Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Saint Seiya Fan Fiction ❯ The Intense Clash of the Gods ❯ Tale 65 ( Chapter 65 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fenrir breathed a sigh of relief as Algol staggered away from him, the God Warrior's attack having managed to damage the man's Cloth. Algol growled before charging, punching at him. Fenrir quickly raised his arms up to protect himself, taking the impact and sliding back. He promptly kicked upwards, catching Algol's chin and knocking the man away. The Silver Saint of Perseus flew backwards in the air, using his hands to spring off the ground and land back on his feet.

"I hadn't suspected you to possess this kind of skill at hand-to-hand fighting..." Landale said as he wiped the blood away from his mouth. "However..." He removed a small, six-sided shield that had been on his back, the image of a woman with snakes for hair on it. Charybdis's eyes went wide as she quickly used One World to make sure it's light wouldn't reach them... but...

"FENRIR!" she screamed, "DON'T LOOK AT THE SHIELD!!!"

But it was too late. A dark, malevolent light emanated from Algol's shield... Fenrir starting straight at it. The audience members, knowing full well the powers of the legendary shield Aegis looked away, knowing how merely closing your eyes or blocking the light with your hands was futile...

Therefor, nobody save Algol saw Fenrir stroll forward... unimpressed by the measure. "If..." the God Warrior said as pointed to his headpiece, which had the visor deployed, "If you're going to try something like that... then make sure your opponents don't have protective headgear." He charged, his fist pulled back for one final strike that Algol barely dodged as Charybdis breathed a sigh of relief...

"I... I don't believe it..." she said as Algol desperately tried using the shield again. Fenrir simply let his visor lower itself, his eyes being hid under those two opaque, yellow lenses. "Who'd have thought..."

"Yeah... Fenrir's got this in the bag!" Cecil said before Isaac caught his shoulder.

"No... Shaina predicted this," the Mariner said, pointing at the only member remaining on the team, "She knew what she was doing..."

Suddenly Algol jumped into the air, screaming out something like 'Gorgon Kick' before shooting down at Fenrir.

That won't work... the Alioth Epsilon God Warrior thought as he pulled back for a Buster Wolf. This guy's as good as- WHAT THE HELL!?!? Fenrir went pale, massive vines and roots binding his entire body... he could hear voices... so far away shouting it was just an illusion... they sounded like Isaac and the others... but...

A kick to the head sent Fenrir flying in the air, the other members of Team Pentrine as something scattered across the ground and into Shaina's hand...

Fenrir's headpiece.

"A trophy... the first of four," the Ophiuchus Saint said before a short laugh.

Fenrir slid across the ground, but quickly flipped back and turned around. "YOU ARE SO DEA-"

He froze. The shield was right there.

And Fenrir promptly turned to stone, a look of shock and defeat on his face. Charybdis was clenching her fists in rage as Algol calmly pushed on the statue, causing it to fall backwards.

"ONE WORLD!" Charybdis screamed out, the petrified Fenrir calling into her arms as she saw a blonde-haired figure elicit gasps by jumping from Athena's personal viewing box. She turned back, glaring at Algol and Shaina, both with haughty grins on their face.

"Chary, snap out of it," Cecil said. "We lose our focus, and we're next on his list. You're the only one here that can fight that Algol guy and counter his attacks... you can't afford to get distracted and get your Scale damaged."

"Indeed." The English-accented voice of Radamanthys confirmed he had been the previous, jumping figure. He looked at Fenrir's current state and sighed. "I'm sorry... but I don't think Pandora can come up with anything that can reverse this..."

"THEN WHAT?!?" Chary shouted, grabbing him by his shirt. "HOW-"

"Destroy Algol's Cloth. Every part of it. Smash it. Ruin it. Destroy it," Radamanthys answered. "From the records of previous Holy Wars between Hades and Athena, it's been recorded that is the only way to restore the Perseus Saint's victims. And with One World, you're the only one of the group that has even the slightest chance at winning."

Looking him in an eye for a moment, Charybdis let go of him, looking at Fenrir's frozen face before back to Isaac and Cecil. She wouldn't let them share Fenrir's fate.

Glaring at Shaina and Algol, Charybdis flung her die full-force, although Shaina simply tossed it in the air. She grinned as she showed what name was on the top part.

"Well tough luck... you're fighting me," Shaina said as she walked up to the arena, holding her Cloth Box.

"I don't care. One Motion Stop and this fight is over."

"One World doesn't scare me," Shaina retorted. She promptly bowed to Athena. "But this arena is... inappropriate for our battle."


"Gold Saint request: Temple Battle," Shaina said clearly before they both vanished.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!" Cecil and Isaac shouted out in confusion as Algol burst out in uncontrolled laughter.

Eventually getting the giggles out, Algol wiped the tears out of his eyes and finally explained. "Shaina's a Gold Saint. Gold Saints can request that they fight in their respective temples."
Charybdis snorted as she stared at the Gold Saint in front of her... Shaina having donned her splendid armor at long last. "It makes sense... though.." Charybdis said as she looked around, not surprised to see statues of snakes adorning the temple. "Ophiuchus is considered the 13th Zodiac in some circles since it fits all the requirements."

Shaina nodded. "Indeed. The Ophiuchus Saint's true status, as a Gold Saint, has been ensured to be kept hidden from all except the Gold Saints and the Pope. The temple is located after the Pope's palace, ensuring no-one ever sees it... But now that you know of it... I'm afraid that you must unfortunately die."

Shaina charged, although Charybdis just shrugged as the woman vanished from view. "Yeah... let's see you escape being One World'd back to the aren- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

Charybdis screamed in pain, staggered forward as Shaina laughed from behind her. "Idiot... Gold Saint requirements include teleportation, remember? I told you that earlier. And with your Scale damaged..." she grinned sadistically. "No more One World for you." She charged again, hand crackling with electricity. "THUNDER CL-"

"REPPU KAIRYUNAGI!" Charybdis screamed out in desperation, the ripple hitting into Shaina and sending her flying away. "Tough luck... no matter what the condition of my armor is in, I can use my Kairyunagis." She clenched her fists, trying to sort through the pain. That blow... she was feeling so numb...

Shaina laughed as she pulled herself out of the wreckage, her pristine Gold Cloth, only second to the Kamui in terms of durability and in fact superior to the Surplices of the Three Judges, completely undamaged. "Your attacks are weak and slow..."

Charybdis suddenly felt a hand with long, almost clawlike nails softly holding her throat. "Gold Saints are just so superior to everything else." Chary tried to spin, tried to use Gram... but her body was failing her as Shaina jumped away and then punched her in the face and taking away her helmet. "And that makes two..."

A punch to the gut cracked her Scale there too as Chary staggered away, in a daze.

"You see..." Shaina sighed, "We Gold Saints have the Seventh Sense... as I've already told you. You have nothing that can possibly compare at all. One World comes close... but it's just sooooooooo unreliable..." Using her lightspeed movement, she blasted by Charybdis, shocking her again and spilling a great deal of blood in the process. "And that first move... that was my Venom Strike... I have sent a minute, but slowly strengthening electric shock through your body. I don't care how hard you try... if your nerves are wrecked, you just can't move."

Charybdis fell to the ground as Shaina looked down at her and laughed. "Pathetic... you can't do anything."

The Sea Dragon Mariner's fist slowly smashed into the ground as she tried to force herself to her feet. "You bitch..." Charybdis growled, "I defeated men and women worse than you... I defeated all eight of Nerve's Hakkeshu!"

The line suddenly pulled a string at Shaina's heard and she roared in rage. "YOU RAISED YOUR HAND AGAINST ATHENA!" She grabbed Charybdis by the throat, slamming her into a pillar. "YOU ARE GOING TO-"

Shaina never finished, the pain of Charybdis's Gram-empowered hand having pierced an open spot in Shaina's armor and delivering severe damage as Charybdis used another Kairyunagi and blew her away.

Shaina skidded on the ground but rose back up to her feet, still without too severe injuries, shocked by her adversary's determination. "Fine. Next move will kill you... I promise you that."

Charybdis shook her head, as hard as it was. "No... no you won't..."

"DIE BITCH!" Shaina said vanishing. It was the perfect ploy... Charybdis would expect Shaina to teleport to her backside... so she wouldn't suspect the Gold Saint in fact attacking from above... and she was about to deliver the killing bl-


It was impossible... it should have been impossible... Charybdis should have had no way of detecting where Shaina was going to reappear...

Yet the razor-sharp ripple in the fabric of space that Charybdis would have called upon had her body not entirely locked up on her would have hit and killed Shaina. The Ophiuchus Saint knew that to be true.

Things became a blur... she was slashing down, clawing through Chary's Scale and drawing a great deal of blood, but the shock and surprise at the action...

If she had been one second quicker... I would have died... Shaina thought in shock, stumbling backwards as the Mariner collapsed forward in a pool of her own blood.

Suddenly, they re-appeared back in the arena... voices going crazy, overjoyed with Shaina's victory...

"CHARY!" shouted those two boys, running up to the Mariner's side... helping her up as Isaac quickly froze over her injuries to stop any more blood loss.

"You... you two..." Charybdis said weakly... "You need... to become..." her eyes closed, the boys screaming out in shock before they both turned to Shaina, who mercilessly threw her die on the ground again, using her Gold Saint telekinesis, as usual, to end up with the results she want as Cecil threw the die as well.

"Sixth match!" shouted the announcer after seeing the results, "Cecil Bodu against Shaina Psyche!"

Shaina glared at him before speaking out again. "Gold Saint request: Temple Battle."

They both promptly vanished... Shaina shaking the thoughts of how Charybdis had almost killed her out of her conscious mind. Her team was going to claim its third victim.