana of a blood thirsty shinobi was about to destroy her body she used the substitution jutsu.
She reappeared behind a tree and panted. When she looked back at the field she could mostly see fallen bodies and blood.
Kakashi looked around. There were barely any ANBU left on the field. He ran through the field towards some of them. He wounded any ninja in his way. He was desperate to know it Manami was still alive. Manami took a deep breath and finally came back onto the field. Kunai at hand. She sent the kunai flying right in the a shinobis forehead. The one shinobi from the beginning looked towards her direction and grinned mouthing the words.
“ I found you”
Manami tried to ignore the haunting stare of the man. She ran towards the other warriors. She grunted as she looked around. So many were dead. So little alive. Manami sighed in relief when she saw Kakashi.
Kakashi saw her from across the field and yelled,” Manami, get out of there.”
She couldn’t hear him clearly, but as soon as he said it something was thrust in her back. Thankfully missing her spine. The spear did not go deep into her skin but it sure hurt. She stood there dealing withe the pain like she was used to it. She then ran as fast as she could katana in her left hand, kunai in the right. It may soon be over for her. She wanted to end this war as soon as possible with no more shinobi dying because of something that happened five years ago.
Kakashi fought off other ninja’s trying to get as close to Manami as possible. Manami stood facing the man who killed her whole family. The man grinned.
“ A pleasure, Manami. To finally meet you. All grown up”, he took out his katana.
She stood there; her body stiffening up. Blood dripped from her mouth. She was getting weak.
Kakashi ran through the field. The man stood there giving a twisted grin. What kind of phsyko was he.
Manami crossed her arms in front of her and ran towards the man. As she got closer to the man he disappeared and reappeared behind her jabbing her in the back. Manami screamed.
He just laughed and looked at her as she stood trying not to fall forward.
“ No one can ever beat Rio the master of torture”
Manami looked back and threw the kunai she had in her right hand at his stomach.
He groaned for a moment then took it out.
“ Manami dear, that’s not going to do a thing” kicking her in the stomach.
Rio nodded and walked towards her thrusting his katana in the place where she was sitting. As he did that Manami moved as fast as she could each time. She quickly stood up and held her katana in her hand.
“ I am not someone that gives up easily. I have outgrown that”she cried.
Rio chuckled,” My sweet Manami” he placed his hand on her cheek giving her a quick kiss on the lips, and thrusting the katana into her stomach. Manami coughed up blood. She couldn’t stop what has just happened. He must have used some jutsu. A shadow jutsu? No one knows.
The moment Kakashi saw what has happened every active sound on the field wether is was screaming or weapons colliding with each other, was tuned out except the sound of Manami gasping for air. That sound was music to Rios ears, for his job was done. Ayu Clan was assassinated. He dropped his sword and walked away with the rest of his shinobi.
Kakashi ran as fast as he possibly could towards Manami.
“ That son of a bi-“ he was cut off.
Manami opened her eyes,” hey.” weakly whispering.
Kakashi glanced at her then hugged her,” Please hang in there” he rocked back and forth.” I’ll get you to an infirmary” he kissed her forehead. He didn’t want to loose anyone else. He already lost a lot of his friends in the past. He couldn’t loose Manami.
She smiled as best as she could. She couldn’t move.
“ That’s okay, Kakashi. You don’t have to. It’s a little to late ,I guess” she coughed.
“ No it’s not” he stood up with her in his arms.
“ Please” she groaned
Kakashi shook his head and ran through the gate and stopped to look around. The villagers looked so alarmed. They have not seen so much blood in a long time. Perhaps twelve years ago they saw something much worse. Kakashi looked down at Manami. Her eyes were shut but she was still breathing. That’s the most important thing. She slightly opened her eyes and saw his arm.
“ your hurt–“ she began
Kakashi smiled,” we’re almost there”he ran into the hospital. Immediately medical shinobi came up to him.
“ What is her current state?” they asked picking her up and taking her to the operating room. There was no time to waste. Kakashi stood in the same place till a nurse took him in a room and gave him five stitches on his arm. She then frowned,” Mr. Hatake, please go home this is not place for you to be right now.” He didn’t move. The room was nearly empty. Has no one survived?
As he waited he thought about all the memories he had with Manami. The first time he met her, at the chuunin exams. Her hair was much longer and a lighter shade of brown. She was not as skilled in ninjutsu and genjutsu as she is now. That’s what happens when you grow up. Things change. Also the time when she had to go on a two week mission with her team. The reunion was really something. That was a couple weeks after they got married. Kakashi sighed and looked around getting up to get some water. He couldn’t leave.
In the operating room things were out of control the table in blood. There were at least fifteen people in the room trying to control what was happening to her. Her body was in complete shock. One of the surgeons ran out of the room covered in blood to another room. Kakashi stood up,” Manami.”
The man ran back with supplies into the room. Things were even harder to control. Many hours passed by until they partly healed her. Kakashi fell asleep in the waiting room.
The doctors looked at each other and nodded. The placed her on another table and placed a red sheet over her and took the table to the other side of the hospital.
Kakashi saw them,” What happened” he yelled.
The doctor didn’t reply just kept on pushing.
Under the sheet Manamis eyes opened it was painful to move still so she closed her eyes to rest.
They have entered the recovery room. The one place she needed now. Nothing else could be done. Patience is what is needed at this time.
Manami turned her head to the doctors,” Thank you, but please, don’t tell Hatake Kakashi. I don’t want him to see me like this” she slightly smiled and sighed shutting her eyes and entering a deep slumber.
Kakashi was yelling at the nurse,” Where is she” he panted,” Take me to her right this instant.”
The nurse sighed and pat the mans shoulder,” sir, I understand she means a lot to you, but she needs the most rest she can get right now.”
Kakashi sighed and walked back to his seat,” Manami, please be okay. “