Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Antics and Adventures ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
There are just more and more ‘guest starts’ as the story goes along including from the Yu-Gi-Oh series including none other than Atem AKA ‘Yami Yugi’ and it makes you wonder if the original Yu-Gi-Oh ‘gang’ are going to make their appearance in this story, right? Well, as I have said before, you are going to have to read to find who is going to make their appearance in this fanfiction. Yeah, I know that I’m getting like a broken record, but before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Log Horizon, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 7: Antics and Adventures


July 11, 2025, Neo Domino City, Satellite Sector


Within the Satellite Sector of Neo Domino City, there is a group of half-a-dozen people assembled together in an alleyway.


The first people is a young teen girl of 17 with dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulders, blue eyes, and her clothing consists of yellow tube-top, red choker, light pink shorts, black thigh-high socks, red platform sandals, and pink jacket.


The second person is a young man with short brown hair and brown eyes in which he is wearing long white sleeveless designed coat featuring shoulder pads and a raised studded collar, with black sleeves from his shirt coming out from the under jacket, extra belts in pairs strapped around his upper arms and shins, and he has an old fashioned Battle City Duel Disk around his left wrist.


The third person is a young man of 17 years of age with dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and he is wearing an open blue jacket with a raised collar, white T-shirt under the jacket, blue jeans, and black sneakers.


The fourth person is another young man with dark brown hair that’s arranged in the shape of a spike in the forward section of his scalp, brown eyes, and he is currently wearing a long brown coat with a raised collar, a white buttoned shirt underneath and black jeans.


The fifth person is young teen, younger than the other teens, with long black hair, violet eyes, and his clothing consists of blue and grey striped shirt under a plaid jacket, blue jeans, and plain sneakers.


The final person looks to be a shorter version of Pharaoh Atem himself.


The person that looks like Pharaoh Atem asks, in a somewhat high male voice, “Is everyone all right?”


The female of the group responds, “We’re okay, Yugi.”


The fourth person of the group, the male with brown hair in a spike, asks, “Where are we? And how did we get here?”


The third person in the group says, with a Brooklyn, New York American accent, “Good question, Tristan. All I remember is that freaky light show.”


The youngest member of the group, the male with long black hair and violet eyes, asks, “What’s going on Seto?”


The male with the white sleeveless coat responds, “I don’t know Mokuba.” The male then tells the others, “And don’t get me started on this magic nonsense again.”


The male with the Brooklyn accent responds, “Geez, rich boy. When are you going to get it in your head that there are stuff that can’t be explained logically? Man, Kaiba!”


The male with the white sleeveless coat retorts, “There is always a way to explain without stupid magic, Wheeler.” The male then sees something and he says, going over, “And there it is.”


The shorter version of Pharaoh Atem, who is none other than Yugi Moto, the King of Games, asks, “What do you mean Kaiba?”


The male with the white sleeveless coat, Seto Kaiba, replies, picking up a current newspaper, “This is how Yugi. Take a look at the date.” Kaiba throws the newspaper to Yugi, who catches, and as everyone looks over Yugi’s shoulders, they gasp to see the date.


The female of the group shouts out, shocked, “July Eleventh Twenty-Twenty-Five?!”


The male with the Brooklyn accent asks, “No way! That can’t be right! Right?”


Yugi says, “I’m afraid that it is, Joey.”


The female of the group then says, shocked, “That means that we…”


Kaiba says, “We have gone far into the future, Gardner.”


The male with the Brooklyn accent, none other than Joey Wheeler, asks, “The future?!”


The youngest member of the group, none other than Kaiba’s brother, Mokuba Kaiba, asks, shocked, “How did we get into the future Seto?”


Kaiba responds, “It’s simple, Mokuba. Someone created a time machine and it caused some kind of space-time disruption that sent us to this time.”


Joey asks, “I thought that you weren’t into this ‘fantasy stuff’, rich boy?”


Kaiba responds, “It’s science fiction, not magic, Wheeler. Time travel, I can believe, but magic is only fantasy. And just because it is science fiction doesn’t mean that it won’t become science fact. When you were a kid, I don’t think that you could have imagined my holographic dueling system that allows to play Duel Monsters like we do.”


Yugi says, “I’ve got to admit that Kaiba has a good point.”


The female of the group says, with a nod, “I agree, Yugi.”


Kaiba says, “Anyway, we have got to find the person that created the time machine that got us flung here into the future and make them send us back to our time.”


Joey says, with a snort, “I don’t think that it is going to be that simple, rich boy. We don’t know where we are much less whoever has got a time machine if your theory is true, Kaiba.”


Just then a familiar male voice shouts out in Yugi’s mind, “Yugi!”


Yugi asks, confused, “Huh?”


He starts to look around and the female of the group asks, “What’s wrong, Yugi?”


Yugi responds, “I thought that I heard someone call my name.”


The male with the brown hair in a spike responds, “It wasn’t me.”


Joey retorts, with a smirk, “Not surprising since when you talk, you can be heard in the next county, Tristan.”


The male with the brown hair in a spike, Tristan Taylor, retorts, “Very funny, Joey. Maybe I should show you the punchline.”


The female of the group, Tea Gardner, yells out, “That’s enough!” Just then something in the sky catches her eye and she looks up in which her eyes widen.


Mokuba asks, “What’s wrong, Tea?”


Tea says, pointing the sky, “I think that we should get out of the way.” Everyone then looks up to see what looks like a golden comet heading right for them.


Tristan asks, nervously, “What is that?”


Joey yells out, nervously, “You are asking me?”


Mokuba shouts out, “Get out of the way!” As the group starts to run away, Yugi stops and looks at the ‘comet’ coming towards them in which the others see this.


Joey shouts out, “What are you doing, Yug?”


Tea says, “Get out of the way, Yugi!” Yugi doesn’t move and he gets a closer look at the ‘comet’ in which his eyes widen.


Yugi says, lowly, “No way…” Soon after, the golden ‘comet’ seems to hit Yugi and he is engulfed in golden light.


Tea, Joey, and Tristan shout out in unison, shocked, “Yugi!” However, when the light starts to fade away, a taller version of Yugi with the Millennium Symbol glowing on his forehead and the Millennium Puzzle around his neck, emerges.


Tristan asks, “Yugi?”


Joey says, “I don’t think so, Tristan. Look at what he has around his neck!”


Tea says, shocked, “The Millennium Puzzle!”


Kaiba says, “Not this again.”


Joey retorts, with a snort, “Explain the duel between Yugi and the Pharaoh.”


Mokuba says, “It was too real to be an illusion Seto.” Joey gives a smirk while Kaiba ‘huff’ as he turns away.


Tea asks, “Atem?”


The taller version of Yugi says, in Atem’s voice, “It is good to see you, Tea.”


Yugi, in spirit form, appears by Atem and he says, telepathically, “Atem? What are you doing here? What’s the Puzzle doing here?”


Atem replies, “I should be asking you the same thing, Yugi. How are you here in the far future?”


Yugi responds, “We have no idea, Atem. From our perspective, it has been over half-a-year since our final duel, we were engulfed in a strange light, and now, we are here.”


Atem says, “I see, Yugi. I may have an idea how you got here.”


Tea asks, “Pharaoh…Atem, what are you doing here?”


Atem responds, “It is a long story and it may be involved in why you are here in this far future, Tea.” Atem then quickly explains about what happened earlier.


When he is done, Joey asks, “Wait, Pharaoh? You are saying so nutjob group dug up the Millennium Items in this time and used a replica of the Millennium Stone to cause a warp in time.”


Atem says, with a nod, “I believe so, Joey. However, it wasn’t just the items alone. The area that I was in seemed to be a place where barriers of space and time have been weakened at once before and they used the Millennium Items like spike to open a hole. However, for what reasons, I don’t know, but what I can sense that this place is an area where the barriers of space and time have been weakened before.”


Tristan asks, “So, you mean that gateways to the past or future can be opened?”


Atem says, “Not just that Tristan. You can open gateways to whole other worlds. Time and Space are interlinked and you can’t have space without time and you can’t have time without space. Space-time is a vital fabric of reality itself.”


Kaiba says, “Oh, please! Any geek knows that!”


Atem tells Kaiba, “Kaiba, this is serious! Messing with the fabric of space-time is serious and I have no idea what those people intend to do. All I know is that they want to open a gateway, but I am not sure if it is into another time or another world!”


Tristan says, “Nice try, but you know as well as I do that Kaiba doesn’t believe in magic.”


Kaiba says, “For good reason, geek.”


Tristan snarls at Kaiba and Joey says, “Forget him, Tristan. Right now, we need to figure out a way to get home to our time as well as bust up these creeps that messing with it!”


Atem says, “Plus, we need to find and retrieve my Egyptian God cards. I had lost them when I tried to ask for Obelisk’s, Slifer’s, and Ra’s aid against these people, but they destroyed their duplicate of the stone and scattered the items just before the Egyptian Gods could fully materialize and now, they are scattered along with the rest of the items.”


Tea says, nervously, “That’s not good.”


Yugi says to Atem, “No kidding, Atem. Those cards are really powerful and despite what powerful new cards are in this time, no one other than you or Kaiba can handle those cards! But there is also the risk that someone can harness their power like Dartz did!”


Atem says, “That’s what worries me, Yugi.”


Joey tells Kaiba, “And don’t you be getting any ideas, rich boy! Yugi and the Pharaoh won those cards fair and square from your Battle City, so, they belong to him!”


Kaiba says, “Whatever, Wheeler.”


Mokuba says, “Anyway, we should focus on finding some shelter and some help to figure out a way to get back to our time.”


Atem says, “I may have an idea.”


Everyone looks at him and Tea asks, “You do?”


Atem says, “It might be a long shot.” Atem then walks over to a person that he sees and he asks, “Excuse me?”


The person is surprised by Atem’s appearance, but he gets over it and he asks, “Yes?”


Atem responds, “Do you know someone by the name of Yusei Fudo?”


The person replies, “Where have you been dude? Of course I do! Everyone in Neo Domino City knows the name Yusei Fudo since he is one of the greatest duelists in the world today and he helped save Neo Domino City from destruction!”


Yugi tells Atem, “It seems like Yusei-san is quite the hero.”


Atem tells Yugi, with a smile, “I know that you aren’t surprised, partner. He has the spirit of a true duelist and a true hero. Sometime tells me that it has been sometime, at least from Yusei’s perspective, since we fought against Paradox.” Atem says, with a kind smile, “Forgive me. Let’s just say that my friends and I come from VERY far away. I was wondering if you knew where Yusei lived.”


The person responds, “Of course! This place, the Satellite Sector, is Yusei’s home and it is thanks to him that Satellite has gone from a slum to be connected to the mainland and becoming the place that it is now. Well, anyway, I know the direction to Yusei’s shop since I pass by it every single day.” Soon after, Atem gets the direction from the person and the others are wondering what’s going since they don’t know when Yugi and Atem met Yusei and Jaden, the two duelists from two different times in the future.


July 12, 2025, Dicey Café


Inside of Dicey Café, we find Andrew behind his bar counter as usual while looking at Kazuto, Suguha, Asuna, Keiko, Rika, Kotone, Shion, Ryoutarou, Darien, the Sailor Scouts, and the Digidestined that were trapped in SAO, minus Davis and Kari, as well as their Digimon partners as they look at three XYZ monster cards put on the counter: Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon (4000/3000), Number 82: Heartlandraco (2000/1500), and Number 52: Diamond Crab King (0/3000). They are with other various new cards that Serena recently had gained including Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (3000/2500) and whatnot.


Matt whistles and he says, “That’s new.”


Kotone asks, “Have any of you seen these kind of cards?”


Darien says, shaking his head, “Never, Kotone.”


Amara says, “XYZ monster cards just recently came out and I never heard of these ‘Number’ cards before.”


Ami says, “They aren’t in the database of Duel Monster cards.”


Raye says, “For one thing, I can sense that they aren’t ordinary cards. I can sense some kind of strong power within them.”


Trista says, with a nod, “I sense it too, Raye.”


Amara says, nodding her head, “Same here, Raye.”


Kazuto asks Suguha, “What about you, Sugu?”


Suguha says, with a nod, “Same here, big brother. I…I don’t sense anything negative or positive about them. They seem…seem to be just…neutral.”


Shion asks, “Neutral? You mean they can be either used for good or for wicked purposes?”

Raye says, with a nod, “Yeah, Shion. That’s the way that they feel. It is like they are raw power, but they are more than that. However, they don’t seem to be positive or negative. It just seems like that they can be used for good or for ill based on the user.”


Amara says, “Doesn’t make them any less dangerous.”


Hotaru says, “Those strange people seem to know what these ‘Numbers’ are.”


Michelle says, “Most likely because they know or at least have a very good idea of what they are.”


Suguha tells Serena, “And your pink haired counterpart knows them. It most likely means that they come from the same place…the same world.”


Serena says, “This is all too confusing.”


Matt says, “We know how you feel Serena.”

Yolei says, “Our lives as Digidestined were never simple.”


TK says, with a nod, “No kidding, Yolei.”


Mina asks, “Speaking of him, Takeru-kun, where are the rest of your group?”


Tai says, with a shrug, “Gennai called Davis, Kari, and the others to the Digi-World with their partners for some reason. When we asked why, Gennai said that he didn’t want to reopen any wounds from you know where. I call major bull.”


Matt says, “I agree, Tai. He was giving the impression that he wanted us to spend more time in ‘reality’ in order to get used to it. Well, Davis and Kari were stuck in a ‘virtual world’ like us and then some!”


Yolei says, with a nod, “No joke, Matt. Something is up.”


Hawkmon tells Yolei, “Maybe you are overthinking things, Yolei.”


Gabumon says, “Gennai has a point. You’ve been trapped in that awful place for over two years and you have been only back here in the real world for barely over four months.”


Patamon says, “However, I’ve got to say that you have a point. Davis and Kari were trapped in another ‘virtual world’ that doesn’t seem to be any less dangerous.”


Hawkmon says, “Well, excuse me for not wanting to talk about ‘dangerous virtual worlds’. The whole experience was just awful. Yolei was just lying there and…I just don’t want to think about. It was like slowly being deleted.”


Yolei tells Hawkmon, with a smile, “I know, Hawkmon. I’m okay.”


Hawkmon tells Yolei, “Forgive me for not agreeing with you, Yolei. I should know since you have been waking up in the middle of the night with a few screams that your family and I had to comfort you.”


Yolei gives a blush of embarrassment and Asuna says, with a kind smile, “It’s okay, Yolei. I think…I know how you feel.”


Ami says, with a nod, “I’m assisting doctors that treat a lot of PTSD cases that came from this.”


Andrew says, with a sigh and nod, “I hear you girl.”


Kotone says, with a nod, “I have nightmares that I’m not only trapped in SAO, but I’m also not the ‘real me’. I’m the ‘Hollow me’, the AI version.”


Ryoutarou says, with a sigh, “It has been only over four months since we beat the game and Suguha beat the crud out of Kayaba.” Ryoutarou says, with a smirk, “Well, I hear back from plenty of the former assault team and they still call it the greatest battle of SAO in which that she deserves her place as one of the greatest SAO heroes.”


Suguha says, with a sigh, “Hero? Not even close.” Suguha’s hands tighten into fists and just plain sadness and anger fill her eyes in which Serena and Kazuto grab her hands causing her to look at them as well as weakly smile.


July 12, 2025, Digital World


Right now, we are in the Digital World where we find Davis, Kari, Sora, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, Cody, and their Digimon partners in a place known as Sky City which is like its name sounds like: A Digimon city in the skies of the Digital World besides some high mountains and home to plenty of aerial and mountainous Digimon. However, within the city, the seven Digidestined and their Digimon partners are with Gennai looking at sight that’s causing them shock especially for Davis and Kari.


Davis tells Gennai, with a glare, “If this a joke, Gennai, I’m not laughing dude.”


Gennai responds, “I’m not laughing either Davis.” Gennai, the Digidestined, and their Digimon are looking none other than Aincrad, the setting for the virtual ‘death game’ of Sword Art Online, floating nearby through looking somewhat worse for wear with some minor damage and quite a few holes.


Palmon asks, “What is it?”


Izzy says, “Based on what I can remember from the pictures, this is Aincrad, the floating castle that was the setting for Sword Art Online.”


Joe asks, shocked, “It is?!”


Kari says, “I think that Izzy is right. I saw some pictures of it during Dai-kun’s and my time in SAO.”


Davis says, “Yeah. I’m also getting that feeling that this is the place. However, I think that I know how to make sure.”


Veemon asks, “How, Davis?’


Davis says, pointing to the top of Aincrad, “We go up to the top. That’s where we’ll get our answer.”


Gatomon says, with a nod, “I agree. I think I know what you are looking for.”


Kari says, “Same here, Gatomon.”


Mimi asks, curiously, “What is that?” A bit later on, on the backs of ExVeemon, Nefertimon, Kabuterimon, and Garudamon, Gennai and the Digidestined with the remaining non-digivolved Digimon are flying up to the top where they find the Ruby Palace where they can see the roof blown out.


ExVeemon says, “Davis…”


Davis says, with a nod, “I see, buddy.”


Nefertimon says, “It is Sword Art Online’s Aincrad.”


Garudamon asks, “How do you know?”


Kari says, “In the final battle, Suguha used the Star Saber to attack Mimete when she somehow extracted it from Kayaba and caused the roof to blow out.”


Davis says, “Way out.”


Nefertimon says, “Look at the roof. The roof is blown as if it suffered an attack from within the Ruby Palace.”


Joe asks, “I thought that it was deleted within the SAO severs. What’s it doing here in the Digital World?”


Davis says, “Let’s find out.”


ExVeemon says, with a nod, “Gotcha, partner.”


Gennai shouts out, “Hold on, Davis!”


Davis asks, “Why?”


Gennai tells Nefertimon, “Nefertimon, could you launch one of your attacks at that location?”


Nefertimon asks, curiously, “Why?”


Gennai responds, “Just humor me.”


Rosetta Stone!


Nefertimon unleashes her attack towards the Ruby Palace, but before it gets within the Ruby Palace, it slams into a large force field which shimmers to show that it surrounds the Ruby Palace and the whole of the top floor in which Cody also sees similar force fields all around Aincrad.


Davis says, with a plain tone, “I’m not surprised. This is a real pain.”


Mimi asks, in a curious tone, “What shall we do? Should we call the others?”


Davis and Kari shout out in unison, with very serious and stern tone that’s unlike for both of them, “No!”


Mimi flinches from their tones and Gennai tells the Digidestined, “Now, you can understand why I call you here.”


Davis says, “No joke, Gennai. If Tai and the others saw it, they would have nightmares wide awake!”


Kari says, with a strong tone that’s rare if not unusual for our Digidestined of Light, “I’m not putting Tai and the others in the positon where they might relive that nightmare.”


Izzy says, “I think that I have found an opening.”


The others look at Izzy and Sora asks, “Where, Izzy?”


Izzy says, pointing to the bottom, “There.”


Davis says, annoyed tone in his voice, “Typical.”


Joe asks, “What’s our next move?’


Nefertimon says, “I don’t like this.”


Kari says, “I don’t like it either, Nefertimon. Someone this awful place has found its way to the Digital World and I don’t know like any of the ideas on how.”


ExVeemon says, “No kidding. We don’t know what kind of effect that it will have on the Digital World.”


Mimi asks, curiously, “Should we tell the others?” With that question, the group are looking at each other in complete silence.


After tense moments, Sora says, “I think that we should tell them. They are going to find out and it is for the best since they are our friends with Sailor Celestial, Sailor Moon, and Kazuto being the most ‘connected’ to Sword Art Online. It would hurt them if we keep this from them and they find out later on which is ‘when’ and not ‘if’.”


Kari says, with a sigh, “Good point, Sora.”


Cody says, “Izzy, get a whole scan of Aincrad if you are able.”


Izzy says, using his laptop, “Actually, I can. The force field isn’t preventing scans of the castle.”


Davis asks, “They aren’t?”


Izzy says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Cody says, with a plain tone, “That’s suspicious. Normally, force fields also prevents scans from getting in.”


Davis says, “That’s why it gives me a bad feeling.”

Kari says, “Same here, Dai-kun.”


July 12, 2025, Hayabusa Village


Within Hayabusa Village, Hinata is sparing against Kasumi and the two of them are evenly matched with each other and they stop as Ryu Hayabusa comes out to greet them.


Ryu tells them, “You have done well, Hinata-san.”


Hinata says, with a nod, “Thank you, Ryu-dono.”


Kasumi says, “You should be proud of yourself, Hinata-san. You have done us kunoichi proud.”


Naruto comes over and he says, “Yeah, Hinata! You were great.”


Hinata says, with a light blush, “Thanks, Naruto-kun.”


Ryu tells Naruto, “And you have made great strides too.”


Naruto says, “Hey, thanks! It feels like I’m on overdrive!”


Just then a female voice says, “It shows that my theory on us is correct, Naruto.” Everyone then looks to see Sakura coming up with a laptop computer in her hands.


Hinata says, “What’s that Sakura? It looks familiar.”


Sakura tells Hinata, “It’s a laptop computer, Hinata. You saw Izzy-san using one all the time.”


Kasumi asks, shocked, “You know how to use a laptop computer, Sakura-san?”


Sakura says, with a sigh, “Yeah, I just learned it. It shows that my theory that not only that they did something to our bodies…”


Ryu says, interrupting, “But enhanced certain mental capabilities as well.”


Naruto asks, surprised, “They did something to our brains?”


Sakura says, with a nod, “They enhanced them. Most likely, our ability to learn. Naruto, combined with the knowledge that you had with Shadow Clones, you were still struggling with your Rasengan training, but now, you managed to completely perfect your Rasengan into Wind Style: Rasenshuriken along with your new Wood Style also gives access to water and earth chakra in which you managed to make a Water Style Rasengan as well.”


Naruto says, realizing that Sakura was, “Oh, yeah. Good point.”


Kasumi tells Hinata, “And I have to admit that you were adapting and learning against me faster than even the most elite ninja, Hinata-san.”


Hinata says, “I didn’t realize that Kasumi-san.”


Naruto tells Sakura, “Through it doesn’t explain about you learning how you learned to use high-tech computers, Sakura. Call me crazy, but I don’t think you learn how to use tech like that in a day despite being able to learn super quick, believe it.”


Sakura says, “I call you right on the money, Naruto. Unless they found a way to increase my intelligence. Basically, I’ve become a super-genius.” Naruto and Hinata gasp in shock and Sakura says, putting the laptop down and rubbing her head, “And I call it a pain in the head. It’s just so hard to process so much data going into my brain. My mind is adapting to the new levels of brain power that I’m working with.”


Hinata asks, concerned, “Are you sure that you are going to be okay?”


Sakura says, “I had Ami-san do a check up on me earlier, Hinata. I’m not developing any brain tumors or anything of the sort. And it is the same for you and the others.”


Ryu says, “Well, your enhanced learning capabilities might help you adapt to our world faster.”


Sakura says, “And it shows since Naruto is learning to play Duel Monsters equal to plenty of expert players. I mean, he isn’t at a ‘master level’ like world famous duelists, but he has gotten really good thanks to that enhanced learning…and something else.”


Naruto says, with a nod, “I hear that, believe it. It feels like a hazy in my mind is clearing.”


Sakura says, with a solemn sigh, “It is probably that the super-soldier formula that all of us have been given is also reserving all of the final effects of your childhood, Naruto. The reason that you were shorter than me when we were kids…”


Naruto says, “Yeah, I get that Sakura. I didn’t eat enough ‘good foods’ thanks to you know who back then. It was a good thing that Old Man Tenchi allowed me to buy food to make sure that I wasn’t skin and bones.” Naruto gains an annoyed scowl on his features and he says, “And I have to admit Pervy Sage force those foods down my throat to try must have been the reason. However, he is kind of late being my ‘godfather’, believe it.”


Sakura says, solemnly, “Naruto…”


Naruto tells Sakura, with a stern glare that’s not like him, “Don’t sugar coated to me, Sakura. Thanks to that formula and that stuff, I’m thinking clearly than I ever did before through it doesn’t mean that I will forgive those ass that used us like ‘lab rats’, believe it. However, it doesn’t mean that anything good, at least for me, came out of it. Those ‘people’ in the village betrayed my family and my clan. I’m angry at my pops for what he did, but he loved me and he truly believed in me. He was naïve, sure, but then again, so was I through for the reasons that I didn’t know any better thanks to those backstabbers, believe it. It also makes me wonder about the Old Man and what he did.”


Sakura says, shocked, “Naruto, you can’t believe…!!”


Naruto yells out, “How can I? You said it yourself, Sakura! Our lives aren’t like the comic book that makes us famous in this world, believe it!” Sakura and Hinata lower their heads, knowing that Naruto was right, and Naruto says, “How can I believe in anything of that place after what they did? My dad may have made mistakes, but while he knew that everyone in that place wouldn’t honor him, he thought that at least the Old Man and my so-called godparents would do the job. I knew that he truly believed in them…and they failed in all sorts of the word, believe it! Not to mention that my clan, the Uzumaki, wasn’t mentioned at all in the Academy! They are trying to erase my clan from history despite them wearing my clan symbol on the back of their vests! And don’t get me started on the Teme’s clan!”


Hinata says, solemnly, “Naruto-kun…”


Naruto says, with a sigh, “Sorry, Hinata-chan, but I just got to vent.”


Sakura tells Naruto, solemnly, “I don’t blame you, Naruto. I’m no better than them and I can’t help to wonder about my life.” Sakura tells Naruto, “Naruto, I have no right to ask you anything, but I wish to ask you something.” When Naruto looks at Sakura, she says, “That promise with Sasuke, I know that you don’t get against your promises, so, promise me that you will bring him back, but you won’t care on what condition that he is in.” Naruto’s and Hinata’s eyes widen knowing the implied meaning behind her words and Sakura then says, “And also promise me that you will end the ‘Curse of Hatred’ and protect our world no matter what it takes, Naruto.”


Hinata says, amazed, “Sakura…”


Sakura says, plainly, “With my enhanced mind and looking over these books and anime based off of us, I…It give me food for thought. I looked over my life and I can’t help to not like what I see. I’m asking: What do I want to do? Is this the path that I want to follow? The manga and anime are fiction and not reality! Not your reality! And not my reality! These are our lives! Just because that it is written in fiction that’s based on our lives doesn’t mean that we have to do it! And it doesn’t mean that Sasuke can and will be ‘redeemed’ after nearly causing the ‘end of our world’ in the manga and anime. We can’t assume them especially now since we already know about it!”


Ryu says, “You have a point, Sakura-san. Most likely, your history has already changed from what it is said in the anime and manga.”


Naruto tells Sakura, “You know that you might be condemning the Teme to his ‘final fate’.”


Sakura responds, with a nod, “I know. This whole thing…has gotten me thinking lately.”


Hinata says, “I feel the same way, Sakura. This whole experiences make me wonder about my clan.”


Naruto tells Sakura, “When Sasuke and I meet again…If he doesn’t stop, I will do what it takes.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “I understand and…thank you, Naruto.”


Naruto tells Hinata and Sakura, “Let’s live our lives the way that we want and not from some comic book or anime, believe it.” Hinata and Sakura nod their heads in agreement and while Hinata and Naruto prepare to train, Sakura closes up to prepare to train her body while also thinking about training her mind later on through Ryu and Kasumi can’t help to wonder all that was done to them as well as the future ahead of them.


July 12, 2025, Neo Domino City, Satellite Sector


Within Yusei Fudo’s workshop inside of the Satellite Sector, we find said former Signer along with Jack, Crow, Leo, Luna, and Akiza are with Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, Kaiba, and Mokuba in which there are mixed emotions by the former Signers about their current ‘guests’.


Leo says, excited, “This is so amazing!”


Luna tells Leo, “Cool it, Leo!”


Yusei tells Yugi, “It is nice to see you again, Yugi.”


Yugi says, with a nod, “Same here, Yusei. However, both of us wish that it was under better circumstances.”


Yusei says, “Well, it has been a real crazy bunch of years ever since you, Jaden, and I beat Paradox and stopped him from destroying Jaden’s and my timelines!”


Yugi says, “I’m shocked that it was just part of a bigger plan.”


Yusei says, “Yeah. Paradox came from a future where Ener-D reactors went out of control due to people overdoing it with Synchro Summoning and caused Mechlord Emperors to be born before creating massive Zero Reverses in which they tried to destroy Neo Domino City since we stopped Paradox.”


Joey says, amazed, “Man! A city run on Duel Monsters!”


Tea says, “I’ll say, Joey.”


Mokuba says, “This is amazing!”


Kaiba says, “I have to say that I’m impressed. Plus, these Duel Runners and Turbo Dueling are also very impressive.”


Jack says, “You really didn’t sound too surprised when you learned that you are one of the forerunners of this type of dueling.”


Kaiba says, “Of course. It is one of the many ideas that I have in my mind, but at this time, I’m focused on starting first schools for Duel Monsters. Duel Monsters is growing from a simple card game into a worldwide sport and it will soon dominate the world. I intend to leave my mark on it forever by creating the first schools for the next generations after Yugi and I are long gone.”


Crow says, “It isn’t surprising that Duel Monsters becomes a worldwide sport since your invention of the holographic dueling system, Solid Vision, and Duel Disks make it so.”


Kaiba says, with a proud smirk, “Not exactly surprising to me.”


Tristan says, “Please don’t stroke his ego and it will go to his head.”


Joey asks, sarcastically, “Like it already hasn’t?” Kaiba glares at Joey and he says, with a smirk, “Well, you aren’t the only one that’s famous in this time, Kaiba! I’ve gotten myself into the history books as one of the top duelists of our time!”


Kaiba retorts, with a smirk, “Yeah, in third place, Wheeler, and under Yugi and me. It is also quite appropriate for you too. A third place for a third place duelist.”


Joey yells out, angrily, “What was that rich boy?!”


Tea tells Joey, “We don’t have time for this Joey.”


Joey tells Tea, “That’s an ironic statement.”


Tea says, nervously, “Yeah, it is.”


Yusei says, “Anyway, from what Pharaoh Atem mentioned, it sounds like that whoever these people are, they had made their headquarters in the former headquarters of the Dark Signers.”


Jack says, “Hold up! I thought that it was destroyed after yours and Rex’s duel in there and especially after the Netherworld King emerged from it before you sent it packing with the Crimson Dragon and Majestic Star Dragon!”


Crow says, “And after Satellite was rebuilt, I thought that place was sealed tighter than a drum!”


Yusei says, “It doesn’t mean that someone could dig into it and used whatever energies are left over in there to cause such havoc. You should remember that the Arc Temple was the ruined Satellite Sector of Z-One’s and Paradox’s timeline, right? Since they came back from their dark future in Satellite, it is possible that Satellite is a ‘weak point’ in the fabric of time and space. It was the area where the gateway to the Netherworld was opened and where Paradox and the Emperors of Yliaster came back from their time.”


Kaiba says, “Great. More magic.”


Jack tells Kaiba, “Don’t knock it until you experience for yourself, Kaiba.” When Kaiba looked at Jack, Jack says, “I’m skeptic at magic before, but when you are fighting in your life in deadly Shadow Duels, you tend to learn that there are things that science and logic can’t explain, Kaiba.”


Kaiba snorts and Joey says, “Hey, Jack-san, don’t even bother. Kaiba has experience magic right up his butt, but he is in so much denial, he wouldn’t know reality from his own fantasy even if it bit him right where the sun don’t shine.”


Kaiba says, “Let’s get back to the important thing and find the time machine or gateway device that was used to bring us to this wacky future. I would like to get back to my time. If I’m not there, how can I invent the stuff that make this future the way that it is.”


Akiza says, “He has a point, Yusei.”


Yusei says, “Well, I don’t have a time machine, but I do know someone that can help with this situation. She is an expert when dealing with time and space.”


Yugi asks, “Who is that?”


Leo yells out, excitedly, “She is really awesome, Yugi-dono! She is a real life super-hero!”


Tea asks, “Super-hero?”


Leo shouts out, “Her name is Sailor Pluto and she belongs to a group of kick butt superheroines known as the Sailor Scouts!”


Tristan asks, “Sailor what?”


Kaiba says, with a groan, “Not more of this nonsense.”


Leo yells out, “Hey! The Sailor Scouts are real and they are television all the time battling against real monsters!” Just then Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle glows and Atem replaces Yugi in front of everyone.


Crow asks, “What the?!”


Akiza says, “He…He’s taller!”


Yusei says, “No, this isn’t Yugi exactly. I read about this after he, Jaden, and I dueled Paradox in the past. This guy is the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle that he wears around his neck and based on what I could find, he is supposed to an ancient Pharaoh of Egypt over five thousand years in the past using real monsters and magic in what was known as the Shadow Games. It is part of the origin of Duel Monsters since Maxamillion Pegasus based Duel Monsters off these ancient powers.”


Atem responds, “You are well-versed in your history, Yusei.” Atem says, “Yusei is correct. My name is Atem. I was an ancient Pharaoh that once wore the Millennium Puzzle and fought against a great evil: Zorc, the evil fiend ruler of the Shadow Realm. To protect the world from his evil, I sealed my spirit into the Millennium Puzzle to contain him. Zorc has long since been defeated, but at this time, Yugi and I share the same body through the Millennium Puzzle that he solved and once again bares.”


The former Signers are shocked and Jack says, “Talk about your ‘split personalities’.”


Crow says, “Took the words right out of my mouth, Jack.”


Joey asks, “Hey, Pharaoh, do these Sailor Scouts seem familiar to you?”


Atem responds, “Yes, I know of them, Joey. I have regained all of my memories and this might be hard to believe, but back in my time, Earth wasn’t the only planet inhabited by life as ours. Human and humanoid life-forms actually lived on every single planet in the Solar System from Mercury to Pluto in advanced civilizations that only this time period can compare to, Joey.”


There are gasps and Mokuba asks, “No way! Are you saying that there was life, human life, in all planets in our solar system?”


Atem replies, “Correct, Mokuba. These ‘planetary kingdoms’ were led by a kingdom that managed to terraform and live on Earth’s very moon.”


Tea asks, shocked, “The moon?! There were people living on the moon?!”


Atem says, with a nod, “Yes, Tea. They were known as the Lunarians and their kingdom was obviously known as the Moon Kingdom. The Moon Kingdom was the head of an alliance of its kingdom and the planetary kingdoms known as the Silver Alliance. They were an advanced race of people and from I figured combining on what I learned during my journey in our time together and my ancient history, they inspired the ancient legends of Greece and Rome especially the stories of the Moon Goddess Selene. It is because that the rulers of the Moon Kingdom, the Lunarian royal family, were women of great power, wisdom, and heart.”


Tea says, with a smile, “Sounds like my kind of girls.”


Atem says, “The Moon Kingdom’s rulers are typically female, from what I understand, is usually that the first born child of every Moon Queen is a female and they usually have one child through they do have male children, from what I learned about the Moon Kingdom during my days as prince, but they are rare and usually a second born and the rule is usually the first born is the heir unless there are some kind of circumstances that does not permit which has never happened in their history. Tragically, from what I understand, the beloveds of Moon Queens, after the children are born, suffer a horrible and untimely which is hard on the Moon Queens since they are true bonds of love.”


Tristan says, with a winch, “Ouch.”


Joey says, “Not to sound like I’m insulting females or anything, but that kind of sounds like a ‘turn off’, Pharaoh.”


Atem responds, “Well, Joey, Lunarian women, especially those of the royal family, are said to be most beautiful women in the universe rivaled only women of Venus with *ahem* obvious reasons.”


Joey says, with a grin and a whistle, “Something tells me that they have a ton of ‘charm’.”


Atem says, “Lifelong charm since thanks to a great power that’s even stronger than the seven Millennium Items, they have lifelong youth, never physically aging beyond their twenties to thirties at the most, and they live to one thousand years at least, Joey.”


There are gasps by Yugi’s friends and Mokuba shouts out, “Get out of town! These people live for over one millennia?!”


Tea asks, stunned, “And they never age past their twenties?!”


Tristan says, with a whistle, “Wow, they must have some kind of incredible ‘health plan’.”


Joey says, awe-struck, “I’ll say Tristan.”


Tea asks, “So, what does this have to with these Sailor Scouts, Atem?”


Atem says, “Their actual title are Sailor Senshi, Tea. In Japanese, Senshi means ‘soldier’ or ‘warrior’ and that’s what they are. Sailor Senshi are guardian warriors of the universe infused with cosmic elemental powers in order to maintain the balance of life in the universe. The Sailor Senshi of the Silver Alliance are the guardians of the Lunarian royal family and especially, the heir or should I say, the heiress to the throne: The Moon Princess. Every Moon Queen is known as Queen Serenity in which ‘queen’ is their title and ‘Serenity’ is their last name with the Moon Princess, the usual heiress to the throne, known as Princess Serenity as obvious reasons. The Sailor Senshi of the planetary kingdoms, who are also the princesses and heiress of their respective kingdoms, are the guardians of the heiress to the throne and members of the court of every Princess and Queen Serenity.”


Kaiba asks, with his disbelief obvious in his voice, “And why haven’t we heard of this ‘Moon Kingdom’?”


Atem responds, “It is pretty obvious Kaiba. Sometime between my battle with Zorc and what was known as the ‘modern age’, the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Alliance fell like many civilizations have fallen in the past most likely to a great evil like Zorc. It must have happen centuries before our era since the knowledge of the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Alliance has been lost to time.”


Kaiba says, “Oh, please! Personally, I think this is a bit more believable than your ‘fairy tales’ of magic items, but this stuff about super-powered girls seems like anime and manga stuff to me! Unless I see some proof, I won’t believe it!” As if on cue, Tuxedo Mask, the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts, including Sailor Neo Moon and Sailor Celestial, Sailor Orion, Kazuto, Keiko, Rika, Asuna, Kotone, and Ryoutarou appear via teleportation in front of everyone.


When the new arrived group sees the ‘guests’ of the former Signers, Sailor Neo Moon asks, nervously, “Did we come at a bad time?”


Akiza responds, also a bit nervously, “Not at all.”


Kotone says, seeing Atem and Kaiba, “Who are they? They look really familiar.”


Kaiba asks, annoyed, “Don’t you have history books in your time?”


Sailor Jupiter asks, annoyed, “Hey, what’s with the attitude?”


Joey tells Kaiba, “Hey, rich boy! No thing as super-heroes, huh?”


Kaiba says, getting to his feet, “Please! This is just some kind of cosplay and their ‘appearance’ is some kind of magic trick!”


Sailor Venus asks, annoyed, “Hey, who do you think you are?”


Kaiba responds, “As I mentioned, why don’t you read a history book girl? I’m sure that famous figures in Duel Monsters would have my picture in it.” Sailor Mercury then realizes something as Kaiba goes over to Sailor Jupiter and pulls on one of her wings, which they are attached to her back not to her fuku, causing her to yelp in pain and roar out in anger as she grabs Kaiba by the neck and lifts him into the air by his collar.


Sailor Jupiter yells out, “That hurt, you jerk!”


Mokuba shouts out, “Big brother!”


Sailor Mercury tells Sailor Jupiter, “Jupiter, wait!”


Sailor Jupiter responds, “Why?”


Sailor Pluto says, “Because you might change history since that’s the one and only Seto Kaiba in your grip right now.” Sailor Jupiter then does a double take as many of the others gasp in shock.


Rika yells out, stunned, “No way!”


Asuna asks, amazed, “Seto Kaiba? The legendary duelist and the head of Kaiba Corporation whose Solid Vision technology helped turn Duel Monsters into the number one sport that it is today?!”


Yusei says, nervously, “Yes, the very same.”


Jack says, “So, unless you want the damage history, you might want to put him down, Sailor girl.” Sailor Jupiter then gently puts Kaiba down and he straight his jacket and shirt collar in which he gives a look that says ‘don’t mess with me’ which annoys Sailor Jupiter greatly.


Sailor Jupiter says, with a sneer, “He is still a jerk.”


Crow says, with a sly smirk, “Well, the history books did say that he didn’t have a ‘charming personality’ and he had more enemies than friends in which the number was A LOT.”


Kaiba retorts, with a plain tone, “Like I care. I don’t care about friends, I care about being the best and my company is on top.”


Sailor Uranus says, drolly, “Charming.”


Sailor Pluto says, “I see why you called us Yusei.”


Yusei says, “Yes, you’ll need to Kaiba and his brother back to their time.”


Sailor Neo Moon asks, “Just them? But what about…?”


Tea says, “We can’t return just yet until we solve…a little problem.”


Sailor Moon asks, “A little problem?”


Jack responds, “In the form of three legendary Egyptian God Cards scattered somewhere in city and maybe even the whole of Japan.”


There are gasps from the new arrivals at Yusei’s place and Sailor Celestial says, with a groan, “Something tells me that this is going to be a LONG day.”


Sailor Mars says, “As Naruto would say: Believe it, Celestial!” Soon after, the Sailor Scouts and the other SAO survivors thought that they heard Naruto sneezing, but they decide to ignore it for now as they work on the situation that’s forming in front of them.


July 12, 2025, Tokyo, Odiaba District


Right now, Davis, Kari, Sora, Mimi, Izzy, Joe, Cody, and their Digimon partners are walking through the streets in which they are going over to meet the rest of the Odiaba Digidestined in the main park within Odiaba, but their hearts are heavy knowing what they have to tell them.


Mimi asks, “What do we do?”


Cody responds, “What can we do?”


Joe says, “Like it or not, it is for the best. They may not take easier learning it from someone else.”


Sora says, “Yeah, but they have been only back from that nightmare for less than half a year!”


Biyomon says, “We’re all worried about them Sora.”


Kari says, “We know how they feel.”


Mimi says, “Yeah, you have been trapped in a virtual world nearly as long.”


Cody says, “Longer in their case, Mimi. Time in Rainbow Gardens is much faster than time here much like in the Digi-World before the original team defeated Apocalymon.”


Joe tells Davis and Kari, “Anyway, how have you two been lately?”


Davis and Kari look at each other and Kari says, with a warm smile, “Dai-kun and I have been much better. It shows since Dai-kun has been able to Accel Synchro Summon now.”


Veemon says, excitedly, “Davis has been back to much like his ‘old self’.”


Davis asks, with a glare and playful smile, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”


The others share a giggle and Sora says, with a smile, “Actually, both of you have been getting stronger every single day.”


Kari says, with a smile, “I guess that we need the right push.”


Flashback; February 7, 2025, Juuban District


Inside of a Juuban District hospital, Tai, Matt, TK, Ken, Yolei, and Jun are inside of their hospital room within the Juuban District hospital. They were originally in an Odiaba District hospital when the Digidestined and Davis’ sister returned to their bodies from SAO, but they were moved to a hospital in the Juuban District after a day or so to begin their rehabilitation and recovery. It has been several days since they left SAO and now, they have been joined by Davis and Kari, who look and are completely healthy thanks to the ‘regeneration pods’ based on the Medicuboid, a medical Full-Dive system based on the NervGear, the Full-Dive device created Kayaba which kept the SAO victims trapped in virtual world of Sword Art Online. Right now, Davis, Kari, and their two Digimon partners are with Davis’ sister and their fellow Digidestined that returned from SAO with Yolei’s family in which Yolei’s mother is holding a young girl of around 5 to 6 years of age.


Kari asks, seeing the child, “Who is this?”


Mrs. Inoue responds, “This is Kiseki, which means ‘Miracle’ in our language. I was pregnant with her on THAT day, Hikari-san.” Davis and Kari gasp in shock and Mrs. Inoue says, with a weak smile, “I’m really sorry. I should have told you when I heard that you were suffering from that day, but I had horrible visions of that day and like you, I have suffered from PTSD. However, it doesn’t excuse me from not thanking you for what you and Daisuke-san have done for us that day.”


Davis and Kari are shocked and Yolei says, with a weak smile, “I’m sorry, too. I should have thanked you. You didn’t just save our family’s lives, but you also saved our baby sister before she was born. If it wasn’t for you, two, we wouldn’t have Kiseki.”


Davis and Kari were too stunned to speak and Jun tells Davis, “Hey, squirt, just listen and don’t open your flap. We understand how you feel and what you have been going because…because…” Jun lowers her head and she is unable to speak in which Matt, in the bed next to her, manages to extend his bony hand to take Jun’s hand.


TK says, “We were forced to kill too.”


There are looks of shock and Tai says, solemnly, “Our cursors remained green because those were criminal players and not just criminal players, but the murderers of Laughing Coffin.”


Mrs. Inoue asks, “Laughing Coffin?” Soon enough, Jun and the Digidestined trapped in SAO explain about Laughing Coffin.


When they were done, Mr. Inoue says, shocked, “Are they insane? They are really killing people!”


Tai says, plainly, “They know and they don’t care in which plenty of them are also insane thanks to their leader.”


Davis says, “I kind of got that from those two that we met.”


Kari says, with a nod, “No kidding, Dai-kun.”


Yolei tells her family, solemnly, “It had gotten so bad that we, the top players, formed a boss style raid party against them in order to capture them, but while we learned of their location due to some intelligence, someone ratted us out and despite a timely warning from the leader of the scout team, Laughing Coffin engaged us in a horrible battle. We lost around ten of our number and twenty of Laughing Coffin let themselves die rather be taken alive.” Yolei says, with tears starting to form, “During the battle, I was engaged against one of them and I got tripped up in which Sam…I mean Ken used a skill to save me, but he got hit hard from a sneak attack. Out of pure fear for his safety as the Laughing Coffin nut tried to finish him off and the insane look in his eyes, without thinking, I…I rammed him through with my rapier.”


There are gasps and TK says, solemnly, “Out of those twenty Laughing Coffin members, each of us claimed one of them.”


Davis says, lowly with a shocked tone, “Oh, shit.”


Kari says, shocked, “Tai…”


Mr. Inoue tells Yolei, “You had no choice sweetie!”


Yolei says, as the tears run down her eyes, “I know, dad. I know. But I…I felt so sick. I kept seeing his face every single night and…” Ken, sitting in the bed next to Yolei’s bed, manages to lift his weakened hand to hold onto her hand.


Momoe Inoue, one of Yolei’s older sister, says, solemnly, “Oh, Yolei…”


Mantarou Inoue, Yolei’s older brother, says, angrily, “That monster and those fiends…”


Jun tells Davis, “It is the same for all of us, bro. It has been months since that day and we haven’t gotten over it. Maybe…we never will.”


Tai says, “Feeling guilty on doing shows that you consider life precious, but you have to stop on thinking on the lives that you were forced to take and focus on the lives that you saved…on those that you protected from wicked people like them. You have more than earned the right especially from what we heard and know.”


Yolei tells them, with a weak smile, “You saved so many lives, you two. So, please, move onto the future.” Davis and Kari can’t help to give warm smiles at this and they are surprised to see, in their mind’s ‘eyes’, the two of them as Dai and Akari, in Dai’s and Akari’s SAO forms, in which they hold hands and walk away. Kari then holds Davis’ hand and he looks to see her smiling at him, warmly, in which he smiles back.


End Flashback; Return to the Present


Back in the present, the group is arriving in Odiaba Park and Kari says, “We are taking every day and we are getting stronger.”


Joe asks, “What about Rainbow Gardens?”


Davis says, with a smirk, “We managed to find a way back in order to finally close up shop in which our friends and employees asked what the heck happened to us since we were gone for so long, but once we were done, we closed up shop and transferred our ‘funds’ to other VRMMO games.”


Mimi asks, “Are you sure that you are okay? Why are you planning that new VRMMO Gun Gale Online?”


Davis and Kari yelp and Sora says, with a smile, “Don’t even bother asking.”


Kari says, with a weak smile, “I guess not.”


Davis says, with a weak smile, “It is actually more for our friend, Shion.”


Mimi asks, “Why?”


Kari says, with a solemn smile, “She is like Dai-kun and I in the real world.”


The other Digidestined, minus Davis, are shocked and Davis says, “She doesn’t know that we know that truth about her. She still has a long way go compared to us and we don’t know the details, so, we have no idea how to give her some kind of closure.”


Sora says, with a smile, “But I think that someday, she will find the strength to move on and she has you, the people that experienced SAO with her to help give her that strength.”


Davis says, with a grin, “You know it.” But before anything else could be said or done, there is a strong wind that forces them to stop.


Veemon yells out, “Where did this wind come from?”


Gatomon shouts out, “You are asking me Veemon?”


Just then a female scream is heard and Davis shouts out, “That’s Jun!” When the wind stops, they look to see Jun Motomiya, with a Neo Domino City duel disk that has a dueling deck inside, knocked down to the ground as she holds her upper left arm in pain as she glares a figure with black boots, pants, and shirt under a long black cloak with a hood covering his facial features as well as black version of the duel disk that Tsuki, the pink haired ‘doppelganger’ of Serena/Sailor Moon, uses.


Matt, Tai, Yolei, TK, Ken, and their Digimon partners surround her and Matt asks Jun, concerned, “Are you okay, Jun?”


Jun retorts, “Do I look okay, sweetie?”


TK says, annoyed, “What’s the big idea? You just challenge Jun out of nowhere like that!”


When the mysterious figure doesn’t reply, Matt says, with a snarl, “You are dead asshole!”


Tai tells Matt, holding him back, “Hold it, Matt! We don’t know what else this creep is capable of!”


Just then Davis’ voice booms, “Jun!” Davis’ group arrives on the scene and he asks, seeing his sister, “What happened?”


Yolei says, pointing the black cloaked figure, “This jerk with the strange new duel disk just came out of nowhere and attacked us forcing Jun to duel him. She got beaten to the ground!”


Davis shouts out, angrily, “You dare to attack my sister!”


The figure responds, in a deep male voice, “And if I am!”


Davis takes out a new duel disk from his Duel Runner and he yells out, “No one attacks my family and gets away with it, you ass! You are in for a pounding!” Davis attaches his duel disk to his left wrist, the ‘energy blade’ appears, and Davis puts his dueling deck into his duel disk.


Tai yells out, “Be careful, Davis! This guy has the power to make Solid Vision become real!”


Davis asks, shocked, “What?”


Jun says, “It’s true, squirt! Look out!”


Davis says, with a determined glare, “Like I care! No one attacks my family and gets away with it!”


The figure responds, “Let me see your strength.” The figure’s duel disk activates and the ‘energy blade’ of his duel disk seems to be pure black in color as their touchscreen are activated, displaying 4000 life-points for each duelist, and after their decks are shuffled, they draw five cards from their decks.


“Duel!” Davis and the mysterious duelist say in unison.


Starting Scores:

Davis: 4000

Unknown: 4000


The mystery duelist says, drawing a card, “I’ll start this duel off! It’s my turn!” The mystery duelist says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I start with Raidraptor-Vanishing Lanius in attack mode!” Soon after, Raidraptor-Vanishing Lanius (1300/1600), a green and dark blue machine-like bird with a single blue orb-like eye, appears on the field in attack mode.


Cody says, “I never seen such a card before.”


Matt says, “That’s his deck. It is full of Winged Beast monsters that we have never seen before.”


The mystery duelist says, putting another card on his duel disk, “Due to Vanishing Lanius’ ability, I can summon another level four or below Raidraptor from my hand and I choose another Vanishing Lanius!” Just then another Raidraptor-Vanishing Lanius (1300/1600) appears on the field and the mystery duelist says, putting yet another card on his duel disk, “And due to this one, I can summon a third Vanishing Lanius as well!” A third Raidraptor-Vanishing Lanius (1300/1600) then appears on the field in attack mode.


Davis yells out, stunned, “Again?”


Izzy says, “He must have a fast summoning deck to get multiple monsters out on the field in order to use another summoning method to play a high-strength monster!”


Kari says, “Be careful, Dai-kun!”


Davis says, with a grin, “I got this.”


The mystery duelist says, “Don’t be so confident. I have yet to see your resolve and determination.” The mystery duelist says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “I end my turn with two cards face-down.”


Davis says, drawing a card, “You want my resolve, jerk?! You are going to get it in your face!” Davis says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Foolish Burial! I can send one monster card from my deck to my grave!” A card comes out of his deck, he puts into the main slot of his duel disk, and he says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Why would I do that? You are going to wait to find out, jerk! First, I play my Junk Forward in attack mode!” Soon after, Junk Forward (900/1500) appears on the field in attack mode and Davis says, “He can come to the field since I have no monsters out yet! So, what’s the point? Well, my good buddy, Junk Synchron, can answer that for me!” Junk Synchron (1300/500) appears on the field in attack mode and Davis says, “And he can bring one level two or less monster back from my grave! And guess what? My Speed Warrior that I sent to the grave with my spell card earlier qualifies!” Just then Speed Warrior (900/400) appears on the field in defense mode and Davis says, “And now, I tune my Junk Synchron with my Speed Warrior to Synchro Summon Junk Warrior!” Junk Synchron turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Speed Warrior, turning him transparent, and when Davis takes a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, a column of light appears on the field. Davis says, putting the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, “Let’s rev it up!” Out of light, Junk Warrior (2300/1300) appears on the field in attack mode.


The figure thinks in his mind, surprised, “Synchro Summon?”

&n bsp;

Davis says, putting one card into the main slot, “I activate my Re-Tuned spell card and since a Tuner monster was sent to the graveyard in anything other than a battle, I can replay that monster!” Junk Synchron (1300/500) then returns to the field and Davis says, “And now, I tune him with Junk Forward to Synchro Summon Stardust Assault Warrior!” Once again, Junk Synchron turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Junk Forward, turning him transparent, and when Davis takes a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, a column of light appears on the field. Davis says, putting the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, “Let’s rev it up!” Out of this light, Stardust Assault Warrior (2100/1200), an armored warrior monster in the colors of Stardust Dragon with two piston drivers attached to his two armored arms, appears on the field in attack mode. Davis says, “And now, I can replay one Junk monster from my grave and I choose Junk Synchron in defense!” Soon after, Junk Synchron (1300/500) returns to the field in defense mode. Davis yells out, “Junk Warrior, take his overgrown pigeon with Scrap Fist!” Junk Warrior attacks Vanishing Lanius, destroys it, and Davis’ opponent grunts as he loses 1000 life-points. Davis shouts out, “And now, Stardust Assault Warrior, pound another turkey into the dirt!” Stardust Assault Warrior attacks yet another Vanishing Lanius, destroys it, and the mystery duelist loses another 800 life-points.


Yolei says, excitedly, “Way to go!”


The figure says, pushing a button on his touchscreen, “I activate my trap: Raptor’s Phoenix!” The figure’s face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with a picture of winged beast monster surround by flames of a phoenix and the duelist says, “If two of the same Raidraptor is destroyed in the same turn, at the end of the Battle Phase, I can revive them both!” Just then both Raidraptor- Vanishing Lanius (1300/1600 X 2) return to the field in defense mode.


Davis says, putting one card into the main slot of his duel disk, “That’s annoying. I end my turn with a face-down.”


Current Score:

Davis: 4000

Unknown: 2200


The mystery duelist draws a card and he says, “My turn. You are quite good, but it isn’t enough. You have no understanding of the battlefield or the blood, sweat, and toil that’s needed to survive.”


The others are confused and Mimi asks, “What is he talking about?”


Davis says, with a sneer, “Maybe we know more about life or death than you think jerk!”


The mystery duelist responds, “We shall see! I Overlay my three Vanishing Lanius and build the Overlay Network!” All Vanishing Lanius turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground while the duelist gets an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck and he says, “Come forth, Raidraptor-Rise Falcon!” Out of the vortex, Raidraptor-Rise Falcon (100/2000), a massive machine-like winged beast creature that’s dark blue and green and with three Dark Overlay Units surrounding it, appears on the field in attack mode.


Sora asks, confused, “An XYZ monster with only one hundred attack points?”


The mystery duelist says, “Rise Falcon can attack all special summoned monsters on the field and by using one Overlay Unit, it can gain the attack points of one special summoned monster on the field!” One Overlay Unit flies over to Junk Warrior, vanishes, and Rise Falcon goes from 100/2000 to 2400/2000 and the mystery duelist says, putting one card into the main slot, “I activate my spell: Overlay Duel Ability! Once again, I can use Rise Falcon’s ability!” Another Overlay Unit goes over to Stardust Assault Warrior, vanishes, and Rise Falcon goes from 2400/2000 to 4500/2000!


Kari says, concerned, “Oh no!”


Jun yells out, “This is the move that he used to defeat me!”


The mystery duelist shouts out, determined, “Go, Rise Falcon! Tear apart our enemies! Brave Claw Revolution!” Rise Falcon gets surround in mighty flames, flies up, and dive-bombs all of Davis’ monsters, ripping them apart, and they explode in a massive explosion.


Tai, Ken, Kari, and Jun shout out in unison, “Davis!” However, when the smoke clears, Davis hasn’t lost a single life-point and he has an exposed Hollowed Life Barrier trap card on his side of the field.


The mystery duelist asks, shocked, “How?!”


Davis says, with a grin, “Thanks to my Hollowed Life Barrier, by discarding one card, I can negate all damage to me.”


The mystery duelist says, “Not bad, but let us see if that’s enough.”


Davis says, drawing a card, “You are going to see that and more!”

The mystery duelist says, “It’s hard to believe since you have only one card in your hand.”


Davis says, with a smirk while putting the card in the main slot of his duel disk, “My Card of Demise tells me different! Now, I can draw five new cards, but in five turns, my hand has got to go!” Davis draws five new cards, puts one card on his duel disk, and he says, “Since you have monster and I don’t, I can play Vice Dragon from my hand, but his power is cut in half!” Vice Dragon (2000/2400-1000/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Davis says, putting one card on his duel disk, “And next, I play Dark Resonator!” Just then Dark Resonator (1300/300) appears on the field in attack mode and Davis says, “And now, I tune my Dark Resonator with Vice Dragon!” Dark Resonator turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Vice Dragon, making it become transparent, and when Davis takes a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, a column of light appears on the field. Davis says, putting the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, “Rend the obsidian darkness! Scorch heaven and earth isolated absolute king! Synchro Summon! It’s time to burn on, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend!” Out of the light, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000), a darker version of Red Dragon Archfiend with the marks of the Crimson Dragon on its form, comes to the field in attack mode.


Mimi says, amazed, “Wow.”


Tai says, “You said a mouthful, Mimi.”


Davis says, “Red Dragon’s ability allows me to destroy all other attack position monsters!”


The mystery duelist asks, stunned, “What?” Hot Red Dragon Archfiend then unleashes a powerful blast that vaporizes Rise Falcon and the duelist says, shocked, “Rise Falcon!”


Davis yells out, “Game over, jerk! Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, teach this guy a lesson!”


As Hot Red Dragon Archfiend prepares to attack, the mystery duelist says, pushing a button on the touchscreen, “I play Rank-Up Magic: Raptor’s Force!” The mystery duelist’s other face-down card is a Quick-Play Spell card with a picture of the insignia of Raidraptors in front of a violet screen and the mystery duelist says, “I can now revive Rise Falcon and then rank up into a Raidraptor that’s one rank higher!” Raidraptor-Rise Falcon (100/2000) returns to the field and then goes into a vortex in the sky.


Matt says, shocked, “You’re kidding!”


The mystery duelist puts another XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk and over his Rise Falcon XYZ monster card and he yells out, “Show yourself, Raidraptor-Blaze Falcon!” Out of the vortex, Raidraptor-Blaze Falcon (1000/2000), a huge red machine-like winged beasts with one Dark Overlay Unit surrounding it, appears on the field in defense mode.


Izzy says, “He just used one XYZ monster in order to play another one of a higher rank! I have never seen such an XYZ summoning before!”


Ken says, “That’s because XYZ monsters just appeared, Izzy!”


Davis says, “Doesn’t matter since his monster has no chance against mine!”


The mystery duelist says, putting one card into the main slot, “I activate the Quick-Play Spell: Raidraptor’s Whirlwind! This card prevents one Raidraptor that was special summoned this turn from begin destroyed!” Blaze Falcon creates a whirlwind that prevents Hot Red Dragon Archfiend from destroying Blaze Falcon.


Sora says, “This guy is good.”


Matt says, “Real good Sora.”


Jun thinks in her mind, “Davis…”

&nb sp;

Davis says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Synchro Retaliation and since my Synchro Monster had attacked and didn’t destroy a monster this turn, you lose life-points equal to its attack points!”


The mystery duelist says, shocked, “No!”


Davis yells out, strongly, “Game over!” Hot Red Dragon Archfiend unleashes a fireball that slams into the mystery duelist hard and he yelps as out as he is flung to the ground, hard, while losing 3000 life-points, ending the duel immediately.


Final Score:

Davis: 4000

Unknown: 0


With the end of the duel, the final Solid Vision projections vanish and Yolei says, excitedly, “Way to go!”


Kari says, with a smile, “I knew that you could do it, Dai-kun!”


Davis says, “As if there is any doubt.” Davis says, preparing to go over to the mystery duelist, “Now, let’s find out about this jerk.” However, just then Tsuki, her hood covering her features, makes her appearance and creating a bright light forcing everyone else to cover their eyes.


Tai yells out, “My eyes!”


Biyomon shouts out, “I can’t see!” When the light fades away and they are able to look, everyone sees that Tsuki and the mystery duelist are gone.


Palmon says, “They’re gone!”


Wormmon says, “They’re quick.”


Ken says, “No kidding, Wormmon.”


Matt helps Jun to her feet and he says, “Let’s get you back home.”


Jun says, “I’m just fine, Matt-kun.”


Cody says, “Anything, it is a good idea to regroup somewhere and figure out what just happened.” The group nods their heads and they start to take in which they wondered what just happened. In another area, Tsuki is with the mystery duelist with her hood down and an annoyed look on her features.


Tsuki says, “Kata, this isn’t our world! These people aren’t involved in our war! This is the center world: Standard! They use Fusion, Synchro, and XYZ! They aren’t working with Academia!”


The mystery duelist replies, “I know that, but I need to attract him.”


Tsuki asks, confused, “Him? Him, who?”


The mystery duelist responds, “The one person that can make the monster that leads Academia and all of its fiends stop their evil.”


Tsuki says, with a sigh, “Fine, Kata. However, try not to attack any of the students of the various Duel Academies from around here! They aren’t involved in this!”


The mystery duelist replies, “No promises, Tsuki.” The mystery duelist then removes his hood to reveal a silver haired version of Kazuto Kirigaya looking at Tsuki.


July 12, 2025, Tokyo


Deep within a massive building within the center of Tokyo, known as the MBI building, we find a white haired male with glasses in front of his eyes and wearing a white business suit looking screens showing the events that happened since Serena’s birthday.


The male says, with a wicked smile, “Well, things are starting to get interesting. Kayaba had to go and get himself croaked so early, huh? Then I guess that it is time to start my ‘little game’, huh? It is a ‘game’ that will Kayaba’s little Sword Art Online look like a joke! It will bring about a new age of deities and mythology like never seen before! It is time my ‘little birds’! Go out and find your destined ones! It has begun!” The male takes a deep breath to give a deep insane laugh trying to sound like a big and powerful sinister villain while just above his head, he doesn’t notice different color ‘lights’ zipping by him like comets coming in and out of the MBI building and heading off into the city and countryside.


End of chapter, everyone! Well, isn’t this a major turn of events, huh? As I said, there are parts from all of the Yu-Gi-Oh series/seasons thus far going to be put into this story, folks! However, you are going to have to read and see how they are applied. I also think that I had given a decent explanation about how Naruto was learning Duel Monsters so quickly even though he has been in this world for a short time. I know that it isn’t perfect, but I think that it is more believable. Anyway, Naruto’s loyalty to the Leaf is now in great question and it shouldn’t be too surprising. With his mind getting more focused and his thoughts even clearer in which he is reflecting on his life and the information that he learned, basically the Leaf betrayed his family and clans in the worst way in which in the anime and manga, we don’t hear about the Uzumaki clan in the Academy at all. This does give ‘food for thought’, huh? Well, you are going to have to read on to find out what comes from this, everyone! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!