Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Little Things In Life ❯ Sand In Your Shoes ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi all. I hope you all enjoy chapter seven. Oh and a quick thanks to those who reviewed and gave me pairing ideas. A quick list: a BIG thank you to my “regulars” (Kane the Warrior, King of the abyss, Mid/temp and Animaman) for sending me good pairing ideas, and thank you's to everyone else that reviewed. You guys make this worth while!
“I am NEVER going to the beach again.” Naruto muttered as his stopped yet again to clear the sand out of his shoes. Ever since that morning, the once dense wood that had surrounded him had grown more and more sparse, the ground becoming more and more dry, until the blonde haired ninja found himself walking in a dessert. The sun was beating its hot rays onto the world, bringing beads of sweat to the teen's brow. As he rose from the rock he had used as a chair, Naruto took off his orange jacket and tied it around his waist. A little toasty, are we? Chuckled the Kyuubi. Perhaps it is time to return to Kohona, brat. Naruto wiped some of the sweat off his forehead as he trudged through the barren landscape. “Not on your life, fuzz ball.” Fine, but you know you're being a coward. The demon retorted. Naruto didn't respond to his tenant's insult, knowing that and argument with him would only make him frustrated. He scanned the area, hoping to find some kind of refuge, but was disappointed to find none. Though Naruto really didn't care where he was going, he wished that he'd hurry up and get there, the sand was starting to get on his nerves. Suddenly, the Kyuubi's charka surged through him, brining him out of the haze of his own thoughts. Brat, I sense the presence of another demon near by…and judging by our surroundings I think I know which one. With a dawning realization, Naruto realized exactly where he had ended up. “We must be close to the Village Hidden in the Sand!” he exclaimed. “Kyuubi, which way is the demon?” about three miles to the west, boy. Do we reallyhave to go see Shukaku? I owe him money… Naruto ignored the fox's complaints as he ran off towards the nearby village. All he wanted now was a bed and a nice bowl of ramen.
After a sprint through the dessert, a very tired Naruto Uzumaki finally came to a stop outside the gargantuan, dark red doors that led to the sand village. Before the leaf ninja could catch his breath, two rather intimidating looking sand ninja appeared in front of him. One of the two guards drew two kunai from his pouch and pointed them menacingly towards Naruto's neck.
“State your name and business here, child.” The guard's eyes narrowed. “Or I'll kill you where you stand.” Well, they're not edgy are they? Kyuubi mused sarcastically. Naruto, who was still catching his breath, attempted to give the men an answer.
“I…friend (huff) of…Gaara. Come (cough) to see…him.” The guard staggered backwards, amazed and terrified at the same time.
“Y-you're the Kazekage's friend?! By choice?!” Naruto flashed back to his own childhood, where the people in his own village would to have thought it absurd if someone willing chose to be his friend. Growing slightly annoyed at the guards' ignorance, Naruto began to walk by them a sneer on his face.
“Yeah, I am. Maybe you should try getting to know him before you go around badmouthing him.” The blond haired ninja spat as he strode past the two guards and towards the gate. The second guard, who had been silent throughout the entire transaction, gave Naruto a warm smile.
“Such loyalty to a friend is admirable, young one. Please forgive my friend, he hasn't seen the new Kazekage quite yet.” The man bowed, his inviting smile never leaving his face. “You may call me Higiru.” Naruto eyed the man's features, looking for any trace of insincerity. When he found none, he quickly returned the smile.
“My name's Naruto Uzumaki, the next Hokage!” Higiru eyebrows arched in surprise.
“Naruto? My, Lord Gaara has talked quite a bit about you.” Higiru looked over to his companion who stood a few feet behind him. “Rakichi, I'm going to escort Naruto here to Lord Kazekage. Can you keep watch without me?” Rakichi nodded slowly, still recovering from Naruto's verbal assault. The sand ninja gave him a swift nod, then turned his attention back to Naruto, still smiling warmly. “Well, come with me Mr. Uzumaki. I'm sure that Lord Kazekage will be happy to see you.” Naruto nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, lets go!” Damn, Shukaku's gonna be on me like white on rice about that money… Naruto ignored Kyuubi's protests and followed his newfound friend into the Village Hidden in the Sand. As Naruto walked with Higiru towards the Kazekage's tower, he couldn't help but marvel at the village. Everything the eye could see was made of sand. Even the stands on the street were made of sand. What Naruto found the most pleasing about the new village, however, were its people. As he passed, not one person sneered or called him names, but instead gave him light smiles and waved in his direction. Not being used to so much attention at one time, Naruto decided to keep his mind focused on something else. “So Higiru, how has Gaara been doing?” the sand ninja turned to him and smiled.
“Well, ever since he returned from Kohona, it's like he's a new person.” When all the man got was a look of confusion from Naruto, he sighed and went on. “All he talked about was how he had been wrong about life all along, and that he had made his first friend.” Higiru let out a chuckle. “I believe he was talking about you, Naruto.” The blonde ninja stared at Higiru in disbelief.
“I was his first friend?” Naruto gasped. With an urgency in his voice, he turned again to Higiru. “Hey, he isn't lonely is he?! I mean he's made more friends, right?” the sand ninja smiled again at Naruto's kindness. It was refreshing for him to see.
“Don't worry Naruto, Gaara has been able to make quite a few friends since he met you. He cares deeply for Temari and Kankuro now, and quite a few of the citizens here have seen the change and began to warm up to him as well.” Naruto sighed with relief at the good news. He knew first hand what if felt like to be lonely and disliked…disliked. Suddenly, with a jolt of pain, Naruto remembered why he was in the sand village in the first place. His glance slowly shifted to the ground as he watched his feet rise and fall. I wonder how she is…probably better without me around. Naruto remembered her words so clearly. She had said she hated him, and loved Sasuke. As much as he didn't want to admit it, that's the way it was. Higiru noticed the sudden change in his companion, but decided that it would be best to let Gaara try and change his mood. He instead settled for putting a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder, starling him out of his thoughts. Higiru motioned towards the elegant pair of ivory doors that stood in front of them.
“There you are Naruto, this is the Kazekage's tower. Though I can't accompany you inside, I hope to see you before you leave for your own village.” Naruto's classic smile quickly returned to his face as he gave his new friend a thumbs up.
“Don't worry Higiru, I'm sure I'll see you again!” the sand ninja smiled warmly as he returned the gesture, then set off back to his post. After bidding his farewells, Naruto turned to face the ivory doors once more. A smile again finding it's way onto his face, Naruto grabbed the handle and briskly opened the door, eager to see his old friend and rival.
Sakura walked down the street, looking hopelessly for something to do. She hadn't even bothered to look for Sasuke, she knew the outcome to THAT scenario, and when she had gone to get some training done with Tsunade, Shizune had stopped her at the door saying something about “Indecency”. Now, she was at a complete loss. With a sigh of exasperation, Sakura flopped herself down onto a nearby bench. I wish Naruto were here, he always has fun things to do…the pink haired Kunoichi thought. Throughout the past couple days, Sakura had found herself thinking more and more about her blonde teammate. She often found herself looking back on the times that he had tried to be kind to her, only to get denied or beaten. Now, she wished more than ever that she could just see him again…as a friend of course, and apologize. I mean, he was just her friend, right? True, he was nice, giving, trustworthy, and maybe a little cute, but she didn't like him…did she? Sakura's head started to hurt. She needed someone to talk to about this whole confusing matter. Quickly deciding the best choice for a relationship guru, Sakura made her way to the Yamanaka flower shop. When she finally made it to the decorated door of the small shop, she grasped the knob and walked inside. As she entered the shop, she noticed the absence of her blonde friend. when she was about to give up and check her house, Sakura heard a faint whimper come from behind the counter in the back of the store. Taking cautious steps closer, Sakura softly called out for her friend.
“Ino?” with a jolt, the blonde Kunoichi appeared from behind the counter, wiping her eyes.
“Oh, hey forehead, didn't hear you come in.” she greeted with a feeble attempt at a smile plastered onto her face. Sakura, noticing immediately the redness under Ino's eyes, became concerned for her friend.
“Ino, what's a matter? Have you been crying?” Ino's fake smile started to falter, until it was no more than a straight line. Her gaze fell away from Sakura and to the floor and she propped her elbows on the counter.
“Dammit Sakura, why did you have to go and make me realize that I didn't like Sasuke.” Her tears again began to fall. “Without that…I see what I've been missing all these years.” Sakura's thoughts of getting advice about Naruto were switched with ones of concern for her friend.
“What do you mean, Ino? What happened?” Ino looked sullenly up at Sakura, her tear streaks still visible on her face.
“Ever since our talk about Sasuke and Naruto yesterday, I've been thinking…and I've realized that I've overlooked someone I really care about too.” Sakura placed a hand on her shoulder, trying her best to console her friend.
“Don't worry Ino, if I can get Naruto to forgive me, you can get…who is this person anyway?” Ino sighed, looking dreamily up at the ceiling.
“Well, he's lazy, REALLY lazy. And he's kind of stubborn, but in a cute way.” Sakura could only one person who fit that description.
“So, you like Shikamaru, huh?” Ino nodded, her smile slowly melting into a frown once again.
“Even so, he probably doesn't care about me, anyway. After all, I've spent so much time chasing after Sasuke that he'd have given up a long time ago.” At this, Sakura gave her friend a stern look. Lifting Ino's face up so that her eyes met hers, Sakura scolded her friend.
“Don't you give up, Ino-pig! How will you know if you don't try?! Who knows, maybe Shikamarus been waiting for you to get over Sasuke, he is pretty patient.” Ino looked at Sakura, a tearful smile on her face.
“Do you really think he'd do that for me?” Sakura shrugged her shoulders and smiled.
“You'll never know unless you try.” Slowly, Ino's smile turned into a smirk.
“Yeah I guess you're right, Sakura. I'll give it a try. But if it works, YOU have to go on a double date with Naruto!” Sakura stepped back, a blush creeping onto her face.
“W-what? But I d-don't like…” Ino crossed her arms, smirking at her friend. seeing no way out of the bet without contradicting herself, Sakura finally sighed in defeat.
“Fine, if you tell Shikamaru how you feel and he accepts…I'll ask Naruto on a date.” Ino seemed both happy and satisfied with their talk, as she said nothing more. Sakura on the other hand, was flustered to say the least. As she exited the flower shop, she still fought to regain control of her blush. Why is this bothering me so much? She asked herself. Naruto, why are you confusing me so much?!?
Wow… Naruto breathed as he walked through the magnificent hallway leading to Gaara's office. The walls were lit by intricately sculpted torches, which in turn illuminated the five large portraits of the Kazekages the hung overhead. Naruto had almost reached the end of the cavernous hallway, when the door at the end of the hall opened, revealing a young man in a black hood and a young woman carrying a fan on her back. The blonde haired ninja recognized the two immediately as Temari and Kankuro, Gaara's siblings.
“Hey you guys, long time no see!” Naruto greeted as he ran up to them. The two siblings looked at him with surprise.
“Naruto? What in the world are you doing here?” Kankuro asked, bewildered. Naruto smiled as he scratched the back of his head.
“Well, I took a little training trip and decided that I'd drop by and see you guys.” Naruto half lied. Temari smiled, knowing that he'd come primarily to see Gaara.
“It's nice to see you again Naruto, but Kankuro and I are just about to leave on a mission. I'm sure Gaara will be happy to see you, though. He's in his office right now.” Naruto nodded, gave the two of them a quick goodbye, then slowly entered the Kazekage's office. Hoping that he wasn't interrupting at a bad time, Naruto tenderly entered the office. It was rather spacious, if not sparse of objects. In fact, all that filled the room were a few pictures and the large wooden desk at the end of the room. Naruto was startled when he heard a familiar, but kinder voice vibrate throughout the room.
“Naruto, it's nice to see you again…Shukaku tells me that you owe us some money…”
well there's another chapter for you! hope you enjoyed it and hopefully I'll be able to pound out some more chapters more quickly. Anyway, TOODLES!!!!