Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song ❯ Wings of All Shapes and Sizes ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
With this latest chapter, I think that plenty of people are thinking: Hey, this is an SAO crossover, but a lot of action is taking place in the ‘real world’, right? Well, since I figured that my last story took place nearly completely in the ‘virtual world’, I think that in this sequel that the ‘real world’ should dominate the scene, but don’t worry, there will be plenty of ‘virtual world’ and ALO action in the near future, everyone! And there will be plenty of surprises that will be joining on the ‘virtual action’! Anyway, it is time to sound like a broken record, again, but before I start this chapter, I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and his YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially his The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them in my fanfiction. Now, I know that this is getting old, but as our ‘SAO stars’ would say: Link start!


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Naruto, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Gundam series, especially Gundam Build Fighters, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Maken-Ki, Tenchi Muyo series, Ronin Warriors, Pretty Cure, Queen’s Blade/Gate, Log Horizon, Sonic the Hedgehog, DC universe, Marvel universe, Assassin’s Creed, Senran Kagura, Sekirei, One Piece, Final Fantasy, Rave Master, Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Code Lyoko, Transformers, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online Shippuden: Worlds’ Song


Chapter 9: Wings of All Shapes and Sizes


July 12, 2025, Neo Domino City, Tops Sector


Within the Tops Sector of Neo Domino City, our former Signers, Tuxedo Mask, the Sailor Scouts, other SAO survivors, three Elemental Country ninja, Yugi, Joey, Tristan, Tea, Ryu, and Kasumi are assembled together in Leo’s and Luna’s former home in which they left after they decided to leave to join their partners overseas where the twins left their home in Yusei’s hands with Leo’s expression looking like a kid in a candy store as he looks at Naruto.


Leo yells out, “This is so cool! You are the real deal! The real-life Naruto Uzumaki! This is so cool!”


Luna tells Leo, “Oh, Leo.”


Tristan says, “Man! First, we get thrown into the future and now, we are meeting real-life ninjas along with the fact that we are meeting with real-life versions of future anime and manga characters.”


Tea asks, with a smile, “And this is different from our other adventures how?”


Tristan says, with a nod, “Good point, Tea.”


Joey says, “That’s the story of our lives, Tristan. When Yug completed the Millennium Puzzle, he and then we found out the world is a lot more complex than we thought.”

Yugi says, with a nod, “Yeah.” Yugi says, “However, I’m concerned about Paradox’s return. Based on what Yusei said, the future that he came from was stopped especially after he put the safety systems in the Ener-D reactor.”


Sailor Pluto says, “In which I can confirm that completely.”


Yusei says, “And Paradox did say that himself. However, even though we have changed the future, it doesn’t mean that the future that he came from just went up and vanished.”


Jack asks Yusei, “What are you saying Yusei? That his future is now an alternate future?”


Sailor Pluto says, “That’s possible, Jack. Time travel isn’t exactly the same. The Time Gates is a linear way of time travel in which anything that changes the past, changes the events after the moment that was changed, but there is also another form of time travel that works on the ‘grandfather paradox theory’.”


Tea asks, “You mean when a person goes back in time and kills his own grandfather?”


Sailor Pluto says, with a nod, “That’s correct. In that theory, you don’t erase your own existence, but cause the timeline to shift into a new timeline while you remain bound to the ‘old timeline’. That timeline still exists, but it isn’t the ‘main timeline’ that it is following anymore.”


Crow says, holding his head, “Okay, my head hurts.”


Sailor Moon says, shaking her head, “You aren’t the only one, Crow.”


Kazuto says, “I’m not surprised. This is complex theories of time and space and I can understand electronics, but there is no way that I can get close to understanding that.”


Sailor Celestial says, “No kidding, big brother.”


Yusei says, “Anyway, Paradox’s return is a major concern. Yliaster is supposed to be finished since we defeated Z-One and the Emperors, but something tells me that there might be elements that don’t like how it all ended.”


Jack says, “And they might not be the only problem.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Yeah, we have to deal with the Dark Agency.”


Sailor Venus says, “When Sailor Moon was ‘out of action’, they took this chance to gain strength even with us on the job. By the looks of it, they took good advantage of our absence when we went into SAO to rescue Sailor Moon and the others.”


Sailor Uranus says, “The only reason that we have an edge is that Nebula and Neo Moon were able to hold the line with the Digidestined’s help and we gained reinforcements in the form of Celestial, Sun, and Orion with Sailor Celestial and Sailor Moon gaining Valkyrie level Sailor Scout forms.”


Sailor Mars says, “That’s the good news. The bad news is that we have to deal with all types of attacks lately.”


Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial say in unison, drolly, “Don’t remind us.”


Crow says, looking at the three Elemental Country ninja, “Anyway, it seems like things are really getting out of control and people that come from famous anime and manga are being brought into our world.”


Yusei says, “That Queen’s Gate sounds to be very powerful.”


Sailor Pluto says, “Indeed, it is. And it gives our enemies an edge in which they may have access to worlds with advanced technology or people with incredible powers equal or stronger than our own.”


Rika says, “That’s a disturbing thought.”


Kazuto says, “Add to the fact that these people that kept Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata imprisoned are into genetics, we could be facing an army of ‘super soldiers’ to say the least.”


Sailor Venus says, drolly, “That’s wonderful to think about.”


Sakura says, “I hear you girl.”


Ryu says, “However, we may have found a way to stop that.”


Everyone looks at Ryu and Tuxedo Mask asks, “What do you mean?”


Kasumi says, “I believe that we may have found where their base could be. A friend of ours intercepted a transmission from MIST and it was coming somewhere within Tokyo. We believe that Sailor Mercury could figure it out.” Kasumi takes out a chip in which Sailor Mercury takes from Kasumi and inserts it into a slot. Soon enough, Sailor Mercury starts to type into her computer and process the information in which after a short while, she gasps out in shock.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “What is it Mercury?”


Sailor Mercury says, stunned, “I can’t believe it! The transmission came from Juuban!”


There are multiple gasps and Sailor Mars asks, “What? Are you sure?”


Sailor Mercury says, with a nod, “Yes, I am.”


Sailor Pluto says, “The base must be specially shielded against all detection including us.”


Ryu says, “However, this transmission doesn’t seem to be an authorized transmission, so, it could be a mistake.”


Sailor Uranus says, plainly, “It could be a lure to trap us.”


Sakura says, “That’s a good point. If they have been so careful, why would they mess up now? I don’t like this.”


Naruto says, with a plain tone, “True, but what if they had a dope that mucked up? I mean, if you get so confident in yourself, you might make one mistake, believe it.”


Sakura says, with a giggle, “That’s surprising coming from you, Naruto.”


Naruto retorts, annoyed, “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean Sakura?”


Hinata says, “Well, Naruto-kun might have a point.”


Sakura says, with a sigh, “I have to agree. It could be possible.”


Ryu says, “That’s a possibility. Donovan’s new organization is based off his operation in DOAETC until after the fourth tournament.”


Kasumi says, “However, it looks like he developed his own organization under DOAETC’s noses.”


Ryu says, “And usually with a vast organization, it is like a chink in their ‘armor’ and we may have found it. This might be a trap, but there is also the chance that we have waited for.”


Sailor Celestial says, “I say that we should take the offensive.” When the others look at Sailor Celestial, she says, “We are defenders, true, but sometimes the best defensive is a good offense. If we keep fighting in the city and waiting for attacks, something bad is going to happen. There is something called ‘Murphy’s Law’, right? Not word for word, but I quote: ‘Anything bad that can happen, will happen’.”


Sailor Uranus says, nodding her head in agreement, “That’s right. And there is a reason why it is called ‘Murphy’s LAW’ and not ‘theory’.”


Sailor Celestial says, “If we get this chance, we have to take it.”


Sailor Moon then says, “I agree.” The others look at her in surprise especially Tuxedo Mask and the other Sailor Scouts and Sailor Moon says, with a sigh, “This is war. If we just wait around and let them attack us like this, innocent people are going to get hurt or worse. And I will not…I refuse to let that happen anymore as long as I can help it.” Sailor Moon’s right hand turns into a fist and she has a very determined look in her eyes in which plenty of the others know that SAO is deep in her mind.


Naruto says, “We’re going too.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “Naruto, I would advise that’s too dangerous since you are their main targets…”


Naruto says, “So, what? Those rotten jerks kidnapped us from our home and our world and used us as ‘lab rats’ to create their army of freaks in order to do stuff that I don’t even want to think about! If they are like Orochimaru, it gives me shivers down my spine, believe it.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “No kidding, Naruto.”


Naruto says, with a plain tone, “I’m not going to let them getting anyway with doing it to us or anyone else as well as cause more pain and chaos, believe it! I’m coming with you no matter what!”


Sakura says, “Hey, Naruto, you aren’t the only one who wants to stop them. Despite them giving me better ‘insight’ and all, it feels like they raped me every time that I think about it.”


Hinata says, with a nod, “I don’t want them to hurt others.”


Kazuto says, “If you remember the anime and manga, when Naruto puts his mind to something, you just don’t say no to him.”


Sailor Venus says, with a nod, “Got that right, Kazuto.”


Leo says, with a grin, “No kidding! That’s why he is so awesome!”


Luna says, with a sigh, “Oh, Leo…”


Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “Well, since Naruto and his two girlfriends...” Sakura and Hinata blush at Neptune’s comment while Naruto blushes and gets nervous at this in which Sailor Neptune says, continuing, “…are coming with us. We should make sure that we are fully prepared.”


Sailor Celestial asks Sailor Orion, “Can we count on your help?”


Sailor Orion says, with a nod, “Of course.”


Sailor Moon says, “Thank you, Orion.”


Sailor Orion says, “I’m also grateful to you and Kazuto, Sailor Moon. I also am a Sailor Soldier and my duty is to protect the good and innocent people in the world and the universe.”


Sailor Venus says, “And there is one more girl we should consider!”


Sailor Saturn asks, “You mean Sailor Sun?”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Yeah! Kari has really shown that she can fight with the best of them!”


Sailor Mars says, “And her boyfriend isn’t shabby with the Keyblades combined with his own special powers.”


Asuna asks, surprised, “Davis has special powers?”


Keiko asks, “When did this happen?”


Sailor Mars yelps and Sailor Uranus says, “Way to keep the cat out of the bag, Mars.”


Sailor Pluto says, “Well, it isn’t too surprising since he is the Solaris Prince and heir to the throne of the Sun Kingdom.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “Originally, Sailor Sun is actually my younger sister and the Earth Princess who sent to the Solaris Kingdom as the one chosen to wield the powers of Sailor Sun and she was Davis’ boyfriend.”


Sailor Celestial says, “The union of Davis and Kari and Darien and Serena would have helped to create a greater age.” Sailor Celestial says, with a dark sneer, “Until HE ruined it…”


As Sailor Celestial’s right hand turns into a fist, Kazuto tells her, “Sugu, there is no point in dwelling on the past. All we can do is move onto the future.”


Sailor Celestial takes a deep breath and she responds, “Right, big brother.”


Just then there is a beeping sound and Sailor Mercury says, taking out a smart phone, “It must be Izzy.”


Sailor Mars asks, “How can any sound come out of our sub-space pockets?”


Sailor Mercury responds, “I modified this smart phone to allow a sound to be heard even within our sub-space pockets.” Sailor Mercury answers the smart phone and she asks, “Hello?” When she gets a reply, Sailor Mercury says, “It is you, Izzy. We were about to…” Sailor Mercury’s eyes widen and she yells out, stunned, “What?! Are you sure?!” The others immediately focus on Sailor Mercury and she says, with a nod, “Right, I understand. I’ll tell them. We are going to need assistance on a mission especially Kari. We need to meet in Juuban at the Crown Arcade.” Sailor Mercury says, “Thank you. See you then.” Sailor Mercury hands up the smart phone, returns it to her sub-space pocket, and takes out her computer in which she starts to push buttons on that.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “What was that all about?”


Sailor Mercury is a bit nervous and Sailor Moon asks, confused, “Mercury?”


Sailor Mercury responds, “Sailor Moon, you, Kazuto, Rika, Asuna, Keiko, Leo, Luna, and Celestial might want to sit down.” Sailor Mercury’s nervous look gets plenty of the others nervous and Sailor Moon decide to take a seat along with the others in which our view goes outside of a porch and we hear a loud ‘WHAT?!” coming from inside of the apartment home as we leave.


July 13, 2025, somewhere in the Japanese countryside


At a hidden MIST base within the Japanese countryside, Donovan and his son, Rig, are walking over to an area where they find none other than Sasuke Uchiha and his current team, Hebi, which means Snake, consisting of Jugo, last of a clan of people that can absorb natural energy to alter their bodies and enhance themselves, but it causes them madness as a result, Suigetsu, a clan from the Land of Water that can turn themselves into water, and Karin, a sensor from the Uzumaki clan with the ability to heal people when they bite her and such her chakra. But with Sasuke and his team are none other than Kabuto, assistant to Orochimaru and having some features of Orochimaru since absorbing Orochimaru’s DNA into himself along with others, and none other than Orochimaru, himself, who was supposed absorbed into Sasuke, in which he is surrounded by his Sound Four, Orochimaru’s four elite guard ninja that were killed years ago to assist Sasuke to defect from the Leaf Village to Orochimaru.


Donovan says, “I see that your new technique has worked to perfection Orochimaru-dono.”


Orochimaru says, “Yes, Donovan-dono. I wasn’t exactly interested in a technique that’s a ‘perfected Reanimation Jutsu’, but I can see a good reason to have completely revived subordinates.”


Rig asks, “How is that ‘bone guy’?”


Kabuto says, with a sly smile, “You mean Kimimaro? Unlike his previous body, his brand new cloned body is completely healthy and ready to go. Orochimaru-sama sent him off to train to get used to using full strength again, but he carefully warned Kimimaro that he won’t get sick again, he shouldn’t push himself so soon.”


Orochimaru says, “I just regained my elite after regaining my physical form after you extracted me from Sasuke.”


Sasuke says, plainly, “Forgive me if I’m not glad that you have been removed from me, Orochimaru.”


Orochimaru says, with a sly smile, “Oh, really, Sasuke? You seemed to like the power that I had given you.”


Sasuke tells Orochimaru, “Listen Orochimaru, we aren’t your subordinates anymore. We are your allies and we are no longer Hebi. My name is now Taka to show that. We are only allies because we share one thing in common: The destruction of the Leaf Village.”


Orochimaru tells Sasuke, “What about Itachi? Once he knows that you know the truth and you intend to attack the Leaf, he will do everything in his power to stop you.”


Sasuke responds, “Then I will crush him. Itachi is too full of the idealism of the First Hokage and they used that to make him their weapon to destroy our clan.” Sasuke says, with an enraged glare, “They accused the Uchiha of attacking the village when my clan didn’t do anything of the sort! They were the ones that started it! And I will end it for them once and for all!”


Rig asks, “What about ‘other brother’, kiddo?”


Sasuke glares at Rig and Donovan tells Sasuke, “He will be your greatest obstacle, Sasuke. As you are the reincarnation of elder child of the Six Path Sage, the ancestor of your clan, he is the reincarnation of the younger child of the Sage, the ancestor of the Senju and his clan.”


Rig says, with a grin, “You can’t call him a ‘clan-less orphan’ anymore and he comes from a clan that helped found your little former home as much as your clan did.”


Sasuke’s Sharingan eyes blaze in which nearby guard whip out their pistols at him, but Donovan holds out his hands to make his guards stand in which Sasuke says, “Whatever.” Sasuke says, holding his right hand out and turning it into a fist, “As much as I hated to admit it, I always felt a connection with the Dobe and now, I know now. Now that I realize it, the chakra of Indra, my past self, burns inside of me now. I understand this feeling. It is not hatred, but of who was right and who was wrong. Who should be the true chosen heir of the Sage and what was the correct path to peace are the questions burning inside the part of me that’s Indra. And there is only one way to settle this.” Just then Sasuke unleashes a powerful chakra and he says, as his eyes morph into atomic model like form, “We are the alpha and omega. We are the beginning and end. And I know that there can only be one.”


Jugo says, amazed, “Sasuke…”


Suigetsu says, with a whistle, “I really don’t get it, but it is going to be big.”


Karin says, stunned, “Sasuke…”


Sasuke says, “Don’t interfere for either of our sake, Karin. You will be conflicted. You are of the same blood as the Dobe and I’m your team leader. Like it or not, Karin, you may have to force my hand against you.”


Karin says, shocked and a bit solemnly, “Right, Sasuke.”


Donovan tells Sasuke, “Your power might not be enough against him.”


Sasuke tells Donovan, “Don’t take me for a fool, Donovan. I know that my power is not enough for him currently especially thanks to you.” Sasuke then says, with a wide smirk, “However, I don’t have to worry about him right now. You are the one that has to worry. You experimented on him and his precious friends and you let him get away. Now, you are going to pay for it.”


Rig asks, annoyed and with a glare, “What was that?”


Sasuke responds, with a sly smirk, “You have a whole manga series about that Dobe and yet, you underestimated him. And those that underestimate him usually pay a high price. Naruto is going to make sure of that.”


Just then a holographic screen appears and a male officer shouts out, “Donovan-sama, the Juuban facility is under attack!”


Donovan and Rig gasp and Rig shouts out, “What?!” Soon after, the holographic screen changes to another facility like this one, but it is showing Kasumi clones and armed men dressed like SWAT getting attacked and defeated by the Sailor Scouts including Neo Moon, Nebula, Orion, Sun, and Celestial with Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, and Magnadramon aiding in causing all sorts of havoc. Rig yells out, “Oh, shit! How did they find that place?!”


Donovan says, “Doesn’t matter, my son.” Donovan says, with a serious tone, “Activate the self-destruct protocols.”


The male officer’s face returns to the screen and he says, “I’m sorry, sir. The protocols were disabled just before the attack started and destroyed afterwards. It was Sakura Haruno, who downloaded something into the systems.”


Rig yells out, shocked, “What?!”


Sasuke says, “It must have been that genius of those girls and this is what you get for making my former teammate smarter than she was before.” Rig glares at Sasuke and he says, with a confident smile, “I warned you and now, you have to deal with my former teammates’ and their Hyuga companion’s rampage.” Sasuke then turns and walks away as Rig glares at him with Sasuke’s team, now called Taka or Hawk, following him.


The male officer’s face returns to the holographic screen and he asks, “Orders, sir?”


Donovan responds, “Inject a virus and destroy as much data as you can and order an evacuation. All forces are to hold them as much as possible and try to destroy the facility manually.”


Orochimaru says, “Once the Fourth Hokage’s brat finds what’s in there, he won’t be pleased with us.”


Donovan says, “Especially you, my friend.”


Orochimaru says, with a wicked smile, “Not my fault for not keeping the Uzumaki Mask Temple as protected as it should be.”


July 13, 2025, Juuban District


In an underground MIST base within Juuban, there is complete chaos as the Sailor Scouts and our three Elemental Country ninja along with Ryu, Kasumi, and assistance from Kasumi’s former clan, the Mugen Tenshin, including Kasumi’s brother, Hayate, and her half-sister, Ayane. We find Sailor Moon creating an energy shield that protects herself, Neo Moon, and Orion from a barrage of gunfire in which a rain of roses comes down from the roof that disables the guns where Tuxedo Mask is seen from high above.


Sailor Moon says, with a smile, “Thank you, Tuxedo Mask!”


Tuxedo Mask says, “No problem, Sailor Moon!” Soon after, Hayate and Ayane appear and beat down the group of armed opponents. On the meanwhile, Sailor Celestial and Naruto are fighting against a group of Kasumi clones and one of them manages to teleport behind Sailor Celestial.




Ho wever, the clone gets sent flying by a familiar sphere of chakra from our blond haired ninja right into a piece of equipment causing a good sized explosion. Afterwards, Naruto and Sailor Celestial finish off the group of clones.


Sailor Celestial tells Naruto, “Thanks, Naruto.”


Naruto says, with a grin, “No problem, Celestial. I know that you have got my back.” Sailor Celestial and Naruto share a ‘high-five’ and they continue on in which we head to a fight with a mixture of armed guards and Kasumi clones against Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Saturn with Sailor Neptune using her Aqua Mirror to reflect Sky Torn Blast back at their opponents in which they get slammed hard and sent flying all over the area.


Sailor Saturn says, “They are fighting hard.”


Sailor Uranus says, “It isn’t surprising, Firefly.”


Sailor Neptune says, “It is best that we keep moving.” The three Outer Sailor Scouts continue to move on while Sailor Mercury is working on the computer systems with Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Nebula, and Sailor Venus acting as guards.


Sailor Mercury says, “Oh, boy.”


Sailor Venus says, “That doesn’t sound good.”


Sailor Mercury says, “It isn’t. They have injected a virus into the system that’s destroying the data.”


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Can you stop it, Mercury?”


Sailor Mercury says, shaking her head, “No, since it is their systems, they have opened it wide open and our virus to disable the security and self-destruct protocols didn’t help either. I’m going to save all of the data that I can before the virus destroys it.” On the meanwhile, Sailor Sun, Hinata, and Magnadramon enter a room and they gasp at what they are seeing.


Sailor Sun says, shocked, “It can’t be…”


Hinata asks, “Naruto-kun?” What they are looking at is a human sized glass cylinder tank in which there is a female version of Naruto, like when Naruto uses his Sexy Jutsu, inside surrounded by fluids, a breathing mask covering her mouth and nose, and there is a device like a NervGear over her eyes and scalp with wires transferring some kind of energy into her.

Magnadramon says, “It must be a female clone of him.”


Sailor Sun says, taking out a Sailor Scout communicator, “I’m calling the others.”


Magnadramon says, “Good idea, Kari.” Back with Sailor Moon, she, Orion, Neo Moon, and Tuxedo Mask have another group of Kasumi clones to deal with in which Sailor Neo Moon shows off incredible martial art skills including a mixture of Karate, Kung Fu, and Muay Thai where the Kasumi clones end up in a heap against the group.


Sailor Orion says, with a bit of amazed look on her face, “You are pretty good, Neo Moon.”


Sailor Neo Moon says, “I’ve had some great teachers.”


Sailor Moon says, amazed, “I wonder who your teachers are, Neo Moon.”


Sailor Neo Moon responds, a bit nervously, “You would be surprised, Sailor Moon.” They get to an armored door where there is an electronic lock and they look at it.


Tuxedo Mask says, “We’re going to need Mercury to figure out the code.”


Sailor Moon says, “There is no time.” Sailor Moon takes out one of her swords and cuts open the panel exposing the wires in which Sailor Neo Moon works at them causing the door to go up and open.


Tuxedo Mask asks, suspicious tone in his voice, “And where did you learn that Neo Moon?” Sailor Neo Moon gives a nervous laugh while Sailor Orion looks inside causing her to gasp.


Sailor Moon asks, “What is it, Orion?” Sailor Moon, Neo Moon, and Tuxedo Mask look inside and they give shocked looks at what they see. Sometime afterwards, everyone in the ‘assault team’, minus Moon, Neo Moon, Orion, and Tuxedo Mask, are assembled in the room with the female clone of Naruto inside.


Naruto says, annoyed, “I’m getting really pissed!”


Sailor Mercury says, “Based on the files, this is ‘Project Naruko’.”


Sailor Celestial says, drolly, “That’s original.”


Sailor Mars says, “I’m worried about that device on her head and those wires sending that energy. It is some kind of ‘dark energy’ and it is also familiar to me.”


Sailor Sun asks, “Familiar, Mars?”


Sailor Uranus says, curious tone in her voice, “I’m getting the same feeling.”


Sailor Nebula says, looking over, “And I think that I know what it is.” Sailor Nebula points to area to the left and behind the tube containing the female clone of Naruto, Naruko, in which the others look and gasp to see several more tubes in which one of them contains none other than Naruto’s father, Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of the Leaf, standing within the tube and looking like he has been revived with a Reanimation jutsu.


N aruto asks, shocked, “Dad?”


Hinata asks, stunned, “But how?”


Sakura says, “Look at him! He has been revived with Reanimation!”


Naruto says, “But how? Dad used the Reaper Death Seal and those that use it can be taken out of the Shinigami’s stomach!”


Sailor Venus says, snapping her fingers, “Wait! The Uzumaki Mask Temple!”


Sakura says, with a nod, “The Shinigami Mask! They must have used it to release the first four Hokages sealed inside!”


Sakura says, “And I know what that energy is! It is the Nine-Tailed Fox! They are transferring the half that the Fourth Hokage sealed in himself into Naruto’s female clone!”


Kurama responds, “The pink haired harpy is correct, kit. Your female clone is getting the half of me that your wretched father took from me!”


Sailor Mercury says, “And that device is a Full-Dive device based on the NervGear. It is sending this clone’s mind into a virtual world based on Naruto’s memories!”


Naruto yells out, stunned, “What? They copied my memories!”


Izzy says, with a nod, “And using them to mold your female clone into their version of you by making her experience a version of your life especially your childhood.”


Yolei says, shocked, “That’s just sick!”


Hawkmon says, with a nod, “I must agree.”


Naruto says, with an enraged tone, “That does it! They are using my dad for their own sick games! I’m really getting ticked, believe it!”


Hinata asks, “But how did they get their hands on Reanimation jutsu?”

&nbs p;

Sakura says, “There is only one person that could, but he is supposed to be dead by Sasuke’s hands.”


Naruto says, with a low growl, “Orochimaru.”


Sailor Venus says, “They could have used Sasuke’s Curse Seal or a Curse Seal from anyone else he marked in order to release him. Remember, a piece of that snake’s spirit is inside each seal to allow him to take over a person more easily.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “Yuck! It makes gross just thinking about it.”


Hinata asks, “So, what do we do?”


Naruto says, “We release my dad, that’s what!”


Sakura tells Naruto, “Naruto, he has been revived by Reanimation. He could have been ‘programmed’ to attack us if we break him out of there. We need to find a way to break him free of whoever’s control he is under.”


Sailor Celestial says, as her broach glows, “I may have an idea. I’ve been practicing with my powers and one of my powers is the power of Rebirth from Sailor Saturn.”


Sailor Saturn asks, “Are you saying that you could…?”


Sailor Celestial says, “Maybe.” Sailor Celestial closes her eyes as she focuses her power and her broach glows with incredible strength.


Celestial Aurora Restoration!


Sailor Celestial’s broach opens and she unleashes a powerful beam right Minato’s unmoving form in which he starts to glow, but the cracks on his ‘revived form’ start to vanish and grey non-living ‘skin’ starts to gain ‘life’ into it before the tube shatters into pieces from a burst of rainbow energy in which when the rainbow energy fades, a fully living Minato Namikaze collapses towards the ground in which Sailor Uranus manages to grab him and drag him away from the shattered glass. Sailor Mercury then goes over and scans him in which her eyes widen.


Sailor Mercury says, “He is completely alive! He has a pulse and a heartbeat! He is a complete living being!”


Hinata says, amazed, “You did it.”


Naruto yells out, excitedly, “You were awesome, Celestial, believe it!” Naruto then hugs Sailor Celestial in which she blushes and stumbles in which Naruto asks, releasing her, “Oops! Was that much?”


Sailor Celestial responds, with a sigh, “No, Naruto, I’m fine. That technique takes a good amount out of me. In fact, if I wasn’t in Valkyrie form, I would have collapsed.”


Sailor Mercury says, with a serious tone, “Minato-san is revived, but the bad news is that the transfer is complete. Naruto’s female clone has the other half of the Nine-Tailed Fox.”


Yolei says, “That’s not good.”


Sailor Mercury says, “But the ‘induction process’ isn’t complete yet.”


Naruto says, “That’s all I need to know! Let’s save her!” Before anyone could say or do anything else, Naruto runs up to the tube and smashes it open causing the fluids inside to flood out as well as send Naruto’s female clone flying out with the NervGear device being detached and flung off her head in which she lands in Naruto’s arms.


Sakura yells out, annoyed, “Naruto! You could have killed her! That was based on the NervGear! What if there was a failsafe to fry her brain?!”


Naruto says, nervously, “Oops.”


Sakura says, with a sigh, “Well, I can’t blame you. It doesn’t matter if the person was brought into the world naturally or through some kind of ‘man-made process’, you would go and do that.”


Naruto says, “She didn’t ask to be ‘born’, Sakura. Besides, she is now the closest thing that I have to a sister.”


Sailor Mars asks, “How did they create a virtual world so easily?”


Cody says, “I know. It was ‘The Seed’.”


Sailor Celestial says, slapping her forehead, “That’s right. Before we left SAO, Kayaba gave my brother that portable VRMMO development package and after we confirmed that it was safe, we had it posted on the net for anyone to use in order to help VRMMO and Full-Dive to recover from the damage that they took from that sicko and what he had done.”


Sailor Mercury says, “It looks like that despite our ‘safety precautions’ including a program to ‘watch out’ for programming similar to the ‘kill switch’ of Sword Art Online as well as log out disablement programs, it seems like the ‘wrong kind of people’ got their hands on ‘The Seed’.”


Tai says, with a nod, “Big time.”


Mimi says, looking at the female clone of Naruto, “Poor girl.”


TK says, with a nod, “No kidding, Mimi. She may be a lot like Naruto. But how will she react to learn that her ‘life’ was nothing, but a lie? I doubt that it will go well.”


Matt says, “No kidding, bro.”


Sailor Moon’s voice calls out, “Then we will help her, Matt. All of us and right now, we have a special surprise for Naruto.” Everyone then looks towards the direction of Sailor Moon’s voice and they gasp to see her supporting none other than Naruto’s mother, Kushina Uzumaki, fully alive and well and wearing only a towel around her frame to keep her modesty.


Naruto asks, shocked, “Mom?”


Kushina looks at Naruto and she asks, surprised, “Naruto-kun? My little boy?”


Sora asks, stunned, “But how?” Soon after, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Neo Moon, and Sailor Orion enter the room supporting a young blond haired woman who’s blond hair is tied in a ponytail and another young lady, looking to be Naruto’s age or so, with short mint green hair, orange eyes, and dark skin are being escorted in with towels wrapped around them to keep their modesty.


Tuxedo Mask says, “Orochimaru. Based on what we found, he is back and they are using the cloning technology of MIST in order to create a technique that can completely revive someone.”


Hinata asks, “What would Orochimaru want with a technique like that?”


Sakura says, with a sneer, “An alternate way to revive himself if no Curse Seals are available.”


Sailor Mercury says, with her visor on, “And it looks like it worked since my scans show that they are completely alive and well with no complications. I will need to do a more extensive examination, but it looks like that they did it.”


Sakura says, with a snarl, “Just great.” Soon after, the female clone of Naruto, Naruko, is wrapped up and Kushina is shocked to see her and Minato.


Kushina asks, “Minato-kun? And a girl that looks like my boy? What’s going on here?”


Sailor Moon says, nervously, “Long story, Lady Kushina.”


Davis says, “Right now, let’s blow this poor version of a mad scientist lab and I mean, blow as blow it into tiny pieces.”


Naruto says, with a grin, “Now, you are speaking my language, believe it!”


Hinata tells Naruto, “Naruto-kun, we should make sure that there is no else in here.”

Sakura says, with a nod, “Hinata’s right.”


Naruto says, “Good point.”


Sailor Celestial says, “We’re going to need to split up. Some of us take them back to the surface and to a safe place while the rest of us make sure that we cleaned it out in which he blow it to kingdom come.”


Tuxedo Mask says, “I think that Sakura and Sailor Mercury should go since they are medical experts.”


Sailor Mercury says, “I agree.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “Ditto.”


Davis says, “They are going to need an escort just in case the bad dudes are planning a dirty trick and a sneak attack.”


Tai says, “Our partners and we can handle that.” Much of the Digidestined and their Digimon partners nod their heads in agreement with Tai.


Sailor Moon says, “Venus, you, Mars, and Jupiter help them that regard.”


Sailor Sun tells Sailor Orion, “They are going to need a pair of good eyes too.”


Sailor Orion says, with a nod, “Understood.”


Ken says, “Stay safe.”


Davis says, with a grin, “No big, Ken.” Soon after, Sakura, the Inner Sailor Scouts, minus Moon, Sailor Orion, and the Digidestined and their Digimon, minus, Davis, Sailor Sun, and their two Digimon partners, take off for the surface with the Mugen Tenshin clan providing support from the shadows as they escort Kushina and the other two with her along with the revived Minato Namikaze, still unconscious, and the unconscious Naruko, out of the lab and to the surface while the others search the lab for anything else of ‘value’. When they are done, they blow the facility to pieces with complete destruction and nothing in it is salvable by their enemies.


July 13, 2025, Neo Domino City


Within Lazar’s office in Neo Domino City, Lazar is laughing his head off when he sees the video images of smoke and dust coming from the destruction of the hidden facility of MIST within Juuban.


Lazar says, with a smirk, “Ha! Serves those fools right!”


The group of figures from before, Lazar’s new ‘bosses’, are on a holographic screen and the male leader says, “Don’t get too cocky, Lazar. It was just one facility. Donovan has many others. He had years to plan for the day when he would have to leave DOAETC.”


Lazar says, with a sigh, “Point taken.”


The female figure says, “But it is progress. However, there is some bad news.”


Lazar asks, curiously and concerned, “What bad news?”


The female figure responds, “Minaka has made his move.”


Lazar yells out, stunned, “What?!”


The male leader responds, “It’s true, Lazar. Sekirei have started to appear and fight in Tokyo.”


Lazar says, with a sneer, “Bastard. He is just trying to ‘one up’ Kayaba. I can see why his own family disowned him. He is fruit cake.”


The male leader retorts, “A powerful fruitcake in the form of political and economic power, Lazar. You know that. And it isn’t just Japan that he has that kind of power in.”


Lazar says, with a snarl, “I know, sir.”


The female figure says, “Thanks to what happened with Sword Art Online and the fallout of Argus along with the ‘damage’ to RCT, Minaka has gotten plenty of ‘influence’ in the Full-Dive market.”


Lazar says, “And the ‘market’ when it comes to dueling, I know. However, I don’t get why he spread his influence around so much. Dueling and Full-Dive doesn’t have anything to do with his plans.”


The male leader says, “True, but Duel Monsters has gone from a card game in the time of the King of Games, Yugi Moto, to an important institution in our time. And Full-Dive, which is still in its infancy and still suffering from the ‘SAO Incident’, is quickly becoming more than just a new form of entertainment. It could lead to a whole new interconnected virtual world and universe.”


Lazar says, with a nod, “I see, sir. Point taken.”


The male leader says, “We need to keep a close eye on him and his Sekirei Plan, Lazar. We still don’t know how it factors into the war ahead as well as what side Minaka is truly on.”


Lazar says, “Most likely, he is on his own side much like Kayaba.”


The female leader says, with a nod, “It is most likely, but we are going to have to see. Right now, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze has claimed Stardust Spark Dragon and becoming a Duel Priest. We believe that like her sister, Sammy Tsukino, will also be a Signer and Duel Priest as well which means that Power Tool Mecha Dragon will be coming into his possession. It only leaves Hot Red Dragon Archfiend and Blackfeather Darkrage Dragon.”


The male leader responds, “Don’t be so sure. The Duel Dragon versions of the Signer Dragons are the only Duel Dragons out there.”


Lazar asks, “What do you mean sir?”


The male leader retorts, “Kayaba had a dragon of his own too and we aren’t sure where the ‘card form’ of that dragon ended up.” Lazar’s eyes widen at the implication of those words and he can’t help to wonder what’s ahead for them.


July 14, 2025, ALO, Ryne


Within Agil’s ship within Ryne in Svart Alfheim, many of our heroes and heroines that were part of the raid, in their ALO avatars, are assembled in which they talk to Kirito, Asuna, Silica, Lisbeth, and the like about what happened on the raid yesterday in which they are amazed to say the least.


Silica asks, “So, Naruto-san has his parents back?”


Makoto says, with a nod, “Yep.”


Leafa says, “Most likely, they used the Shinigami Mask from the Uzumaki Mask Temple to free the spirit of Naruto’s dad from the reaper’s belly exactly like in the anime and manga.”


Lisbeth says, “Sounds about right.”


Kirito says, “What I’m worried about is that Orochimaru snake. Last time that I checked, Naruto and his two friends came here during his training to perfect his Rasenshuriken technique and he should be still sealed inside of Sasuke in which he was sealed away in a gourd that’s part of Itachi Uchiha’s Susanoo causing him to be sealed away until he was revived during the Fourth Great Ninja War.”


Kendo says, “We theorize that it is possible that they used the same way that Sasuke did it in the anime and manga.”


Haruka says, “There is also the possibility that character that a lot of Naruto fans love to hate in this world too.”


Klein asks, “You mean Sasuke Uchiha?”


Kirito asks Klein, “You read the Naruto anime and manga?”


Klein responds, “Who hasn’t Kirito?”


Lisbeth says, with a smirk, “That’s a surprise. I thought that a samurai like you wouldn’t be into ninjas.”


Klein retorts, “A ninja is a samurai’s ultimate opponent, I’ll have you know. A good warrior knows to study his opponent so he’ll know how to beat him or her in the future.”


Lisbeth says, with a smile, “Right.”


Silica says, “Well, it is good that Naruto-san has got his parents back.”


Hino says, “Good for Naruto and bad for the Leaf Village.”


Minako says, with a smirk, “Yeah. You know what kind of personality that Kushina-san has and once she learns about her boy’s life, you know what she is going to do when she gets back to her world.” Plenty of the others can’t help to their heads and quite a few of them sweat drop knowing exactly what Minako and how she was right on the money.


July 14, 2025, Hayabusa Village


Inside of Hayabusa Village, Naruto, Sakura, wearing a pair of glasses that gives her a ‘cute smart look’, Hinata, Ryu, and Kasumi are trying to train and/or relax while Kushina is on a rampage throughout village. Her target: None other than her revived husband and Naruto’s father: Minato Namikaze.


Minato dodges quite a few kunai and Kushina shouts out, angrily, “Come back here and take your lumps like a Hokage!”


Minato responds, “Well, I’m not the Hokage anymore, Kushina-chan.” Minato yelps as he dodges several chakra chains from Kushina.


Kushina yells out, “I knew that I should have taken the Kyuubi with me to the grave!”


Minato shouts out, “Kushina-chan, the whole world was at stake! Naruto is the one to save our world from destruction and that manga proved I’m right!”


Kushina shouts out, angrily, “Like I give a damn, you know?! Our baby boy has suffered because of those backstabbers in the village and they tried to erase my clan from history, you know!”


Minato responds, nervously, “You think that I’m happy with that?! If it wasn’t for Uzumaki knowledge of sealing jutsu, I wouldn’t be the ninja that I became! I owe everything to your clan!”


Kushina retorts, strongly, “You’re damn well right, Minato!” Minato yelps as he continues to dodge his wife’s attacks while the others watched with mixed reactions.


Sakura tells Naruto, “Have I told you how thankful I am that you saved me from your mother?”


Hinata tells Sakura, “About twenty times not counting this one, Sakura. You really owe Naruto-kun.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “No joke.” After another explosion, Sakura says, amazed, “You are truly an Uzumaki, Naruto. And you are really your mother’s boy. She is a boundless amount of energy.”


Naruto says, a bit nervously, “That’s one way of putting it.”


Hinata asks Sakura, “Sakura, why are you wearing glasses? Are your eyes all right?”


Sakura responds, “They’re just fine, Hinata. Ever since my new intelligent starting showing itself, I’ve been getting this urge to wear glasses. I really hope that those bakas didn’t do anything weird.”


Naruto says, shivering, “Tell me about it, Sakura.”


Sakura says, “Anyway, these are glasses like Shion-san’s glasses. They are just frames with bulletproof material.”


Naruto says, “Bulletproof glasses? That’s pretty cool, believe it!”


Sakura tells Naruto, “I doubt that it will work too well. I should they are made with bullet-resistant material and I’m not sure that there is enough to handle a handgun much less a rifle bullet.” Just then they hear another explosion and everyone looks to see Minato dodging another assault from his pissed off wife.


Kushina yells out, angrily, “And don’t forget those wretched pervert for a teacher! Not only did he left our baby boy to suffer for his precious ‘research’, he tried to turn him into a pervert!”


Minato yells out, nervously, “Kushina-chan, I’m not happy about that either as well as the Third Hokage-sama for his failure! He may be an old man and lost his wife to you know who, but he is still a Hokage and not only does he have to think about the village, but every single person in it including our boy! However, let’s not forget Tsunade!”


Kushina stops in her tracks and she says, irritated, “Yeah, I remember! I can’t believe her! She is Uzumaki by blood! By blood! She only went back to the village when my boy had to drag her butt back there! If I see her and that pervert of a teacher of yours, I’m going to make sure that they know how I feel about them loud and clear!”


July 14, 2025 (Earth Time), Elemental Countries, Hidden Leaf Village


Within the Leaf Village, we find ourselves in training ground 7 where Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, when they were younger, took Kakashi’s test to formally become a Genin team where Tsunade and Jiraiya are walking over to meet a group composed of ninja that knew Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata best in which they get a cold shiver down their spines in which they look at each other.


Jiraiya asks, nervously, “Tsunade, did you just get a cold shiver like the Shinigami was breathing down our necks?”


Tsunade says, her expression showing nervousness, “You, too, huh? It feels like someone that we know is really pissed off at us and our lives are in mortal danger.”


Jiraiya asks, confused, “Who that we know would be angry enough that our lives would be threatened? Who could threaten our lives?” Just then Shizune hands Tsunade something and the color of her face drained slightly in which Jiraiya doesn’t like her expression.


Tsunade says, nervously, “Jiraiya…I just won the lottery.”


Jiraiya says, nervously, “Tell me that you are joking.”


Tsunade retorts, annoyed, “Do I look like I’m joking?”


Jiraiya says, the color of his face growing paler, “Now, I’m really worried.” Tsunade nods her head as she and Jiraiya go over to the people assembled before them including Kakashi, Yamato, Team Guy, Team 8, minus Hinata, and Team 10 in which Tsunade and Jiraiya notice that Kakashi looked a bit nervous.


July 14, 2025, Motomiya home


Inside of the Motomiya apartment home, the young woman that was attacked by the two sisters with lightning attacks slowly wakes up and looks up to see Mr. Motomiya and Mrs. Motomiya looking at him.


The young woman says, amazed, “You!”


Mrs. Motomiya says, “It has been a while, Uzume.”


The young woman asks, “Where am I?”


Mrs. Motomiya responds, “You are at my home. Thankfully, my children are playing ALO right now.”


The young woman asks, “ALO?”


Mrs. Motomiya replies, “Alfheim Online. The popular VRMMO for the Amusphere.”


The young woman nods in understanding and Mr. Motomiya asks, “What’s going on here?”


The young woman responds, “I was attacked by Hibiki and her hot-headed sister, Hikari, when I went for an errand by Miya. They recently got winged too.”


Mrs. Motomiya asks, “They did? Do you know who, Uzume?”


The young woman, Uzume, responds, “The best friend of Miya’s husband: Seo.”


Mr. Motomiya says, with a smirk, “I should have known.”


Mrs. Motomiya tells Uzume, “Uzume, I think that you should return back to Miya. I don’t want my children involved in this and they already have enough on their plate.”


Uzume responds, “Yeah, I know. With what happened with SAO and the monster attacks in Tokyo and such, but it is going to get worst, Tamaki. Minaka took this chance to start Phase One.”


Mrs. Motomiya yells out, stunned, “What?!”


Uzume says, with a sigh, “It’s true, Tamaki.”


Mrs. Motomiya says, in a really pissed off tone of voice, “That worthless snake!”


Mr. Motomiya says, solemnly, “I can never understand him anymore.”


Mrs. Motomiya says, with a snort, “I can. He is an egotistical nutjob that rivals Kayaba himself!”


Uzume says, with a nod, “I don’t know about that madman, Kayaba, but something tells me that you are right, Tamaki.”


Mrs. Motomiya asks, “How did you find out, Uzume?”


Uzume responds, “Matsu is living with Miya and she has hacked into MBI’s network.”


Mr. Motomiya says, “Clever girl.”


Uzume says, with a smile, “She is a ‘brain type’ Sekirei after all.”


Mrs. Motomiya says, “This is a nightmare. First, SAO. Then there is the monster attacks which include Digimon and my son and his friends are to help the Sailor Scouts in which I worry every day about them…”


Uzume says, nervously, “Tamaki, there is something else.” Mr. and Mrs. Motomiya look at Uzume and she says, “I think that I found my Ashikabi.”


Mrs. Motomiya asks, shocked, “You did? When? Who?’


Uzume responds, nervously, “There was this Sailor Scout girl with a strange cat Digimon that she called Gatomon.”


Mrs. Motomiya asks, “Wait! Did you say Gatomon?”


Uzume says, “Yeah.”


Mrs. Motomiya slaps herself on the forehead and Mr. Motomiya says, with a sigh, “You might be taking about our son’s girlfriend.”


Uzume says, nervously, “Oh, boy.”


Mrs. Motomiya says, with a groan, “I’m never going to get used to this.”


Mr. Motomiya says, with a smile, “Considering who his parents are, it shouldn’t be so surprising.”


Mrs. Motomiya responds, drolly, “Don’t remind me honey.”


Uzume asks, “Tamaki, what should I do?”


Mrs. Motomiya tells Uzume, “Uzume, just return to Miya for now and tell her that I’m going to need to be updated.” Uzume gets to her feet as she prepares to leave and Mrs. Motomiya can’t help to worry about the future for many a reason.


July 15, 2025, Masaki Shrine


Out in the Japanese countryside, we head over to a regular Shinto shrine known as the Masaki shrine for the family that runs this shrine. Sweeping in front of the main temple complex, there is a young teenage boy with short spiky black hair with a bit of it tied in a tiny ponytail at the rear of his scalp, brown eyes, and wearing regular teenage clothing. His name is Tenchi Misaki, the grandson of Katsuhito Masaki, the current head of the shrine, and he is spending another summer vacation in his grandfather’s shrine through it isn’t too surprising since his whole house was moved from the suburban neighborhood to the countryside where it is to this day.


Tenchi says, with a sigh, “Just another day. Well, after all the nuts things that I went through, it is pretty nice for once. It is a good thing that I’m not in the city right now. First, there was all that insanity with Sword Art Online that happened after everyone arrived on Earth. I got rid of my NervGear after that and these days, I’m glad that I missed out on the retail version as well as the guys. However, it seems like Sasami is enjoying the new Amusphere and I’m not surprised that she is a fan of ALO.” Tenchi says, with a sigh, “But it seems like Ryoko has gotten into it too and I’m not surprised that she would be into a game like Gun Gale Online. She is a space pirate after all.”


Just then a sagely male voice says, “Indeed, Tenchi.” Tenchi turns to see an elderly man with grey hair tied in a ponytail, wearing simple glasses in front of his violet eyes, and wearing white and blue Shino kimono. He is Tenchi’s grandfather, Katsuhito Masaki, head of the Masaki shrine.


Tenchi says, “Grandpa.”


Katsuhito says, “It is a brand new world that’s forming, Tenchi. A world where the lines of ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’ are blurring and where ‘digital’ and ‘real’ are also crossing over. The Full-Dive technology is a revolution in the making Tenchi. You should know that it is just more than entertainment.”


Tenchi says, “Yes, I know. They already have Full-Dive medical units call Medicuboids in which they can only be used by terminally ill patients, but they will be able to help people with all sorts of problems.”


Katsuhito says, with a nod, “Correct, Tenchi. However, with the formation of a ‘new world’, there is a time of chaos.”


Tenchi says, “Yeah. And that ‘chaos’ was Sword Art Online. I just don’t get why Kayaba would do this and I was so shocked. From the few pictures on him, he doesn’t seem the guy to go nuts. He wasn’t the social type, but he didn’t seem like that kind of guy.”


Katsuhito says, “Yes, I understand, Tenchi. However, you don’t really know a person unless you get up close and personal with them and even then you might not truly understand them unless you can what’s underneath the ‘veil’ that they put over themselves, Tenchi. You met Kayaba personally once and even you didn’t see what his plans were.”


Tenchi asks, “Wait! I met Kayaba?”


Katsuhito tells Tenchi, “Have you forgotten already? Don’t you remember that summer just before you released Ryoko?” Tenchi flinches at his grandfather mentioning when he released the entrapped space pirate that now lives with him and he then thinks back to that summer around two years ago in which he remembers sweeping the stairs in which none other than Kayaba comes up and requests a meeting with his grandfather.


Tenchi yelps and he says, “That’s right! It was him! It was Kayaba! Wait! What was he doing here? Why did he want to see you? Hold on!”


Katsuhito says, “Calm down, Tenchi!”


Tenchi takes a deep breath and he says, “Grandpa, I don’t get it. Why did Kayaba come here? I can’t see why he would come here.”


Katsuhito says, “He left something behind to be given to certain people after he had done what he planned to do.”


Tenchi asks, his eyes widening, “Wait! Grandpa, did you know what Kayaba was planning?”


Katsuhito responds, “No, I don’t. However, knowing the truth about him, I knew that he was planning something that would be a terrible tragedy and I knew that I couldn’t stop him.”


Tenchi asks, surprised, “Huh? Know the truth about Kayaba?”


Katsuhito tells Tenchi, “Tenchi, we are heading to Tokyo. In fact, we are going into the districts of Juuban and Odiaba.”


Tenchi asks, surprised, “Huh? Why?”


Katsuhito says, “It is time for us to play our roles, no matter how little it is, to end Sword Art Online.”


Tenchi asks, confused, “Wait! What are you talking about grandpa? Sword Art Online ended several months ago. What are you saying?”


Katsuhito responds, “The ‘death game’ may have long ended, but the final ‘end game’ of Kayaba’s legacy has yet to begin Tenchi. The current ‘war’ in Tokyo is a sign of that and in fact, things are accelerating faster than they should have been. We must act now.” Katsuhito turns to walk away and he says, “By the way, before we go, tell your father that we are going to have a lot of ‘guests’ coming and I mean a lot of ‘guests’.”


Tenchi says, nervously, “Okay…”


Katsuhito says, “Our first stop will be the residences of Suguha Kirigaya and Serena Tsukino.”


Tenchi asks, “Huh? Who are they? And why are we visiting them?”


Katsuhito responds, “You know them as Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestial, Tenchi. Have you been living under a rock all this time?” Tenchi yelps out in shock as his grandfather walks away leaving a stunned Tenchi in his wake and when he enters the house, there is a female that looks like an adolescence with long pink hair and green eyes in which while she looks like an adolescence, her eyes show centuries and many millennia of knowledge and experience.


The child-like female tells Katsuhito, “So, you are going through with it?”


Katsuhito says, “In my own way, Washu.”


The child-like female responds, “I hear that the ‘black sheep’ of that ‘branch’ of your family on Earth is making his move.”


Katsuhito says, with a nod, “Yes. There is a reason that Minaka was banished from the family, Washu.”


The child-like female, Washu Hakubi, says, “I have to say that I am curious about his work through I have to admit that he is pretty ‘nuts’.”


Katsuhito retorts, with a smile, “That’s surprising coming from you, Washu.”


Washu retorts, with a smirk, “There is a difference between insanity and genius, Lord Katsuhito.”


Katsuhito says, with a smile, “That’s left to be seen with you, Washu.” Washu playfully sticks her tongue out at Katsuhito in which both of them gain seriously looks as they look towards the skies in the direction of Tokyo.


Washu says, “Kagato was looking for one of the greatest energies in the universe and what he didn’t know is that one of them was hidden within someone that seems like a little girl with a talent for Japanese swordplay.”


Katsuhito says, “Queen Serenity did her job so well that not even Chaos hidden with Sailor Galaxia even noticed. I told Kagato that if such a ‘great energy’ existed that it can’t be wielded by humans. Well, I was partially correct. It can’t be wielded by ‘regular humans’ and I doubt that even Tenchi could wield Sailor Celestial’s power.”


Washu says, “It also not just hers anymore. I’m surprised that someone that’s supposed to be a comic book character also had this great power.”


Katsuhito says, “He is the balance to Sailor Celestial herself. In life, there is light and dark, yin and yang, male and female, and the like, Washu. However, I dare say that she and her sister are more ‘dark’ than ‘light’ and the boy is dangerous close to the ‘twilight’.”


Washu asks, “Is there anything that could stop them from being engulfed in ‘darkness’?”


Katsuhito says, “One who has started to regain his ‘light’ and bares the same power as my grandson as well as the power of the Star Dragon King.”


Washu says, with a nod, “I see.” Washu says, “Well, the preparations are complete.”


Katsuhito says, nodding his head, “Thank you, Washu. When we are gathered up, we shall go as soon as possible.” Katsuhito then looks towards the dinner table and when Washu does the same, they see a strange chest in which Katsuhito and Washu narrow their eyes against.


July 15, 2025, Hayabusa Village


Inside of Hayabusa Village, Ryu, Kasumi, Minato, wearing attire similar to his days as a ninja and Fourth Hokage, Kushina, wearing something similar to when she gave birth to Naruto, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, and another kunoichi.


This young kunoichi is a young woman of around 21 years of age with amber eyes and long black hair tied in a ponytail. Her outfit consists of with a white top with red ribbon edges and red kunoichi styled pants. Her name if Momiji and she belongs to the Dragon Shrine Maidens, the guardians of the sacred temple of this ninja village.


All of them are assembled in front of a scrolls that’s rolled open to reveal a golden Asian dragon inside of a yin-yang symbol in which there are a group of half-a-dozen people in typical ninja attire similar to Ryu’s attire with a golden one in the center.


Sakura asks, “The Elemental Dragon Ninja?”


Momiji responds, “It is a legend of our village of seven chosen ones with the one of the center being the chosen heir of the one that brought the way of shinobi to our lands and the others being his or her brothers and sisters in arms. Each one of these ‘guardians’ wielding a single elemental power: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Light, and Shadow.”


Minato asks, “Shadow?”


Ryu tells Minato, “As you already must know, light can’t exist without shadow and shadow can’t exist without light. In fact, your name Kage is our language’s word for ‘shadow’ and despite our various difference, we, shinobi, fight in and with the shadows.”


Minato says, “Yes, you are right.”


Sakura asks, “What is the power of the person in the center then?”


Momiji responds, “The ‘Golden Ninja’, the ninja of creation.”


Hinata asks, amazed, “Ninja of Creation?”


Naruto says, amazed, “Whoa! That kind of guy or gal sounds really powerful, believe it.”


Ryu says, with a nod, “Yes, Naruto. Remember, Etherion is the power of creation itself as you remember. The Dragon Ninja of Creation not only holds the power of his or her guardians, but so much more. And this one is able to wield all of the sacred golden weapons.”


Sakura asks, “Golden weapons?’


Momiji says, “Half-a-dozen powerful weapons forged by the first great master and founder of ninjutsu, the way of the ninja, of our world, Sakura. The Sword of Fire, The War Fan of Wind, the Scythe of Earth, the Shuriken of Water, The Bow of Light, and the Kunai of Shadows.”


Ryu says, “Of which, we have one of them.” Ryu claps his hands and out from a panel in a wall, a stand containing a beautiful golden samurai style sword with the hilt design like the head of a dragon appears.


Kasumi asks, “Is this…?”


Momiji says, with a nod, “The Sword of Fire, Kasumi.”


Hinata says, “It’s beautiful.”


Kurama tells Naruto, “And deadly, gaki. I sense great power from that sword.”


Kushina says, with a whistle, “This is no joke. It may look like a piece of decoration at first glance, but I can see that this is a deadly weapon. The blade is so sharp that you can cut someone in half, you know.”


As Kushina reaches for the sword, Ryu says, “I wouldn’t try it, Lady Kushina.” Kushina was about to retort, but when she yanks the sword from the stand, she yelps as collapses to the floor in which her husband runs over to her.


Minato asks, “Kushina, are you okay?”


Kushina responds, annoyed, “No, I’m not!” Kushina tries to yank the sword from the floor and straining to do so in which when she gives up, she yells out, “Damn! That sword feels like it is as big as your head on Hokage Mountain, Minato, you know!”


Minato tries to lift up and he says, when he is unable to do so, “It feels like lifting a mountain.”


Kushina yells out, annoyed, “I just said that you know!” Hinata tries to lift the sword, but she is unable to do in which Sakura can’t help to get a strange feeling in which when Hinata goes back, Sakura goes up to the sword.


Naruto asks Hinata, concerned, “Are you okay, Hinata-chan?”


Hinata responds, “I’m okay, Naruto-kun.”


As Sakura puts her hands on the sword, Minato says, “I wouldn’t even…” However, just then Sakura lifts the sword with relative ease causing everyone else to gasp in shock including Sakura herself. Soon after, the sword glows as a golden aura surrounds Sakura’s form and her clothes change into a pink version of Kasumi’s regular outfit with the insignia of the Leaf Village on the back of the top surrounded by a golden dragon.


Sakura yells out, stunned, “Huh?!”


Ryu says, “It seems like the sword has chosen its owner and you are now the Dragon Kunoichi of Fire.”


Sakura couldn’t say a word and she then says, nervously, “Oh, boy…”


Kurama says, with a giggle and sly tone, “It seems good for the harpy. She always tends to be a real hot head much like a certain gaki and his mother.”


July 15, 2025, Kirigaya household


Within the kitchen of the Kirigaya household, Suguha is practicing her typical kendo sword techniques with a Shinai, which is usually a bamboo practice sword in the use of kendo, but she shakes her head.


Kazuto comes over and he asks, “What’s wrong, Sugu?”


Suguha says, “Had a weird dream last night.”


Kazuto asks, “Weird dream?”


Suguha responds, “If I told you, you would freak out.”


Kazuto asks, with a smile, “With all that happened, how could anything freak me out?”


As Kazuto takes a sip from a boxed juice, Suguha says, plainly, “Okay…I dreamed that I was in the Town of Beginnings on Aincrad.”


Kazuto gains an expression of surprises, spits out the juice, and he yells out, shocked, “What?!”


Suguha says, with a smile, “Told you so, big brother.”


Kazuto tells Suguha, nervously, “Sugu, tell me that it was some kind of weird dream and not some kind of ‘vision’.”


Suguha responds, with a sigh, “No such darn luck.” Suguha says, “The ‘dream’ that I had in which I found myself in what looks like the Town of Beginnings on Aincrad and I should know since the Silver Millennium version and the SAO version are practically the same. I was dressed a lot like I was as Leafa, but my face was exactly as I am now. I was in the middle of players dressed in SAO ‘starter gear’. Then everything turned to black and white like in a manga or one of those old black and white cartoons expect a strange girl.” Kazuto’s attention becomes serious and Suguha says, “She was completely in color with short violet hair, light blue eyes, and wearing a dress. None of the others seem to notice her and they go by her like she wasn’t really there. We look at each other and she says: ‘I am here. I am here on Aincrad. You must return. Where it began is where it must end. Return to Aincrad and find…The final legacy of Sword Art Online.’ That’s what she said.”


Kazuto thinks in his mind, “The final legacy of Sword Art Online?”


Suguha says, “Just then she fade away and then I ‘surrounded’ by the various boss monsters of Sword Art Online before it stops in which you, I, Serena, and Naruto along with various others are inside of the Ruby Palace where I see him…Kayaba. He is there in his ‘real life’ form and the two of us start walking towards each other. However, the two of them are then running in which I transform into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and he transforms into Heathcliff. When we reach other, we clash with our Keyblades and the field transforms into a vast rocky wasteland filled with Keyblades implanted into the ground. And that’s it.”


Kazuto says, “Any regular person would say that it was just a freaky dream.”


Suguha responds, “Well, we aren’t ‘regular people’, big brother.” Just then there is a phone ringing and the two of them head inside in which Kazuto answers the phone.


Kazuto says, “Hello? Oh, Serena!” Kazuto then expression turns into one of surprise and then of shock in which he says, stunned, “What?! It disappeared?! But how?! Okay! We’ll meet you and the others at the café!”


When Kazuto hangs up the phone, Suguha says, “I’m not getting a good feeling about that.’

Kazuto says, “You shouldn’t. Aincrad just disappeared from the Digital World.”


Suguha yells out, stunned, “What?! When?!”


Kazuto says, “By the looks of it, just recently. We heading to the café to discuss this.” Without any other words needed to be said, Suguha rushes to her room to change out of her training dogi and hakama, Kazuto can’t help to have a bad feeling to come that history is about to repeat itself once more as the battle between Sailor Celestial and Heathcliff at the Ruby Palace at the end of SAO is foremost in his mind.


July 15, 2025, Dicey Café


Inside of the Dicey Café, our heroes and heroines, Digidestined and their Digimon partners, Sailor Scouts of the Moon Kingdom, including Molly and Rini, Jun, Suguha, Kazuto, Silica, Kotone, Rika, Asuna, and Ryoutarou with Andrew working in front of the bar of his café as per usual.


Raye shouts out, “How can a big old castle just vanish like that? It may be made of digital information, but nothing disappears just like that!”


Davis says, “You think that we have an idea? Plus, this kind of stuff kind of happens in the Digi-World a lot!”


Tai says, “Davis has got a point on that. However, I don’t like it that it just ‘disappeared’.”


Rini asks, “Do you think that it is an ‘outside force’?”


Izzy responds, “Gennai and Azulongmon think so. They also can’t be sure that it was put there on purpose or by accident. However, what we do know is that someone saved SAO’s Aincrad from destruction.”


Ryoutarou says, “You think that we were done with that old castle.”


Rika says, with a sigh, “I know, Klein. I nearly feel off my seat when Ami told us about the call.”


Yolei says, “How did you think that we felt? What a nightmare.”


Andrew says, “It seems like somebody wanted that castle for something. They had the place sealed off, right? It means that they didn’t want anyone looking, so, it is possible that they put it in the Digital World on purposes.”


Ken says, “That’s a high possibly, Andrew.”


Cody says, “However, what I don’t get is why the scans were allowed.”


Davis says, “Could be possible that they didn’t think that we had the tech to scan the castle.”


Jun says, “Something tells me that they aren’t THAT dumb, squirt.”


Mina says, “They could have been cocky.”


Amara says, “It wouldn’t surprise me.”


Matt asks Izzy, “Did you find anything else?”


Izzy says, “Well, I did find something in the scans. There was an entrance into the barrier.”


Kazuto asks, “Let me guess: In the area of the Town of Beginnings?”


Izzy responds, surprised, “That’s right!”


Rika says, “That wasn’t a lucky guess. I got the same feeling.” Asuna, Serena, Suguha, and quite a few of the others nod their heads in agreement.


Ryoutarou says, “Well, it is gone.”


Asuna says, “For the moment, Klein.”


Darien says, with a nod of his head, “Something tells me that castle has yet to go away completely.”


Serena says, drolly, “Just swell.”


Raye says, “Easy, Meatball Head. Anyway, let’s focus on other things.”


Serena responds, “Easier said than done, Pyro.”


Kari says, “I hear you, Serena.”


Tai says, “This is really getting confusing!”


Rika says, “No joke. First, three famous anime and manga characters are real-life people with more joining them. Second, legendary duelists of the past are coming here since someone is mucking up time and space. Third, we’ve also got three legendary monster cards that can do who knows what damage. Fourth, we’ve also got what seems like a lot of bad guys with different agendas roaming around town and causing who knows what havoc. And five, strange girls dressed in ‘skimpy’ clothing and looking like they have super-powers.”


Ryoutarou asks, “By the way, did you get a good look at what these ‘super-powered girls’ look like?” Kazuto then rams his elbow into Ryoutarou’s ribs while plenty of the others shake their heads in disapproval.


Rika asks, drolly, “Seriously, Klein?”


Raye tells Serena, “Man, Serena. You have made some weird friends in that place.”


Serena responds, with a smirk, “Like we aren’t quite the ‘motley bunch’?”


Raye glares at Serena and Lita says, with a smile, “She does have a point.”


Michelle says, with a smile, “I have to say that we might be calling the kettle black with all of our ‘misadventures’, in-fighting, and antics.”


TK says, with a smile, “I think that we have to put us in the same boat.” Yolei, Davis, Tai, Matt, and Amara look at TK and Michelle in surprise, but then again, they can’t help to admit that TK and Michelle are right. Just then they hear a loud ‘bang’ of a door been slammed open and everyone looks to see a young man with blue shoulder length hair with chin length bangs, blue eyes, and wearing what looks like a black version of Seto Kaiba’s outfit with a Duel Academy Island Duel Disk attached to his left wrist.


Matt asks, “Who the heck are you?”


The young man responds, “The name is Zane Truesdale and I’m here to duel the people that have cards known as ‘Signer Dragons’ and ‘Duel Dragons’.” That got everyone’s attention including Izzy, Ken, and quite a few others about his name.


Suguha responds, “And why should we duel you?”


The young man, Zane Truesdale, responds, with a sly smirk, “Because I have something that you want!” Zane then takes out a metal chest and opens it to reveal Obelisk the Tormentor (4000/4000) God Monster card inside.


Everyone gasps and Davis says, stunned, “No way!”


Ken says, “Obelisk the Tormentor! One of the three Egyptian God cards!”


Zane closes the chest, puts an electronic lock on it, and he says, “You’ve kept up with your studies! That’s good! Now, this lock has a special code and the electronic lock will send a virus into any computer that tries to hack it! I think that you get the point!”


Davis says, taking his duel disk which had stored in a backpack, “I get the point, pal.”


Tai says, “Whoa, Davis!”


Matt tells Tai, “What else can we do Tai? We can’t destroy the box!”


Lita says, “No kidding! Those cards are beyond valuable!”


Trista says, “And unleashing the power of Obelisk could have disastrous consequences. We must play by his rules.” Davis attaches his duel disk to his left wrist and follows Zane outside in which the others, minus Andrew, follow after Davis as both Davis and Zane put their dueling decks into their duel disks.


Zane thinks in his mind, “It really pisses me off that I’m acting like someone’s ‘errand boy’, but those fools managed to restore my body and allowed me to return to the dueling world. Once I’m done with this, I’ll return home and get back to dueling where I belong. However, I’m excited to see what these futuristic duelists are all about and see if they have enough bite to their bark!” Zane puts the metal chest by his left leg and Zane says, “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s do this!”


Davis says, seriously, “Fine by me!” Both of them activate their duel disks, Davis’ deck is then shuffled while the ‘energy blade’ that’s the Monster and Pendulum Zones for Davis’ duel disk appears, and after both duel disks display 4000 life-points, both of them draw five cards from their decks.


“Game on!” Davis and Zane say in unison as their duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Davis: 4000

Zane: 4000


Davis says, drawing a card, “I’ll take the first turn!”


Zane says, “You are going to need a head start!”


Davis says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I’ll start off with Elemental Hero Lady Heat in defense mode!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Lady Heat (1300/1000) appears on the field in defense mode.


Zane asks, surprised, “You have an Elemental Hero deck?”


Davis says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “And more, pal! I play my Hero Support! Since I have one Elemental Hero on the field, I can play another from my hand as long as it has a level equal or less to the one out on the field!” Davis says, putting one card on his duel disk, “And I choose my Elemental Hero Flash in defense as well!” Elemental Hero Flash (1100/1600) then appears on the field in defense mode. Davis says, putting three cards into the main slot causing two face-down cards and a face-up Mirage of Nightmare continuous spell card to appear on his disk’s touch screen, “Next, I play Mirage of Nightmare and then I add two more face-downs to end my turn! However, it doesn’t mean that my turn is over, yet! During the End Phase, you lose two hundred life-points per Elemental Hero on my field!”


Zane asks, surprised, “What?” Just then Lady Heat unleashes a fireball and Zane yelps as he loses 400 life-points.


Kari says, with a smile, “Nice one, Dai-kun!”


Current Score:

Davis: 4000

Zane: 3600


Zane thinks in his mind, with a smirk, “Just like Jaden, huh? However, just like Jaden, he won’t be able to beat me!” Zane says, drawing a card, “It’s my draw!”


Davis says, drawing four cards from his deck, “And mine too due to my Mirage of Nightmare! Now, during your Standby Phase, I draw until I have four cards, but next turn, I’ve got to say goodbye!” Davis says, pushing a button on his touch screen, “Oh, wait! I don’t with my Emergency Provisions!” One of Davis’ face-down cards is revealed to be the Emergency Provisions Quick-Play spell card and Davis says, “Now, I destroy any number of spell and traps on my field and I get one grand in life-points for each other! So, later Mirage!” Davis’ Mirage of Nightmare continuous spell vanishes from the field and Davis gets 1000 more life-points.


Kazuto says, with a smile, “Nice move.”


Jun says, with a grin, “That’s my bro.”


Zane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “You are going to need those life-points! First, I play Polymerization!” Zane discards two Cyber Dragon (2100/1600) monster cards, the two of them appear on the field, goes into a vortex, and Zane says, putting a Fusion Monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk, “Now, I fuse my two Cyber Dragons to form Cyber Twin Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Cyber Twin Dragon (2800/2100) appears on the field in attack mode and Zane says, putting one more card into the spell/trap slots, “Then I equip him with my Fairy Meteor Crush equip spell! Thanks to this card, when my dragon fight against a monster with lower defense points than my dragon’s attack points, the difference is dealt to you as damage! And to add to the fun, my dragon can attack twice in a turn!”


There are gasps and Davis asks, stunned, “Twice?!”


Zane yells out, strongly, “Twin Dragon, show him what I mean! Attack his Lady Heat!” Cyber Twin Dragon attacks Lady Heat and vaporizes her instantly causing a small storm of wind to be created as Davis loses 1800 life-points in which Zane yells out, “And here is attack number two! Destroy his Flash!” Cyber Twin Dragon unleashes its second attack on Flash and it is vaporized as well in which Davis yelps as he loses 1200 more life-points.


Veemon, Ken, Tai, and Kari say in unison, shocked, “Davis!”


Lita says, amazed, “This guy is intense!”


Rika says, seriously, “Yeah, he isn’t kidding around!”


Kazuto says, with a nod, “He plays to win.”


Asuna nods her head in agreement and Zane says, “Is that all that you have? I would have expected better from you from what I heard!”


Davis says, pushing a button on his touch screen, “My Elemental Spirit might change your mind!” Davis’ other face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with what looks like Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman with Flame Wingman and Sparkman coming out of him in which Davis says, as two cards come out of his duel disk, “Thanks to this card, I can play as many Elemental Hero as you destroyed this turn as long as they equal or less to the level of the ones destroyed and the same attribute! So, I play Sparkman and Burstinatrix in defense mode!” Davis puts the card from his deck on his duel disk and Elemental Hero Sparkman (1600/1400) and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200/800) appear on the field in defense mode.


Zane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Not bad. I’ll end my turn.”


Current Score:

Davis: 2000

Zane: 3600


Davis says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Now, I play Double Fusion! By reducing my life-points by five hundred, I can fuse twice this turn!” Davis says, discarding his Elemental Hero Avian (1000/1000), “And first I start off with Elemental Hero Avian with Burstinatrix!” Avian appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex, and Davis says, putting a Fusion Monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk, “And now, I play Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer in attack mode!” Zane’s eyes widen as Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer (2100/1200) appears on the field in attack mode, then goes into a fusion vortex with Sparkman, and Davis says, “And then I fuse him with Sparkman and create Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer in attack mode!” Davis puts another Fusion Monster card from his Extra Deck on his duel disk and out of the vortex, Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer (2500/2100) appears on the field in attack mode. Davis says, “My guy can’t be destroyed in battle and he gains three hundred attack points for every hero in the grave! Since you put six in there, it is eight hundred more attack points for him!” Shining Phoenix Enforcer goes from 2500/2100 to 4300/2100 and Davis yells out, “And now, attack!” Shining Phoenix Enforcer slices Cyber Twin Dragon in half and Zane yelps as it explode causing him to lose 1500 life-points.


Tai says, excitedly, “Nice one, Davis!”


Suguha says, with a nod, “You put that jerk in his place!”


Kazuto says, “Don’t celebrate just yet, Sugu.”


Zane says, with a smirk, “Not bad. However, you made one mistake…” Zane says, with an intense dark glare, “You made me mad!” Zane says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “And now, I play the trap card: Material Soul!” Zane’s face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with an image of a Fusion Monster with the monster used to ‘make’ it in spirit form in front of it. Zane says, as two cards come out of his graveyard slot, “Since you destroyed my Fusion monster, I can take the monsters used to form it and return them to my hand!”


Davis says, putting one card into the main slot, “I end my turn with a face-down.”


Current Score:

Davis: 1500

Zane: 2100


Zane says, drawing a card, “My turn!” Zane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play Pot of Greed! And that means two more cards from me!” Zane draws two cards and he says, with a smirk, “Well, kid, this duel is done.”


Davis yells out, “What do you mean?”


Zane shouts out, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I mean that you are through with my Power Bond! With it, I can summon a Machine type Fusion Monster by sending the required Fusion Material Monsters to the grave!” Zane discards three Cyber Dragon (2100/1600 X 3) monster cards, they appear on the field, and they start to fuse in a bright flash in which Zane says, putting one Fusion Monster from his Extra Deck on his duel disk, “And now, I play my ultimate monster: Cyber End Dragon!” Out of the light, Cyber End Dragon (4000/2800) appears on the field in attack mode.


Keiko hugs Kazuto and Asuna and Keiko says, “That’s scary!”


Rika says, nervously, “And I think that it is worst for Davis.”


Zane says, with a wicked smirk, “And your friend is right since Cyber End gets its attack points doubled due to Power Bond! However, it comes with a price, I take damage equal to its original attack points, but this duel will be over before then!” Cyber End Dragon then roars as it goes from 4000/2800 to 8000/2800 and Zane yells out, strongly, “End Dragon, end this duel with Super Strident Blaze!”


Cyber End Dragon unleashes a powerful attack from its three heads and Davis says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “Not so fast!” Just then the attack slams into Shining Phoenix Enforcer and engulfs Davis in a massive explosion.


Ken says, shocked, “Davis!”


Zane says, with a grin, “Game over.” However, when the smoke and dust clears, Davis is revealed to still have 1800 life-points remaining in which Zane asks, “What’s going on?”


Davis says, pointing to a face-up Nutrient Z trap card, “My Nutrient Z trap card, that’s what dude. Since your attack was going to take more two grand in life-points, I use this card to protect me in which I gain four grand in life-points before I took any damage.”


Zane says, with a grin, “Not bad.”


Kari says, with a smile, “I knew that Dai-kun wouldn’t go down so easily.”


Davis says, “Now, you are going to lose this duel.”


Zane says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I don’t think so! I play Cyber Kirin in attack mode!” Just then Cyber Kirin (300/800) appears on the field in attack mode and Zane says, with a grin, “And by releasing him, I take no effect damage this turn and that means my Power Bond damage is negated!” Cyber Kirin then vanishes from the field and Zane says, “And that ends my turn. You should also remember that my dragon has a piercing effect which means that defense mode is useless too!”


Amara says, “And that means that he has no defense.”


Current Score:

Davis: 1800

Zane: 2100


Zane says, “Give it up, kid. You fought a good duel, but it is over.”


Davis says, “You know, pal! There is a saying: A duel isn’t over until the last card is played! And I have yet to draw my last card! You really think that you can put me down! I’ve been through far worst situations than this! I’ve been through the worst that life has to offer and then some! I’ve seen death and destruction and fought in battles where my life was on the line and there seemed no way to win! So, if you think that I’m going to lose to someone, think again, jerk!” Davis says, drawing a card, “My draw!” But then the Marks of the Dragon on the right wrists of Davis, Kari, and Serena then start to glow in which they vanish causing the whole insignia of the Crimson Dragon to appear on Davis’ back.


Lita says, shocked, “His back!”


Trista says, “The complete Crimson Dragon Mark!”


Davis says, putting one card into the main slot, “I play my Advanced Draw! By releasing one level eight or higher monster on my field, I get two more cards! I release Shining Phoenix Enforcer!” Shining Phoenix Enforcer vanishes, Davis draw two cards, and he says, putting one more card into the main slot, “Then I play O-Oversoul! I use it to revive Sparkman!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Sparkman (1600/1400) returns to the field in attack mode and Davis says, putting one card on his duel disk, “Then I play Hyper Synchron in attack mode!” Hyper Synchron (1600/800) appears on the field in attack mode and Davis says, “And now, I tune Hyper Synchron with Sparkman!” Hyper Synchron then releases four stars from its chest before vanishing, the four stars turn into four rings that surround Sparkman, turning him transparent, and when a column of light appears on the field, Davis takes out a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck and chants out, “Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon!” Davis puts the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk and he yells out, “Okay, Stardust Dragon, time to really rev it up!” Out of the light, Stardust Dragon (2500/2000-3300/2000) appears on the field in attack mode!


Raye says, “Not bad, but it doesn’t have the power to beat that machine hydra!”


Davis says, putting one card into the main slot, “Then I play my One for One spell card!” Davis discards his Tuningware (100/300) monster card and he says, as a glowing card comes out of his deck, “And I can discard one monster card in order to play a level one monster from my deck! I choose my Majestic Dragon!” Davis puts the glowing card on his duel disk and Majestic Dragon (0/0) appears on the field in attack mode.


Zane asks, “What can a monster with no attack points do?”


Davis says, putting the last card in his hand into the main slot of his disk, “You’ll see when I play Monster Reborn and revive Tuningware!” Tuningware (100/300) appears on the field in attack mode and Davis yells out, “And now, I tune my Majestic Dragon, Stardust Dragon, and Tuningware together!” Majestic Dragon then grows and engulfs the other two monsters, making them become transparent, and a new Synchro Monster card appears on Davis’ duel disk. When a column of light appears on the field, Davis says, “The shine of clustering stars will illuminate a new miracle! Become the path where its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Now, let’s rev it up, Majestic Star Dragon!” Out of the light, Majestic Star Dragon (3800/3000) appears on the field in attack mode.


Kotone says, “Oh, wow.”


Asuna says, “I agree, Kotone-chan.”


Keiko says, awe-struck, “Pretty.”


Davis says, drawing a card, “Thanks to Tuningware’s ability, since I used him in a Synchro Summon, I get a new card!” Davis says, putting the card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I play Pot of Greed and that means two more cards for me!” Davis draws two cards and he says, putting one of them into the main slot of his disk, “And then I play Block Attack and it forces your dragon into defense mode!” Zane growls as Cyber End Dragon goes from attack mode into defense mode.


TK says, with a grin, “Good move. While Power Bond boosts the attack powers of the Machine Fusion Monster, its defense is still the same.”


Zane says, “So, what? You won’t last until next turn.”


Davis says, with a grin, “There is no next turn, jerk.” Zane gives a confused look and Davis yells out, “I play Majestic Star Dragon’s ability! Now, one of your monsters loses their special abilities and my Majestic Star Dragon gains them for this turn!”


Zane says, shocked, “No!” Just then energy goes from Cyber End Dragon into Majestic Star Dragon.


Davis says, “That’s right, pal! Now, when my Majestic Star Dragon attacks, you take the difference between its attack and your monsters defense!” Davis says, putting the last card in his hand into the main slot of his disk, “And to drive that home, I play my Pump Up spell card! This card will double Majestic Star’s attack power for this turn!” Majestic Star Dragon then goes from 3800/3000 to 7600/3000 and Davis yells out, “Now, Majestic Star Dragon, attack Cyber End Dragon now! It’s time to end this duel with Star Shine Shred!” Majestic Star Dragon dive bombs Cyber End Dragon with Majestic Star going through Cyber End like a knife through butter and Cyber End Dragon explodes in which Zane yelps as he loses 4800 life-points, ending the duel immediately.


Final Score:

Davis: 1800

Zane: 0

&n bsp;

With the duel over, the final Solid Vision projections vanish while the Crimson Dragon insignia on Davis’ back vanishes with the Marks of the Dragon returning to Davis’, Kari’s, and Serena’s right arms.


Rika says, excitedly, “Way to go!”


Kazuto says, with a smile, “Nice work, Davis.” Davis smiles and he nods in which Davis walks over to the defeated Zane in which he picks up the box.


Davis tells Zane, “Game over, pal. Time to talk.”


Zane says, with a grin, “I may have lost, but I’ve got to admit that it was one of the best duels in my life.” However, some distance away, someone is prepare to fire what looks like some kind of futuristic blaster weapon and he is aiming for straight for Zane and Davis.


The person at the trigger of the weapon says, in a deep voice, “I don’t think so.” However, Kazuto, Serena, Raye, Amara, Shion, and even Kari and Davis sense something off in which they look in the direction of the person as he/she fires the blast in which a blast of energy heads straight for Davis and Zane.


Davis pushes Zane out of the way and he yells out, “Look out!” He then looks only to seemly get hit by the attack causing a strong explosion around Davis!


Ken, Tai, and Kari shout out in unison, concerned, “Davis!” However, a bright light causes the smoke to dispel to reveal Davis, without a scratch on him, and he looks a bit different.


Davis has a golden-red sun sigil over what looks like a rainbow colored fan cut in three on his forehead and he is wearing a flame designed kamishimo with golden-red sun sigil on the left side with Crests of Miracles and Life on the back of the kamishimo in which he has eight crystal clear energy wings coming out of his back.


Davis says, with a sigh, “Well, that was sure close.”


The others are shocked and Ken asks, “Davis?”


Davis responds, a bit nervously, “Explain later.” Davis then transforms one of the crystal clear energy wings into a massive blaster and he aims right at the one that shot at him and Zane. Davis yells out, strongly, “Take this, you ass!” Davis fires an energy blast from the blaster, which sounds like a cannon, at the one that shot at him and Zane in which it seems like the figure seems to have gotten hit while attempting to get out of the way with an explosion.


Trista thinks in her mind, “So, Davis has the power of the Light Hawk like him, huh? I thought so with his heritage, but eight wings? But his grandson started off with only three Light Hawk wings at first. For Davis to have eight already…his potential may be just as great as Sailor Moon’s and Sailor Celestial’s power if not greater.”


Yolei asks, “What the heck is going on?”


Gatomon says, “Kari did mention that Davis gained special powers.”


Davis tosses Kari the chest containing the Obelisk the Tormentor (4000/4000) God Monster card and he says, “I’m going after that jerk.”


Suguha says, leaping forward, “Not without me, you aren’t.” Suguha then glows as she transforms into Eternal Sailor Celestial and flies off at top speed to where Davis’ attack hit.


Kazuto says, “Sugu!”


Kotone asks, “When did she learn to transform like that?”


Lita says, amazed, “That’s what I want to know, Kotone.”


Trista says, with a smile, “She must have learned to use ‘mental commands’ to activate her powers and broach.” On the meanwhile, Davis flies after her and both he and Sailor Celestial arrive at where Davis’ attack hit where they find nothing, but a damaged building.


Davis asks, “Do you think that I went overboard?”


Sailor Celestial says, “I don’t think that your attack was strong enough.” Sailor Celestial points somewhere in which Davis looks to see the destroyed gun and a series of footprints leading away, but they quickly stop as they appear.


Davis says, with a sneer, “The jerk got away.”


Sailor Celestial says, “It looks like someone didn’t want that card to fall into our hands.” Davis and Sailor Celestial, thinking that there is nothing else, fly back to the others to assess the situation while that they don’t know or sense is that some distance away, they are being watched by figures using binoculars and multiple sets of figures from different directions at that.


July 15, 2025, Hayabusa Village


Inside of Hayabusa Village, we are find Sakura training with Ryu, Momiji, and Kasumi training with the Golden Sword of Fire in which she is manipulating fire like Fire benders from the world of Avatar do. With them, Minato, Kushina, Naruto, and Hinata are watching with Minato, Kushina, and Hinata amazed at this.


Ryu says, “Not bad, Sakura.”


Sakura says, with a strained look on her face, “Thank you, Ryu-sensei, but this is harder than it looks. It is taking all of the concentrating that I have to do this.”


Kushina tells Sakura, “Well, you just started, girl. You have to remember that the Leaf wasn’t built in a day you know.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “I know, Lady Kushina.” On the meanwhile, Naruto winches as he holds his right arm in pain and Hinata notices this.


Hinata asks Naruto, concerned, “Is something wrong, Naruto-kun?”


When everyone takes a look at Naruto, he quickly takes his other hand off his right arm and he says, with a smile, “No, I’m fine! My arm has been bothering me.”


Minato says, “Well, you have been training with your hundreds of Shadow Clones to improve your jutsu and master the game that you have gotten into.”


Sakura says, “Yeah, Naruto. You might need to take easy-Ugh!” Sakura loses enough concentrating to cause the flame in her hands to explode through it sends her flying into the dirt in which everyone becomes focused on her in which they don’t see a familiar pair of red wings glowing on Naruto’s right wrist.


And that’s the chapter, everyone! I think that you have a feeling about what’s going to happen in the future, huh? Well, I’m not going to say a thing, you know? Anyway, you also must be complaining that there is a ‘lack of action’ from Svart Alfheim, too? Well, I did say that since most of the action in Hollow Fragment took place in the virtual world of SAO, I was going to more focus on the ‘real world’ in this story. However, you don’t have to worry, there is still plenty of story to go and there will be action in ‘virtual realm’, but not just in ALO. What do you mean? You are going to read and see, folks! Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!