Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Them ❯ Shikamaru ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

You think I'm stupid. Well, no, that's night quite right. You think I'm a genius that doesn't notice the way you look at me or her. You think I'm oblivious because I know it's all so bothersome. It is, really. What the hell are you thinking?

That little glint in your eyes lets the truth be known. You're horrible at lying, you know. I know you care for her, probably even love her. Go on, then. Go marry her. I don't care. It doesn't matter to me at all. She'd wear me out. I don't want to marry a troublesome woman anyway.

Or anyone for that matter. Because if I did...

No. This is not a time to think. Here we are, laying on the hill, staring at clouds, and I'm thinking..? But it won't go away! I saw you today, with her, and I know you both didn't notice me there, but I was. I saw. I saw how she looked at you and how you looked at her. Yes. You'll marry her someday. It will be a very big, pretty, troublesome wedding because her father would have to do it that way. He'd be mad at you for taking his daughter away, but you'll just smile and win his heart -

Damn it.

I don't want to think about that.

The future is insane and I never, ever want to think of that. Of you leaving me alone- No! But I won't stop you. You know I won't stop you and her and the happiness between you because she will complete you and you her and it will be a perfect union and-...and... I don't want to think anymore.

The touch of your hair makes me almost scream, but I don't. You know something bothers me but I won't tell you. That's fine. You never press. Ever. You're so careful not to. Give me space, a sympathetic ear, but never demand anything. Sometimes, it looks like you want to. But you don't. You never have, not from me or from her. She loves you for that, you know. I... you...for that...

And that's it, isn't it? I love you. I love her. What the hell is wrong with me? I love you both so much that it's killing me inside that you'll leave me behind. She'll leave me behind. And while I'll be a great ninja, troublesome as it is, I won't...I...

I don't want to think about that.

I'll cling to you and her for as long as you let me. Stand beside, make the plans, use you both so spectacularly. Someday, I might have to use her knowing that she will die. I've done it with you. You never hated me for it, though. And when you came back, I cried. I really did. I was so happy I hadn't killed you because you looked so quiet and peaceful and it was just...too...much...

I don't want to see her that way. I don't want to see you that way. I want to protect you both so much that it hurts...

This sentementalism is...bothersome...

A/N: Well, there's the last of the trio. I liked this series...It was different than anything I've ever written.