Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Jiraiya’s Prodigy ❯ Jiraiya’s Prodigy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Realization
Author: thatreevesgirl
Summary: Naruto steals Sakura's diary and finds out that she is almost following in the footsteps of a certain lecherous author he has trained with. Short and WAFFy fic-COMPLETE.
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Naruto/Sakura/
Feedback: Love it, especially if you find errors…I don't have a beta currently
Characters: Naruto and Sakura
Beta: I don't have a beta :*(
A/N's: Just a short story about Naruto and Sakura. Humorous and romantic. It won't take you long to read. I would appreciate any feedback that you are willing to give.
“I'm going to give you till the time that I count to ten to return it to me or I will break every bone in your body you stupid jerk!” Naruto hid behind the large trunk of a tree with a wicked smirk gracing his face as he silently flipped through the journal he had stolen from Sakura's room. Sakura was about ten yards away fuming as she searched the training grounds for her teammate. `That stupid Naruto, does he think he's twelve?' Sakura thought to herself (the truth was that they were both already eighteen).
Naruto had just found a very juicy page about Sasuke, not only was it a really good read for a horny teenage guy, but was also great blackmail material that he could use to save him from a severe beating when he was caught. Naruto knew that it was only a matter of time until Sakura saw through his invisibility jutsu…she'd already tracked him all the way out here. The rose-haired kunoichi was a fierce opponent to have…one that you didn't want to cross without good reason. He finished the page and wiped the bit of drool from his mouth. Years of training with Jiraiya had left him with plenty of chances to peruse questionable reading material, but Sakura gave that old pervert a run for his money. Perhaps if Naruto mentioned that to Sakura she would thank him for stealing her precious diary instead of killing him.
Flipping again, Naruto started reading the next page. He smiled as it was more of the same, talking about doing things that he hadn't even known Sakura was aware of. The person that starred in this particular tale was not Sasuke. The account was vague and never gave the name of the young man that Sakura was lusting after in her storybook fantasy. Naruto shrugged and kept reading. The next page was similar and this time gave more details. The person that she described had facial hair, because she described running her fingers over his whiskers. The person also had sapphire eyes, nearly the color of the clear ocean according to Sakura's overly romanticized descriptions, and blond hair that fell just above broad tanned shoulders. Surprisingly, none of this clicked in his mind until the line about having an affinity for the color orange. Naruto dropped the journal and the color drained from his face. Sakura? Sakura had written a dirty story about him?
“Ah ha! I found you!” With the declaration of discovery came two slender hands around Naruto's throat, choking and shaking him furiously.
“Sa..ku..ra…I can't…breathe…” Naruto panted as she only tightened her grip.
“I can't believe that you broke into my room and stole my journal! That is unthinkable to do to someone you don't know, let alone a friend, Naruto!” Sakura's eye's blazed with anger as she continued to thrash the blonde to and fro.
Naruto's hands clasped around hers and pulled them away with strength that Naruto usually reserved for battles against the toughest of foes. There would have been no way to release himself from her hold if Naruto hadn't used his full strength. “Calm down Sakura! I didn't read much…”
Naruto watched as Sakura turned very red. She was clearly aware of what most of the contents of the journal contained (well of course she did…she was the one that wrote it). Naruto had actually been able to finish most of it in the time it took her to find him, but she didn't really need to know that. “You are a good writer, almost as good as Jiraiya, you should do it more often.”
Sakura scoffed at the backhanded compliment and picked up the book at Naruto's feet. “How much did you read?”
“Enough…” his grin was nearly sinister as he continued, “Enough to know that someone has a crush on her teammate.” Naruto had been eluding to the already obvious and declared crush she had on Sasuke.
If Sakura would have been thinking straight she would have just dropped it there, but her mind was clouded by rage aimed at a certain whiskered blonde. “I just want you to know that I'm not a pervert, and just because you know I like you doesn't mean that you can tease me like that.”
Naruto hadn't gotten to the part in the journal that she had been referring to. It was three pages after the romance short and detailed how her crush on Sasuke was a hopeless thing, but she found herself starting to like Naruto. “Don't worry about it Sakura, it was just a story, I know that my body is just too irresistible.” He posed in some dumb masculine way, but stopped when he caught her confused glare. “It was just a story, right?”
Sakura's cheeks burned brighter and she tried to mutter something, but the words garbled in her throat. Naruto used her distracted state to once again grab the journal and flipped through it more. This time Sakura had no problems finding her voice, “NARUTO!”
It didn't matter, Naruto already discovered the page with her proclamation and his cheeks were crimson colored to match Sakura. “I didn't know…” he started, “I gave up on you because you said that you didn't like me. When did you start liking me?”
“I don't know, in fact, I'm not sure that I do anymore,” she snarled ripping the journal from his fingers.
“Liar. You wouldn't be mad at me for reading it if that were true,” Naruto told her softly.
He smiled at Sakura, causing her heart to do little flip-flops. `Damn him, why did he have to grow up to be so handsome?' she thought to herself. Sakura was completely unprepared for Naruto's next move, because quick as lightning she found herself in an embrace with the blonde as he held her tight and stroked her hair. “Naruto?” she squeaked out.
“You should have said something Sakura,” he murmured, lips close to her ear. Sakura could feel the warmth of his body seeping into hers as Naruto clutched her in firmly in sturdy arms.
The young woman finally let herself release the tension that had resulted from the shock of the moment and let herself melt into him. “I tried, but I didn't think that you still felt that way about me. And after Sasuke rejected me, even after he returned…” She nestled her head into his chest, he smelled salty and a bit like ramen. She usually hated the smell of his favorite food, but found it strangely comforting as she pressed against him. “I didn't want to go through that again with a close friend. It took me too long to patch things up with Sasuke.”
“Hmmm…I see. I guess that makes me glad that I stole your diary. I would have never known otherwise.”
Naruto felt Sakura squirm and then needle his ribs with sharp knuckles. “You better not ever do that again. You should learn to respect other's privacy.”
The young man pulled back just a bit to look her in the eye, laughing and squinting in a sheepish way, “I won't, I won't…really, I promise.” Naruto also used the small distance between them to his advantage as he leaned down and laid his lips softly against Sakura's, teasing the girl with ghostly contact until he firmly suckled her lower lip with his mouth.
Sakura sighed into the kiss as Naruto elicited an assemblage of butterflies all fluttering around in her stomach. They clutched each other tightly as the kiss deepened, letting what had gone unsaid for too long be spoken by the silent communication of their mouths. Lips and tongue could converse without verbalization; this was obvious to the two who had kept such feelings to themselves for far too long. Naruto broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Sakura's. Out of breath he told her in a husky whisper, “I love you, Sakura.”
Sakura smiled at the words and simply replied, “I love you too.”
A/N's: If you have any particular ideas for stories you would like to see, I'm taking suggestions for one-shots. I will write any pairing. I have never written girl-girl, but wouldn't be adverse to it. I have written about every other kind of pairing. My strength is romantic comedies and dramedies (drama/comedy).