Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Naruto, Tsunade & Shizune Project ❯ To Share Yourself With an Angel ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The Naruto, Tsunade and Shizune Project:

Chapter 1: "To Share Yourself With an Angel"

Rating: NC-17

Warning: Contains explicit content and adult themes. Do not read if you might get offended by it. You have been warned.

Disclaimer: We don't own Naruto or any of the Female Characters (Although we imagine it would be terribly fun if we did. At least the latter. Just imagine the possibilities!). They all belong to the creator of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto. The original concept of the series belongs to him as well, if you're wondering. You probably aren't though, but quite honestly, we don't give a fuck.

Yes. We are bloody perverts. That's the whole point of this isn't it?

Note: Questions and comments you don't want to put here via a review, etcetera, can be forwarded to our email address which is located in our profile.

Author's Note: Thank you all for the reviews. However, putting replies to them here would defeat the purpose of creating a fan fiction that everyone can enjoy. So again, if you have questions or just want to share your views and ideas with us in private, you can always email us.


"Sakura-chan, no, don't go!"

"I have to, I love him!"

"But he doesn't love you!"


They always seemed so much louder and terrifying in your dreams.

"Ku-ku-ku-ku ... Fool, you think you can make me go back to that place, now rot where you lie, you useless whore."

"Sasuke! How could you! I'll kill you, you fucking bastard!"

"Come dead-last; see how you fare against my power."

His dreams were murky and brutal, reliving the painful happenings that occurred days before. Yet, this time it was different. He couldn't explain it, but throughout it all, a faint warmth remained in his saddened heart. The feeling of someone holding you and loving you, so strange it was but even though he had never experienced it before, he knew there was someone who truly wanted to comfort him. He knew someone was holding him and tried to comfort him


He felt a mass that was partly under him, cradling his head on something soft. No wait, two soft something's. Cracking one eyelid open blearily, Naruto tried to make out what it was. However, though his position was enjoyable, incredibly soft and somewhat bouncy, his head was effectively locked into place by a near vice-like grip.

Naruto tried prying his head loose, along with his left arm that seemed to have something warm lying on top of it, but he heard someone or something moan softly. All of his developed, if not indoctrinated Shinobi-instincts told him to be very careful and motionless when faced being in unknown surroundings and having an unknown element in said surroundings. Faced with no other prospect other than only being able to use eyes and nose to gather any sort of intelligence, Naruto began his inspection.

His head seemed to be placed onto a set of round pillows, covered by silk sheets that were black like a night's sky. That certainly confirmed the fact that he wasn't in his own bed. Naruto thought it was odd though that the pillows seemed to go up and down in a rhythmic pattern much like breathing. He sniffed several times, taking in a faint musky scent, possibly his own, and something else. He was sure it was a woman's perfume, if the fragrance of roses mixed by what seemed to be a fresh spring breeze was any indication.

Looking around further, as far as he could with his hampered field of vision, he noticed several windows that stretched almost from the floor to the roof and from one end of the wall to the other. The large windows themselves were covered by a semi-translucent sky-blue drapes that blocked out any blinding rays the sun might direct at the earth, yet the drapes allowed light to filter through to illuminate the room warmly.

Aside from his head being on a set of incredible pillows of which he just had to get a pair if he ever managed to get himself out of here, and his left arm being pinned down by an undetermined object, Naruto could feel that he laid upon a very thick and firm mattress. It was quite unlike his own shabby futon at home, and much more enjoyable. The bed seemed to stretch on for miles, alerting him to the fact that he was probably in the room of someone important.

Even though he was in an unknown situation with restricted movement, it came as a slight surprise to him that he didn't feel threatened at all. In fact, lying like this and being held into place felt terribly comforting and warm, more importantly ... safe ...

But when something gently rubbed the back of his head, sudden realization struck him like a lightning bolt in an open clearing.

If he wasn't at home... And he was in the bed of someone important who, judging by the feminine perfume was a woman ... And if the pillows went up and down in a pattern much like breathing ... Pillows ...?

Immediately he raised his free arm to remove the appendage holding his head and jerked his other arm back to his side, retracting it from under the weight, and sat up straight, ignoring the sleepy murmuring of the now obvious someone that lay beside him.

Stifling a scream, he clamped his hands over his nose and mouth, to stop the almost inevitable bloody nose to squirt out several gallons of the crimson liquid like a dual set of garden hoses gone berserk...

Next to him, lay none other than the female leader of the village he had sworn to protect.

The legendary Kunoichi Tsunade and now fifth Hokage of Konohagakure ...

...obviously in the nude ...

Sapphire eyes boggled nearly out of their sockets as they took in the sight of the extremely beautiful woman and the events of the evening before hit him like a sack of bricks being dropped on his head from a ten-story building.

Blood loss threatened his torso, arms and legs as all of it seemed to go directly to his private parts and head when he realized exactly where he was and what the two of them had done, well to be more precise, what Tsunade had done for him.

His breath hitched in his chest as he scanned the near-angelic vision beside him.

The infinitely-black silk sheets hardly left anything to his imagination as it hugged to Tsunade's like a second skin, accentuating her voluptuous curves. With every inhale, the silk retracted just the tiniest amount over her sumptuous mounds, exposing just the tiniest hint of the pink aureoles of her nipples to view, only to be disappointingly obscured again as she exhaled.

Downwards his eyes trailed, down her slim yet firm waist that developed into those divine hips and her perfectly developed legs. But the sight that attracted Naruto's attention the most was Tsunade's near-porcelain features.

Like a radiant halo, her silver-white tresses were spread around her head over a real pillow. Her slightly askew bangs nearly hid the diamond-shaped light-blue seal on her forehead where she continuously stored an enormous amount of chakra. Her delicate eyebrows were furrowed slightly as she missed a certain warmth that lay partly on top of her just a few moments ago ...

And her glossy pink lips parted slightly, just begging to be kissed ...

Without realizing it, Naruto had indeed begun leaning down, his eyes fixed intently on those full lips as he sought to fulfill their silent request. Slowly he went downwards, until suddenly he let out a yelp when he felt a foreign hand enwrap itself around his quivering member.

He looked down, and sure enough, someone had indeed grasped his unavoidable erection. Naruto followed the arm that was attached to the hand that currently held his private part. Up and up he went until finally he came face to face with a cocky smile and one opened honey-brown eye that stared intently into his own sky-blues.

"Like what you see?" Tsunade whispered, her voice surprisingly sultry in the early morning, as she mirrored the same words she had spoken the evening before.

Naruto couldn't help but smirk as he remembered his reaction to that supremely arousing outfit and nodded.

The smirk was returned as Tsunade felt his penis twitch in assent. 'Well, he certainly got his spunk back.'

Glancing around, Naruto was impressed with the actual size of the bed the two of them currently occupied. With room to spare, Tsunade, who was still about a head taller than him, would be able to lie down with arms and legs stretched in the normal position and sideways.

When she saw him taking in his surroundings, Tsunade gained his attention by very effectively giving his erection a slight squeeze, eliciting an excited squeak from the youth, before letting go of it.

His gaze once again fixed upon her, Tsunade took the chance to yawn and stretch languidly, arching her back impossibly high and raising her knees up into the air. "Mmmm ..." She moaned luxuriously and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands before she placed one hand beside her to help her sit up straight, and using the other to clutch the sheets to her chest. The simple action coupled with the now faint squashing of her breasts, aroused Naruto beyond belief. Tsunade was apparently unaware about this however and beamed at him.

Naruto gulped, trying desperately to regain control of his raging hormones. After a few moments of silence he finally succeeded and now having finally woken up properly, he felt himself grow increasingly uncomfortable.

Tsunade sensed this however, and placed a reassuring hand on his knee. "Naruto-kun. Listen to me." She said softly, locking her eyes with his, the confusion in them clearly apparent. "You're a grown man now, and I love you so much." She paused momentarily to give his knee a squeeze when his face went beet-red and diverted his gaze to his feet, then continued. "Please let me make you comfortable as much as I can, okay?"

His bluster definitely draining down a black hole in his stomach now, Naruto managed a nod and what seemed to be a cross between a cough and a grunt of assent.

Tsunade smiled at the youth. She honestly loved him, though not in an I-want-to-marry-you kind of way of course, since that would never be possible. If only she could have been born a few decades ago. Naruto reminded her so terribly of Dan ...

'So strong, yet a nervous wreck in front of a woman ...' She mentally chuckled to herself.

"Uhm ... I ..." Naruto mumbled, interrupting her thoughts as he stole fleeting glances at the older woman, quite surprised at himself at his inability to form coherent words.

Tsunade scooted forwards, placing her free hand on the boy's cheek, silencing him. Confused sapphire depths turned to her own, nearly pleading.

"What is it, Naruto-kun? You can tell me." She said in a gentle voice, before leaning forwards, giving him a butterfly kiss before she leaned back again. "You can tell me anything ..."

"Uhm, I ..." Naruto began in an almost inaudible whisper, the blush already visible on his face only intensifying. "Uhm, I want to make you comfortable too ..." He finished and bit his lip nervously.

Tsunade's heart swelled, honey-brown orbs beginning to sparkle as tears of joy began to form. 'Even after his loss, you still only care about others. You truly are precious my dear Naruto-kun. You'll make a certain lucky woman truly happy one day.'

Abandoning all inhibitions, she flung her free arm around his neck and crushed her lips against his in a near bruising kiss. She hadn't planned to deepen it, but quite suddenly she felt something flick across her lower lip unsurely along with trembling hands being placed on her shoulders.

Tsunade smiled and moaned, parting her lips and allowing his tongue entry. She met it with her own, not engaging in a battle for dominance, but only gently flicking her tongue around and against his as if to welcome him and urge him to continue.

Her fingers caressed his cheek, fingering the whisker marks that would surely remain with him for the rest of his life. His curse and all of Konoha's saving grace, even if the foolhardy buffoons didn't realize it.

As the seconds stretched into minutes, the kiss became more and more heated and Tsunade broke it before it went out of hand. She wanted to go slow, to be sure that they both would enjoy it to the fullest. Her eyes crinkled happily as she saw his reddened face when she leaned back slightly, his eyes still closed and his mouth still opened. A sparkle in his sky-blue eyes greeted her as his eyelids were raised ever so slowly, his mouth closing to form a faint lopsided grin that framed his face so well.

'A quick learner or an excellent beginner?' Tsunade asked herself, fingering her slightly swollen lips breathlessly.

With a content sigh, Tsunade grabbed his hand and held it against her chest gently. Naruto gasped when he felt the softness of one of her mounds; instinctively he rubbed his fingers up and down, trying to allow himself to feel it fully. Tsunade gasped in return when he did this. Unknowingly his thumb went over her nipple, puckering it, causing it to stand out clearly against the black silk that still cover her breasts.

In a bold move, she removed his hand to grasp the rim of the sheets with both hands and locked her amber eyes with his. Then with agonizingly slow movements, she dragged the silk downwards, enjoying the feel of the silk caressing and kissing her pale and supple skin as she slowly but surely exposed her well-endowed stature to the crisp morning air of the Hokage's bedchamber.

With a final tug, the silk slid and slithered into her lap and Naruto didn't know how long he stared at her magnificent breasts. The way they swayed and bounced slightly with every breath was simply captivating to the blonde youth. The perky pink nipples that were hardened almost painfully looked as invitingly as an island to save him as his eyes drowned in the crème ocean of supple pale skin.

Tsunade shivered under his intense scrutiny, feeling herself get more excited by every passing moment until she couldn't take it anymore. In a bold move, she grasped his hands and pressed them against her breasts impatiently, eliciting an excited moan from the youth and surprisingly herself as well.

Naruto was stunned; his mind seemed unable to comprehend how this could feel as soft as it did. After testing their significant weight as he balanced them on his palms, he began kneading the large globes of flesh tenderly; almost afraid they would burst if he did not handle them with care. He brushed his thumb across the pink nipples randomly and alternatively rolled them between his index finger and thumb. When he heard Tsunade moan softly and glanced at her beautiful features he saw her biting her lower lip and her eyelids alternatively fluttering between open and closed states constantly, he knew he was doing something right at any rate.

With his hands being where she currently wanted them to be, Tsunade wanted to return the favor and snaked her hands under the sheets towards his erection that tented quite clearly beneath the silk.

A shuddering moan escaped from her mouth when Naruto beat her to the punch and lowered his neck towards those inviting pink nubs and took one of them in his mouth. Flicking his tongue across it several times he finally suckled on it before applying the same treatment on its twin.

Even though she enjoyed his ministrations greatly, Tsunade wanted him to feel good as well. Naruto gurgled in surprise as Tsunade put her thoughts into action. She cupped his balls with one hand tenderly and trailed her long and nimble fingers along his length slowly.

Blood pumped rapidly through Naruto's veins, creating a dull throbbing sound in his ears. He enjoyed her touch immensely, and being allowed to reciprocate some of those incredible feelings was certainly worthwhile. Never had he thought that he would enjoy touching a woman's breasts like he did now, or kissing the stiffened pink raspberries on them so teasingly.

Tsunade gasped and paused her caressing of his member momentarily to throw her head back to enjoy the pleasure of him scraping his teeth along her nipples slightly, only to be replaced by gentle flicks of his tongue as if he wanted to make up for them.

'How can anyone be so loving and so gentle?' Tsunade screamed in her mind as she let out a stretched moan that seemed to continue forever when Naruto replaced the tongue with his lips and suckled so tenderly on her pink nubs.

Her hands let go of his erection and wound themselves in his spiky golden hair, holding him fast. But the youth was so focused on her breasts that he scarcely noticed it and continued on, lavishing his attention on those beautiful mounds, and started massaging them softly.

With another moan, Tsunade finally was able to remove his mouth from her breasts. And after staring into his sapphire depths for a mere moment, she descended on him, capturing his lips in another passionate kiss.

When they broke free, the two of them were panting for breath and Tsunade quickly leaned forwards again, bending her head sideways slightly, aiming for his ear. She nibbled his earlobe tenderly, and enjoying the pleasured groan coming out of his mouth for a few seconds until she whispered something softly into his ear. "Lean back for me ..."

He nodded in understanding, and leaned back against the soft pillows, emitting a sigh of contentment as he enjoyed the soft pressure into his back.

When he was settled, Tsunade stole another kiss and placed her hands on his chest, trailing her fingers across it slowly. She raised her left leg and swung it across his upper-legs, situating herself just before his penis as it began to throb excitedly in anticipation.

Downwards the delicate fingers went, gliding across his stomach and pausing just above the waist and soft golden curls that signaled the area of his private parts before her hands separated and rested on his thighs. She leaned forwards, and placed her lips on one if his nipples, sucking on it before turning to the other and squeezed his thighs for good measure.

"Please ..." Naruto moaned in protest, wanting release.

Tsunade enjoyed her situation of power, but wanted to repay the boy for his kindness he had shown her earlier. She raked her nails across the sensitive skin of his shaft for a few moments, sending shivers of delight up Naruto's spine, before enwrapping her hands around his member.

Naruto's mind went numb, all nerves busy processing the pleasure as she licked and kissed his chest and neck, pumping his erection slowly with both hands. He bucked his hips unconsciously but the actions were rebuked by the weight of the magnificent woman who hovered over him.

Giving him a tender squeeze, Tsunade decided he was ready and trailed herself down his body, her stiff nipples and soft breasts gliding pleasantly across his skin, and placed butterfly kisses all over his body, pausing only momentarily to dip her tongue down his navel.

Naruto forced his eyes to remain open, his eyelids wanting to close as he experienced her touch. He wanted to behold the beautiful vision that had now placed herself between his legs and returned to stroking his shaft from base to tip slowly, teasingly ...

With a delicate smile, she kissed the head of his member, producing several groans and shivers of delight from Naruto. Her velvety tongue darted out, flicking across the sensitive tip at an amazingly rapid base before she engulfed it with her warm lips and sucked on it strongly.

Not granting him a moments reprieve, Tsunade immediately repeated her action of the day before, gliding her soft lips up and down his erection, her head bobbing with an increasingly rapid pace.

"Ahhh!" Naruto groaned, wrapping her platinum tresses around his fingers, guiding her as she went up and down faster and faster. With continuing intensity, the familiar cold fire streaked downwards, gathering in his loins until it would explode in a blinding flash.

But just before it would come to pass, Tsunade clenched his base firmly between her index finger and thumb and with a final flick of her tongue; she let his penis out of her mouth, shimmering with the wetness of her saliva-glands. Naruto bucked and moaned pitifully, as if he was denied a great treasure, but Tsunade held on to his gender firmly, not allowing him release.

"Why?" Naruto sobbed softly.

Kissing the tip tenderly, she locked her golden-brown orbs with his and gave him a gentle smile. "I don't want you to be spent to quickly." She purred.

Before Naruto could form a retort however, the female Hokage did the most amazing thing. Letting go of his erection, she moved upwards slightly and placed it between her large breasts.

Tsunade savored the heat that was being emitted from the erection and craned her neck, treating the purple tip to a long swath of her tongue before she placed her hands on the outer sides of her mounds ... and pressed them together, engulfing it nearly completely from view.

Naruto went speechless as he experienced the softness of her large pale globes on the most sensitive spot of his body. Yet when she began rubbing her breasts up and down, he let out a loud and guttural groan to let the pleasure he felt be known.

The slickness of her saliva mixed with the pre-come that dribbled down his sex at random intervals provided excellent lubricant for the older woman as she began her most tender ministrations. His erection quivered as the fleshy prison slid up and down all around it, stimulating his nerves beyond belief.

Moaning nearly constantly as the incredible softness pressed all around him, Naruto was slowly but surely being brought back to the edge. It took only a few more moments of the rubbing of her supple skin against his as she slowly built up a steady rhythm.

His hands clenched and unclenched rapidly, Naruto trying to keep himself sane as he struggled to remain lying down.

Tsunade smiled when she saw this and increased her efforts, producing more groans from the boy as a thin layer of sweet made his forehead and chest reflect the light of the morning sun slightly.

Naruto managed to utter a warning before the waves of pleasure rendered him unable to do anything than enjoy it fully. "I'm ... Ah!"

Having already noticed the increasing tension of his gender, Tsunade wrapped one arm around her breasts, locking them into place and use her free hand to knead his testicles gently as they contracted. Craning her neck yet again, she locked her glossy pink lips around the tip of his member and sucked harshly on it.

Moaning and aiding his orgasm as he came with her tongue, she swirled it around the head of penis as it ejected stream after stream of semen into her mouth. Groaning continuously, Naruto's own raging heartbeat blocked out any other sound and his vision blurred as he rode the waves of pleasure with the aid of the older woman.

When the rush finally died down, Naruto was left gasping for breath, unable to comprehend that someone could make him feel this good. Spasms ravaged his stomach and legs as Tsunade extracted his member from her cleavage and still held the tip in her mouth, to prevent his erection from deflating.

She needn't have bothered though, because when Naruto looked at her with disbelief clearly plastered on his face, and saw her gulp down the creamy liquid, his penis began to twitch in excitement again.

Tsunade crawled back up on all fours and lay next to him, embracing him tightly and placing her lips on his own. Naruto produced another groan, and for some strange reason, the slightly tangy taste of himself that was left in Tsunade's mouth excited him and made him eager for more.

"Let me make you feel good too, Tsunade-chan." Naruto whispered when he broke the kiss and stared at her lovingly with an uncertain smile framing his face.

Tsunade smiled in return and kissed him once more before she lay on her back. Much like she had done to him, Naruto placed his hands on her chest and massaged her chest, treating her stiffened nipples to gentle flicks of his tongue before he went down across her body, kissing her skin randomly that increased Tsunade's passion exponentially.

Though when he arrived where he thought he should be, he was at a loss for what to do. The small triangular patch of silver-white hair that led the way to her sex was captivating, and the heavy smell that greeted him intoxicated Naruto greatly, but he had never seen a woman's gender before.

He wanted to make her feel as good as she had made him feel, but how on earth was he going to do that? With no other option than to just try, Naruto reached towards her sex with quivering hands.

Naruto placed a kiss just below her pubic-hair, testing for any reaction. He received a soft moan and decided that just wouldn't do. What Tsunade had done to him made him howl, groan wildly and nearly cry in joy. He wouldn't stop until he had produced the same result from her.

His eyes scanned her private area for clues, anything that might aid him in his 'mission'. Below the soft path of pale-blonde hair, a tiny rosy nub stuck out, cradled within a slight bit of pink flesh that trailed down until it opened slightly in a foreign slit. A thin sheen seemed to be coming out of her sheath Unbeknownst to Naruto; Tsunade's glands had already started producing their fluids in anticipation to his touch. The slit itself was framed by something he couldn't describe other than another set of lips.

'Well ...' Naruto figured logically. 'Tsunade-chan liked it when I kissed her, maybe she'd like it here too.'

Tsunade moaned more loudly this time as his hot breath caressed the outer lips of her vagina. Yet she barely stifled a gasp when Naruto placed his lips on her lower ones.

Hearing her gasp, Naruto thought he wasn't doing to bad and decided to take it one step further. Carefully, his tongue darted forwards, probing the lips with gentle flicks before he pressed his tongue in between. The taste was incredible to Naruto's taste buds, an odd mixture of sweetness and saltiness.

The reaction was immediate. Tsunade moaned louder now, and arched her back, unknowingly pressing her sex harder against his face, making his nose burrow unintentionally in between as well as she did so. But Naruto took it in stride, if this made her feel good than he would gladly continue.

With eager swaths, he burrowed deeper with his tongue. He went on and on for what seemed an eternity, but despite his best efforts, he couldn't seem to make her climax.

Embarrassed and with his cheeks aflame, he raised his head, eliciting a disappointed mewl from the woman as she missed his tongue from the spot where she thought it presently belonged. "Uhm, Tsunade-chan ..." He stuttered. "W-what do I do now?"

Her disappointment fading as she understood his apparent dilemma, Tsunade laughed softly before she sat up and kissed him on the cheek. Of course she should have anticipated his lack of knowledge, because even though she had pleased him with her breasts and a simple act of fellatio, he was bound to be clueless at how to truly please a woman. 'Well maybe it wasn't such a simple act ...' She said mischievously to herself.

She directed his fingers with her hands, moving to her most secret spot. Biting her lip, she pointed towards the small rosy nub that Naruto had completely ignored in his quest to taste as much as he could of her. "You see that, Naruto-kun?" She asked, and when Naruto nodded, she continued. "That is my most sensitive spot; it will feel really good when you touch me there."

Testing her words, Naruto placed his thumb on the bundle of nerves and rotated it, massaging the nub with slow circling motions.

Tsunade gasped and removed his digit lest she lose herself completely. "Yes, that's right."

Her hands guided him lower until finally, they arrived at the point where Naruto had buried his tongue so energetically. She spread her legs even farther and placed her hands on either side of the lips, before she pushed them apart.

Now it was Naruto's turn to gasp as his eyes grew round like coins. A myriad of pinkish tinges revealed themselves to him as he leaned down to take a closer look. Within the apparently outer lips, lay another set in wait, these much smaller and frail looking.

Tsunade had a very hard time controlling herself now as the youth's mere breath teased her beyond comprehension. "T-that's also a very sensitive spot, it will feel really good if you touch me there as well."

Her control now slipping as Naruto touched it so tenderly, she grasped one of his fingers and inserted it in her mouth. He looked surprised when she suckled on it for a few moments but groaned when she almost impatiently jerked it back downwards. A second passed as their eyes met before she plunged it within her depth.

Naruto let out a startled grunt as his finger was engulfed in her wetness. But when he heard her moan in pleasure, he finally understood what to do. Granting her breasts yet another barrage of lustful kisses, he gently pushed her backwards again, silently telling her that she should just lean back and enjoy it.

It was like finding the Holy Grail and a new world opening to Naruto. Carefully he wiggled his finger inside of her sex, and was surprised when her inner muscles began contracting around it. Then, with slow motions, he began retracting his finger, only to push it back in again moments later.

Tsunade's pleasured moans and soft cooing filled his reddening ears. "Please, more, faster ..." She urged him on.

Descending his lips on the sensitive bud that stuck fiercely into the air, he locked them around it and swirled his tongue around it, sending waves of pleasure to wash over the older woman.

The slickness of her sex grew as her passion mounted. And carefully he tested what would happen if he inserted another finger. The result of his index finger and middle finger now pumping in and out of her slit constantly was Tsunade's moans growing to a feverish pitch.

Tsunade grasped his golden locks with one and used the other to roll a nipple between her slender digits as she bit her lower-lip to stop from crying out. It wouldn't take long for her, she knew that. Her arousal was like a fire being stoked by several gallons of gasoline, higher and higher flames grew until it threatened to consume her and any rational thought she might have entertained before this feeling washed over her.

Naruto was quite ignorant of all this, until quite suddenly, he felt the muscles around his fingers tightening and saw Tsunade arching her back high into the air and felt her hands on top of his head, pushing him further into her sex. Her following near-scream and slight ejaculation of fluids startled him, but when she collapsed back onto the bed, her hands dropping from his mass of hair to her side, he was trying very hard to stop his lips from curving upwards in a smug smile.

Slowly he retracted his fingers, stained by her juices and gave the small rosy bundle of nerves a final swirl of his tongue before he moved upwards, seating himself next to the older woman.

Naruto remained silent for a while, puzzled that he had produced such a heavy response. 'Did it feel even better for her?' He questioned himself.

When Tsunade remained silent however, he grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. "Tsunade-chan, are you alright?" He asked and was about to ask her again, until he felt her hands being placed on his reassuringly.

"Yes, I'm alright." She said softly, her voice slightly husky from her near-scream. She reached upwards, her hands lagging slightly before she brought his face down so she could place her lips on his tenderly. "That was great." She said, earning herself a half-smile from the young man.

She kissed him again, this time deepening it until her passion returned with a vengeance. Dropping her hands to his shoulders, she directed him to kneel between her legs. After he had positioned himself to where Tsunade wanted him to go, she trailed one hand down his body to grasp his erection that had returned after having deflated somewhat when he focused solely on pleasing her.

He moaned into her mouth as she began stroking it slowly again. Breaking the kiss, she placed her lips on his neck, nipping and biting the sensitive skin slightly before she dragged her tongue over his Adams apple. Backing off slightly to look Naruto in the eyes, Tsunade placed her free hand on his cheek.

"We're going to do something different now, Naruto-kun." She explained, but seeing his confusion clearly written on his face, she grabbed his still stained hand and cleaned his fingers with several swipes of her tongue. Sudden realization dawned on him and he nodded in understanding.

Naruto shivered, and Tsunade could sense he was slightly scared. Who wouldn't be? What they were about to do, Naruto had never done before. Not even with his newly attained experience would he be able to prepare himself. What they were about to do, he had never done before. And to take that step, to stand on that precipice and plunge yourself into the unknown ...

She remembered her own first time. Dan had been so scared, just as she was. But Tsunade vowed to herself that she would make it as enjoyable as she could for the blonde boy that currently found himself before that step as well.

Still holding onto his erection, Tsunade shifted her position slightly and spread her legs in front of him even further, to allow him easier access to her sex. She steadied him slightly by placing a hand on his waist and gently pulled on his member with the other.

"Let go ..." Tsunade whispered, her honey-brown depths brimming with the love and care she wanted to share with him.

Naruto gave in, trusting the older woman like no other. And if there was anyone to give his virginity too, could he really think of anyone better suited?

Silence reigned for several seconds as their genders inched closer and closer together, until with a final jerk, he was engulfed between her folds.

Naruto closed his eyes.

The feeling was so intense that Naruto wanted to cry ... He wanted to laugh ... He wanted to shout his emotions to the world ...

The boy's body shook as it experienced the strange sensations. It felt nothing like the things he had experienced before. This was so much more ...

Loving arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders, pressing him against those comforting breasts. They stayed silent, both of them trying to adjust to the feel of each other.

Allowing him a few more moments, Tsunade finally spoke up gently. "Naruto-kun?" No response. "Naruto-kun, look at me."

"It's so ... wonderful ..." He whispered, amazed, turning his head to look at her directly. "I've never felt like this before."

Tsunade's lips curved upwards to form an understanding smile. Her pink lips sought his to engage in another deep kiss that made her skin tingle all over.

With a surprised, but pleased moan into his mouth however, she felt him slowly beginning to move. Still not having his full length in her completely, he began sliding forwards until, with a content sigh, his thighs rested against her buttocks.

Tsunade gasped at the sensation. She hadn't felt so indescribably filled for a long, long time ...

Their lips still locked together, only parting for seconds to inhale precious air. Tsunade interlaced her feet behind his backside and slid her hands up and down his back as he began to move again.

The passage of time began to fade away; nothing existed to them except their joining. With slow, steady and sometimes clumsy thrusts, he moved backwards and then forwards again. Their moans intermingled as the kiss still continued.

To Naruto it was as if she was all around his very essence at once, never ceasing to caress him ever so gently. The pleasure he received from her wetness simply outclassed anything he had felt before.

Steadily he picked up the pace and Tsunade's nails began raking across his skin as she moaned louder and louder. Naruto propped himself on his elbows, and clumsily held on to her shoulders as he continued to thrust into her.

They both disengaged from the kiss, the need for oxygen too great as they both began to breathe heavily. Tsunade's raised her knees, wanting more and more of him inside of her.

"Oh Kami-sama, please, harder!" Tsunade groaned and dug her nails into his back as the passion blazed in her nether region.

Naruto grunted, ignoring the pain as he complied with her wish. His mind still boggled. He was inside of her. Nothing compared to this!

After several moments his thrusts became more desperate as they both raced to the peak the two of them worked so desperately for to attain. Naruto cried out her name as his control slipped, Tsunade cried in unison, grinding her pelvis against his erection as her unavoidable orgasm took hold of her. She held him tightly against her chest, her teeth sinking painfully into his shoulder as her whole body shuddered.

Before the pain could be processed though, Naruto bucked his hips twice more before he felt her velvety walls flutter and constrict violently around him. The sensation was too much and he was sent flying.

Tsunade aided them both as his thrusts slowed down to a halt as he spilled his seed inside of her. Rocking her hips against him, her lower muscles wrapped around his erection tightly for several more times after the jets of creamy liquid stopped flowing.

She managed to look him in the eye and was surprised to find his eyes slightly out of focus.

The older woman became slightly worried until he finally spoke up "Wow ... Just ... Wow ..."

Tsunade chuckled sleepily, their joining having taken more out of her than she thought. "Yes ..."

"I want to do that again later ..." Naruto muttered just as sleepily before he slipped himself out of her.

"Mhmm" Tsunade muttered in return, pressing her lips to his for a moment, before rubbing the back of his head gently as she laid his head on top of her breast when he moved sluggishly to lie beside her. "We'll have plenty of time ..."

"I want to sleep now ..." Naruto murmured almost childishly.

Tsunade only nodded, not feeling up to the task of talking as she basked in the afterglow that still remained ...


Nearly twenty minutes later, with Naruto and Tsunade fast asleep from their efforts in bed, Shizune made her way up to the Hokage's chambers. She did this every day, without her, she was afraid Tsunade would never get out of bed.

Careful not to spill anything that stood on a giant silver tray she currently held in her hands, she opened the door that led to the hallway, which in turn led into the massive living room.

Letting out an impatient sigh as she didn't succeed with her elbows, she resorted to using one foot. She didn't quite know why she kept trying to do it with her elbows, maybe she held on to that faint glimmer of hope that she would have to stand outside with her leg stuck stupidly into the air to open a simple door.

When a faint creak reached her ears, she smiled to herself and began humming softly, a children's tune she had picked up on one of her many journeys with her mentor.

With deliberate strides, she crossed the hallway and entered the living-room, only to cross it quickly as well. Aiming for the bedroom door, she was surprised to find it closed. Usually Tsunade would leave it open for the inevitable breakfast her travel companion would bring to her bed everyday.

Shrugging she placed the tray on the floor, not wanting to perform acrobatic feats again. Cracking it open slightly, she listened if Tsunade was asleep. And indeed she was, but her soft snores were strangely louder today ...

Shizune shrugged again, opening the door enough so she would be able to pass through with the tray. Bending slightly to pick it up again, she walked into the bedroom and announced her presence just like she always did.

"Tsunade-sama, good morning! I brought you some-Oh!" A loud clatter of cutlery, plates shattering and glass breaking as they hit the floor, spilling their contents everywhere followed Shizune's gasp as she took in the sight before her.

On top of Tsunade, her very own mentor, lay none other than the boy who had brought them back to Konohagakure over four years ago.

Tsunade was jerked back to her conscious state as the loud noise assaulted her ears. Blearily she looked around until her eyes suddenly grew wide.

"Shizune!" She cried out as she sat up, causing Naruto to roll off of her, when she saw her companion stand trembling, a quivering hand raised to her mouth, amidst the pile of rubbish that used to be her daily breakfast. 'Damnit, I forgot!' Tsunade cried out.

Her amber eyes grew even wider when she realized what kind of situation she was in. Hastily clutched the silk sheets to her chest, looked at Naruto still sleeping peacefully beside her then back at Shizune again. "I-I can explain!"

To her surprise, Shizune nodded, but not before excusing herself as she went to get several cleaning appliances to remove the mess she had made.

When she had disappeared, Tsunade groaned to herself, cradling her forehead with her other hand. Even though she knew Shizune wouldn't say anything to anyone, Tsunade was truly worried. 'Oh my, how am I ever going to explain this ...' She thought and turned her gaze towards the still sleeping Naruto. 'If this situation wasn't so awkward this would be incredibly funny ...' Tsunade continued to herself and started the arduous task of prodding the snoring young man awake.

She was going to need his help. Badly ...