Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect ❯ New friend ( Chapter 3 )

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“Where are they?” Naruto asked, waiting impatiently at the gate leading to the village. Only Sasuke was with him, because Sakura and Kakashi were decorating the place where the visitors will be living in. “Probably lost.” Sasuke replied. “We've been waiting for hours!!! Even if they're lost, it shouldn't take that long!” Naruto groaned. Sasuke just shrugged.
Suddenly, they heard the sound of footsteps coming their way. They saw four people; one of them was in her mid twenties while the others were about twelve. It didn't take them long to know who they were.
“Are you the people from the Sand Village?” Naruto asked when they arrived at the gate. “Yes, we are. You must be the one who's in charge of us. Nice to meet you… I'm Kasumi.” The eldest said to them. Naruto introduced himself and Sasuke, seeing that his friend wasn't going to.
Kasumi nodded as a sign that she heard him. She said something to the three people standing behind her. Then, she turned back to them. “Can you show us where we're going to live in?” she asked. “Sure.” Naruto replied. They lead the four of them to a building. The building was big and very beautiful. Sakura was probably the one who put flowers around the house. They entered the house.
Sakura was surprised when she saw them, but she quickly introduced herself. “I'm Haruno Sakura. You guys are the guests, right? Welcome.” She said. Her eyes were focused on Aki, who she thought was quite handsome. He's almost as good-looking as Sasuke-kun…
“Thank you very much. You guys sure are friendly. Can you do me a favor and show Yuki around here. She wants to buy our supplies.” Kasumi explained. “Me? What do you mean I want to buy the supplies?” Yuki asked in an annoyed tone. Kasumi ignored her question. “Maybe the boys there can show you around. After all, we have to know the places in this village because we're going to live here for a few weeks.”
“…Alright, I guess…” Yuki said after awhile. Naruto and Sasuke lead the way while Yuki followed them. “So… uh… what's your name?” Naruto asked, trying to think of a conversation. “Makoto Yuki. Just call me Yuki.” Yuki replied. She's not the kind of person who you can become friends with in an instant, Naruto noticed.
“So… you're here for the festival, huh?” he asked again. “Yeah. Do you know what this festival is about?” Yuki asked. Naruto shook his head. “No… not really. It's held every three years, that's all I know. “Naruto explained. The rest of the journey was pretty uneventful, just a few questions from Naruto and short answers from Yuki.
“Have we met before?” Yuki asked Sasuke suddenly. “No. I don't think so.” Sasuke replied, looking at her. The thought also crossed his mind a while ago, because he felt that he had seen Yuki's face somewhere before, though not recently. “Really? You seem familiar.”
“Maybe you met him during your visit here before.” Naruto suggested. Yuki shook her head. “This is my first time here. At least, the first time since I moved out.” Yuki answered. “You mean you lived here before? Why did you move out?” Naruto asked. “My father and mother don't really get along well. My father went to live at the Sand Village while my mother decided to remain here.”
“Don't you visit your mother sometimes?” Naruto asked curiously. “My mother died shortly after we left. My father died four years ago.” Yuki explained. “Oh, I'm sorry.” Naruto said. It was a good thing that Yuki wasn't a nosy person, because if she was, she would probably ask about Naruto's parents, and he wouldn't know how to answer her.
They finally reached one of the shops that they were headed to. The shop was full of snacks and drinks. Naruto grabbed a few instant ramen and handed it to Yuki. “These are really good.” He said. “Thanks.” Sasuke rolled his eyes. It seems like ramen was the only thing that Naruto thinks about when he's not thinking about ninja missions. That gets on his nerves sometimes.
Yuki bought a few snacks and drinks and went out of the shop. After a short walk, Naruto suddenly shouted, “Hey, the ramen stand.” Yuki let out a quiet laugh. “Not now, Naruto.” Sasuke said to him. “Hey, that's okay. I don't mind eating. I mean, I'm hungry too.” Yuki said to Sasuke. “Really?” Naruto asked, getting happier by the minute. “Sure.”
They went to the stand. “Hey, uncle! Three extra special ramen please!” Naruto said to the shop-owner. “Extra special?” Yuki asked. “Don't worry, he'll understand.” Naruto assured her. He certainly did because the next thing they heard was, “Coming right up!”
When the food arrived, Naruto ate it hungrily. “This is delicious.” He complimented. The other two ate it quietly. They didn't slurp it as loudly as Naruto does. When they finished their food, Naruto paid for the three of them. “My treat for today.” Naruto said. “I'm not going to pay for you ever again.” He added to Sasuke. “I would never even expect you to do that.” Sasuke muttered.
After shopping for the whole day, they finally went back to Yuki's house. “Thanks a lot for today. I really enjoyed that ramen.” Yuki said. Naruto smiled. “Maybe I'll ask you to eat with me tomorrow, but you'll have to pay yourself.” He said in a happy tone. Sasuke expected Yuki to gently refuse his offer but she didn't.
“That would be great. Bye, see you tomorrow.” Yuki said as she entered the house. “She's really nice, don't you think?” Naruto asked Sasuke. “She's okay, I guess.” Sasuke replied. Naruto stared at him. “What” he asked. “It's nothing. That means a lot… coming from you.” Naruto said, walking away. The two of them went back to their homes.