Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto a new arc ❯ Old times ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok as much as I want to put the Jutsu in Japanese I can't. I will put the Jutsu that have already been used in the anime in the story but for new Jutsu that I made up will have to be in English. I really wished I learned Japanese. It can't be helped. Ok enough of me yapping here it is.
Chapter 17
Sakura gets on her feet and looks at Kai fully. He sees Kai and Nezumi at the edge of the cliff watching something at the bottom. She eyes Naruto unconscious body lying on the ground and goes to his side. She touches his wrist to feel his pulse.
“Don't worry. He's just unconscious at the time.” Kai says but keeps his eyes on the action about to happen.
“What the hell is going on!? Why did Tori punch Naruto like that! I thought you guys were on our side.” Sakura angrily says demanding answers from him.
“We are on the same side. Konoha and Jishin are ally villages. You may have heard of it called the Hidden Forest Village. So don't worry.” Kai replies in a cold tone.
Sakura listens to the truth about Naruto condition as she examines him herself of being ok. She remembers what Tori said about listening to Kai and walks up to where he was but her eyes widen seeing Tori all alone facing Orochimaru and Kabuto by herself.
“Are you mad!? You're going to let her face them by herself!” Sakura look at Kai trying to get his attention to look in her eyes. “Orochimaru is a mad man that needs to be stop. She going to need all the help she can get. She is still under my protection and I must protect her,” She has an image of Sasuke in her mind of him about to leave Konoha to take Orochimaru offer. “I will not let that madman clam another one of my friends.” Sakura was about to jump off the cliff but...
Kai signs of her annoying him. “If you move from here I will make you end up like your friend over their.”
Sakura stops and looks at him sensing she was being threatened. “Like I'm going to listen to you.” She says in a deep tone of voice getting serious with him.
“And what will you accomplish but get in her way,” Kai says. Do you not think I want to be down their helping her out? “You're forgetting Tori is a higher rank ninja then you as well as I. She gave you an order to listen to me,” Kai finally looks at her in a calm expression. “Don't worry. Everything already been planned out. Just watch.”
“Planned out?” Sakura said clueless of what he meant by that. But she listens to him and watches as a spectator. She feels somebody grab her hand and look down. Nezumi.
“Don't worry Sakura-oneechan,” Nezumi smiles at her. “Oneechan will protect us.”
Sakura forms a smile at her. I hope so. She turns her eyes back at the fight that about to happen.
The wind was blowing through the trees again. Orochimaru and Kabuto were eyeing Tori as Orochimaru was specially watching every little thing she does. Dust from the ground started to form small tornadoes as if in the desert. It looked more like a scene from cowboy movie, between the sheriff of the town and a bad guy that been causing trouble about to duel.
Tori smirks at the site of Kabuto, hearing his heartbeat pick up rapidly from her sensitive hearing.
“Orochimaru long time no see and here I thought you forgot about me.” Tori says but with more enthusiasm in her voice now.
“Tori it's been to long have I seen you and much you changed.” Orochimaru licks his lips. “I sense you grown stronger then our last encounter.”
Last encounter. They met before? Sakura thought.
“I hope you have because it would not been interesting if you didn't.” Tori smiles at him as her whole attitude start to change as if becoming a different person. “But you did disappoint me of not bringing Sasuke with you. But bring him instead. It will appear your insulting my talents. And here I thought you took my feeling into consideration.”
Sakura eyes widen. Sasuke. How does she know about him? Who is she? Sakura get an image of the little girl she saw in Sasuke photos at his house. Could she be that girl?
Kabuto gives her an angry stare of insulting him to his face and in front of Orochimaru. Who the hell thinks she is. I'll make her...
“Pay,” Tori says as she finishes his sentence. Kabuto eyes widen in shock. “Minds are a funny thing don't you think...Kabuto.”
What the hell? Is she reading my mined? How did she know I was going to say that? This is a mind trick she using to get to me. Even though this is my first time going up against her but those eyes of hers. Kabuto stare into them and get a chill up his spin. He gets a frightening image of Tori in blackness of another pair of yellow eyes floating above her, looking at him with a high intention to kill. He snaps out of it. W-What was that? Those eyes of hers. I wonder what she is. I need to calm down and focus. I will not make her make a fool out of me.
Orochimaru looks over at Kabuto as she already has him second guessing himself of where he stands in this battle. Orochimaru smiles in delight of her actions. Your truly are something Tori. But maybe I should have told Kabuto not to look too much in her eyes. Her eyes play a great key in using her Genjutsu. Itachi you have truly left a fascinating specimen behind. Now I see why you want her back so badly. But she will become mine first.
“Hmph. Don't underestimate my abilities Tori-sama. You will see soon enough why I was chosen by Orochimaru to be his right hand.” Kabuto says digging in his pouch around his waist and then brings his hand up to adjust his glasses. He smiles at her getting his confidences back.
“We shall see,” Tori grins at him and cackles. She licks her lips of his words. “We shall see.”
Sakura gets a nauseating feeling in her stomach. Tori eyes are starting to frighten me and the way she is acting is different when she was with us before. If as if she has a split personality. But I wonder how scary is she because must people flee when seeing Orochimaru but she not even scared of him even though the odds are against her. But why, why do I feel like a dangerous chakra emulating from her body. Sakura touches her shoulder feeling goosebumps as her body starts to shake a little in fear.
Kai eyes Sakura out the corner of his eye. So she can feel Okami'spowers in Tori's body as wellbut that guy next to Orochimaru can't.I wonder what her special abilities are.
“So let's begin.” Tori says. She closes her eyes, cracks her back and neck in a toying way.
Kabuto and Orochimaru get ready for her but Kabuto is more alert of not going up against her before.
Tori finally open her eyes quickly. “But first I deal with your lackey!”