One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ [.Show Me A Peace Sign.] ❯ Usagi H. Takara! The Peace Sign Throwing Pirate! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[.Chapter One.]

Usagi H. Takara!
The Peace Sign Throwing Pirate!


"Monkey-san, Monkey-san... can we play today, eh?" Her peach lips parted slightly as the soft breeze toyed with her short blond mane. Olive orbs widen in hope and anticipation as her soft porcelain skin rested upon the wooden table her and her buddy occupied at his home. A smile tugged at her mouth as she blinked, expectantly. Maybe he'll show me, Shank-san...

Monkey D. Luffy, grinned widely and stupidly as he vigorously shook his head and tossed his ebony hair around in different directions. His charcoal hued pools danced with excitement as he tugged at the girl around his own age hand, "Yeah! Lets go to Makino's Bar!" Luffy pulled, dragging his closet friend from the similar stool and out the door as his feet guided them through the streets. "You'll finally get to meet Shanks, Takara-chan!" He dodged and weaved through the crowd as Makino's bar seemed to crawl closure and closure to the two.

Usagi H. Takara, laughed as her hand held tightly to Luffy's until they busted through the doors of Maki-chan's bar. She looked around, eyeing all the jolly pirates as they sang and joked while downing their liquor. Her feet began to move as she followed behind Luffy, shyly avoiding the gaze of the pirate's everything paused for a second. She was nervous. No, pirates didn't intimidate Oki. She'd love to be pirate, exploring the wide open seas! "A-ano... " Stuttering, she clinged to Luffy's arm as the taller one of the two pulled her towards a man sitting at the bar with vibrant red hair. Wah~ ! His hair really is a unique red... he's just as Monkey-san explained! She giggled softly, face still behind Luffy's shoulder.

The older red head smirked, leaning closely to the two as he raised a questioning brow, "Ah~ ! What's this, Anchor? You got a lass now?" He teased, dark orbs glittering with mischief as he returned to his meal and beer. Shanks grinned, turning his straw hat as he finished and looked at thee two.

"What! Ha ha good going, Anchor, she's cute!" Teased a pirate, slinging an arm around Shank's shoulder as their glasses clanked in a toast and the pirate stumbled off, drunkly.

Luffy growled, teeth sharp as he glared at the red head with annoyance, "DAMMIT! WE'RE FRIENDS, SHANKS-SAN!?" He huffed, jumping to a sit beside Shank's as he pulled a glass of water to himself as he took a quick swig and smiled, "Shanks-san this is Usagi H. Takara! Takara-chan this is Shanks the Red Haired Pirate!" Finishing his introductions, Luffy waited for the two to acknowledge each other.

"Well that's a wonderful name, Takara-chan! I've never seen you around before though?" Shanks mumbled, smile as strong and soothing as it always was. He gave a wave to Makino as he ordered juice for his kiddy companions, nodding as the sweet bartender girl handed the two there drinks.

Takara nodded, lips softly curving upwards as she sipped her apple juice, "I'm new 'round here... dad went on a trip... " Her gaze fell as she shook her head free of such depressing thoughts and smiled, cutely. Her father was a pirate. A great one at that. Her mother passed away during her birth, but Takara was fine. Her father meant the world to her, but she supported his dreams and promised to continue own until he felt he was ready to return. She was just that type of person.

"Oh... I see then... Hey! At least ya got a goof like Luffy here to keep you company!" Shanks commented, laughs raising at his teasings as the small boy released another loud roar of curses and insults at the red haired pirate. I see she doesn't let a little depression erase that smile... it only shows she's a strong girl! He grinned, looking innocently at Luffy as he pushed a cup towards the boy, "C'mon! Enough yellin'... have some juice, Luffy!"

Luffy smiled brightly at the offer of free juice as he tilted the cup to his lips and swallowed the bitter liquid. His eye twitched as the beer ran down his bottom lip like a waterfall cascading down a large cliff. "YOU TRICKED ME!!" He hacked and cough as he pushed away the glass with disgust.

"Ha ha! See your no man, Anchor! Hey Takara-chan slow down... you'll get drunk!" Shanks laughed, pulling the half empty mug of beer away from the confused Takara as she blinked repeatedly. "Look, Anchor, She can handle more beer than you!" His open palm slammed against the bar as laughs erupted in the bar again, even louder than before.

"Ano... that was beer?" Takara's head fell to the side as she ran her toung over her lips and inspected the taste. It taste like the juice dad sometimes let me have... that sneaky bastard... She giggled, stifling her laughter with a large sleeves as she nodded, "I-I thought it was juice this whole time!" These pirates are so great to be around they knew how to put a smile on anyone's face! I hope I can be a great pirate like Shanks-sama!


Luffy's right eye twitched as he stared in shock of his friend, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS JUICE THIS WHOLE TIME!?" He pointed toward the juice and alcohol as he began to explain, "That stuff taste like total crap... can't you tell... ?" Luffy tugged his tone done a bit as Takara flinched and pulled away slightly. He forgot, she didn't like to be yelled at. Unless she was yelling back, but she wouldn't yell at him. No they never had a scrap or fight. She, in fact, was his bestest and first friend.

Takara laughed nervously, messily rubbing at her blond locks as she apologized, "Ah ha ha... gomen nasai, Monkey-san... I've been raised thinkin' it was juice... anywho..., Shanks-sama, you also are new right?" she asked softly, looking over Luffy as he grumbled and pouted childishly in his seat. "I saw the ship in the harbor... so it's your's right?" Pirates were so cool, it was only natural she'd want to know everything about them, maybe even join. She doubted they'd let her though, she was still a kid with a thing for liquor.

"Ah~ good eye lass! That's me ship and as you know this is my crew... we were thinkin' of makin' this small town our temporary base... " Shanks smiled, placing a hand atop her head as he grinned, "I'm sure you a Luffy will be great pirates... I can tell by that little spark ya got there that it's your dream!" He gave her a thumbs up as she smiled even brighter than before.

"Then can I join your crew, Shanks-san?" Luffy grinned, eyes sparkling with hope as he leaned towards the captain, his role model.

"Heck no... "

Luffy's face dropped as his eyes began to twitch again with anger as he began to launch another attack of insults on the whistling red head, "Dammit- "

The brown swinging door crashed, being kicked from it's hinges as a tall, dark shadow stalked into the quiet bar. The man growled, ignoring the gazes of the pirates as he to long strides to the bar and pushed lightly at Shanks, Behind this man came a crowd of rough looking men dressed in white as they stood behind him. By the looks of it, Takara guessed he was the boss. And by another glance she could see it was that bandit with a large sum on his head.

"So these are so called pirates. They look like dumb asses." He sneered, glaring at Shanks as he looked towards the shocked Makino. "We are bandits, but we have no intention of destroying your place... We need ten barrels of sake. " He asked, crew standing tall and proud as if they were number one in the lands.

Makino smiled lightly, arms crossed in front of her as she gave a small bow, "I'm sorry, but we're all out of sake... " she explained softly, hoping the conversation could end at that and the bandits would take their leave quickly.

He raised a brow, motioning towards the still quiet bar, "Hmm? That's strange... The pirates are drinking something... is it water?" He asked, turning back to Makino as he stared at the red head still eating as his fork and knives clanked loudly against his plate. Damn pirate...

Makino blinked, smile still remaining as she tried to stay as kind as possible, "All the sake that we had is out there. " she explained, grabbing Shanks attention as he looked up.

"Ah~ That's no good! We drank everything. Sumi masen!" Shanks apologized, waving a dismissing hand as he grabbed a unopened bottle from infront of him and pushed it towards the angry looking bandit leader, "If you want, you can have this one. It hasn't even been open!" He smiled, urging the glass towards the man again as his eyelids slipped close.

The bandit growled, fist crashing into the bottle as it shattered and all of it contents split upon the still smiling red head. "I'm a wanted man. I'm worth eight million Belli. One bottle won't be nearly enough. Don't take me so lightly. " He frowned, fist clenching and unclenching as he watched in disgust as the pirate began to clean and pick up the shattered pieces of glass. Dammit how he hated pirates. Thinking their better than the whole world. He grabbed the plate sitting on the bar as he raised it in the air and brought it down upon the filthy pirate's head.

Takara gasped, flinching at the loud crash as Shanks paused his cleaning and sat drenched and covered in sake and food. She glared intensely at the smirking man as he laughed heartily at Shank's position. "You bastard... " Her tiny fist clenched as the man walked past her without giving her a second glance. Stomping her boot covered feet, Takara turned pointing towards the man, "Watch out, Bandit-san, I'll get you for disrespecting Shanks-sama... " she warned a smirked distorting her innocent face as the man walked off laughing with arrogance. It's a promise... not a threat...

Luffy shook with anger as he stared at the remaining door that swung and creaked loudly as the bar remained in a eerie silence.


Laughter. Laughter filled the bar as Shanks slapped his hand upon his leg, "Ah ha ha! Ha he sure ripped me off a new one! Ha ha!? Oi~ Takara-chan, what you said sounded so cool" He laughed along side his crew as they teased the pirate and the laughing young girl.

Luffy growled, glaring at Shanks, "Why are you laughing?! That wasn't cool! Why didn't you fight back!" The laughing halted as Luffy stood on top of his seat, glaring at the pirates. "No matter how many there are or how strong they look, if you don't fight back, you're not a man! You're not a pirate!" He finished, shoulders stiff with anger as his body quaked in annoyance.

"Monkey-san... calm down... " lightly, commanded Takara as she smiled lightly at the angry ebony-haired boy.

Shanks stood, looking down at Luffy as he wiped away the food covering his head, "It's not that I don't understand your feelings... but they only spilled some sake... " he explained, motioning a hand towards the mess as he throw the pieces he picked up in a close trash. "It's nothing to get angry over."

Luffy huffed, turning his back to Shanks as he crossed his arm on his chest, "I don't care anymore!" He glared, eyes falling upon a open chest that held a delicious looking purple fruit as he pulled it over to him and munched into the exotic looking fruit. Ah~ ! It's good!

Shanks looked towards Luffy as he released a laugh, "Ha ha. Stuffing it down, Luffy?" He joked, eyes roaming to the treat Luffy was shoving down his pie hole. His eyes widen in shock as he jumped over to the boy and towered over him, "What did you just eat?! That box... did you eat that thing in that box?!" He demanded, grabbing the boy by his collar as he flipped him and began shaking the boy by his skinny ankles, "Spit it out! Spit it out right now!"

Then the unthinkable and impossible happened. Luffy stretched as his face met the ground though Shanks still firmly held his ankles. Takara pointed, eyes wide with shock, "N-n-n-n-n-nani!?" She stuttered, eyes swirling with confusion as she rambled. "Luffy is stretchy now... he's stretchy?"

"What happened?" stupidly, Luffy questioned as he looked towards Shanks for answers.

"What you ate was the gomu-gomu fruit! The gomu-gomu fruit is also called the devil's fruit! After eating it, you've become a rubber man, and you won't ever be able to swim!" Shanks yelled, explaining Luffy's odd situation as he glared at the frightened boy in anger.


Luffy yelled so loudly that Takara was sure to whole village- no the whole seven seas heard his shocked cry. She blinked, eyes falling on Luffy and Shanks as a laugh erupted deep within her and grabbed the attention of the whole bar, "You i-idiot!" She held her stomach, kneeling over as she slapped her knees. I understand that Luffy can't swim now, but he couldn't to begin with. And now he's a rubber man! Ha ha!

Takara walked Luffy home as she patted his back softly, "Ah well today was fun, Monkey-san! I'll see ya tomorrow!" She ran away, stopping as she sent the smiling boy a peace sign and began to her home. Her feet pounded against the dirt ground as she exchanged running for skipping and finally reached home. She pushed at the wooden door as she stepped inside and shut it with her foot. "I'm home!" Takara called out, smiling brightly as she shuffled to her bedroom and changed in shorts and a white t-shirt. She jumped on her bed as she rested her head on a pillow and stared out at the seas that shone with moon light and seemed so close. "Oyasumi nasai, Dad... " Takara grinned as her soft porcelain eyelids dropped and she fell into an a dark, comfortable unconsciousness.

>< >< ><


Luffy yawned, lazily rubbing at his eyes as he adjusted his straw hat and stared at the blond haired chef that pushed him from the dining table. He blinked, staring at the chef, "Huh? What? Where do you know that name from?" He demanded, shocking the chef slightly as he leaned close to the blond that had a lollipop hanging from his mouth.

Sanji shook out of his shock as he gave the captan of the Marry Go a swift kick, "You moron... you said it in your sleep... oh and stop sleeping on the damn table!" He yelled, taking a seat on a chair as he looked towards the ebony haired boy that appeared lost in thought. That was extremely odd, seeing as it seemed the rubber boy had no brain at all. He swirled the sucker in his mouth as a laugh escaped him. "So who is she?"

Luffy blinked, turning to the chef as his head fell to the side, "She who?"

Sanji growled, punching Luffy in his head, "Takara, you idiot!"

Luffy sighed, absentmindily rubbing his head as his eyes fell on the small blue waves crashing into his ship softly as it pushed and drove the boat to their destination, "She's a friend... actually the first member of my crew that I wanted to recruit... Usagi H. Takara... the peace sign throwing pirate... " He laughed, sniffing the crisp sea breeze as her image traveled to his mind, The last peace sign she threw him before embarking on her own adventure. Luffy stood, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked away towards his bed room cabin. "I'm going back to bed!" He smiled, waving to the smirking chef as he departed to his room.

Sanji grinned, feet rested on top of the table as he pulled the sucker from his mouth, "Cheer up captain... there's other fish in the sea... "

Luffy sank into his bed as sleep overcame him and he dreamt of Usagi Takara the Peace Sign Throwing Pirate.

>< >< ><

"Hey! Takara-chan!" Sixteen year old Luffy grinned, running up to his friend as he pulled at peach rabbit ears that sat upon her blond head. No they weren't real, she was just wearing a costume.

Takara smiled, flicking the boy's straw hat, "Huh? What is it, Monkey-san?" She walked by his side as her hands rested on the back of her head and she smiled brightly.

Luffy smiled, jumping infront of the girl as he stopped her, "Takara-chan, join my pirate crew!" He declared, his smile spreading wider as he played with her giant ears with excitement. There was no way she'd reject him. It was both their dreams to get a crew and become the pirate king (and queen)! Now that he had presented her with the opportunity and he had a ship, they could sail off and collect the rest of their crew. All he needed was for her to smile brightly and say...

"No, Monkey-san, I can't accept your offer... " softly Takara answered, shocking the beginner pirate as she pulled away from his hand and smiled lightly.

Luffy paused, eyes slightly wide as he gapped at Takara's carefree smile, "What! Why not?" he pouted childishly as he walked behind the girl. Surely she was kidding, right? I know she'll join my crew!

Takara paused, turning to Luffy as her olive green hued orbs captured his charcoal ones that glowered with fear. Fear of her actually rejecting his offer. "I can't... because I'm leaving for the Grand Line now... today, Monkey-san,,, " she explained, pointing to the seas as a medium sized boat pulled to the shore. "I already have ten crew members and my ship. I'm a pirate, Monkey-san, and today I'm embarking on my journey!" She grinned brightly, running ahead of the boy as she opened her olive pools that displayed an emotion Luffy never witnessed from smiling, peace sign Takara; sadness, and regret. Her hand flew near her head as she stuck up her slender pointer and index finger in a peace sign. "Monkey-san, goodbye... hopefully when we meet we'll be great pirates!" she sent him one last glance as she turned and ran off towards her ship with a white flag that waved proudly in the wind with a peace sign near the skull.

Luffy stared at the place where his friend stood and said her goodbyes as his mouth sat agape a bit. He blinked, head falling as his straw hat hide his eyes and face in a dark shadow. "Ayah~ I'm hungry! I'll eat then get going!" He grinned, running off to a restaurant as he hid his eyes under his treasured hat. It hurts... but I'll get her to join me no matter what!

>< >< ><

Luffy turned, rubbing his belly as the ship finally touched land, the island of Choukoko. An island of entertainment, good foods, and treacherous pirates. This would surely be an interesting island! Though it was covered in snow.