Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Passion ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gaara lay peacefully sleeping in the sterile hospital room, the whole place smelled of disinfectant. Maya was sitting in the overly uncomfortable chair next to Gaara's bed, gripping a pale hand in her two tanned ones.

Fugaku stared at the scene before him and sighed before interrupting the deepening silence. “You know, I'm a bit envious.” he said softly, Maya look up at him for a moment staring at him in silent contemplation.

“Whatever for?” she asked, a small smile gracing her lips.

“Your closeness with your children, with Sasuke and Itachi. Well I might as well be living a universe away from them.” he replied simply as he took a seat next to her.

“Well you can still get close you know.” Maya said turning her attention back to Gaara taking of the boy.

“Is that so?” Fugaku asked, truly interested.

“Yeah...” Maya glanced at the small red headed boy one last time before turning to the dark haired man next to her. “... why don't we go get something to eat, the nurses will call us if he wakes up.” she asked, standing from the chair, releasing Gaara's hand to bend backwards cracking her back.

“Sure, we'll talk over food.”


Meanwhile : School

“Hey! Uzumaki, wait up!” Naruto stopped at the sound of someone calling him, looking back he could see the person who was chasing him down. A sunshine smile graced his gorgeous tanned features.

“What are doing Neji, was stalking my brother not enough for you?” Naruto asked teasingly as said pale eyed boy caught up with him.

“Ch, no. Actually, I was wondering where Gaara was.”

“Wow, you don't miss a beat when it comes to him do you?”

“Well I am his stalker right? Anyway, why are you being so snappy?”

“Yeah well, that's sorta the attitude you get when your sibling is in the hospital and your being forced to come to school!” Naruto fumed/yelled at the long haired boy in front of him.

Neji blinked, once... twice... before the information he had just received to register in his mind. “H-He's in the hospital?” he asked, in a sort of awe struck moment.

“Isn't that what I just said.” Naruto mumbled looking at the floor miserably.

“I... no.” Neji shook his head, in slight denial. Turning without another word, Neji took off running, leaving Naruto in his confusion.


Neji stepped into the hospital room, his lungs burned with a need for oxygen, and he was covered in a light sheen of sweat. His hair was in disarray, as he stepped closer to the hospital bed that the red head was currently lying in. It all seemed so surreal to him.

It didn't seem right to Neji that Gaara was laying here, and sleeping non the less. Although, even though he was getting the much needed rest, Gaara's eyes were still thickly lined in black. “Oh Gaara, my lovely prince. Please awaken, your eyes aren't meant to close for too long.” Neji mumbled, leaning over the bed, taking in the all to serene features.

Leaning forward to get a closer look, one of Neji's long slim piano fingers brushed against the black lined eyes. He could feel the red heads warm breath brush against his skin, the only thing letting him know that the other was alive. “Please, just wake up.” he whispered again, seeing no movement in the darkened eyelids, Neji closed his own pale ones.

Then, without thought he leaned forward, ever so slightly placing a chaste kiss on Gaara's lips. After a moment of realization, Neji jerked away as if being burned, sitting on the edge of the bed he placed his fingertips on his lips lightly. His lips tingled slightly as he stared numbly at the sleeping figure that he had just kissed.

Turning his attention away from Gaara, the long haired boy laced his fingers through his hair, cradling his head in his hands. He was loosing his mind, and the little red headed vixen was the reason for it. Not that Neji was complaining really, since it was a kind of insanity feel... good.

Slowly, almost as if it were hesitant, Gaara's eyelids twitched. At the sudden light that reached his line of vision though, he groaned. Neji's head snapped in the direction of the teal eyes that were currently burning a hole in his side. “Your up.” he said smiling weakly.

“I feel... awful.” Gaara replied raspily.

“Uhh...” Neji began looking around in a slight panic, looking for something... anything to ease his beloved's discomfort. “I'll go get you water.” he said grabbing a cup from the side table and moving into the private bathroom to fill the cup with water from the sink.

Maya chose this moment, to return from her walk with Fugaku, at the sound of them both entering the room, Neji poked his head out of the bathroom hesitantly. “Your finally up!” Maya cheered happily.

“Mm.” was the only answer she got in reply, slowly Neji eased his way into the room, setting the water onto the side table. He was just waiting for the yelling to begin.

“Neji, what are you doing here during school hours?!” Fugaku began scolding, Neji froze instantly at the cold voice.

Maya on the other hand, just rolled her eyes, “He was probably just really worried, I'm sort of surprised Naruto hasn't skipped out yet.” she explained matter of factly making the older man immediately sit down and shut up. Neji looked at her in a confused manner, not understanding how she pulled such things off so quickly and easily.

“Where's my water?” Gaara rasped, his arm was draped over his eyes. Neji jumped up before rushing to Gaara's side to help him.


Alright I'm sorry that this chapter was so damn short. Also I'm afraid things may be a little... scattered. Again. Whatever. I'll make it up to you in the next chapter. Since I was experiencing slight writer's block for the moment. I just got the new Devil May Cry game so my thoughts are on that, cause I don't know if you know it or not. But Dante is like super hott. And I just can't tear my eyes away. Hehe... and remember, your reviews fuel my maddness!REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW