Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto, the New generation. ❯ Training ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
disclaimer: i wish i owned naruto, but i dont, if i did, naruto would kick everyones ass even more.

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"ALRIGHT!" Takashi yelled. he and all his friends had passed the test. he ran over to Rizi and Otome.
"Rizi, i bet your best at ninjutsu, and i bet Otome is the best at the written. I am probably best all around." he gloated.
"Shut up takashi, its only because you have the best hyuuga as your uncle and the Hokage as your father, Bakka." Rizi said.
"Umm, I think we sould go train for our Sensei's" Otome said quietly.
"Otome-sama, You need to be louder because if you talk like that everyone one will think you dont have self confidence." Takashi said.
"Yes, Takashi-nii-san." Otome said. Rizi sighed and started heading toward the training grounds

------------- Training Grounds

Takashi arrived and saw Rizi and Otome were already there. "so i guess we should spar, huh?" takashi said.
"I guess." Said Rizi. Otome nodded in agreement.
"Umm, we should do a three way battle."
"Good idea, Otome-Sama." Otome Smiled hesitantly.
"Sounds fun." said Rizi. they all nodded and got ready to fight.
"GO!" they all shouted and rushed at eachother. Both Otome and Takashi activated their Byaakugans, and Rizi activated her Sharingan. Otome attempted to hit rizi in the arm witha juken, which she dodged and performed the seals to do
"Katon-Goukakyuu no Jutsu!(grand fireball) she yelled and unleashed a ball of fire at Takashi. Takashi flipped over it and performed hand signs.
"Now, for my own Jutsu. Konoha blades of demise!" he yelled, and two chakra blade like extensions came out of his hand. he rushed at Rizi and suddenly disapeared, he appeared behind Rizi "Boo." he said before hitting her through the heart with the extension. she felt no pain.
"Huh, what happened?" she asked, confused.
"try moldong chakra." he said. She tried and couldn't, and she suddenly got the point of the jutsu.
"Shuts down your chakra system? ok, i guess i am out." she said, watching the two.
"Correct, but i used while your sharingan was activated only because you have to be able to use the juken to use this move." he explained, then suddenly felt a hit to his shoulder as Otome shut his Tenketsu in his left arm. "Damn." he muttered "you got me while i wasn't paying attention."
"Pay more attention, Takashi-nii-san.' she giggled, then got back in to the juken stance. Takashi disable his attacked and did the same.
"i can beat you with one hand..." he said loudly then lowered his voice very much, "i hope."
They rushed each other and battle similar to the beginning of the hinata neji match began. finally takashi caught her and shut her tenketsu in her left arm. he performed one handed seals and and he felt the chakra back in his left arm.
"Your in my divination field." he said. he suddenly rushed her.
"thirty two"
"sixty four"
otome expected it to end there but he kept going.
"one hundred and twenty eight!" he cried and sent her flying. she tried to get up but couldn't. he walked to her and whispered. "good match. i'm sorry i had to do that."
"how did you get chakra back in your arm?" she asked
"heh, i created a jutsu to counter the shutting of the tenketsu, it reopens it." he said.
"i see..." she said, thinking.
"Lets go home for the day." Rizi said

Author notes: ah, i love violent action. you like?
Review please.