Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Questions and Answers ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I woke up at the ungodly hour of 4 in the morning.

I fell asleep at midnight thinking of that person, I slept fitfully because of that person and now I'm awake at this hour with my shorts sticky and wet because of THAT person.

Uzumaki Naruto!!!

I tore my shorts off, wiped myself clean then hurled it angrily at that part of my bedroom floor designated as the laundry heap. In the semi darkness I glared at my weeks worth of laundry. That too is his fault.

K'so... my sheets are musty with my sweat, my room is dusty, and if that's not enough I had to wake up to a dream of water and him touching me.

I fell back on my bed and pressed the heels of my palms over my eyes. I know that sleep is out of the question, sunrise is two hours away, we have to practice for the upcoming chunin exams.

Naruto lives down on the east end, I can make it there in less than 10 minuites over the rooftops.

What have you done to me Naruto? Just thinking about you makes me...

I got up from bed and rummaged through my laundry, I got a relatively clean pair of shorts and pulled them on. No use wearing a clean pair when I'm getting them dirty again anyway. I pulled my shirt from yesterday off the top of the pile and smelled it. It was rank, it smelled of sweat and dirt and... Naruto. I threw it angrily back at the pile, that's the last thing I need.

I pulled one from the middle and put it on even if it smelled like dogs. I gathered my laundry into a bag and put it besides the door.

If I don't do this before the chunin exams this will never get done.

I picked up a broom and started cleaning my room.

It took me almost an hour. I was meticulous polishing even the corners and organizing what little personal stuff I have. Then I was back to sitting on my stripped bed looking out my window at the fringes of twilight and thinking, that's how blue his eyes are sometimes.

I pulled my knees up to my chest. I remmebered what we did by the riverside, how I won our bet, the promises we gave, the things we did. His knowledge jarred with his clumsiness. What did it mean? How come he knows what to do but didn't know how to kiss? How did he know I needed that? Why didn't it... why didn't it gross me out when I touched him there and dammit why did it feel that good? Will it always feel like that? Was I hurting him when I did that to him?

I have to know. I need answers this is another thing I have to do before the exams because I need to concentrate. I've heard tales of how hard and dangerous it is.

Only one person can give me the answers to those questions.

I got off my bed and headed straight for the bathroom. I showered hurriedly, scrubbing my skin well with a sponge. I got dressed in clean clothes then taking my laundry bag went downstairs to the basement and did my laundry.

Dammit I'm making excuses aren't I?

I had two loads and they got done too soon. I was back in my room with my clean clothes put away staring at the sky through my window in one hour flat thinking, 'That is the exact shade of blue his eyes are'.


I pulled a cup of instant rice porridge from my cupboard and made breakfast. It took all of 20 minuites, to heat the water and eat the thing.

It's only 6:30 and I feel like the morning should be half-over already. I've ran out of excuses not go there and ask him my questions.

I let my head fall on the table and my head protector did it's job. This is bad, I must not get distracted, I need to focus for the coming exams.

I stood up and went out the door, I decided to walk to Naruto's place.

It was 7 when I got to the east government residential building. Hidden leaf village takes very good care of it's orphans. There are two common homes where we stay until we're 12. When we turn 13 we are put into these apartments because we can take of ourselves.

We have a monetary allowance, clothing allowance, food allowance, a caretaker who makes sure we are alright and a cleaning lady who does the general scrubbing. At least we did in the West fascility, my clan was well to do.

Naruto's place look the same. I don't know who does the cleaning around the building but it looks spotless and organized. I found his room and knocked on the door. I knocked again when there was no response.

I heared something fall there's a lot of cursing then that moron thumped his way towards the door.

The door opened to a dishrivelled, sleep musty, blonde with an ugly sleep cap and loose baby blue PJ's.

"Sasuke? Did I miss something? I swear our meeting with Kakashi-sensei won't be till later."

"I have questions." I said without preamble.

He looked at me like he wanted to kick me in the face. "Can't this wait? I was up late meditating." he turned away from me leaving the door open, his way of inviting me in.

I closed the door behind me and admired the spotless nature of his room. Only his bed looked messy and the corner where he does his meditation. Scrolls half opened lay everywhere in that corner along with a mini water fountain and an incense burner that uses cones. Hn, he likes frankinscence, I preffer sandalwood.

I watched Naruto step up over his bed to a spear stuck on the wall near the ceiling. I guess he's going to completely ignore me for now and do his morning exercises first. He stripped off his pajama top then hooked his knees over the spear. I sat on his bed and watched him do his suspended sit-ups.

I watched his lean torso stretched out upside-down before me, I remember the feel of those pink nipples, the taste of that skin, the feel of his hipbones under my hands. His abdominals clenched and he touched his forhead to his thighs.

Took my breath away watching him do something as common as that. But it also made me feel guilty that I didn't do my own work-outs. So I decided to bother him.

"How come you know how to do it but have no practice with kissing?" I asked bluntly, I came here didn't I? I might as well get my embarrasment over with.

"16, 17, 18,... later... 19, 1, 1, 2, 3... " I frowned. How many sets is he planning on doing? He's going to want breakfast after that, that will give him an excuse to ignore me somemore.

"Hn." I left the bed, I won't be able to stop myself from interffering if I didn't. What am going to do in the meantime?

I decided to make him breakfast, so he'll have no excuses later. I put his thermos on then checked his cupboard and found nothing but instant ramen. I checked his fridge and found a fossilized part of an animal that looked like it might have belonged to a chicken, the milk was almost empty, the orange juice is expired, a half dead spring onion lay in the crisper next to an aged carrot and a ball of green mold the size a grape.

All in all it kinda looks like my fridge.

I took the carrot, the onion and the fossils.

Peel the aged carrot, clean the dying onion, de bone the dead chicken...

"...18, 19, 4, 1, 2, 3,..."

I confirmed the identity of the fossil by tasting it, it was still good, must be in the fridge since yesterday. That means he's having chicken flavored ramen for breakfast, I dumped the slivered carrots, chicken bits and onions into the only bowl I found on his dish rack. Over that I dumped the contents of the instant ramen poured hot water in, then covered it with the only plate in the dishrack.

"...18,19, 8, 1, 2, 3,..."

I set the bowl on his table with an empty glass, a spoon and a fork.

"Ready in 3 minuites." I announced then cleaned up after myself. I heard the bed creek after the 10th set. He's done that part, wonder what he'll do next? I turned around and found myself face to face with a hot sweaty Naruto. He didn't say anything he just pushed me against the sink and tried to touch my tonsils with his tounge.

I moaned as he pulled me against him, I groaned when he rubbed himself against me. He's crushing me, with his arms, brusing my lips with his kiss. Before I could protest his kiss became gentler and his arms loosened. Reluctantly I put my arms around him.

"I just had my shower Naruto." was the first thing I said when he gave me back my mouth.

"Well, you wasted it." he grinned impishly at me "Thanks for the mid morning snack, I'm sure it will taste great, but I want breakfast first."

"That is breakfast." I said indicating the bowl with a nod.

"Nope, your breakfast." I had time to see his grin become broader Then my shirt went over my head, trapping my arms in them and blinding me. I was pushed around and I couldn't pull my shirt off.

"Naruto!" I shouted, and he pushed me so hard I fell on something soft. I recognized his bed by smell, then my shorts flew leaving my skin exposed to the cool morning air. "Naruto!" I shouted again trying to untangle myself from my shirt.

"Not so loud Sasuke, the neighbors will hear us." he said and my answer was an embarrasingly loud moan because he pinched my nipple with his sheathed teeth. I struggle trying to get my head out, writhing under his rough nipping and teasing.

I'm glad my shirt has a wide neck, I managed to get my head out, I saw that he used ropes to tie my shirt and my arms over my head. Where and when did he get the ropes?

I gritted my teeth against the sounds that threatened to break out of me as he abused my left, then my right nipple, pinching me then lapping me afterwards with his rough tounge. It hurt, and it felt good, it made me hard without him touching me there. I watched him willing him to abuse me some more, I raised my back off the bed offering them to his rough attention. When he let them go I whimpered in dissapointment, he began trailing a wet path down my stomach to my thigh with his tounge.

I groaned watching him as he bypassed my arousal and raised my legs to my sides, exposing me to the morning breeze. He looked up at me smiling appreciatively "You want answers right?" he asked.

What answers? I thought, I could only nod and say the thing that's formost in my mind right now. "Touch me, touch me pls."

"Keh, I put you on your back and you forget everything." he said with a grin and I screamed when he swallowed me whole.

"Dammit Sasuke!" He was off me while I tried to remember what he did. "Open your mouth." I looked up at him, and saw a balled up piece of cloth. I did as I was told and he stuffed it into my mouth. "There now you can scream and cry as much as you want. Damn I didn't know you we're such a bitch for bondage. I like it." he said with his wide assed grin.

I wanted to protest, I glared at him, and tried to break out of my shirt. He just grinned at me and spread my legs wider, "I think I'll answer one of your questions right now Sasuke." He said before taking me back into the wet, undulating warmth of his mouth. I whimpered and groaned the gag was doing it's job because only muffled sounds came out of me.

He paused and his fingers played delicately with my balls. I almost didn't hear him when he said. "I get so horny after a great work-out. I hope you don't mind, I remember you said you'll be there when I need you. I need some right now. Hey you get that privilage too k?" he said the he left the bed. I yelled at him through my gag and looked up at the knot he used on my shirt. It was a simple square knot and if I wanted to I can get it off easy.

I glared at him as he approached me with a bottle of baby oil.

"I bet you asked your self this question too." he said tilting the bottle left and right. I noted my position, I looked at his erection, I looked at the wide grin on his face.

Holy shit I'm gonna get it.

I groaned when he raked his naked teeth over the head of my need, flicking his tounge over the slit, pushing his tounge into it. I shook my head arching my hips off the bed, trying to get him to swallow me again. His questing fingers around my entrance and I panicked. I started speaking but only muffled sounds came out of me.

"What was that Sasuke?" he asked and stopped altogether. He pulled the gag out of my mouth and I drank the air in greedy gulps. His face loomed over me, his hips between my parted legs. "You wanna say something?"

"W-what-?" I began but couldn't finish.

"It might hurt a bit. I'll try to be gentle, but once we get over the first part, your going to enjoy it. If you want me to stop just kick me k? Coz, I have to put this back into your mouth, my neighbors might choke on their breakfast if they hear you scream like that again." I opened my mouth to say something but he stuffed the small towel back in.

He pressed his lips against my ear and licked me, kissing me gently. "Iruka-sensei was right, I really, really like him but he refused to touch me in the way I want him to. He said I'm too young." His lips found my sore nipples nd kissed them gently. "I don't want to get him into trouble. He was right about this though, I should find someone around my age to explore this side of me. Thank you Sasuke. Your one of the few people in this village who look at me without that... that look in their eyes."

I stopped breathing. I looked down at my friend who was trailing his kisses along the insides of my thigh, rubbing his cheek there like a kitten who has found his master. He looked at me and I knew that he was giving me his true smile.

I snorted, try as I did I couldn't smile with this ball in my mouth. So I looked straight at him and nodded my consent and if that wasn't clear enough I parted my legs for him.

He buried his face at the base of my cock and whispered "T-thank you Sasuke-chan."

He was slow and true to his word, gentle. He got me distracted by playing with my arousal.

It felt... odd. His finger inside of me stretched me a little before it was joined by another. It hurt a bit but then he hit something and sparks of white danced in my vision.

"...glad your gagged, someone would think I'm torturing you. For a quiet guy your such a screamer."

This time when he hit me again I heard myself cry. What was that! I felt my legs quivering on their own, my entire body was taut with wanting it. I pushed against his fingers trying to get more of him into me, I want more of it, I want more! When he took his fingers out I groaned in disappiontment. But then he raised himself over me and I knew what was coming next.

"It's not too late Sasuke, do you want this or do you want it the other way around."

"Mmmph mphrrmmphrm!!!" Translation: What the fuck are talking about?!? I want it! Now! I raised my legs around his waist, I struggled with my shirt and he realease me, I put my arms around his neck and pulled him to me.

He chuckled in my ear. "It's coming Sasuke-kun, this will hurt but it shouldn't feel sharp k? I'll stop if it hurts too much. Then he was invading me.

He wasn't kidding, I wrapped my arms around him not wanting to let go. He had oiled his erection and it was sliding into me, stretching me. I bit hard on the cloth in my mouth. "Bear down on me Sasuke, don't fight, relax." he cautioned panting in my ear. I did as I was told and I cried when he buried himself fully into me. We stayed like that for a few breaths, I looked up him and found his face contorted with pleasure. He looked at me and grinned "Ready?" he asked voice husky.

I nodded.

He moved slowly, little thrusts that maddened me because it wasn't what I wanted. I grabbed a handful of his hair and told him with my eyes what I wanted.

I wanted MORE!

He grinned and took my knees off his hips, he raised my ankles to his shoulders "Your so demanding, you want more? Brace yourself." He pulled out a long way then slammed back into me.

My whole body arched off the bed.

I lost the ability for anything coherent, I was aware of nothing but that circle of searing pain translating itself into the most glorious sensation I have ever known. My entire body went numb with pleasure, I thrust with him, raising my hips to meet his, wanting it, needing it, racing towards a higher pleasure I could almost feel, almost taste, coming... I'm coming!!!

My world went white, my head exploded as I shattered into a million pieces suspended in the middle of nowhere, I gasped for breath through a raw throat feeling a weight collapse on me. I saw a shock of blonde hair." Naruto." and my world went black.

"Sasuke. Oi Sasuke?" Naruto poked his playmate who remained unresponsive. "Ooiii, Sasuke!" He pulled a lid up and looked at the pupil as it contracted. He picked up an arm and let it drop, it thumped boneless on the bed. "Kisama! Sasuke!" Naruto sat up and crossed his arms pouting at his unconscious friend.

He was about to shout louder but then he stopped, and just looked at the dark haired boy, he had pulled out the gag after he came because he was choking on it, his face, had smoothed into bliss. He looked really happy and relaxed. None of the dark need for revenge, nor the unrelenting drive for excellence. Just a kid who enjoyed himself and now needed to rest.

"Ooops spilled my breakfast heh. Glad you made me some ramen." He bent to kiss his bruised lips and started cleaning his friend up. "First thing we're going to do is work on your stamina. Coz Sasuke your stamina sucks. I'm just starting and your out already. There's a couple of jutsus I wanna try and if your going to faint on me when there's just one of me, dammit what if there's 20 of me?" he tsked and shook his head.

Naruto brought the blanket up to Sasuke's chin when he was done and knelt on the side of the bed "Hey, thank you for being my friend, and for treating me nice. I really like playing with you, your a lot of fun, and I guess I like you too, even if your always calling me stupid and being better than me at almost everything. But now I know where I'm better than you." He kissed the sleeping boy's cheek and an evil grin spread on his lips "Sleep well my friend, coz now I know your kink, hee hee, your ass is mine."