Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Random ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By: BlackWolf220
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.
Black Wolf: This is just some random fic that just popped up in my mind and I thought I should share it with you. The pairings are Zabuza & Kakashi; Gaara & Haku; Naruto & Sasuke. This is going to be a very descriptive fanfic so if your yaoi sensitive (in other words you don't like it) please do not read because I really do mot want to hear your incessant jabber about how offensive it is. Trust me I get emails like that all the time.
(ME!!!) Author's note
~~~~~~ scene change (There's a lot of those)
Zabuza was lost in his thoughts. In which seemed to happen more frequently than usual. He never got lost in his thoughts. He usually solved things in an instant but never pondered upon them too long. What puzzled him now was the fact that his long time boyfriend of thirteen years was upset at him. Zabuza tried everything but his lover was more stubborn than his will would allow him. `I must have done something that must have really pissed him off this time. He hasn't even looked at me the past few days' Zabuza thought as he wondered the woods to the bridge builders' home. He had been staying there until they could figure a way to trick Gato into thinking the bridge builder was dead. So far no ideas surfaced as to how. Zabuza was only trying to help Kakashi motivate his students into trying harder only to end up confusing things even more. Zabuza sighed and shook his head “What the hell did I do to piss him off so bad?”
“You insulted him you moron.” Zabuza jumped at the voice and turned to see the bridge builder glaring at him.
“Can you run that by me again?” Zabuza was puzzled. He had never insulted Kakashi before and if this was the first time, it was going to be hell.
“You insulted him. The argument you two had last night was a bit unnerving. I had never heard people yell at each with such anger. At least from you.”
“You heard? What exactly did I say?” Zabuza was beginning to get that sick feeling in the pit of his stomach again and it only happened when he was in some serious shit.
“It was heard not to. We really didn't hear much but the last thing you said made our hearts drop.”
“Can you tell me already.” Zabuza was beginning to shake. The argument was coming back to him and little by little and what he actually said hurt him as well.
“Well if I recall correctly you said something along the lines of `I don't know why I am still in love with you. Your nothing to me than a worth soft hearted fool' I think that was it. Then Kakashi…”
“…ran off crying. I remember now. I still can't find him.” By now Zabuza was slumped against a tree, tears falling freely from his eyes. `How could I have said such a thing to him. I can't believe I said that. I love him too much to lose him. Damn it Zabuza, sometimes you just get too hot headed sometimes. Huh…Kakashi used to say that a lot. Kakashi…' Zabuza was at loss for words. He had said he had hated Kakashi, maybe not like that, but still it sounded like it. Now Kakashi was somewhere heart broken and angry. `Now I know why he hasn't talked to me. I'm such an idiot.'
The bridge builder stood there just staring at the limp form of Zabuza `Or at least I think it's him. It's hard to tell when you see a strong ninja break down' He just sighed and patted Zabuza's back as Zabuza continued to cry. “I'm such a dumbass” Zabuza whispered. The bridge builder's head jerked quickly enough for a glare and a hard smack in the face. “Keep calling yourself that and I'll hit ya again. Don't think of yourself like that. You just got hot headed and wasn't thinking but Kakashi doesn't know that I think. I'm guessing it's the first time in thirteen years that you two fought like that. Am I right?” Zabuza just looked at him then bowed his head again and adverting his eyes to the left. “Zabuza…well…to tell you the truth…I really don't know what to say about his. If this wasn't the first fight maybe I will be of help, but I restrain from helping on first fights. It always teaches the lovers something and I want you and Kakashi to learn from this.” With that said the bridge builder got up and walked towards the house. He looked back then returned to walking home.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kakashi was sitting in an old oak tree curled up and looking at the sunset. He was thanking the tree for its heavy foliage because was nearly impossible to see him from the ground unless you had a well trained eye. In which, his students may not be at that level yet, his student sensed his anguish from a far and found him. He was not in the mood to train them and gave them the week off. Sakura left with a worried expression on her face but Naruto and Sasuke remained sitting next to him on neighboring branches. They remained silent and gave their sensei the peace he needed to gather his shattered mind again. Over the years that Naruto and Sasuke had known each other they had some how learned to communicate through each other's thoughts and dreams. This situation was no different from the any other. The only thing was that their sensei's heart had been broken and they had to find some way to fix it or fix the already breaking relationship between their sensei and Haku's.
`Sasuke, what are we going to do? We can't leave sensei like this.'
`I know Naruto but I can't seem to find a solution to this. I don't think apologizing will help anything.'
`Sasuke you are a genius.'
`I am?'
`Yes let me explain'
`Please do.'
`Zabuza probably remembers the fight by now. So what better way to get them back together and save their relationship is to have Zabuza apologize?'
`Naruto, I don't think that's going to work.'
`Not if Zabuza isn't feeling guilty.' Naruto mentally smiled
`Oh! I get it. Naruto you are the genius.'
`No I'm not. You are. I just agree with you love.'
`You are truly innocent.'
`Not as innocent as you Sasuke' Sasuke blushed inwardly and outwardly by this and glance at Naruto, who was of course sitting there smiling.
“Sensei, it's getting dark. Do you want to come back?” Naruto looked at Kakashi for a second before seeing him glance up. “Sure. Let's go.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
By now Haku had sat down in the porch drinking tea. He had gotten quit a scare when he started to here Sasuke's voice in his head which scared him into spilling hot water all over the bridge builder. It was strange at first but it was a fleeting second but he got the message clearly. He was to wait for Zabuza to come back and tell him what he should do. Haku just smiled as he thought the plan over. `It sounds full proof enough.' Haku just closed his eyes smiling. He did not realize that he had red haired stalker watching him. Gaara stood there watching Haku sit there drinking tea. `He looks so peaceful. Maybe I shouldn't disturb him.' Just as he was about to turn around he heard Haku's voice from the porch.
“Gaara is that you? Where are you?” Gaara smiled and shook his head `It ceases to amaze me how he knows who's stalking around.' Gaara emerged from the forest smiling. “Hey love.” Haku smiled and continued to stare into the forest. “Love, have you seen Zabuza on the way here?” Haku turned his gaze from the forest to Gaara. “Yes I have actually. He looked kind of…well…”
“Yes. Do you know why Haku?”
“Sit down and I'll tell you”
Zabuza had wondered the forest for hours. He felt the pain that stabbed at him constantly as he kept playing the previous night's events through his head. There was no excuse for the way he acted towards his love and last night was no exception. Zabuza couldn't believe that his anger got off hand this time. It totally caught him off guard and he was and never will be ready for the next time it got out of hand. The home to where Tazuna lived came into view. Zabuza just stared at it and didn't even realize that Haku and Gaara were sitting on the porch waiting for him. He was so out of it that when Haku went to grab his arm he jumped and acted out of instinct by tossing Haku off the porch and half way to the edge of the forest. Gaara jumped up but Haku was there in the matter of seconds to calm both of them down. “Zabuza, we may have a solution to how to get Kakashi to forgive you.” Zabuza just stared at Haku then nodded his head for Haku to continue. “I need you to sit because you just sprained my ankle from tossing me” Zabuza chuckled then sat down while Gaara helped Haku to do the same. “Now listen carefully…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kakashi was sitting in the room that he shared with Zabuza. He was looking at old pictures of when Zabuza and him were little and when they started dating. `We have been dating for thirteen years but known each other for twenty-six.' Kakashi smiled as he looked at a picture of when it was the third year they were going out and Kakashi had fallen asleep in Zabuza's arms in a tree. Kakashi chuckled silently as he kept looking through the pictures `I can't believe he kept these for so long.' Zabuza had slipped quietly into the room and was watching Kakashi sort through the pictures. He smiled as Kakashi stopped at a picture that was more than a memorable moment. `Those were moments that I never took for granted but cherished them greatly.' (A/N: I know that was corny especially coming out of Zabuza)
Zabuza sat next to Kakashi and wrapped an arm around his waist. Kakashi didn't look up from the pictures but he simply smiled and sighed with content. He loved Zabuza greatly and knew that the other man's temper would sooner or later get out of hand. It was easier for Kakashi to forgive Zabuza for his little anger explosions and since Kakashi was the one of the very few people that understood he really didn't mind. “Remember when I snuck into the village to see you and nearly got caught.” Kakashi smiled as he relived that moment. He remembered the Jounin's going after Zabuza and how upset they were when they didn't catch them. “Yeah I remember. I also remember when they tried to force me to tell them why you were there.” Kakashi and Zabuza laughed as they remembered the times they got themselves into serious trouble and times when they were alone and were able to cherish the time together.
Zabuza watched Kakashi as he sifted through the rest of the pictures before turning Kakashi's head towards his and kissing Kakashi's lips. Kakashi couldn't resist so he relaxed into the kiss as Zabuza disposed of his clothing. He really enjoyed it when Zabuza tied him down but that probably wouldn't happen tonight because…well there was nothing to tie Kakashi down to. “If you think your getting out of being tied up think again.” Kakashi stared at Zabuza's back as he dug through his pack. Zabuza finally emerged from the pack with the very familiar rope. Kakashi's breathing became a bit labored as he stared at the rope. Zabuza had used that rope many a time to tie Kakashi up. Zabuza smiled and approached the now naked Kakashi and tied his hands and arms together. Kakashi knew what was going to happen next and his heart raced at the thought of it.
“You know what happens next Kakashi” Zabuza's voice was a bit more deeper.
“Hm. Interesting.” Zabuza then proceeded to remove his pants and boxers.
“Zabuza please…don't do this not now…”
“I seem to have found a way for you to forgive me.”
“I have already forgiven you. Now please…”
“Really? Well then I guess I can just fuck you for no reason” Kakashi was now shaking with anticipation. He really couldn't take it but he couldn't really move that well.
“Let me show you what I do for an apology for you.” Zabuza whispered before kissing down Kakashi's neck and down his chest to his waist before licking the throbbing flesh before him.
“Haha…you really are easy to tease.”
“Please…just…AH!” Zabuza had finally put Kakashi's dick into his mouth and was sucking on it teasingly slow. Kakashi just sat there unable to do anything but fall to the floor screaming in pleasure. Zabuza soon got tired of sucking Kakashi and was now ready to take the silver haired Jounin rough and hard. There was no stopping Zabuza from getting what he wanted and he wanted Kakashi whether Kakashi was going to actually forgive him or not.
“Are you ready yet my love?” Kakashi was getting tired of Zabuza's teasing so he tried to take matters into his own hands but with no success. As soon as Kakashi was about to try to turn the tables on Zabuza, Zabuza pushed Kakashi to his hands and knees and started to prepare him. Kakashi didn't know whether to moan or shout in pain as Zabuza pushed three fingers inside. The pain receded quickly and Kakashi was able to feel complete pleasure as Zabuza moved the fingers in and out at a steady rhythm. After what seemed like hours Kakashi got tired of being fingered and practically begged Zabuza to fuck him. That seemed to get Zabuza going. As soon as Kakashi was begging for his dick, Zabuza had positioned himself behind Kakashi and was about ready to shove his throbbing cock hard into Kakashi.
“Zabuza….” Kakashi couldn't really say much because he was panting in anticipation. Zabuza couldn't wait anymore and gave up his teasing and started to ram Kakashi hard.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Haku was laying on the floor in the room that he had to himself. It seems that Zabuza wasn't the only one in the mood to be rough that night. Gaara had almost literally torn off Haku's clothes as they entered the room. Gaara was now looming over Haku thrusting madly into him without any sign of slowing. Haku never remembered Gaara being this rough with him before but soon concluded that since both boys had been away from each other for such a long period of time, sexual tension was bound to get overloaded. The again with Gaara's wild thrusting and constantly hitting that sweet spot in Haku, Haku really didn't have much thinking done.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Naruto wasn't any better. He had been screwing Sasuke for three hours and hadn't really orgasmed yet. To Sasuke the heavy thrust was driving him crazy. Naruto constantly thrusted in harder and faster everytime Sasuke was getting close.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Zabuza continued to thrust into Kakashi but now he was getting faster and harder. Kakashi couldn't speak a coherent word as Zabuza held on to his hips and thrusted in hard. Zabuza was neglecting the painfully throbbing flesh that was dripping with precum in between Kakahsi's legs. The slapping of skin became a rhythm as Zabuza thrusted harder and faster into Kakashi. Zabuza had not hit that sweet spot that was buried deep somewhere in Kakashi and Zabuza was beginning to get a bit impatient. Zabuza spread Kakashi's legs farther apart before quickening his pace again and finally hitting Kakashi's sweet spot.
“DAMN IT!!! SHIT!!!!” Kakashi was contracting violently around Zabuza'a penis as Zabuza continually thrusted into Kakashi's spot. It was only a matter of time before Kakashi reached the edge so Zabuza grabbed Kakashis throbbing cock and stroked it in time with his thrustes. At that point it seemed that everyone who was getting frisky that night orgasmed at the same time. Screams were muffled by hands or mouth's but none the less everyone was pretty much spent. Hey I said prettey much. Zabuza had collapsed next to Kakashi and after he recovered unbound Kakashi's hands and arms.
“You haven't fucked me like that since we were first going out.”
“Yeah but things change, but the old tricks are still there.” Zabuza smiled at Kakahsi then remembered “You forgive me?” Kakashi grinned before giggling like a school girl who had found out that the boy they had a crush on liked them too. “You may have to try a little bit more harder.” Zabuza chuckled before thrusting his fully hard cock back inside of Kakashi. “You'll regret saying that.”
BlackWolf220: I hope you liked it. Please Review.