Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Virtually and Real Adventures ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
As you have seen in the last chapter, the latest Sword Art Online game, Lost Song, does play a part in the story, but it is just ‘cog’ in the ‘plot wheel’ of this story, everyone. However, I will try to make sure that Lost Song does get plenty of ‘air time’ in this fanfiction, folks! I know that I’m getting like a broken record, but before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 5: Virtually and Real Adventures


July 7, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Within the Ryne, the main city in Svart Alfheim, the Sailor Scouts, minus our Senshi of Ice, Mamoru, the Digidestined, Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Philia, Lisbeth, Sinon, Silica, Strea, and Yui are assembled around and listening to Usagi and Mamoru on what happened earlier that day.


When they are done, Dai says, annoyed, “Doesn’t that guy ever give up? He is a real piece of work!”


Akari says, with a nod, “No kidding, Dai-kun.”


Lisbeth says, plainly, “A jerk like him needs someone else to blame for his misfortunes in life.”


Philia nods her head and she says, “I hope that your brother is okay, Usagi-chan.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “He’s okay, Philia. He is just exhausted from the whole ordeal and I don’t blame him.”


Kirito tells Usagi, “However, you are worried about him since he has been chosen as a Signer like you.”


Usagi responds, “Well, why wouldn’t I be Kirito? He may be a squirt, but he is still my brother!”


Leafa tells Usagi, with a smile, “We know, sis.”


Dai says, with a grin, “But hey, he has got you, Kari-chan, and yours truly to back him up!”


Asuna says, with a smile, “With you, I know that your brother will be just fine, Usagi-chan.”


Usagi says, with a sigh, “I hope so, Asuna.”


Haruka says, “We’re plenty worried where that guy got that duel disk.”


Leafa says, “It looked like the one that pink haired ‘copy’ of Usagi-chan used.”


Silica asks, “How could he have gotten his hands on that duel disk?”


Kirito says, “That’s a good question, Silica. I don’t think that there is an easy answer.”


Minako says, with a smile, “Let’s not worry about that jerk! He is in jail and we’re here!”


Kirito says, “True, but we can’t keep our guard down. Kibaou knows Usagi’s ‘real world identity’ now and that means that he had to get the information from somewhere.”

Mamoru says, with a nod, “Good point, Kirito.”


Haruka says, with a nod, “Agreed.”


Strea says, with a smile, “Let’s forget about that meanie right now!”


Minako says, “Strea is right!” The others nod their heads in agreement and they decide to explore Ryne for a bit in which the group is looking at a massive set of wooden doors by a set of fountains on either side of the doors.


Asuna asks, “What is this place?”


Kirito says, “This is the place where guild leaders and leaders of the fairy races are supposed to meet.”


Usagi asks, realizing something, “Didn’t Mizuno-chan say that the leaders of the races were supposed to meet today?”


Michiru says, “That’s right, Usagi-chan. It is the reason that Mizuno isn’t with us right now.”


Haruka says, looking in a certain direction, “Speaking of whom…” Everyone then looks over in the direction that Haruka is looking at as they hear footsteps coming close to them and they see Mizuno with three other players coming towards them.


The first one is a lovely female Sylph with an excessively tall figure, with glossy, dark green hair so dark that it is nearly black hanging down her back, white skin, almond eyes, a high nose bridge, and thin lips. Her attire consists of Japanese style clothing including a leaf green kimono with a katana that hangs from her obi. Her feet clad in high crimson clogs peek out from beneath the hem of her kimono.


The second player is a cute female Cait Sith in which we can see that she is short, has dark blond hair tied in multiple small pigtails at the rear of her scalp, dark skin, brown cat-like ears, yellow eyes, a brown cat-like tail, and a slim figure. She is wearing a bell on her neck, a tiny tiara with the golden crescent moon that’s sideways on her forehead, brown one-piece swimsuit-like outfit/dress, a cape on the left arm with a red stripe through it near the front, white stockings, and brown boots with similar cat-like claws attached to her outfit.


And the third player is a male Salamander that’s a tall and well-built one with bristling flame-like, purplish-red hair that framed a face reminiscent of a dark-skinned bird of prey with blood red and golden armor covering his well-built frame and a large sword with a dark violet and silver blade strapped to his back.


The female Sylph says, with a smile and looking at Leafa, “Look who it is. Long time no see, Leafa. I haven’t seen you since you saved Rue and I from Sigurd’s plot.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “I have been busy, Sakuya.”


The female Sylph says, with a smile, “Not surprising from what I heard. It is amazing on how you have grown. Now, you are one of the ‘Great Nymphs’ in which I heard that they have grown from nine into fourteen.”


The female Cait Sith says, with a giggle, “Well, it shows that in VRMMO like this, we, girls, have got it where it is at, Sakuya-chan.” The female Cait Sith then says, “Wow, it is so amazing. There are so many players logged in today.”


The male Salamander says, “Weaklings. All of them. They think that logging in early would give them an advantage. Pathetic.”


Hino says, “You haven’t changed a bit Eugene.” The male Salamander and Hino glare at each other with intense glares.


Makoto says, with a sigh, “Here they go again.”


The female Sylph says, looking at Kirito, “Ah, you must be Leafa’s famous big brother. Kirito, was it? I’ve been dying to meet you. You have made quite a name for yourself even through you have only started ALO recently. Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Sakuya, leader of the Sylphs.”


Leafa says, with a smile, “She is the leader of my, Makoto’s, and Haruka’s fairy race, the Sylphs! Don’t forget!”


The female Sylph, Sakuya, the leader of the Sylph players, says, with a smile, “To be honest, I’m not exactly too surprised that you are so talented, Kirito. Leafa has proven to be one of the greatest warriors of our race and ALO itself. I have to admit that I was shocked by her talent through it is somewhat mysterious to me. Back in November, Leafa told me that she wouldn’t be logging in for several months or so since she had important stuff to do IRL and after the ‘reboot’ of ALO, Leafa mysterious reappears and with incredible mastery of the new Sword Skills, she single-handily defeats one of the strongest players other than the Great Nymphs at that time.” The male Salamander gives a snarl at this and Leafa gives a nervous look at this.


The female Cait Sith says, excitedly, “She was just awesome! It is where she earned her name ‘The Wind Valkyrie’! She has mastered the One-Handed Sword Skills, Curved Sword Skills, Katana Sword Skills, and she has…Oh, yeah! That Duel Wielding Sword Skills too!”


Sakuya asks Kirito, “Don’t you have Duel Wielding too, Kirito?”


Kirito responds, a bit nervously, “Yes, I do.”


Sakuya says, “My, you have a talented family, Leafa. However, I am curious at the origin of such a skill. It was never part of ALO before.” The others look nervously, but Sakuya says, with a smile, “However, the usage of Sword Skills wasn’t part of ALO before and with the addition of Sword Skills combined with magic, ALO has just got more interesting.” Sakuya says, pointing to the female Cait Sith, “This kitty cat with me is Alicia Rue, the leader of the Cait Sith.”


The female Cait Sith says, “Nice to meet you, Mister Famous Black Swordsman.”


Sakuya says, “Her only fault is her incessant chatter, but she is nice enough. We have tea quite often.” Sakuya says, motioning to the male Salamander, “And the imposing figure over here…”


The male Salamander responds, interrupting, “Eugene. I’ve already heard about you, Kirito. They say that you are strong. I would love to fight you to find out.”


Kirito says, a bit nervously, “I’ve heard about you, Eugene. You are the Salamander general and your brother is the leader of the Salamanders.”


Sakuya says, “His brother might be the leader, but Eugene is the stronger by far. In fact, he is one of the strongest players in ALO and was known as the strongest player in ALO.”


The female Cait Sith, Alicia Rue, responds, with a giggle, “Until your sister came in and beat his butt using that Duel Wielding technique combined with her kendo including that Duel Wielding OSS of hers!”


The male Salamander, Eugene, says, with a snort, “We shall see how her Sword Skill stands up to mine.”


Leafa says, nervously, “Can’t…Can’t wait…”

&n bsp;

Makoto tells Leafa, “Hey, Leafa. You beat this guy before.”


Leafa responds, nervously, “Before I didn’t take the time to see how scary he can be…”


Sakuya says, with a smile, “Anyway, let’s change the subject. Let’s just say that Eugene is having an unlucky day. Anyway, combat is forbidden in this town, so, there is nothing to fear.” Sakuya says, “Anyway, we have to get going. We have a meeting to get to and we don’t want to be late. I also want to see what this new continent has to offer.”


Alicia Rue says, “Bye-bye! Good luck, everyone!”


Eugene just scoffs and Mizuno says, “I’ll see you later everyone.”


Usagi says, with a smile, “Later, Mizuno-chan!” As the three leaders and one general walk off, Usagi says, “It’s tough to be a leader.”


Asuna says, nodding her head in agreement, “I know, Usagi-chan.”


Michiru asks, with a smile, “Talking from experience, you two?”


Kirito says, “Anyway, let’s move on, everyone.” The others nod their heads in agreement and they walk on to continue their day within ALO.


July 7, 2025, Kirigaya residence


Inside of the Kirigaya home, we are inside of Suguha’s room where we find Suguha is lying on her bed with her Amusphere on her head and over her eyes looking like she is in a deep sleep when she is Full-Diving into ALO. Inside of the room, her guardian feline, Trivia, is relaxing until she hears some senses something in which she looks to see five kunoichi in training, Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyu, and Hibari, in their Hanzo Academy uniforms, landing without a sound by the window to Suguha’s room.


Trivia’s eyes widen and she quickly pretends to be sleeping in which Ikaruga says, looking around, “All right. She is in a Full-Dive.”


Yagyu says, “She won’t be able to hear or sense us as long as we don’t disturb her body. Remember, ever since SAO, they’ve put plenty of security features on the Amusphere compared to the NervGear to prevent something like SAO from happening again.”


Ikaruga says, “And that means that you don’t touch the body.” Ikaruga glares at Katsuragi and she says, “And that means you, Katsuragi.”


Katsuragi says, “What? I wasn’t planning on it!” Katsuragi says, licking her lips, “Through I have got to admit that she has got some awesome boobs! She looks like an F-cup or G-cup!”


Ikaruga tells Katsuragi, with a look of annoyance, “Well, we are here on an important mission, Katsuragi.”


Katsuragi says, “I know. I know.”


Hibari says, “It is pretty hard to believe, but I thought that it would be with Kayaba’s niece.”


Yagyu says, “I was surprised at what we learned too, Hibari.”


Flashback; July 6, 2025, Hanzo Academy


At the secret ‘ninja school’ within Hanzo Academy, the five young kunoichi in training are shocked to find out about Serena Tsukino being the niece of Akihiko Kayaba.


Asuka asks, shocked, “Kayaba’s niece?”


Kiriya responds, with a nod, “Yes. Her mother, Ikuko Tsukino, is Kayaba’s sister. Currently, only members of the government know this information for obvious reasons since all records about the Tsukino family and their ‘connection’ to Kayaba have been either erased or sealed away for reasons of safety and security…Their safety and security. Serena Tsukino-san was very close to Kayaba and in fact, their relationship was more like parent and child than uncle and niece.”


Hibari asks, amazed, “They were that close?”


Kiriya responds, “They were, Hibari. You see, Serena-san’s younger brother, Sammy Tsukino, was an SAO beta tester and both of them got their hands on the retail version of SAO when it came out.”


Ikaruga says, “Her brother was a former beta tester and both of them are related to Kayaba, so, it wasn’t surprising.”


Kiriya says, “However, fortunately, Sammy Tsukino had a doctor’s appointment on that day and didn’t get trapped. His sister, Serena-san, wasn’t so lucky.”


Asuka asks, “Kayaba trapped a member of his own family in there?”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “Yes, Asuka. Like any other victim, Serena-san was trapped in that ‘death game’ for over two years. When the government found out this fact, they moved to make her one of the first to get transported to a hospital and put her under guard while moving to cover up her ‘heritage’.”


Ikaruga says, with a nod of understanding, “If they found out who she was, the families and friends of the victims of SAO might try to take retaliation for what Kayaba did to their family and friends trapped and possibly killed by Kayaba and his machinations.”


Hibari says, “But she was a victim too!”


Kiriya says, “And the government agrees with your sentiment, Hibari. None of Kayaba’s family had the least idea that Kayaba would commit such an act, so, it shows how well Kayaba fooled the world.”


Yagyu says, “If his own family was completely fooled, no one else would have had a clue.”


Kiriya says, “Indeed, Yagyu. However, despite this, there will be people that won’t or refuse to understand that Kayaba’s family are victims too. Kayaba’s and Ikuko-san’s own parents are in a government protection program and the government is doing its best to make sure that the information of family connection between Kayaba and the Tsukino family are never known to the general public for a long time to come.


Ikaruga says, “And for good reason, Kiriya-sensei.”


Asuka asks, “Who are the other people, Kiriya-sensei?”


Kiriya responds, “That’s a good question, Asuka.” Kiriya motions to the images of Suguha and Kazuto and he says, “These are Kazuto Kirigaya and his younger sister, Suguha Kirigaya. Like Tsukino-san, Kazuto-san is another SAO survivor. From the records, he is also a friend of Tsukino-san ‘in game’ meaning that they met in SAO and became friends. In fact, based on reports, Tsukino-san and Kazuto-san seems to be more like siblings than just best friends.”


Katsuragi whistles and Ikaruga says, with a plain tone, “They are ‘siblings in arms’. They must have fought together a lot in SAO in order to survive and get back.”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “That’s most likely true. However, it isn’t why he and his sister are people of interest.” Kiriya says, “We have evidence that unlike many of the other beta testers, Kayaba made sure that Kazuto-san was chosen to be an SAO beta tester.”


There are gasp and Katsuragi asks, “Hold up! That freak made sure that this guy was made into an SAO beta tester?”


Kiriya says, “Because Kayaba did research on him and he knew that Kazuto would go onto the retail version getting him trapped in his ‘death game’.”


Hibari asks, “Why would he do that?”


Kiriya says, pointing to Suguha, “What happened with his sister, Suguha-san, provided us with clues, Hibari. You see, shortly after the second anniversary of the start of this horror, Suguha-san managed to get her hands on a NervGear that a friend of hers managed to keep hidden from the government for two years and used it along with her ALO avatar to ‘break into’ SAO.”


The kunoichi training gives gasps and/or shocked looks and Katsuragi says, shocked, “Whoa!”


Ikaruga asks, “Kiriya-sensei, shouldn’t that be impossible? After SAO started, the government should have confiscated and destroyed all of the remaining NervGear all over the world other than the ones being ‘used’ by the SAO victims.”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “You are right, Ikaruga. The government believes that Suguha-san’s friend in Akiba had some help in that regard.”


Asuka asks, amazed, “You mean…Kayaba?”


Kiriya says, nodding his head, “That’s the theory, Asuka. We believe that it was all bait to lure Suguha-san into SAO with her brother, Kazuto, being part of that incentive.”


Yagyu asks, “Why would he be interested in her?”


Kiriya says, “We aren’t sure, Yagyu. However, we found that Kayaba and Suguha-san met around over a years before SAO in Juuban during the incident where those black crystal were coming out of the ground.”


Ikaruga says, “I remember the reports on them. It is believed that the enemy that the Sailor Scouts were fighting at the time were responsible for those.”


Kiriya says, with a nod, “Yes, Ikaruga. From what our records show, both the Kirigaya family and Kayaba, himself, were in Juuban at that same moment and he found Suguha-san, who was separated from her mother and brother in the chaos, in which he brought her back to them. From then, what evidence shows, Kayaba had an interest in the Kirigaya siblings.”


Yagyu says, “And part of our mission is to try to find out why.”


Kiriya says, “Correct, Yagyu. It also might be possible that Kayaba’s journals are with them for safe keeping since Serena-san trusts them like siblings. You move out immediately.”


The five ‘ninja girls’ respond in unison, “Yes, sensei!”


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back at the Kirigaya household, the five kunoichi in-training prepare to sneak into house and Suguha’s room via the window, but Katsuragi yelps as she is shocked.


Katsuragi asks, shocked, “What the heck?”


Yagyu asks, with a rare surprised expression, “An electrical field?”


Ikaruga yelps as she is shocked when she is testing and Ikaruga says, “That’s interesting. I’m wondering why they would need such a security measure.”


Katsuragi says, with a sly grin, “I smell a secret.”


Hibari asks, “What shall we do?”


Yagyu says, “Let’s head for the front door. Their mother isn’t at home since she works as an editor as an electronic magazine and she works until it is late at night.”


Ikaruga says, with a nod, “Good idea.” The five ninja in training head down to the lower floors to access the house while Trivia leaps onto the table containing a computer, which is on, in which she starts to type on the keyboard in a quick manner.


July 7, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Inside of Ryne, the central town of Svart Alfheim, we are inside of a housing facility/motel/hotel known as the Crowned Rooster where we find our heroes and heroines assembled together after an excited day of enjoying the new region of ALO.


Leafa says, excitedly, “I had so much fun! Time just flew by!”


Minako says, excitedly, “I know what you mean girlfriend!”


Sinon says, with a smile, “I’ve gotten use to Svart Alfheim and I can’t wait for the next quest.”


Taichi says, with a grin, “Same here!”


Sara says, with a smile, “I agree, Taichi!”


Strea says, “What sort of interesting things await us here? I can’t wait to see!”


Akari says, with a nod, “I can’t wait either, Strea.”


Philia asks, “Didn’t Agil ask us to stop by the smithy area later?”


Usagi asks, “What could he be up to?”


Just then Leafa hears a beeping sound and she says, “Hold on! I’m getting a call!” Leafa brings up her menu and after a minute, she says, “Huh? Okay, it is coming from Trivia from the special line that we developed.”


The others look at Leafa and Kirito asks, “It’s Trivia?”


Leafa then says, her eyes widen, “Big brother, we need to get back home right now!” Leafa then activates the ‘visible mode’ on her menu, allowing everyone to see menu, and Kirito’s eyes widen at the message.


Hino asks, seeing the message, “Is she kidding?”


Leafa responds, “Trivia doesn’t kid around when she uses the words: ‘This is not a joke or a drill’.”


Kirito says, “And I think that there are more to these strange girls than meets the eye. They sound like some kind of ninja or something.”


Strea asks, “Ninja?”


Asuna responds, a bit nervously, “We’ll explain someday, Strea.”


Kirito says, “In any case, we need to log out now.”


Leafa says, deactivating her menu’s ‘visible mode’, “Right.”


Usagi says, “We’ll be there as soon as we can.”


Asuna tells Kirito, “Be careful, Kirito-kun.” Kirito nods his head as he activates his menu in which he and Leafa soon vanish in a stream of light as they log out of ALO and return to the real world.


Makoto says, “Youma, Digimon, and now, ninja girls? Our lives are really getting even weirder.”


Haruka says, “Something tells me that our lives are going to get even more ‘exciting’ though I doubt that we are going to like what ‘excitement’ that we are going to get.” Soon enough, the others start to log out one after another in which the Sailor Scouts of the group prepare to head over to the Kirigaya residence to help them with their intruders.


July 7, 2025, Kirigaya residence


Inside of the Kirigaya residence, we find the five female shinobi looking around Kazuto’s room in which they don’t seem to notice that he is slowly waking up and without a sound causing him to glance at the five kunoichi looking around his room.


Hibari says, “I really don’t know about this.”


Yagyu says, “This is a critical mission, Hibari. These are people that went through a horrible experience, but in order to make sure what they went through can never happen again, we have to find out the reasoning behind the mastermind.”


Ikaruga says, “That’s right, Hibari. There are so many questions still left unanswered from that tragedy and they focus on Kayaba himself.”


Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Kayaba?” Yagyu then looks over towards Kazuto, but he looks to be still Full-Diving.


Asuka asks Yagyu, “Is something wrong, Yagyu?”


Yagyu says, “I thought that I sensed something.”


Katsuragi says, “Come on, Yagyu. He can’t do a thing. He is having a blast inside that virtual world.”


Hibari says, “I’m amazed that he would go back.”


Hibari wanders over to Kazuto’s form and Asuka says, “Yeah, no kidding.”


Ikaruga says, “Anyway, we must keep searching for the journals before they log out of ALO.” When Hibari is close, she yelps as Kazuto grabs her wrist causing the others to look to see Kazuto, fully awake and taking off of his Amusphere, glaring at them.


Kazuto says, with a serious tone, “Too late for that. I want to know who you are and what you are doing here.”


Before they could answer, Kazuto’s door is flung open and familiar female voice shouts out, “Kazuto!” Everyone looks only for Asuka to get bashed in the face by a bamboo kendo ‘sword’ from Suguha.


Katsuragi yells out, “Oh, crap!” Yagyu then rushes in to attack Kazuto, forcing him to let go of Hibari, and roll out of the way of the attack.


Ikaruga shouts out, “Smoke bomb! Now!” Immediately, Katsuragi, from seemly nowhere, pulls out a ninja smoke bomb and slams it into the ground causing it to explode covering Kazuto’s room in which the five ninja girls in-training leap through the window, shattering it in the process, and taking off into the distance while Kazuto and Suguha, coughing from the smoke, run out of Kazuto’s room and down into the kitchen while the smoke dispels out the shatter window of Kazuto’s room.


Suguha asks, “Who were they?”


Kazuto says, “I don’t know, but I had overheard them talking about Kayaba and getting information…the journals! They were after Kayaba’s journals!”


Suguha asks, shocked, “Huh? But why would they think that they were hear?”


Kazuto says, with a serious tone, “Only one set of reasons, Sugu: They must know that Serena is related to Kayaba and we are Serena’s best friends!”


Suguha gasps in shock, but she then takes out her broach and she says, “I’m going after them!” Suguha races off before Kazuto can stop her and he sighs.


Kazuto thinks in his mind, “Be careful, Sugu. And…what am I going to tell mom?”


(A short time later on)


Some distance from the Kirigaya household, the five kunoichi in training are on top of a flat household rooftop after looking around to see no one is following or so it would seem.


Katsuragi says, “That was a big bust.”


Asuka says, “Kiriya-sensei is going to be mad.”


Ikaruga says, “I want to know how they knew we were there.”


Hibari, Asuka, and Katsuragi give confused looks and Hibari asks, “What do you mean?”


Yagyu says, “If Kazuto-san had woken up and just found us, he would have shouted about who we were since we were technically intruders, but instead, he pretended to be still Full-Diving to overhear us and surprise us if necessary. While he could have done it while not expecting us and just returned from ALO, it isn’t a typical human reaction.”


Katsuragi asks, “So, he knew about us?”


Ikaruga says, “Somehow, someone must have contacted him or Suguha-san from inside of the virtual world of ALO. Remember, it is a new version of a classic type of electronic game, the MMO, in which communication is used through voice communication and texting, but I can’t see how anyone could have contacted them. There was only the feline in the house.”


Ikaruga then goes into deep thought and Asuka asks, “So, what do we do now?”


Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “You can tell me what you were girls were doing there.” The five female ninja in training gasp in shock and they look up to see a quite cross Valkyrie Sailor Celestial looming over them.


Katsuragi says, “Oh, yipe.”


Asuka says, “It’s the new Sailor Scout: Sailor Celestial!”


Sailor Celestial says, “You got that right. I was in the area when I see a lot of smoke coming from the Kirigaya household and you, girls, running from it.” Sailor Celestial says, drawing her swords, “Now, shall we do this the easy way or the hard way? And trust me, you won’t like the hard way.”


Katsuragi says, with a grin and taking out another ninja smoke bomb, “Oh, yeah? Take this!” Katsuragi throws the ninja smoke bomb, but Sailor Celestial creates a shockwave that sends it flying before it explodes harmlessly and high in the air, however, Sailor Celestial’s focus is on the smoke bomb for a brief moment and when she turns towards the five kunoichi in training, she gets hit in the face by another smoke bomb that explodes causing to yelp and cough as she is engulfed in smoke. However, Sailor Celestial uses her powerful wind power to blow and dispel the smoke away, but the five female shinobi in training are gone. A good distance away, in an abandoned warehouse, the five kunoichi trainees take a moment to breathe.


Katsuragi says, “Oh, man. That was close, but part of me really wanted to take her on.”


Ikaruga tells Katsuragi, “Katsu, our mission was to gather information and not to fight especially not with a Sailor Scout of her caliber. Sensei did warn us that the Sailor Scouts possess levels of cosmic mystical power that can rival or even exceed elite ninja masters like Master Hanzo. We saw her exploits on television and from what I observed, she is a warrior of incredible power and skill.”


Yagyu says, with a nod, “I’ve got to agree. It is going to make our missions more difficult now that she has seen our faces, but I don’t believe her story about ‘being in the area’. It makes wonder what she was doing there.”


Ikaruga says, “A good question, Yagyu.”


Hibari asks, “What do we do now?”


Just then a familiar female voice says, “How about giving up before I really get pissed?” The five ninja in training gasp and they look to see Sailor Celestial, with her arms crossed in front of her chest, looking at them.


Asuka asks, stunned, “But how?”

Sailor Celestial responds, “One, I’m a well-trained warrior. Sailor Scouts are actually called ‘Sailor Senshi’ and ‘Senshi’ means ‘soldier’ or ‘warrior’, duh! And two, I’m sorry to break it to you, but your ‘concealing your presence’ doesn’t work on a girl like me since I had a good amount of ‘ninja schooling’ from the Hayabusa clan including how to detect ninjas even when they are concealing themselves.”


Ikaruga asks, shocked, “The Hayabusa clan?”


Sailor Celestial slams her fists together and she says, “Okay, I guess that we have to do this the hard way!”


Katsuragi says, cracking her fists, “I guess that we have no choice!”


Asuka says, surprised, “Katsu!”


Yagyu says, “We may have no choice, Asuka. By the looks of it, she has training to counter ninjas and if it does come from the elite Hayabusa clan, our typical evasion tactics will not work against her.”


Ikaruga says, with a sigh, “Yagyu is right. We are going to have to hold her off until we can figure out a way out of this.” Ikaruga says, “Shinobi Kekkai!” Soon after, the whole area around them and beyond seems to turn white and violet.


Sailor Celestial asks, “What the heck?”


Hibari asks, “Why did you put up a Kekkai, Ikaruga?”


Ikaruga responds, “If Sailor Celestial is here, the other Sailor Scouts aren’t going to be far behind and it is already bad enough that we have to face her of all Sailor Scouts especially. We have no idea of her power, so, we need to be careful.”


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “We’ll see if she isn’t all bark and no bite!”


Sailor Celestial says, with a deadly serious glare, “You’re going to see that my bite is really bad for you!”


Katsuragi says, “All right, girls! Shinobi transformation!” Soon after, the five female ninja ‘transform’ in which their school uniforms vanish and replace by new sets of clothing.


Asuka’s new uniform is composed of a yellow vest, green plaid skirt, and a white shirt with green tie. Around her neck is a small red bandanna worn like a scarf. She has red armguards on her forearms with bandages underneath, and straps around her waist to hold her two swords. On both legs she wears thigh high socks and brown formal shoes.


Ikaruga’s outfit consists of a white gold-trimmed jacket with six buttons and a few golden tassels strewn across. She has a Hanzo armband pinned to her upper left arm to signify her status as the class representative. She has a short gold-trimmed white skirt and boots of similar colors to her jacket, accentuated by black tights underneath.


Katsuragi’s outfit consists of usual white Hanzo school uniform, unbuttoned, revealing most of her torso underneath; particularly her breasts. Along with a blue plaid skirt, she wears long socks and her signature black and gold metal boots adorned with small blue tassels on either side.


Hibari’s outfit is made up of a light pink track jacket with the Hanzo emblem on the left chest area, dark blue biker shorts, black and white socks, and red and white sneakers.


Yagyu’s outfit consists of a brown jacket over a long sleeved white shirt, a red plaid skirt, calf-high black socks, and brown dress shoes. She dons a black mantle with triangle shapes for trim and two extending tails.


Sailor Celestial asks, a bit annoyed, “Is this a fight or a cosplay show?”


Katsuragi says, “Cosplay this!” Katsuragi then does a leap kick toward Sailor Celestial, but she easily grabs Katsuragi’s metal boots with just one hand causing Katsuragi to say, nervously, “Uh oh!” Sailor Celestial then Katsuragi by her leg and in one fluid motion, she sends her right into the wall where she makes an imprint on the wall due to the sheer impact.


Asuka says, shocked, “Katsu!”


Ikaruga says, drawing her sword, “We can’t fight her in hand to hand combat!”


Yagyu says, “Secret Ninja Art: Leg Sweeper!” Yagyu spins an umbrella causing a huge squid to appear and spin around in a super-fast motion causing Sailor Celestial to get sent skidding back by the sheer force of winds that it is producing.


Sailor Celestial says, drawing out the Star Saber, “You want to do this the hard way, huh? Fine by me!” Sailor Celestial swings the Star Saber causing a massive energy shockwave that sends Yagyu flying into the ground.


Ikaruga says, stunned, “Such power!” The energy shockwave then seems to shatter the sky causing white and violet skies to gain a ‘hole’ where blue with the white from clouds can be seen again.


Asuka says, shocked, “It broke the Kekkai!”


Katsuragi, who has just recovered, says, shocked, “No way!”


Ikaruga says, with a serious tone, “That’s no ordinary sword! It is a blade of incredible power!”


Hibari asks Yagyu, concerned, “Are you okay?”


Yagyu says, shaking her head, “I’m okay.”


Sailor Celestial says, “Time to end this nonsense!”


Hibari says, performing her own ‘attack’, “Stop this!” There is a massive cloud of smoke and when the smoke clears, nothing seems to have happened other than Hibari vanishing and then a massive shadow looms over Sailor Celestial.


When she looks up, Sailor Celestial gains a flabbergasted look and she yells out, “What the…?!” However, it is the only words that she says as a massive pink and white bunny rabbit crashes down on her with Hibari riding on top of it.


After the rabbit vanishes as quickly as it appeared, Katsuragi says, with a grin, “Great job, Hibari!”


Just then a familiar female voice shouts out, “Not so fast!” The five kunoichi in training then look to see Valkyrie Sailor Moon and the rest of the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts leap through the ‘hole’ in the sky and land in front of them.


Katsuragi says, “Oh, boy.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “You, ninja girls, aren’t going anywhere!”


Sailor Saturn asks, “Where is Sailor Celestial?”


Just then Sailor Celestial’s voice calls out, with a muffled tone, “Right here, Saturn-chan.” The ground then ‘explodes’ in which Sailor Celestial, her helmet destroyed and her face sporting a few bruises, comes out.


Sailor Uranus asks, “What happened to you?”


Sailor Celestial responds, holding her head in discomfort, “You aren’t going to believe this, but…They dropped a large fuzzy bunny on my head.”


The Sailor Scouts’ eyes ‘bug out’ and they say in unison, “What?”


Sailor Celestial says, holding her head, “Please don’t shout girls. I’ve already got a headache.”


Sailor Venus says, pointing to the crater where Hibari’s ‘bunny summon’ slammed into Sailor Celestial, “I don’t think that she is kidding, girls.”


Sailor Uranus says, with a serious tone, “Well, we are going to see how they like getting dropped on their heads.” As the Sailor Scouts and five kunoichi prepare for battle, a smoke bomb, from seemly nowhere, lands in-between them and explodes, covering the area in smoke, and when the smoke dispels, Kiriya and another man, an elderly male with silver-white hair tied in a ponytail, gray-steely eyes, large grey mustache, short grey beard in the front of his chin, and wearing a simple brown male kimono with matching sandals.


Ikaruga asks, “Kiriya-sensei?”


Asuka asks, surprised, “Grandpa?”


The elderly male says, “It looks like we managed to make it in time.”


Nearly all of the Sailor Scouts prepare for a fight, but Sailor Pluto steps forward of them and Sailor Saturn asks, “Pluto?”


Sailor Pluto tells the elderly male, “Hanzo-dono, it has been a while.”


The elderly male says, “Lady Pluto, it has been a while. I see that you haven’t changed one bit and still as lovely as ever I see.”


Both sides are shocked and Sailor Jupiter asks, “You know that old man, Pluto?”


Asuka asks, “Grandpa, you know one of the Sailor Scouts?”


Sailor Pluto asks the elderly male, “Your granddaughter?”


The elderly male responds, “Yes, Pluto. Her name is Asuka.”


Kiriya tells the five kunoichi, “Girls, your mission has been cancelled due to complications in matter. You haven’t failed, but the mission has been called off.”


Katsuragi asks, stunned, “What?”


Sailor Pluto says, “I thought so. They are part of the government ninja forces.”


Sailor Mars asks, stunned, “Wait! The government has ninjas?”


Sailor Pluto says, “But of course, Mars. You saw that ninjas are far from ‘extinct’ in real-life with the Hayabusa clans and Mugen Tenshin clans. Ninjas have been actually part of the government of Japan since the Tokugawa Shogunate when Tokugawa Ieyasu a part of his elite circle including the legendary Hattori Hanzo, the ancestor to this man right here. They never vanished after the Meiji restoration. When the new Meiji government came to power, they need ‘special forces’ and elite ‘intelligence operatives’ and who better than the elite ‘shadow warriors’ of Feudal Times, who are inspirations to spies and special forces all over the world today. The ninja never died out like the samurai, but they evolved with the times including the new Japanese government after the American occupation of Japan in the aftermath of World War Two.”


Sailor Neptune says, “And something tells me that you know plenty about this.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a smile, “I haven’t been spending the past millennium since the end of the Silver Millennium just guarding the Time Gates, Neptune.”


Sailor Moon asks, looking at the ninjas, “Then what are government ninjas doing around here?”


Sailor Celestial responds, “I heard from the Kirigaya family that they were looking for something belonging to Kayaba.”


The elderly man, known as Hanzo, who is Asuka’s grandfather and a legendary shinobi, asks, “I believe that we can wipe away the veils of secrecy, Miss Celestial, or should I call you by your real name: Suguha Kirigaya-san?”


There are gasps from the five kunoichi girls and Yagyu asks, “Wait! Isn’t she the sister of Kazuto Kirigaya that used that NervGear held by her friend to enter SAO?”


Sailor Celestial asks, with a demanding tone, “Hey, how do you know that?”


Hanzo responds, with a scolding tone, “My dear, you should know that a shinobi never gives away his or her secrets.”


Sailor Celestial yells out, annoyed, “I’ll show you!”


Sailor Celestial zips towards Hanzo and Sailor Pluto shouts out, “No, princess!” Sailor Celestial tries to attack Hanzo and the keyword, here, is TRIED because the instant that she got close in which Sailor Celestial gets judo thrown to the ground by Hanzo with him slamming his wooden sandaled foot on her neck.


The others are shocked and Sailor Uranus says, seriously, “Hey!”


Sailor Pluto holds out her arm, stopping Sailor Uranus, and she says, seriously, “Don’t even try, Sailor Uranus! Hanzo-dono is shinobi of the highest caliber and even though he isn’t in his prime, he is very powerful and is more than match for an Eternal level Sailor Soldier.”


Sailor Jupiter says, stunned, “You’re kidding!”


Sailor Pluto says, shaking her head, “I am not. Sailor Celestial may be more powerful than Hanzo-dono, but his skill level is far above her own even with her memories and previous life’s battle skills in her belt.”


Hanzo tells Sailor Celestial, “I see much anger and rage in your eyes, my dear. There seems to be guilt and other negative emotions as well. I see a great darkness in your heart and…please hold that thought, my dear.” Hanzo then spins his body around and catches a rose in two of his fingers without cutting himself in which Tuxedo Mask lands near the Sailor Scouts.


Sailor Moon says, “Tuxedo Mask!”


Katsuragi asks, “Hey! Where did he come from?”


Ikaruga says, amazed, “I couldn’t sense him at all.”


Hanzo says, “Well done, my friend. I heard plenty of rumors that you are just like a shinobi and I have to say that you are indeed talented. If I wasn’t a master shinobi, myself, I doubt that even an expert ninja would detect you.”


Hibari asks Yagyu, “Did you sense him?”


Yagyu says, with a plain tone, “No, I do not. It seems like he has mastered the ability to conceal himself so well that only a master ninja like Hanzo-sama could detect him.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “I would kindly ask you to remove Sailor Celestial from your grip.”


Hanzo says, “As you wish, my friend.” Hanzo takes his foot off Sailor Celestial and she immediately rolls and leaps back to the others.


Sailor Moon asks, “Are you okay?”


Sailor Celestial responds, “Just really embarrassed Sailor Moon.”


Hanzo says, “As you should be, my dear. A Sailor Soldier of your power could have easily taken me down if you had fully mastered your power.”


Asuka asks Hanzo, “Grandfather, are you saying that she is more powerful than you?”


Hanzo responds, with a nod, “Yes, she is. In fact, she has more powerful than in my prime, my dear Asuka. However, her skill and my skill are on different levels in which gives me an edge.”


Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Celestial, “Princess, before you say anything, I think you should remember that he threw you down to the ground.”


Sailor Celestial says, drolly, “Thanks for reminding me, Pluto.”


Hanzo tells Sailor Pluto, “I believe that you should watch both of your ‘charges’ very carefully. Both of them have yet to reach their full potential since they have yet to awaken their hidden powers.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Wait! Hidden powers?”


Hanzo asks, looking at Sailor Moon, “However, I can see much darkness in them…From SAO no doubt especially in you, Miss Moon, or shall I call you…Miss Tsukino instead?”


There are more gasps and Sailor Mars yells out, strongly, “How do you know that?!”


Hanzo says, “I believe that you should reference Seijirou Kikuoka-san. He has become very interested in your Pendulum Summoning method for Duel Monsters.”


The Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask are shocked and Kiriya tells Ikaruga, “Ikaruga, I will assist you since your Kekkai is damaged.”


Ikaruga responds, “Thank you, sensei.”


Soon after, the whole ‘scene’ returns to normal coloration and Hanzo tells Sailor Pluto, “As I just said, Pluto, you should keep a good eye on your charges. There are those that wish to take advantage of the darkness lurking within them and we may have to intrude once more if they are lured in.”


Sailor Pluto narrows her eyes and she responds, “I believe that you should keep a focus on your granddaughter and charges since your own organization and the ninja clans affiliated with the government have their own failings in which young Rin and Homura are good examples, Hanzo-dono.” Hanzo and Kiriya narrow their eyes at Sailor Pluto in which a smoke bomb, seemly from nowhere, hits the ground and explodes in which the area is covered in smoke. When the smoke fades, Hanzo, Kiriya, and the five kunoichi in training are gone.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “What was that about?”


Sailor Pluto sighs and she replies, “Even through Hanzo-dono and I respect each other, we have our…differences.”


Sailor Mars tells Sailor Pluto, “It sounds like you struck a nerve with them, Pluto.”


Sailor Pluto responds, with another sigh, “The independent clans like the Mugen Tenshin and Hayabusa may work well with worldwide governments and organizations, but they believe that the ninja clans and shinobi affiliated with the shinobi organization of the government aren’t true ninja and I tend to lean more in their way of thinking.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Causing strain on your ‘profession relationship’ with that shinobi master.”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “Correct, Uranus.” Sailor Pluto says, “Anyway, I believe that we should head back and talk with Kazuto immediately.”


Tuxedo Mask says, with a serious tone, “This is a new development that’s very troubling.”


Sailor Mars says, with a nod, “No kidding, Tuxedo Mask.” As the group prepares to head off to return to the Kirigaya household, Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial can’t help to take Hanzo’s last words to heart and can’t get it out of their heads.


(A bit later on)


Back at the Kirigaya household, the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask are with Kazuto in which they discuss the situation after they had fixed the window in Kazuto’s room that broke when the five kunoichi made their escape.


Kazuto says, “That’s not good.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Too many people are learning of us.”


Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “The Assault Team people won’t give us up after we help save them.”


Sailor Uranus says, plainly, “I’m more worried about them becoming targets because of the information that they know. They may not know our real names, but they know our true faces and that information alone makes them targets.”


Sailor Venus says, nervously, “Good point, Uranus.”


Kazuto says, “However, knowing that Seijirou knows about Sugu and Serena doesn’t give me a good feeling.”


Sailor Celestial says, “You aren’t kidding, Kazuto.”


Tuxedo Mask asks, “How do you meet with Seijirou, you two?”


Kazuto responds, “He was the first one to meet up with us after we had gotten out of SAO.”


Flashback; February 4, 2025, Chiyoda Hospital


Right now, we are inside of Kazuto’s room within Chiyoda Hospital where both he and Suguha have just woken up after returning from SAO in which the doctors and nurses are examining Suguha and Kazuto in which their examination of Suguha have gotten the doctors and nurses concerned in which the nurse in charge of Suguha is being talked to.


The nurse says, “I don’t know at all doctor. I had seen her just before she had woken up with her brother and the other survivors of SAO that are in this hospital and she didn’t have those bruises on her at all.”


The doctor says, looking at Suguha, who is currently in a wheelchair, “And the records show that no one entered her room after you did before she woke up and left. There is just no explanation.”


Midori asks, concerned, “Is my girl going to be okay?”


The doctor responds, “They may take a while to heal since they seem to be ‘bruising’ like you were coming out of a hard fist fight or something, but I doubt that she is in any life-threatening danger. However, I want to take immediate X-rays and further examination to make sure of that.”


Suguha thinks in her mind, with a winch, “I’ve got a good explanation for you, doc: Always make sure that the VRMMO games that you are playing have good and working ‘pain absorbers’.”


Just then a male voice says, “I believe that’s a wise idea, doctor.” Everyone then looks to the source of the voice to see a man with short messy black hair, brown eyes with octagon glasses in front of them, and wearing a dark green business suit.


Kazuto asks, weakly, “Who are…?”


Kazuto grunt out and Midori says, “Kazuto, please take it easy.”


Suguha says, weakly, “I know…you…You are the head of the SAO Task Force.”


Kazuto gives a look of surprise and the man responds, with a smile, “I see that you keep up well and I’m not surprised since your brother is an SAO victim. That’s correct. I’m Seijirou Kikuoka, part of what knows as the VR Division in the Japanese ministry, and I’m head of the SAO Victims Rescue Force also known as the SAO Task Force to handle what is known as ‘The SAO Incident’ and all those involved in it which includes you, too, Suguha Kirigaya-san. I’m interested in how you got that NervGear when they were all supposed recalled and destroyed other than those used by the Task Force to find a way to free all those trapped in SAO and used in development of the current Amusphere rig.”


Suguha gives a nervous look and she thinks, “Oh, crap.”

  Midori says, “Kikuoka-san, I know that you want to know what’s going on, but my son and daughter have just gotten back from that horror. Even through Suguha has only been there under three months, her body is significantly weaker and she also has significant bruises that have just appeared on her body on this day that she returned from that horrible death game.”


Seijirou asks, curiously, “Really?”


Suguha thinks in her mind, “It actually isn’t so mysterious, mom. I have to admit that jerk had gotten tougher since our battle in the Silver Millennium and it just reminds me what a pain in the neck he is!”


Seijirou says, “Anyway, I understand your feelings at this, but I rushed here since I need to talk to them since your daughter and her brother along with a few others seem to have played an important role in clearing the game especially the final boss based on the data that we could get from the severs.” There are looks of shock and stares at Kazuto and Suguha.


Kazuto and Suguha think at the same time, “Thanks a lot.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “You want to know about Kayaba. Well, you don’t have to worry about him. He’s dead. He was the game’s final boss and I struck the final blow.”

There are looks of shock from everyone, minus Seijirou and Kazuto, and Seijirou says, “The data says as much, but while you did defeat him in the game, it doesn’t mean that he is dead.”


Kazuto says, weakly, “He could have…only used a NervGear to enter the game.”


Seijirou tells Serena, “True. True. But it doesn’t mean that he didn’t modify the NervGear to make sure that the same rules don’t apply to him. None of us knew that the man that we saw was only a façade or that he was capable of such a horror. You see, Kirigaya-san, like you, I’m a former SAO beta tester myself.”


Suguha asks, shocked, “Wait! You are a former SAO beta tester?”


Seijirou retorts, “That’s correct, Suguha-san. It is one of the reasons that I was chosen to be the head of the task force for the ‘SAO incident’. I didn’t transfer to the full version since I belonged to what is known as the VR division of the government and I was planning to create a thesis on the other applications of Full Dive technology.” However, Suguha and Kazuto believed that there was more than what he is saying, but they let it go for now. Seijirou says, “Kayaba-sempai was kind of like a teacher to me and I was shocked and stunned when this happened. And we still don’t understand. Why did he do this? Why did he take this technology and turn it into instruments of imprisonment and death? With so little information, we have no idea. And right now, our main focus is going to shift right now. Even as we speak, thanks to your efforts, the over six thousand survivors of SAO are waking up in hospitals all over the nation as we speak and we are going to need to rehabilitate and readjust them to life back here. Remember, your brother has been trapped in that virtual world for over two years and it is like you have been on an alien world going through an entirely different life. It is going to take a lot of work.”


Suguha and Kazuto look at each other for about a minute in which they nod their heads and Suguha tells Seijirou, “All right, big brother and I will help you, but with conditions.”


Before Midori could speak up, Seijirou asks, “Name them?”


Suguha responds, “For one thing, I will tell you how I got my NervGear, but the person that I got it from didn’t give it to me. I took it from him and while he didn’t stop me from taking it from him, he didn’t assist me in anyway. He was using the NervGear to figure out a way to free friends of his from SAO. This information gets buried for good. Agreed?”


Seijirou says, with a nod, “Agreed.”


Kazuto says, “We also want you to find friends of ours from SAO. I only know most of them by their player names. They are Silica, Agil, Klein, Argo, and Lisbeth.”


Seijirou says, “It will take a while, but you said you only knew most of them by their player names. You must know a few by their real names.”


Suguha says, “One of them is Asuna and she used her real first name for her avatar name. Her real name is Asuka Yuuki.”


Seijirou asks, surprised, “Asuna Yuuki?”


Suguha responds, with a nod, “Yes, we already know that she is the daughter of the head of RCT in which you should know the head of one of their ‘divisions’ is a real piece of garbage.”


Seijirou says, with a smile, “If you are talking about who I think you are, then you can be assured that HE is in major trouble. Let’s just say that a ‘little Senshi’ let me into his ‘dark secrets’.”


Midori and the hospital staff are confused, but Kazuto and Suguha get what Seijirou means in which their eyes widen in which Kazuto says, shaking off the surprise for the moment, “The other one is someone that’s like a sister to me. Her avatar name is Usagi, but her real name is Serena Tsukino.”


Seijirou asks, shocked, “Wait! How do you…?”


Kazuto says, weakly, “She told Sugu and I her real name and while the other players don’t know this information, the players learned about her connection to HIM a long time ago.”


Seijirou says, with a nod, “I see.”


Suguha says, “And before you say anything, the players think of her as one of the ultimate victims of SAO and my brother was one of the few friends that she had in SAO at least until I came along.”


Seijirou says, with a nod of understanding, “I see.” Seijirou tells the doctors and nurses, “Please leave the room. Suguha-san, Kazuto-san, their mother, and I have something to discuss. I won’t take long since I will be seeing someone else after I’m done here, but please prepare food and water among other things when I leave.” The doctors and nurses look at each other, nod, and they take their leave in which Seijirou locks the door as he prepares for a discussion with Kazuto, Suguha, and their mother.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back with Kazuto, Tuxedo Mask, and the Sailor Scouts, Kazuto says, “Needless to say, mom was quite shocked that we were friends with you, Serena.”


Sailor Celestial says, “She was beyond horrified that Kayaba would trap a member of his own family in the game and amazed that we met you.”


Sailor Moon says, “I’ll bet.”


Sailor Mars says, “I guess that Meatball Head was the ‘someone else’ that he was seeing. He was in her hospital room the next day and he mentioned that he had seen someone else before her.”


Sailor Jupiter asks Sailor Mercury, “You and Pluto were working for the Task Force before we managed to ‘hack’ into SAO, right? Did you meet with him?”


Sailor Pluto says, “Quite a few times. And I believed that there is more to him than meets the eye.”


Kazuto says, “And I think what he told Sugu and I is connected to it. I don’t think that he was lying to us, but I don’t think that he was giving us the full story on what he wanted to do with Full-Dive VR technology.”


Sailor Venus says, with a smirk, “That’s why we had our ‘Soldier of Wisdom’ do a little ‘cyber sleuthing’.”


Sailor Celestial asks Sailor Mercury, “You did?”


Sailor Mercury says, with a sigh, “I was a bit embarrassed by it. I wasn’t sure that it was right.”


Sailor Uranus says, “Well, if he knows that Serena Tsukino and Sailor Moon with Suguha Kirigaya and Sailor Celestial are one and the same, we are going to need leverage.”


Sailor Celestial says, “I feel the same way. Despite him helping us find you guys and Asuna as well as the others, something about that guy comes out to be ‘sneaky’.”


Kazuto says, “Yeah, I feel the same way. I don’t think that he is close to Kayaba and nowhere even near dangerous as Sugou, but he has ‘another agenda’ in which I think that he is willing to use ‘tricks’ to get his way through I doubt to the extreme as Kayaba and Sugou.”


Sailor Mars says, “I couldn’t get a negative reading off him. However, it doesn’t mean that he is dangerous if he feels that he is doing the ‘greater good’ despite ‘stepping on toes’.”


Sailor Mercury says, taking out her computer, “Actually, I do have an idea.” Soon after, she shows what’s displayed on her computer causing the others’ eyes to widen at what she is showing.


Sailor Jupiter says, with a whistle, “Wow.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “I think that it is time to set up another meeting with Seijirou-san. Hanzo-san did say that he was interested in the Pendulum Monster cards.” The others nod their heads in agreement as the other Sailor Scouts prepare to leave Kazuto’s and Sailor Celestial’s home in which they know that they are going to have a ‘full day’ tomorrow.


July 7, 2025, Unknown location


Within an unknown location, there is a female figure watching a motion picture image of Sakura Haruno reading a Naruto manga book with a plain look on her face.


The female figure says, “It is amazing to see a manga character come to life.”


A female voice says, “She doesn’t really look like much, sensei.”


The female figure says, “But she has potential based on that manga and now, she has been enhanced along with Uzumaki and Hyuga.”


The female voice says, “Doesn’t mean that they are better than us, Suzume-sensei.”


The female figure says, “True, Homura. However, the seed of doubt has been planted in her mind since she sees the madness that Sasuke Uchiha could follow in their word and she believes, rightfully so, that the anime and manga of her world is idealistic. She believes that the Uzumaki clan played a vital role in the village especially since her teacher, Tsunade, belongs to the Uzumaki clan by blood and her grandmother is a member of the clan.”


The female voice says, “And yet, most likely, she hasn’t heard anything about it during her time in Academy.”


The female figure responds, “Exactly, Homura. As I said, the seed of doubt is planted which can help her to lean in the direction that her home has betrayed the ideals of the founders and if she doubts, then the other two doubt as well.”


The female voice says, with a sly tone, “I see, sensei.”


July 8, 2025, Akihabara


Within one of the cafes inside of Akihabara, which, not surprising, is a maid café where we find Suguha, Kazuto, Keiko, Rika, Asuna, Darien, our Sailor Scouts including Rini, and our Digidestined with their Digimon partners.


Rini says, “I hope that Molly is okay taking care of them by herself.”


Lita says, with a grin, “I’m sure that she is fine.”


Amara asks, “Have you really read the Naruto manga and watch the anime?”


Lita responds, a bit nervously, “Point taken, Amara.”


Serena says, “Sorry if we seem to be using you, Rini.”


Rini responds, “Oh, geez, Meatball Head! I’m one of the team remember! We stick together and if you need and Luna-P to hypnotize this guy, I’ve got no problem with it. Look, Serena, I’ve got to admit with Amara that it is already dangerous that the former Assault Team of SAO knows your faces, but if someone knows about you and Auntie Suguha, I really don’t want to think about it.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “I still couldn’t believe that she is your future daughter, Serena.”


Rika says, “No kidding, girlfriend.”


Serena asks, with a blush, “How do you think that I felt when I found out over several years ago, Rika?”


Mimi asks Suguha, “So, doesn’t that mean that you are with your future niece, Suguha?”


Suguha says, drolly, “Don’t remind me. I’m feeling the same way when I first found out about Yui. I’m a sixteen year old aunt with two nieces from two siblings.”


Rini says, with a smile, “You’ll get used to this kind of thing.”


Davis says, with a grin, “Just another day being part of the ‘saving the world’ club or guild.”


Kari asks Serena, “How is your brother doing?”


Serena responds, “He is okay, Kari. Thank you for asking.”


Izzy says, “Well, we have four Signers now: Davis, Kari, Serena, and her younger brother, Sammy. The only ones left are the wielders of Red Dragon Archfiend and Black-Winged Dragon.”


Cody says, “Not to mention that we have Suguha and Serena as these ‘Duel Priestess’ with Serena and Suguha using the power of one of these ‘Dimensional Dragons’: Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.”


Amara says, “Well, I’m still worried about them using those dragons especially Dumpling.”


Serena tells Amara, “I’m fine, Amara. I really am.”


Raye says, “Meatball Head, please don’t.”


Kazuto tells Serena, “You are going to make them feel worse by doing that Serena.” Serena nods her head when they hear the door open and they look to see Seijirou walking in and being escorted to the table where the others are by one of the ‘lead maid’, the hostess of the maid café.


Rika says, annoyed, “You’re late.”


Seijirou says, with a sly smile, “You know how traffic is.” As Seijirou sits down, he says, with a smile, “I see that you are all doing well and looking quite healthy too.” Suguha doesn’t say anything as she takes out her deck, draws a card from it, and flips it over to display Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) Pendulum Monster card in front of his eyes causing Seijirou’s eyes to widen.


Suguha says, “A little old sage tells me that you are interested in this.”


Seijirou asks, “A little old sage?”


Trista tells Seijirou, “His name is Hanzo, legendary government shinobi and founder of the special intelligent division section one.”


Seijirou gives a wide-eyed look of surprise for a few moments and he then says, regaining his composer, “I see.” Seijirou then retorts, “I see that we are all business Suguha Kirigaya-san or shall I call you Celestial-san instead?”


There are looks of surprise and Yolei says, “You do know!”


Seijirou says, with a plain tone, “The information that came out of the SAO severs was limited, but it did say some interesting things including what data came out of the fight on floor seventy-five. However, I can assure that I’m the only one that knows such information.”


Serena asks, suspiciously, “And we can trust you why?”


Seijirou says, “Well, I did help you, Suguha-san, and Kazuto-san find your friends from SAO especially Asuna-san, did I not? You also don’t have much choice in the matter.”


Suguha asks, “One question?”


Seijirou asks, “Yes?”


Suguha retorts, with a smirk, “How is work at the ‘Ocean Turtle’ going?” Seijirou nearly feel out of his seat from that question and he sees the others smirking at him.


Seijirou says, “I see. It was Mercury no doubt.”


Tai says, with a smile, “And Izzy too. Two geniuses are better than one.”


Matt says, “They also say that your security needs a major update.”


Seijirou says, “I’ll remember that.” Seijirou tells Serena, “You have to know your ‘other persona’ has been missing for the same time that ‘you’ have been missing, Tsukino-san. There are going to be people that are going to put ‘two and two’ together including those in the government task force devoted to you and the other Sailor Scouts.”


Lita asks, surprised, “A government task force devoted to us?”


Mina says, “I’m not surprised, Lita-chan. With all of the battles, we had tons of monster attacks, thousands of victims, and with quite a few city wide disasters, the government, though not publically, are going to believe that we are fact and not fiction. And we are magical girls, which is what you using find in manga and anime, with real powers, so, you can expect them to be interested.”


Seijirou says, “Correct, Aino-san. With the similarities between all of the things that happened in Juuban and similarities with what happened with ‘Sailor V’, who I believe to be Sailor Venus in an earlier ‘form’, the government had formed a task force focused on the Sailor Scouts in which you can expect that there is one for the Digimon and the Digidestined through it is more public since Digimon and the Digital World is an actual ‘public fact’.”


Matt says, “Don’t expect on getting to the Digital World.”


Seijirou says, “I expect that you have ‘friends’ in making sure of that.”


Davis says, with a smirk, “You can say that.”


Gatomon says, “Big time, pal.”


Kazuto says, “Despite us figuring out that facts, those are ‘aces’, despite being small, that you are revealing Seijirou-san.”


Rika says, with a serious tone, “You are giving us an idea about your ‘hand’.”


Seijirou says, with a smile, “Maybe not as much as you think, Shinozaki-san.”


Asuna says, “Don’t bother, Liz. He is revealing that information because it isn’t important to keep hidden.”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “Asuna has a point. However, I do have my own reasons of wanting to contact him.”


Serena asks, “You want to know why he seemed so glad that you and I decided to go to ALO?”


Amara asks, “Doctor Rainbow, huh?”


Seijirou says, with a smile, “You catch on quick.”


TK asks, “Doctor Rainbow? You mean the famous child genius Russian-Japanese American that plays net idol, Seven, on ALO?”


Izzy says, with a nod, “Exactly, TK.”


Ken says, “I figured that was the case when Serena, Suguha, Kazuto, and Asuna told about the meeting with Seijirou shortly after we had gone through enough rehabilitation to return to everyday life.”


Just then a female voice says, “We recovered faster than the rest of you since Suguha and I were in SAO for only under three months, but our bodies were still weaker than before and it was a pain during our brief rehabilitation.” Everyone looks to see Shino enter the room and join up with the others.


Amara asks Shino, “How does it look?”


Shino says, looking at Seijirou, “His friends are behaving themselves.”


Seijirou says, with a nervous smile, “You got me.”


Davis asks, “Did you really think that we would think that you would be dumb to come along when meeting with all of us?”


Seijirou says, “Ouch.”


Kazuto tells Seijirou, “You seemed to be pretty eager for this meeting.”


Seijirou asks, “Right down to business, Kirito?” Seijirou tells him, “As you know, SAO may be over…Actually, the death game is over, but SAO, at least for us in the VR division and with certain members of the task force, isn’t over for us. Yes, we know that your kunoichi friend that was part of the Mugen Tenshin clan had gotten Kayaba’s journals which is why you and she were battling a strange green humanoid ‘creature’ in the streets of Akiba. However, the mission to our ‘ninja division’ wasn’t given by me. But I do have my questions.”


Asuna asks, “Such as?”


Seijirou responds, “What connection do you and your sister share with Kayaba, Kirito?” There are wide-eyed looks of surprise from many of our heroes and heroines and Seijirou says, “We know about the incident in Juuban during the time when those ‘black crystals’ were ‘growing’ in the area which doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that it involves Miss Moon and her friends fighting against one of her enemies. We know that you and Suguha-san were there, Kirito, along with Kayaba and Kayaba found your sister when she got separated from you and your mother, Midori-san.”


Kazuto says, “That means that you know that I wasn’t an SAO beta tester by random chance.”


Seijirou responds, with a nod, “Yes, Kirito. We know that Kayaba made sure personally made sure that you were made an SAO beta tester in which he knew that you would go onto the retail version. And to answer that other implied question: Yes, we also know that it was Kayaba that made sure that we didn’t find out about that NervGear that your sister used until it was too late. That does lead one to wonder if Kayaba was…Shall we say, targeting your sister.”


Yolei says, narrowing her eyes, “You seem too smart for your own good.”


Seijirou says, with a smile, “Hopefully smart enough when dealing with the ‘unique people’ of our nation like yourself, Inoue-san.”


There are plenty of annoyed looks at Seijirou and Amara says, “You came in quite prepared.”


Seijirou says, “I think that I would have to say the same.”


However, before anything else is said, Raye, Trista, Amara, and Suguha sense something and Keiko says, “Suguha, your dragon!” Everyone then looks to see Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) Pendulum Monster giving off a light glow.


Kari says, amazed, “It’s glowing.”


Joe says, “And something tells me that it isn’t good.”


Raye says, “You’re right, Joe. I’m sensing a ‘weird feeling’ in the air.”


Mina asks, “Weird feeling?”


Trista says, “You are sensing the disruption of time and space, Raye. I know that feeling well.”


Suguha says, “Trista’s right. I can feel it too.”


Davis asks, “You can feel when fabric of reality gets warped?”


Cody says, “You have to remember what she is the Sailor Scout of, Davis.”


Seijirou says, with a smile, “Of that, I would be interested too.”


Suguha says, annoyed, “This isn’t a joke, you know! This means that something bad could be up!”


Rika asks, “Why is that card glowing?”


Ami thinks in her mind, “I think that I know. Ancient Fairy Dragon mentioned that Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is a ‘Dimensional Dragon’. Maybe it can sense something ‘off’ with the fabric of reality. And if it is, where is it coming from and why is it ‘setting off’ Odd-Eyes?”


July 8, 2025, Juuban District


Right now, within the Juuban District, Naruto yelps as he dodges a ‘strike’ from a young man around 18 years of age that’s looks to be African American or someone that looks African American with his hair consists of long, black dreadlocks, brown eyes, and he is wearing what looks like a Ra Yellow jacket from Duel Academy Island, with no sleeves and wears a green muscle shirt underneath. He also wears beige combat pants, white wristbands with matching bands just above his feet, a bandanna featuring a dinosaur face, bone earrings, and a necklace of dinosaur bones. Finally, attached to his left wrist, there is a Duel Academy Island issue duel disk with a dueling deck inside.


Naruto leaps out of the way with ease and he yells out, “What did I do to you, pal?!” The young man’s eyes become a lighter brown and slit-like in which his eyes are similar like a dinosaurs in which he gives a dinosaur-like growl as he attacks Naruto, again, in which Naruto leaps out of the way while Sakura, Hinata, and Molly.


Hinata says, concerned, “Naruto-kun!”


Sakura tells Hinata, “Don’t worry, Hinata. This guy is like a rabid animal. Naruto can take care of him easily.”


Molly says, “There is something wrong with me. It seems like a ‘primal force’ has taken over his mind and causing him to fight on primal instinct.”


Hinata asks, “Primal instinct?”


Sakura says, “Like an animal, Hinata. Even we, humans, evolved from animals and we still have base animalistic instincts, too, but we use reason more.” Sakura says, “The thing is: I…I’m sensing the same thing somehow.”


Hinata says, looking at the ‘wild man’, “I feel the same way.”


Just then a familiar monstrous voice say in Naruto’s mind, “Unless you have been living under a rock, brat! That human has a ‘primal power’ inside of him and some other kind of power has caused it to ‘work overtime’ causing his primal instincts to overtake his rational mind!”


Naruto asks, “Wait! Are you saying that he is being controlled?”


Kurama responds, “Indirectly, kit. Like I said, this strange ‘other power’ is causing his ‘primal instincts’ to go into overdrive. He senses me and it is causing him to attack you.”


Naruto responds, sarcastically, “I’m not surprised. It seems like you get me into all types of trouble.”


Kurama retorts, “Love you, too, brat!” Soon after, Tsunade’s necklace around his neck starts to glow along with his Neo Domino City Duel Disk.


Naruto asks, confused, “Hey! What’s going on here?” Naruto’s duel disk then transforms into an orange and black version of Suguha’s new duel disk in which an orange and black ‘energy blade’ comes out of it.


The others are shocked and Sakura says, “It looks like Suguha-san’s duel disk.”


Kurama says to itself, lowly so Naruto doesn’t hear, “This is interesting. There may be more to that necklace than just being a container for the First Hokage’s chakra. It seems to have ‘hidden powers’.”


The young man sees this and he says, with an animalistic growl, “Must duel!” He activates his duel disk and Naruto’s duel disk also activates in which it also shuffles his deck.


Naruto says, “Hey! Wait! I just started!”


Sakura says, “Something tells me that our ‘wild man’ here isn’t giving you much choice, Naruto.”


Molly says, “If you duel him, you might stop whatever is warping his mind and knock him back to normal, Naruto-san!”


Naruto says, nervously, “You have got to be kidding me.”


Sakura asks, “You have got any better ideas Naruto?”


Naruto responds, with a shrug, “Nope!” Naruto tells the young man, “Okay, pal, let’s do this duel!” Their duel disks display 4000 life-points for each duelist and they draw five cards from their decks.


“Duel!” Naruto and his opponent say in unison as their duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Naruto: 4000

Mystery Opponent: 4000


Just then a male voice says, “Hassleberry!” Everyone, minus Naruto’s opponent, look to see two young men, one ‘regular sized’ in height and one short, and one young lady running towards them.


One of the males, the short one, who has spiky blue hair and glasses in front of his eyes, asks, “Hassleberry, what are you doing?”


Sakura yells out, annoyed, “Hey! Is this jerk one of your friends?”


The short male responds, nervously, “Well…”


Sakura responds, “Tell him to stop attacking my friend!”


The short male replies, nervously, “We can’t! Not when he is all ‘primal’ like this!”


The taller of the two males, with two sets of brown hair, light brown with dark brown, and brown eyes, asks, “What set Hassleberry’s dinosaur DNA off?”


Molly asks, “Dinosaur DNA?”


The shorter of the two males responds, “I don’t know, Jay! But I rather not be the guy at the end of his ‘dinosaur rage’!”


As the duel begins, Naruto’s opponent, Hassleberry, draws a card and he says, putting one card on his duel disk, “My move! Summon Gilasaurus!” Soon after, Gilasaurus (1400/400) appears on the field in attack mode.


Molly tells Naruto, “Naruto, Gilasaurus is a special summon due to its ability!”


Sakura shouts out, “That means that he is going to use it for an Advance Summon!”


Naruto says, drolly, “Just great!”


Hassleberry says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Dino friend go bye-bye! Summon Dark Driceratops!” Gilasaurus vanishes and Dark Driceratops (2400/1500) appears on the field in attack mode. Hassleberry roars as he puts a card into the spell/trap slots and causing a hologram of a face-down card to appear on the field.


The short male says, “This looks familiar.”


The taller of the two males says, “Yeah, Syi. This is how Hassleberry started his duel with Jim.”


The short male says, “No kidding, Jay.”


Naruto says, “Okay, pal! It’s time that I knock you to your senses!” Naruto draws a card, looks at his hand, and he thinks, shocked, “Wait! What the heck?! Where did these cards come from?! I didn’t put them in my deck and I’m sure that the only ones are with Suguha-san and Serena-san! Why do I have them all of a sudden? This is just too weird even for a ninja like me!” However, as he looks at the cards, he gets a ‘feeling’.


Hinata asks, concerned, “Naruto, is something wrong?”


Naruto says, with a grin, “No way, Hinata-chan! And guess what? In my first major duel, I’m going to win in one turn, believe it!”


Sakura asks, “Huh?”


Naruto says, displaying Stargazer Magician (1200/2400) and Timegazer Magician (1200/600) Pendulum Monster cards, “I set the scale one, Stargazer Magician, and scale eight Timegazer Magician, in the Pendulum Zones and set the Pendulum Scale!” Naruto puts the cards in the two zones that are on the edges of the ‘blade’ of his new duel disk causing the word ‘Pendulum’ in rainbow colored letters to appear in the monster card zones for a second in which the two said monsters appear in columns of light with one column of light on either side of Naruto with the number 1 appear below Stargazer while the number 8 appears below Timegazer.


Everyone else is shocked and the female with the two other males, who has long dark blond hair and brown eyes, “Pendulum Scale?”


The short male responds, “I’ve got no idea, Alexis.”


Naruto says, “With these two cards set, I can now summon monsters that are level two to seven this turn!” Just then an image of Naruto’s crystal necklace appears between the two Pendulum Monsters and starts to swing before them in which Naruto shouts out, while putting three cards on his duel disk, “It’s time to swing Soul Pendulum! Pendulum Summon! Let’s rock, gang! Meet Air Armor Ninja, Aqua Armor Ninja, and the mighty Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Three lights come out of a circle in the sky and Air Armor Ninja (1400/1400), Aqua Armor Ninja (800/1600), and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.


The others are stunned and the female of the three new arrivals shout outs, “No way! He just summoned three monsters in one turn and that dragon is level seven!”


The taller of the two male says, excitedly, “That’s sweet!”


Molly thinks in her mind, stunned, “I thought that only Suguha and Serena had those cards!”


Naruto says, “But I’m not done, yet, believe it! I overlay my Air Armor Ninja and Aqua Armor Ninja and create the Overlay Network!” Both ninja monsters turn into light and go into a galaxy-like vortex that appears on the ground in front of them while Naruto puts both monster cards on the same monster zone on his duel disk while taking an XYZ monster card from his Extra Deck and put it on his duel disk. Naruto says, “I XYZ Summon my new buddy: Blade Armor Ninja!” Soon after, Blade Armor Ninja (2200/1000), with two Wind Overlay Units orbiting him, appear on the field in attack mode.


The short male asks, “What is that?”


The taller of the two males responds, “I wish that I knew, Syrus.”


Naruto yells out, “Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, attack his overgrown lizard now!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon charges up, leaps into the sky, and unleashes a beam of energy that slams into Dark Driceratops in which Naruto says, with a grin, “And when my dragon attacks your attacking monster, all battle damage is doubled, believe it!” Hassleberry growls in surprise and he yelps as Dark Driceratops is destroying while he loses 200 life-points. Naruto says, “Blade Armor Ninja, attack him directly!” Blade Armor Ninja charges in and slashes Hassleberry in the chest in which he grunts as he loses 2200 life-points. Hassleberry growls in animalistic manner and Naruto says, with a grin, “And now, for the final blow, thanks to my buddy’s ability! By absorbing one Overlay Unit, my new bro can attack you again this turn!” Hassleberry yelps while Blade Armor Ninja absorbs one of his Overlay Units in which he attacks again causing Hassleberry to yelp as he is sent to the ground as he is attacked by Blade Armor Ninja causing him to lose 2200 more life-points as well as the duel.


Final Score:

Naruto: 4000

Hassleberry: 0


Hassleberry collapses to the ground as the final holograms fade away and the taller of the two males shout out, “Hassleberry!”


As the three newcomers go over to Hassleberry, Naruto says, “I hope that I didn’t hurt him.”


Molly responds, “You shouldn’t have Naruto.”


Sakura tells Naruto, “Remember, those monsters aren’t supposed to be real. They are ‘technology made Genjutsu’ that feel even more realistic than a Genjutsu.”


Naruto says, “No kidding, Sakura.”


Hinata tells Naruto, with a smile, “You won your first duel in one turn, Naruto-kun.”


Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “I told you and Sakura so, Hinata-chan.”


Sakura tells Naruto, with a smirk, “That was against an opponent who has ‘gone wild’ against you, Naruto. If it was a regular thinking opponent, I doubt that you would have been so lucky.”


Naruto tells Sakura, annoyed, “Thanks for the encouragement, Sakura.”


Sakura says, with a sigh and smile, “Good job, Naruto.”


Soon after, Hassleberry comes to his senses and he says, looking at the tall male, “Sarge, what’s going on here?” After Hassleberry looks around, he asks, “And where is here?”


The short male responds, nervously, “That’s a good question, Hassleberry.”


Sakura says, “Something tells me that we are in for a long day.” Molly can’t help to nod her head in agreement and knows that she is going to need to bring this situation to the others, but what she doesn’t know is that some distance away and in different locations surrounding the area that they are in, various figures are watching them for all sorts of reasons and not all of them are ‘good’ along with the fact that there is a faint glow coming from Naruto’s right arm, however, no one notices and it fades away as quickly as it appeared before anyone does notice.


July 8, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Inside of Ryne, the main town within Svart Alfheim, we find a young teen Spriggan with black hair and dark eyes with his head shaped like Sammy’s head in which he is wearing a ninja style outfit with two short kitana. This Spriggan player is looking down at his arm as he feels a strange ‘itch’ coming from it, but now, the ‘itch’ is gone.


This Spriggan player says, “What was that about? My arm felt so itchy. I never knew that you could itches in VR. I would ask Meatball Head, but her experience is that of a nightmare that our former uncle put her through, so, hopefully her friends can help me in that regard.”


Just then a female voice says, “Hi!” The Spriggan turns around and he gasps to see someone that looks like a teenaged female Imp player that has lustrous and gorgeous, long, purplish-black hair, the skin of her face shows milky white skin that has a hint of purple and red eyes with this young girl wearing obsidian half-armor, which covered her chest and had a slight bulge, a bluebottle violet blouse and a windswept dress of the same color beneath the armor.


The Spriggan player says, shocked, “You are…!!”


The female voice says, with a smile, “I see that you’ve heard of me! I really don’t know who you are!”


The Spriggan player responds, nervously, “I-I’m Shingo.”


The female voice responds, with a smile, “Nice to meet you, Shingo! Maybe we can have a match?”


The Spriggan player, Shingo, responds, “No way! I’m no match for you!”


The female voice replies, with a sigh, “Oh, well. I really don’t mean to scare people. Maybe you can help me find a strong player.”


Shingo responds, nervously, “Sure.” Shingo thinks in his mind, “I can’t believe it! I only seen her during her matches, but that’s really Zekken here in Svart Alfheim! This is incredible!” Soon after, Shingo escorts the mysterious female player, Zekken, which is Japanese for ‘Absolute Sword’, into Ryne, the main town of Svart Alfheim, to find her challenge and the start of another ‘virtual adventure’.


Like I said, Lost Song plays a role in this story, too, everyone! And there are going to be a ton of crossovers, with some of them ‘major’ like the Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, and Naruto part of the crossover story, and others are going to be ‘minor’, folks! However, you are going to have to read and find out what’s what, fans! The romances in the story are like those mentioned in my ‘Hollow Fragment’ fanfiction like Kazuto/Asuna, Serena/Darien, and the like, but I’m not saying who you are the others, yet. Yeah, I know: Naruto barely started learning Duel Monsters and he wins a big match like that?! Kind of unrealistic, but you know how heroes and heroines can be, right? Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!