Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Object of Twisted Affection ❯ Silent Resolutions ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
you to those who have commented or read my work. I hope you enjoy Chapter 3. Let me know what you think of it.
----Chidori Amie ----

Chapter 3: Silent Resolutions:

A quiet discomfort awakened Hinata prematurely from her slumber. Her queasy belly ached with the pangs of hunger and impatiently demanded to be fed. On top of this, she also felt particularly sore on the side where Neji had kicked her.

Slowly, she resolved to move and stretch her tender limbs. She pushed her blanket to the opposite corner of the bed and then sat up, dangling her bare legs off the edge of the mattress.

The cool air from the open window tickled her exposed flesh. Hinata shivered and tugged on the bottom of her nightgown, trying to guide it down so it would cover her knees.

She noted that her own damp, soiled garments had been changed and that someone had bandaged her injuries and dressed her in a white spaghetti strap nightgown that tied at the top of each shoulder.

She pressed her hand over her well-exposed bra straps that were triple the
size of the nightgown’s straps.

“Who dressed me?” she wondered, touching the extra padding that was built
into the front.

“Hanabi....maybe,” she considered.

Certainly it had to have been Hanabi. The white garment with its lightweight silky sheen and hand embroidered fringe was much more Hanabi’s taste. It fit snugly and hugged Hinata’s curves, closely outlining her full form.

She pressed her arms against the lower half of the nightgown. It bothered her that the lines of her underwear were partially visible through the fabric. Her once hidden form now felt painfully transparent despite the dim candlelight. She tugged at the sides self-consciously,
trying to erase the outline and separate the fabric from her skin underneath.

Hinata then turned her attention to the areas where her injuries had been cared for. The ointment underneath some of the bandages had been applied rather thickly and felt like hardening grease sitting upon her flesh. The person who had treated her did not appear to know much about the medicine they used. They had applied a less effective yellow salve on some cuts and a full strength white one on another injury. Hinata knew the trick to making a salve effective was to mix them both together.

“Someone must have seen all of these marks,” she concluded, taking careful
note of the abundance of bandages that spotted her body.

She massaged the bandage just above her breast assuming since it had the greatest amount of ointment that it was probably applied first. The thick yellow ointment squished under the pressure of her touch but remained well protected because of its covering.

Hinata tucked two of her fingers under that bandage allowing it to pull away from her skin like gum. At first, she recoiled from the greasy film. The feel of it conjuring up uncertain apprehension.

“Hanabi isn’t sloppy with her treatments....” Hinata reminded herself, “She’s thinking about becoming a medical ninja. So then why are all these

Hinata shifted her gaze to a small wooden lunch box sitting at the far corner of the room. She smiled weakly and approached the low table that bore her room's light source.

Someone had been kind enough to leave her something to eat. She knelt down in front of it and studied the tray before her.

"Hanabi," she thought to herself.

Her little sister must have persuaded their father to allow her to leave a small meal in the room overnight. Under normal circumstances Hinata was never allowed to eat there. All of the meals at home were taken exclusively with the entire family.

"Thank you," she whispered as she lifted the lid.

Beneath the cover she discovered two plain rice balls waiting for her. Inside the second compartment of the lunch box she found a mixture of brown noodles and in the third she uncovered a few sweet peaches.

Hinata picked up the chopsticks from the tray and selected some of the brown noodles. They were cold but she didn't mind. They would be enough to satiate her appetite.

"Father is going to be unhappy," she quietly reflected, "I ruined everyone's meal."

Hinata ran her fingers over the tatami matting that covered the floor beside her. She had not meant to become so ill during supper. The mat in the dining room was probably stained now. She felt ashamed and deeply wished again that somehow that day had never happened.

Hinata tried to distract herself from her worries and fears by focusing on the food before her. She picked up one of the rice balls and started to eat it. But as she consumed it, the taste slowly began to change and resemble chalk. The small grains started sticking to roof of her mouth and they made her tongue feel dry.

Hinata pressed her fingers to her soiled lips. A sense of contamination made her body shudder.

He had been there, inside. The salty taste of Neji's cum was still polluting her mouth.

Abruptly, she dropped the rice ball.

She could still recall the sensation of his cock sliding back and forth across her teeth and the warm sensation of his seed as it burst onto her tongue.

Hinata wiped the interior of her mouth with her fingers hoping it would dissolve the terrible memories.

"A bath," she breathed, suddenly feeling painfully aware of the salve that stuck to her skin like glue, "I want a bath."

The pungent odor of fresh ointment wafted up to her nose as she got closer to the door. Hinata discovered that the smell was emanating from a pile of white and yellow healing creams that were haphazardly stacked on the floor. Someone indeed had been inside the cabinets where she kept her healing items and that someone had carelessly neglected to return the things they had borrowed.

Hinata bent down and picked up the evening robe that lay carelessly beside the stacked jars. She needed something to cover up her curve-gripping nightgown and decided the robe would be best suited for such a purpose. Its warm nature eagerly hid her scantily clad body beneath its folds.

The musty male scent of the robe told her that it belonged to Neji.

Hinata’s hand lingered over the belt as his familiar smell gripped her senses and contorted them. She flinched and tied the belt tighter, certain that if she gave herself the chance that she might discard the garment. Then she opened the door and stepped into the hallway.


She froze, instantly recognizing the voice that murmured her name. Instinctively, she backed away from the sound .

A dark terror seized her as she activated her Byakugan and looked at Neji who was resting in a wooden chair opposite her bedroom door.

"I..." she began.

A blush of shock tinged with embarrassment swept across her cheeks, "I..."

But thankfully she realized she didn't need to say anything to him at that moment.

Neji's head was leaning on his shoulder and his eyes were closed.

She clutched the door frame for support. "He's talking in his sleep," she told herself.

Still, Hinata was worried about catching her cousin's attention. She reentered her room and remained just inside the door, watching him with her Byakugan as he slept.

In those agonizing moments as she struggled to remain perfectly still, Hinata continued to feel an overwhelming urge to rewash every part of her body that had come into contact with Neji's. As she looked upon him, she could still recall the weight of his hand as he squeezed her left breast and remember the ominous words that accompanied his lecherous grope. And now that she had swaddled herself in his discarded robe, the traces of his sweat and scent lingered on as a dismal reminder of the day's troubling events.

"What should I do?" she nervously asked herself.

She trembled as her silent question went unanswered.

Why did Neji have to be there? Hadn't he caused enough pain already?

"Perhaps he was told to check up on me?" she tried to tell herself.

However, in times of sickness, a servant usually held that duty so she couldn't easily understand why Neji was the one asked to keep watch over her. Unless of course, he had volunteered to do it.

Neji's head shifted slightly. Her name passed his lips once more but his eyes did not open.

Hinata silently pulled the door closed.

"I can't..." she whispered as she realized that route was now closed to her, "Not now..."

Hinata crept towards the edge of her bed , her Byakugan eyes refusing to stray away from Neji's sleeping form. Her cousin seemed so calm and peaceful at that moment but the slight furrow in his brow revealed something else to her. He was dreaming or rather she thought he was dreaming. About what exactly she wasn't certain but every ounce of her being seemed to hope it was a nightmare.

Hinata winced and shook her head. That wasn't like her at all to wish bad things on other people. Perhaps she just wished Neji would understand the dreadful fear that she was experiencing.

In the meantime, her nervous fingers eagerly quested for some way to pass the tense moments Neji's presence had stirred.

She tentatively explored one of the bandages just beneath the cuff of the evening robe, tracing the smooth contours that encompassed her wrist.

"These bandages, "she reflected, "there's something very different about them."

"The ones on my arms are so precise," Hinata circled her wrist once more, "but the ones here..."

Her right hand traveled upward and stopped just before reaching her shoulder blade, "the ones here....are..."

She dipped under one of the gooier coverings and pulled on the bandage until she had completely peeled it from her flesh. "...they're applied just like the ones on my chest."

Hinata tried to rationalize why this could be so. Why, she wondered, would certain parts of her body be treated in a completely different manner than other areas.

The most obvious reason that occurred to her was that the injuries on her upper body were somehow more severe or numerous than the ones on her arms. However, she remembered that Neji's attack had mainly made the skin on her hands bleed. She didn't recall receiving any open wounds elsewhere on her body. Most of the damage came from strikes and kicks that would leave bruises not cuts. This fact made it difficult for her to argue that the areas with greatest amount of damage also received the greatest amount of attention and ointment.

Hinata rubbed the spot where Neji had pinched her in the woods when he wanted to force her to open her eyes. Her second theory suggested that perhaps the individual who treated her improved their application technique as they took care of her injuries, adjusting the amount of salve and type of bandage as they worked. This idea had a more plausible answer than the first one but the implications it brought troubled her.

It meant that the person who cared for her ignored the visible cuts on her arms and went straight to the bruises on her upper torso. It also implied that this person was the one to remove her robe and take off her blouse in order to gain access to those injuries.

It seemed to indicate that they somehow realized that there would be certain details hidden just beneath her clothing that also required attention.

Hinata pulled another bandage loose and left it fall onto the tatami matted floor.

A terrible realization cut through her train of thought. Had his hands been the very ones that returned to probe and plague her skin as she slept?

In her defenseless state, was it Neji who striped her of her garments and massaged the thick ointment into her flesh? What had happened after she had lost consciousness? She remembered hearing Neji's voice just before she blacked out. Had he been the one to transport her back to her bedroom? And what had happened then? Did he take the time to discover new areas of her body that she was not consciously willing to yield to him? Had he applied the ointment heavily upon her upper body just to have the chance to run his fingers over her smooth skin yet again or was it something else entirely?

Was he trying to hide the wounds he gave her... or perhaps hoping to conceal new marks he might have left behind?

New marks? The daunting possibility chilled her almost as much as the cool night air that teased her uncovered ankles.

She inched towards the open window slowly, still wary of making any noise that could rouse her sleeping cousin. It was possible, yes possible, for her to discover the extent of the damage that had been done to her skin but it also meant taking a dangerous risk.

She couldn't bear to pass Neji in the hallway so that fear had distracted her from the answer that lie right beside her. There was another path that had been open to her all that time and it was just now that she was beginning to pay any attention to it.

"The window," she whispered, remembering that she could gain access to her destination by climbing outside and walking around the Main House until she reached the enclosed outdoor bath. There she'd be able to cleanse herself and scrutinize her naked form for fresh marks similar to the one Neji had left behind when he passionately kissed her neck two weeks earlier.

The biggest risk, however, lie in the terrifying prospect that she might be discovered.

Hinata could not deny she was strongly concerned about this. What would happen if Neji found her alone in the secluded outdoor bath completely nude? He had already proven that he no longer was worthy of her trust. .

How might he react to the full view when every inch of her was lay bear before him?

When they were children, such fears about being naked in front of one another didn't exist. She and her cousin had often bathed together but as they matured this changed. Until very recently, it had been a very long time since they saw one another unclothed and even now that sight carried an agonizing price.

Now the unwanted image of Neji's cock was forcibly etched into her mind. It punctured her innocent view of the opposite sex and shaped it in a way that made her feel very uncomfortable. Neji's erect member was her first troubling insight into the veiled world of adult sexuality. It was also her first glimpse of what a mature penis looked like.

She shuddered as the memory of it crept to the forefront of her thoughts. She desperately repressed it and yearned to escape the silent burdening scar that Neji had cruelly imposed upon her.

Carefully, she climbed onto the window sill, wordlessly praying that it would not creak or utter a sound under her weight. Her bare toes stretched towards the ground outside as she balanced on her palms, eagerly seeking the cool tufts of grass that lie below. Hinata managed to emerge outdoors. There she stood for a moment or two completely outside underneath the stars and towering trees that flanked the thick walls around the Hyuuga complex.

Hinata cast another fleeting glance at her cousin using her Byakugan. His slumber remained unbroken and that fact helped to ease her nerves. Still her body was tense, already preparing for the unsettling answers her unclothed form might reveal.

She relied on her ninja training to conceal her secret journey to the bath house. Cool tuffs of grass and polished stone connected with her feet as she traversed the pathway leading to her destination.

Silently, she drew the bathhouse’s door along its track and entered.
She kept the lights off and secured the door, tying the belt from Neji’s
evening robe around a sturdy object nearby. She then looped the other end through the small hole in the door latch and pulled on the belt to make sure it would not easily give way.

Hinata turned and focused once more on the direction from which she had come. Again she paid attention to the hallway where Neji was located, scanning it with her Byakugan to see if she detected any changes in his status before allowing her eyes to rest and return to normal vision.

For the time being, she had succeeded in reassuring herself that she would not be disturbed. Now she was only moments away from shedding the garments and bandages that concealed her deepest fears and gravest secret.

She moved towards the inner room of the bath. Gently she applied pressure to the handle until it clicked and allowed her to enter. A weak light swallowed up the darkness from the outer room. The faint
flood of moonlight illuminated the area and served as her temporary candle in the dark.

Hinata disrobed, hanging Neji's garment on a hook by the door. Her fingers then went to work untying the loose knots on her nightgown. The lightweight garment slithered down her body and pooled at her ankles, revealing her curvy form to an empty room.

Clad only in bra and panties, Hinata started working on the removal of her wrappings. She began with her knuckles and worked her way up her left arm and then down her right. She continued over her shoulder and then removed the trail that dotted selective spots on her back and neck, all the while avoiding removal of the five heavily ointmented coverings that stuck on her collarbone.

Hinata's hand shook after she pulled the first one away from the left side of her chest. Through the ointment she could not clearly discern what type of mark was left behind.

She continued on to the second and then third bandage until she finally arrived at the two that were restricted by her bra. The first of the two was partially covered by the strap and the final one lie just beneath the her bra cup. Removing them required that she take off her bra if she wished to keep it unsoiled by the greasy film of the yellow ointment.

Hinata began by unhooking the two catches that kept the bra in place. As she pulled the strap to the side, she vividly recalled how his eyes had followed that very strap to the cup of her bra. She bulked just as she was about to slide it off her shoulder, overwhelmed by the piercing attention his white eyes had given the tender location.

“Neji nii-san,” she whispered, gently stroking the strap, “How could you do this to me?”

Tears started to form in her eyes as she returned to that terrifying time once again. She tried to deny her sadness by squeezing her eyes closed but this only caused her tears to escape quickly and slither down her cheeks. She left her bra fall to the floor.

Hinata took a deep breath and successfully removed the first of the two bandages. Still, her hand hovered over the covering that stuck to her breast. She felt particularly nervous about removing this one because if there was any spot Neji might have suckled while she slumbered, it was most likely there.

Hinata collected her nerve and strengthened her resolve to proceed. She wanted to know whether more than just guilt was concealed beneath that dressing.

Hinata pulled the last bandage away.

Her now bare breasts hung gracefully about her ribcage. She ran her fingers over the freshly uncovered patch of flesh.

To her relief, the mark strongly resembled a bruise. Still that revelation did not provide her with an
adequate degree of comfort. His twisted words had wounded her far deeper than any of the bruises had and their impressions lingered on heavily inside her heart.

“He liked my body,” she said, echoing Neji’s words as she approached the mirror, "because my breasts are fuller than hers.”

Hinata traced her fingers along her side and slid her hand under the gum of her

“But Ten Ten’s prettier than me."

She circled her fingers over her hip and continued to stare at the full-length
nude view of her body. Embarrassed at her own gaze, she blushed and turned
so her stance and eye contact were less direct.

“But this is the only body I have. I cannot change that.”

She looked at a small bruise on her back where Neji struck her
during their match. The mark was still forming but she knew it would be
black and blue in a day or so.

“Naruto...will you even want a girl like me...”

“I couldn’t even stop Neji nii-san from...” her soft voice trailed off as her fingers traced back up across her body.

Hinata sank down in despair and pursed her lips, nervously running her hand
over the fading hickey on her neck.

“....when Neji nii-san...”

Hinata paused, her body suddenly detecting the presence of something lurking nearby. She felt a chill and stopped moving completely so she could listen to the sounds of the night air from outside.


Suddenly, Hinata heard an audible splash near the edge of the bath.

“Neji nii-san?” she asked, her heart throbbing against her ribcage.

There was no answer from the darker side of the bath.

Hinata fumbled for the first available garment at her feet. She pulled the robe over her shoulders and stared in the direction of the sound where her alarming intruder struck the water.

“Who’s there?,” she demanded, pinching the edges of her robe closed.

A swishing sound now came from the same direction.

“Byakugan” she cried, using her special technique to locate the source of her sudden terror.

“There.” she cried, catching sight of a moving object on the water’s surface.

Hinata blushed crimson, “Oh...”

She leaned over and scooped the small menace out of the water.

“Little froggy,” she whispered, “What are you doing here?”

The small frog gazed up at her with its tiny yellow eyes. She left out a squeak when it suddenly leapt back into the water.

Hinata knelt beside the bath. She concluded he probably crept in from the
outside through the vents.

She scooped the frog out of the water once more, cupping her hands gently
over him.

“Naruto would just love you,” she told the small frog, “He is able to summon frogs with his jutsu.”

The frog squirmed in her hands.

“Please don’t be afraid. I like frogs too.”

The creature slowly began to calm down.

“I really like Naruto you see,” she confided to the frog, “and I want him to like me... but I’m worried it might not be possible now....”

“This is between the two of us,” Neji’s voice echoed in her memory.

Hinata quivered and shook her head.

“Today was just a bad day.” she reassured the frog.

“Neji is my cousin! He wouldn’t touch me like that. He’s my cousin!!”

Hinata closed her eyes as the frenzy of denial rocked her form.

“Don’t give up!!” a voice inside of her seemed to scream.


She weakly smiled.

Those words and sentiment were Naruto’s.

During her match in the Chuunin Exam, it was his voice that had given her the courage to carry on and fight til the end. Neji detested her back then. Going against him frightened her but she stood her ground because of Naruto’s confidence in her. Neji was a rookie, both stronger and faster than she was yet she was able to hold her own against him.

“ I won’t give up,” she promised herself, releasing the frog.

The frog landed on the ground before her. Instead of hopping away however
he remained quietly at her side. It felt as though he sensed her promise to fight.

Hinata disrobed once more and quickly flopped down on the stool, brushing
away the determined tears that were forming in her eyes.

She picked up the bar of soap that hung on a cord nearby. At first,
she eased it over the numerous cuts and sticky ointment on her dry body but
she gradually became rougher, miserably trying to erase each mark Neji
had left behind.

Then she opened her contaminated mouth, still squirming with traces of his
filth, and inserted the soap just enough so she could scrub her tongue and the inner walls of her oral cavity.

She spit.

The bitter taste was unpleasant. Hinata winched as she made the effort to
remove all traces of him from her mouth. She fought hard against any more
urges to expel the cleansing agent.

“I won’t give up,” she resolved.

Only when the soap lather became too much did she spit over the drain again and raise the water-filled bucket to rinse away what remained.

“It’s gone,” Hinata reassured herself, “All of him is gone.”

Hinata’s tears seared her face with relief.

She had reclaimed her body back from Neji’s lecherous touches.

Burned his leering eyes with each scathing stroke of soap.

She was clean again and absolved of all shame and disgust.

Tomorrow would be a new day. A better day! The terrible memories of
every unpleasant and inappropriate action Neji had perpetrated on her would
disappear down the drain along with the soapy water that dripped from her
bare flesh.

Hinata rinsed the soap away and then crawled over to the bath. She eased her aching form in. The lukewarm water engulfed every crevice of her body,
filling it with a regained sense of confidence and innocence.

It was different from the cold water of the lake where Neji had forced her to wash off. This water soothed her. It returned the control she had lost over her own body and made an effort to heal over her wounds.

Hinata rested against the headboard and glanced over at the little frog. Each time Neji tried to creep back into her mind, she silently fought back against him. She would block out the painful thoughts of him and replace it with a memory that made her feel safe.

Only the memories that filled her with happiness were encouraged to emerge. She thought about pleasant picnics in the spring with her classmates, Kiba walking Akamaru with her after practice, even the time she went with Shino shopping to pick out a birthday present for Sensei Kurenai.

Then she thought about Naruto and the confession of love she planned to
make on the school trip.

It was Naruto’s past words that were going to save her...

No matter what else Neji decided to do with her.