Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect ❯ Sasuke's Goal ( Chapter 7 )

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“What in the world are you three doing?” Kasumi asked. She had just returned from a walk and saw her team in the kitchen, they were cooking something, but she was not sure what. “Hey, Kasumi-sensei! Want to eat?” Yuki asked. Yuki and Takeshi's cooking looks edible, but Aki's, well, not so fascinating to look at. “No thanks, I already ate.” Kasumi told them.
“Too bad, I was looking for someone to taste this for me.” Aki said, pointing at his food. It looks kind of…blue. Who will eat blue food? Kasumi thought. “A piece of advice… I think you better throw that away.” Yuki told him. “Yeah, but it took me hours to finish this.” Aki complained. “More like ten minutes.” Takeshi muttered. “Okay, so ten minutes, but still…”
“Unless you want to eat it, I don't see why you need to keep it,” Kasumi said to Aki. Muttering something under hid breath, he threw his food at the trashcan. “So, where did you go?” Takeshi asked. Kasumi looked at him and smiled. “Do you really need to know? It's not like it has anything to do with you guys.” She said. “Even if it doesn't, it won't hurt to ask.” Yuki said.
“Well, I met Kakashi. You know, the one who's in charge of us.” Kasumi explained. “Yeah, what for?” Aki asked. “Well, I want to know about his team, so I asked him about it. Interested?” the woman asked. “That goes without saying.” Yuki told her. Kasumi laughed. “Well, there's not much to say about the girl, but I do know that the blonde-haired-kid, Naruto, is the biggest trouble maker in the village.”
“What about that raven-haired-boy?” Aki asked. Takeshi and Yuki looked at him. “I thought you said you didn't want to know about Konoha ninjas.” Takeshi said. “Why?” Kasumi asked. “He said it wouldn't be good if Sand ninjas hang out with them.” Yuki explained. “Well, from the fight that we had, I know that he's the strongest person in the group.” Aki said.
Yuki nodded. “He has to be really good if he can stop you when you want to attack Naruto.” She agreed. “Well, he's the survivor of the Uchiha Clan.” Kasumi said. “Uchiha? You mean, the Sharingan users?” Takeshi asked. Kasumi nodded. “What? You mean, you guys didn't notice his eyes when we had that fight yesterday?” Yuki asked, surprised. “What do you mean eyes?” Aki asked.
“His eyes were red. It's kind of scary.” Yuki said. “But… I thought the whole clan was killed. The one who killed them is part of that clan, right?” Takeshi asked his sensei. “Yup. He's Uchiha Itachi, Sasuke's elder brother.” They were silent for a moment. “You mean, he killed his own family?” Yuki asked. Kasumi nodded. “That's cruel…”
“If Uchiha Itachi killed the entire clan, why didn't he kill Sasuke?” Aki asked. Kasumi shrugged. Again, silence. “Revenge…” Yuki muttered. “What?” Takeshi looked at her worriedly. “I'm sure that's what he's thinking about the whole time. If my own brother killed my whole family, I'd surely think about revenge.” Yuki explained. “That's… his goal.”
The three looked at Kasumi. “When they first met, Kakashi asked each and every one of them to tell him their goals. His goal is to kill his brother.” Kasumi said. “Okay, that's enough about revenge.” Kasumi suddenly smiled and said, “You know what Naruto's goal is?”
“Hokage.” Yuki said out loud without her realizing it. She noticed Aki staring at her. “What? He told me this yesterday!” Yuki said, frowning. She headed to the kitchen and washed the dishes. “Why're you so worried?” Kasumi asked, looking at Aki. “Nothing.” Aki said as he went to his room. “Did I say something wrong?” Takeshi shrugged.