One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Blind Treasure ❯ One Piece fanfict ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One Piece
Zoro stood on the deck, trying to see through the thick fog.
"If this doesn't let up Zoro, we're going to crash into the island!" Luffy said, sitting on the rail outside the cabin door.
Zoro nodded as he walked towards the side of the boat and leaned against it. Sanji came out of the cabin holding two steaming mugs. “I made some soup.” He said as he puffed on his cigarette.
Luffy took the mug and guzzled down the soup, "That's some good soup!” Zoro walked up to Sanji and took the cup with a thank you.
“We better find that Island soon guys, we're almost out of food.” Sanji said as he leaned against the railing Luffy was sitting on.
Luffy was about to speak up when something caught his attention. Looking towards the front of the boat, he heard, “A battle!” Handing Sanji the empty mug, Luffy jumped off the railing and onto the deck. Rushing towards the front, he looked into the fog. Zoro right behind him.
“Usopp! Turn this boat to the left a little, will ya?” Sanji said as they approached the fight.
Usopp, who was dozing in the seat sat up and instantly turned the boat. “What's going on?” He asked loudly.
Luffy put a finger to his lip and pointed to the right, “A battle! Oh! I wanna fight.” He said pouting. “Can we Zoro? Can we?!” He asked jumping up and down where he stood.
Zoro shrugged, "You're the captain. I've been itching for a fight though?”
Sanji placed the mug onto the deck, and stretched his arms, “Yeah. Me too. We'll let Nami sleep through this one. She seemed pretty tired yesterday.”
Usopp peeped over the railing, “I'm not gonna fight! Nope! I'm going to guard
the ship! Y-you guys have fun!”
Luffy and Zoro both shrugged as Usopp brought the ship right next to the smaller ship that had the battle going on it.
Luffy, Zoro and Sanji jumped on board and instantly figured out who were the intruders on this ship.
A guy with semi-long dark blue hair, stood back to back with a small teenage girl, who strangely enough was blindfolded.
“Hey! Need some help?!” Luffy asked as he pounded one guy who stood in his way.
The guy with blue hair smiled at him, “Yeah. That would be great. Thanks.” He turned to the girl and whispered something in her ear. The girl nodded and kicked a guy in his face, pinning him down on the floor.
Sanji decided to go help the girl, it was the gentleman thing to do. Zoro on the other hand rushed over to help the guy with blue hair, who was being pummeled into the deck of the ship. He quickly sliced that guy in the back, and helped the blue haired captain up.
“Thanks I-” The blue haired captain started, but was interrupted by the girl.
“Seku! They've gotten down in the cabin!” She screamed as she back kicked another guy in the face and pinned him down on the floor.
Seku quickly turned and ran into the cabin, and Luffy followed. “Be careful Luffy!” Zoro screamed as he watched Luffy disappear into the cabin.
Sanji looked down at the girl, “What's in the cabin?” He asked, biting on his cigarette.
She gasped as Sanji kicked a guy that was right behind her. Quickly standing up she turned towards the cabin, “Seku! We have to get off the ship! They're-” But she was cut off when the ship below them exploded.
The girl was knocked into Zoro, who was standing right behind her as the ship sunk into the ocean.
Zoro looked down at the girl floating limply in the water, grabbing her with one arm, he swam back to his ship and laid her on the deck. Sanji quickly scrambled onto the deck, his wet hair limply hanging in his face. He spat out his wet cigarette and looked around.
“Hey! Where's Luffy?!” Usopp asked loudly, and Luffy landed on the deck all charred.
“Whoa! That was a blast!” He said smiling.
“Is everyone okay?” Nami asked, just appearing in the cabin doorway.
Luffy looked around, and then looked down at the girl. “Yeah… is she okay?”
Zoro placed an ear up to her mouth, “She's breathing. I think she's okay, just knocked out.”
Sanji quickly stood up and picked up the girl, “We should get her into a bed.
Just in case.” He started walking towards the cabin when Zoro appeared behind him. He placed a hand on Sanji's shoulder making him freeze.
“And where the heck do you think your putting her?” He asked, his face covered in shadow.
Sanji blushed and Zoro slugged him in the face. Taking the girl he shook his head, “She's knocked out, your disgusting.” Carrying her bridal style, he walked into the cabin and carried her into the girl's room, right across from the boy's. Placing her on the bed, he covered her up and left the room. Usopp, who was standing in the doorway was grabbed by Zoro, “Watch her, and make sure Sanji doesn't come in here.”
Usopp nodded frantically and Zoro placed him into the room before shutting the door. Usopp grabbed a chair and put it by her bedside, he'd stay awake all night if he had to!
Sunshine burned out the fog, and shined through the window in the ship. The girl sat up straight, waking Usopp and freaking him out. Looking down at Usopp, the girl tilted her head to one side. She had scared him. The girl shrugged and slowly walked out of the room, leaving Usopp on the floor foaming at the mouth.
The girl walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Two people sat in there, and someone was cooking. She recognized all of them from the ship and froze. “Where's Seku?” She said quietly looking around.
Luffy, who had started to wave, felt his hand fall down. “He, uh… He didn't make it. I'm sorry.”
The girl covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head, “No… Seku.” Falling to her knees, she cried into her hands.
Luffy, Zoro and Sanji looked at one another, not knowing what to do.
The girl looked up at Zoro and Luffy, “What happened?”
Luffy grabbed Sanji's cloth that was in his hand and walked over to her. Kneeling down he handed her the cloth and she took it. “Those guys that got into the cabin. They found the barrels of explosives… and they lit a match. Seku, he told us to watch after you. You can stay if you want.”
The girl looked up at Luffy and hugged him. “Thank you.” She got her crying under control and apologized. Standing up, she handed Luffy back the cloth. “I'm Sora.”
Luffy smiled as he led her over to the table, and tossed Sanji the cloth. Sanji blushed and rubbed the towel against his face.
“If you don't mind me asking, what's with the blindfold?” Zoro asked as Sora sat down.
Sora smiled weakly as she looked down at the table. “I'm… blind.” There was a shocked silence in the kitchen as she took off the blindfold and let them see her badly scarred eyes.
Zoro was amazed as he looked at her face. There was a deep slash that ran across her eyes, he assumed that it was from a battle.
“A-and yet, you fought like a pro last night!” Luffy said amazed.
Sora looked up at him, “Well, yeah. I don't need to see to fight. I know where everyone is in this room. Seku's grandfather trained me?”
Sanji leaned against the counter, letting the breakfast cook. “I noticed you had some fancy moves last night. Kicking wise. Perhaps you could teach me a few.”
Sora smiled at him as she tucked her blindfold into one of her pockets. “Sure. I don't mind.”
Sanji smiled as he went back to cooking breakfast. Usopp came into the kitchen and saw Sora's eyes and fainted again.
Sora looked over at Luffy and placed a hand on his cheek, making him blush. “So, You're the captain, right?”
Luffy nodded, as Sora traced the outlines of his face, and stopped on the tip of his nose.
“What's the scar on your cheek from?” She asked as she ran it over with her hand.
“I-I got it when I was a little kid.” Luffy said, as Sora gently traced his face. When she was done, she smiled.
“Luffy right?” Sora asked, and he nodded. She took her hands off his face. Luffy was pulled out of his seat and Sanji sat in his place.
“I'm Sanji.” He said with a smile, as he took the cigarette out of his mouth.
Sora smiled back at him as she placed a hand on his cheek, making him blush. A goofy smile spread upon his face as she traced the outlines of his face. “Sanji?”
If Sanji were a dog, Zoro swore his tail would have fallen off from wagging so much. He was practically melting at her touch, Zoro couldn't stand the stupid goofy smile on his face.
Sora felt his hair, ran a finger down his cheekbone, and finished him off with a few scratches under his chin.
Sanji fell out of the seat after that, drooling with hearts in his eyes. He was in love.
Scooting around the round table, Sora looked up at Zoro. “What's your name?” She asked quietly.
“Zoro.” He replied looking down at her.
Raising her hand, Sora asked, “May I?” Zoro nodded slowly as Sora placed a hand on his face.
Sora felt him tense under her touch, and then slowly relax. She ran her hands through his short cut hair, and then down his cheeks. Taking her one hand, she placed it on his chest and continued feeling his face with the other. “He's handsome?” She thought as she traced his nose.
Luffy had never seen Zoro so nervous and flushed before. He looked like he wanted to run away.
Sora froze on his cheek, “You're very strong… What's your specialty?”
“I'm a swordsman.” Zoro said as Sora ran a hand down his ears and played with his earrings.
Sora froze at his neck and blushed, quickly bringing her hands off of him. “S-sorry. Got carried away there.” She laughed and scratched her head. Trying to smooth down her short, puffy black hair, she scooted back to sit next to Sanji.
Sanji put his arm around her with a smile that made Zoro's veins stick out on the back of his head. “I'm the cook, would you like me to-”
Sora pushed Sanji off the seat and rushed over to Usopp, who had just got up. Usopp fell against the wall, as Sora stood in front of him.
“Who are you?” Sora asked Usopp, who was staring at her.
“I-I'm Usopp. T-this ships gunman.” He stuttered as Sora knelt down in front of him and placed a hand on his face. She giggled when she reached his nose, “Cute.” Usopp blushed and looked over at Sanji, who was just getting up.
Sanji sighed as he placed his cig back into his mouth and went back to cooking. Sora finished and walked back over to the table to sit next to Zoro.
Luffy sat across from them with a silly smile on his face as he looked at Usopp get up off the floor. “There's one more Crewmate you haven't met. Her name's Nami!”
Sora smiled at Luffy, “Wonderful. So, What do you want my job to be?”
Luffy scratched his head, “Um, I don't know. Sanji? Do you have an idea?”
Sanji was about to open his mouth when Zoro interrupted him, Zoro had a good
idea what Sanji's perverse idea was. “Do you know how to scrub the deck?”
Sora's face lit up, ?Yes! I love doing that! I can also make beds and uh, I'm a
good lookout!”
The guys were all silent except for Usopp, “Awesome! I don't have to do night
duty anymore! Yes!” He did a goofy dance where he stood.
Sanji spoke up, “Are you sure you can be look out at night? I mean your-”
Sora glared at Sanji daring him to finish the sentence, “I may be blind but my other senses are just fine. You're burning the food.” Sanji turned around and saw that the food was on fire, Zoro, Luffy and Usopp all laughed.
“That's good enough for me!” Luffy said laughing. “You'll be night lookout, deck scrubber and bed changer!”
Sora smiled as she looked at Luffy, “Thanks captain.”
Nami walked into the kitchen with a loud yawn, “Is something burning in here? Oh, you're awake.” She looked at Sora, who smiled up at her.
Sora jumped out of her seat and ran up to Nami, “So you're Nami? I'm Sora.” She held out her hand and Nami shook it. “Could I feel your face?” Sora asked raising her other hand.
“Why?” Nami asked, and then noticed the deep scar across her eyes.
“I'm blind, and I'd like to know what you look like, but that's okay if you don't want me too.” Sora said feeling hurt. She'd have a faceless crewmember in her mind.
Nami quickly grabbed Sora's hand and put it on her face, “Sorry. I didn't realize-“
“That's okay. What kind of shampoo do you use? I like your hair.” Sora asked Nami, who smiled down at her.
“I'll let you borrow some later, okay?” She replied, careful not to let slip any personal information while Sanji was listening. He's been dying to know what she wanted for holidays and Nami didn't want to get presents from him. She'd have to give him something and there was only one thing that he wanted. She shuddered at the thought and joined the table for something to eat.
Sora sat down next to Zoro again, she had decided that he was her favorite. She remembered slamming into him and then passing out, only to wake with him carrying her to a cabin. Sanji placed the semi-burnt food in front of them with a smile and sat next to Nami.
Sora sat down on the deck she was going to wash, a bucket right next to her. Picking up the two scrub brushes, she smiled as an idea hit her.
Luffy came out onto the deck to see Sora skating around on brushes. “Whoa! I wanna try!” He jumped down and slipped on the wet surface, crashing into Sora. Sora laughed as she sat up and handed him the brushes.
“Okay, you have to put these on your feet though so you won't slip around.” She said as Luffy quickly put the brushes onto his feet and stood up. He slipped and almost fell down, had it not been for Sora. She quickly grabbed him and pushed him so that he was standing up straight.
“All right. Just put one foot in front of the other in a sliding motion.” Luffy did so and almost felt down, Sora caught him again. “You'll get the hang of it.”
After ten minutes, Luffy did get the hang of it, and was skating around the deck on the soapy water. “This is fun!”
Sora stood there listening and turned around to face Zoro, who was standing in the doorway above them. “You wanna join us Zoro?”
Zoro twitched, `She heard me from up here? What was it that gave me away? I was silent!' “Nah, I rather watch.”
Sora shrugged and looked back at Luffy, who was skating right towards her.
Luffy's arms were swinging behind him madly as he headed straight towards her. “Whoa!” He shouted as he saw her just standing there.
Zoro rushed over to the edge of the railing and was about to jump down to get her, when Sora crouched down and rushed towards Luffy. `What is she mental?!'
A smirk played across Sora's face as she placed her hands on the ground and somersaulted over Luffy's head. Landing gracefully on her feet behind him. Turning around, she quickly grabbed Luffy's shirt and stopped him. “There, all better.”
Luffy fell down when Sora let go of him and he took off the brushes from his feet. “I think I'm done with these things.? He handed them back to her, and she strapped them onto her feet. “I'll go stand up there with Zoro.”
Sora smiled as she continued to skate around and wash the deck.
Zoro leaned against the railing when Luffy walked up to join him. “She's good huh?” Luffy asked Zoro, who nodded. “That was pretty awesome!” Luffy continued as he watched Sora skate around.
Sora sat outside as the sunset, she smiled as Sanji sat next to her. “What are you up to?” He asked as he looked at her.
“Just watching the sunset.” She said smiling at the sun.
“What do you see?” Sanji asked, leaning over the railing.
“Well, nothing. I can feel the sun on my skin though, and it feels great.” Sora said as she smiled at the sun. “Night sun! See you in the morning!” She called after it had sunk into the ocean.
Sanji laughed out loud, “You're cute!” He said as Sora stopped waving at the pink sky. “So, was, uh, Seku your boyfriend?” He asked once he had finished laughing.
The smile that was on Sora's face disappeared as she looked down at the ocean, “More like my best friend.”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.” Sanji said noticing her lip tremble, as she bit it.
Sora sniffled as she placed her head in her hands. `Aw crap. Now I've done it!' Sanji thought as he watched her start to cry. “I'm sorry, d-don't cry! I'll make you something to eat! Or, uh…” Sanji looked around frantically.
Sora turned and cried into his shirt, “He was my best friend! He promised that he'd stay with me, and never leave me alone!” She trembled as she grabbed onto Sanji's shirt with her hands.
Sanji looked down at her, and threw his cig into the ocean. “You're part of our crew now Sora. We won't abandon you. I swear.”
Sora continued to cry into his shirt, and Sanji patted her back. She was really pretty when she cried. After a few minutes, Sora got her crying under control and they stood there in silence. “Thanks Sanji…” She said as she backed away from him and wiped her cheeks with her black sleeved shirt. She turned around and a smile played on her lips, “Hey Sanji.”
Sanji looked up at her, and jumped back. Sora's kick missed his face by an inch. “What the heck was that for?!” He screamed as he looked at her.
Sora laughed, “You said you wanted to learn some moves, I'll teach them to you now.” Taking off her black sandals, she placed them beside the mast, and went into a fighting pose. “Okay. Come at me.”
Sanji stood there for a second, trying to understand her. “But-”
Sora stood up straight, “Fine, forget it.” She turned around, and ducked just as Sanji kicked at her head. “That's better!” Getting up, she faced him and stood in her pose again. Sanji's foot flew at her, but she ducked again and kicked him in the back of his other leg, knocking him down.
Zoro walked out of the cabin, and saw Sanji attacking Sora. “What the hell are you doing Sanji?!”
Sanji stopped and turned to look at Zoro, and received a kick to the face. “Don't break your concentration on a simple conversation.” Sora told him, “We're just practicing!” She called up at Zoro.
Sanji stood up, and rubbed his cheek. “I have to go make dinner.” He said leaving Sora standing there.
Sora sighed as she walked back to the mast and picked up her sandals. She was about to put them on when Zoro called out to her, “Hey! Don't just put those on yet. I want to practice too.” Taking off his shoes and shirt, he grabbed his swords and rushed out to her. He put on his bandana and stood in front of her.
Sora smirked, at him as she heard him unsheathe his swords. “So, we're going to play hard are we? All right. Go ahead.”
Zoro stood there staring at her, “Aren't you going to get out a weapon?”
Sora stood in a fighting pose. “I'll get one out if I really need it. How many swords do you have? Three?” Changing her body position, she cracked her back and nodded. “Okay. Go ahead.”
Zoro stared at her for a second before realizing that she was actually serious. Rushing towards her, he slashed at her with his two swords. She ducked under them and rolled between his legs, only to stand up behind him. She put her back to him and smiled a sly smile. Grabbing his bandanna, she stepped away from him and tied it around her head.
“You're going to have to do better then that.” Sora smiled as he turned around and attacked her again. Jumping above the swords, she grabbed his shoulders and flipped over his head, landing silently behind him. “Do you want to go into defense for a while?” She asked as he turned around.
“Yeah, let me see what you've got.” Zoro said with his sword in his mouth. Sora unsheathed two daggers.
“All right.” Turning around, she faced him. Zoro went into defensive position, and Sora stared at him for a second.
“Time out.” Zoro said as he took the sword out of his mouth. Sora let her arms fall limp as she tilted her head to the side. “How can you… see me?”
Sora put away her daggers with a smile. “I don't, and yet at the same time I do. I was trained to see by spirits. I can see you, standing there, about to sheathe your swords.”
Zoro froze in the process of sheathing his swords, “What?”
Sora walked up towards him, put away her daggers, and took one of his swords, “I can also tell where you are by your steps, and by the sound of the wind hitting you.” Twirling the sword as she took a few steps, she explained to him the way he stepped was too heavy. “If you stepped lighter, not only would you be faster, you'd be harder to find.” She stopped playing with the sword and stood there looking at it. “It's sorta creepy at times… I can tell when someone's mad, or sad, or tired, just by the color of their spirit. It really creeps me out when I don't know what their faces look like, then their sorta faceless bodies.” She shivered as a cold wind blew upon the ship.
Zoro walked up to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He found it sort of cute that she had two long wings in front and as it got towards the back, it was shorter.
Sora continued, “I wear a blindfold sometimes when I go out into a crowded area, it mutes down the spirits… I wear it in big fights too, that way I can concentrate.”
Sora handed Zoro his sword back, and walked up to the mast. Turning around, she
quickly unsheathed her dagger and went to slice Zoro in the chest, Zoro quickly
unsheathed his other two swords and easily blocked her attack. Sora brought out
her other dagger and began quickly slicing at Zoro, who fought back with as
much speed.
Sora and Zoro rushed around the deck, slicing and blocking each other for quite a while. “What is everything else? Like objects without spirits?” Zoro asked as he forced Sora back with a few slashes.
Sora blocked some and jumped behind him, “If someone has touched them before me, I can see them. Doesn't matter how long ago they touched it before me, their… markings are on it.”
Zoro and Sora stopped fighting. Sora's sleeve on her shirt fell off, and a cut appeared on Zoro's face.
“Oh! I'm so sorry!” Sora said as she sheathed her daggers and ripped a piece of cloth from her sleeve that was on the ground. She quickly rushed up to him and placed the cloth on his cheek. “I didn't mean to cut you-oh… I hope I didn't leave a scar.”
Zoro chuckled as he sheathed his swords, “It's not deep enough to leave a scar.”
Sora grabbed his hand and led him to the side of the boat, she let some of the saltwater spray on the cloth and then she placed it onto his cheek with another sorry. “I don't want to get it infected. I'm sorry!” She whined as she leaned across him and wiped the blood off his cheek. She bit her lip as he winced.
Zoro stared at her gently wiping his face, his heart was beating hard in his chest. He wasn't sure if it was from practicing on the deck, or from her being so close to him. There was something about her that made Zoro act… differently.
Sora finished wiping the blood from his cheek and stopped, she blushed, handed him the cloth, and backed away from him quickly. “I suppose you could do that by yourself… you don't really need my help.”
Zoro blushed, and quickly replied, “No, I don't mind. Really.”
Sora looked up at him, and smiled. “You got better. I noticed you took my advice and tried to step lighter.” Walking over, she placed the cloth on his cheek again, and took his hand. “You have to apply pressure or it won't stop bleeding.” She placed his big hand on his cheek, and backed away from him again. “Are you hungry?” She asked, staring out at the pitch-black ocean.
Zoro slowly nodded, and watched her walk across the ship and put on her sandals. She grabbed his t-shirt and handed it to him. Sora applied pressure to Zoro's cut, while he quickly put on his shirt. When he placed his hand on hers, Sora blushed and slipped out of his grasp. After a few minutes of silence, Sora spoke up, “Lets go see if Sanji's done with dinner.” Grabbing his other hand that was hanging down by his side, she led him into the cabin.