One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ The Young and The Clueless ❯ Water,water everywhere and all is wet but me! :3 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hi yo!!-waves franticly- This is my first One Piece fanfic,and I hope it to be a goodin'. :3 Read,enjoy,and review . This will most likely include moi . Since none of meh damn friends watch it...baka's >.> <.< I guess the MAIN plot of the story is, I'm transported onto the high seas x3 Right onto the Go Merry! What will happen..we shall see...
Disclaimer(almost forgot it o.o;;) I don't own any of the One Piece characters..or the Go Merry...or anything T-T
Mines profile <3
Jase(moi =3)Age:14Height: 5' 9" and a half (those count I tells ya!)Personality: A little on the crazy side,but harmless...most of the time ^-^Can go from happy to mad in 1.5 seconds if rightly provoked,and luffs no one on One the "wants to make them mine" sense that is.Idol is Zolo!(With a freakin' L people..I see Zoro all the time....-.-;; )Saneness factor: Disturbed O.o;;;
Water,water everywhere and all but me is wet!:3
"I dun wanna" Jase grumbles as he turns over,burrowing deeper into the covers."Well too bad,you're going,and that's that. Even if I have to take you there over my shoulder!"A woman's voice said in the upmost seriousness"You love ruining my life,don't you mum...?"Jase grumbles more as he slides out of bed,streching his arms out before falling back."Yes,it's what I live for,get used to it. Now you better be up by the time I get back here or else I swear..." The woman,apprently Jase's mother,then leaves the room,slamming the door behind her."And a good morning to you too sunshine....."Jase mumbles under his breathe as he grudinly gets up,and starts to dress.
--------Later that day at school--------
"Aw,come on,you're such a liar!" The boy across from Jase accused."You did not get to third....did you?""No,no I didn't.I just love seeing the look on your face everytime I tell you that."Jase smirks smugly as he leans back in his chair,rocking softly."Dude,you have to stop that.I swear one day you will get to third and I'll never believe you!" The boy exclaimed"Whatever Rich, I don't see where's it's any of your business anyway...unless you're the prrping tom perv." Jase gives him a playfully disgusted look."I am not a perv! I just happen to be your best friend and I have to know this stuff, so I can laugh at you later on when she dumps you!" Rich said pointedly."And what makes you so sure she'll dump me,huh Rich? You plannin' on takin' her from me..?"Jase's voice got darker,and more menscing.Rich looked at him for a moment before he decided he wasn't kidding."No man,she's all your's. But seriously,you need to get to third soon...people have been talkin'."Jase just scoffs and goes back to his usual laid back persona."Let them one in this school but me has gotten to even 2nd base...I'll get to third soon enough. Don't you worry about that my friend." The bell rings suddenly and all of the students start filing out,heading back to classes."Alright Jase...whatever you say. Just keep in mind that she's the daughter of the chief of police. Anything past third and you could be thrown in the clink."Jase laughs in an off-handish way"Right,I have that old man under my thumb. I can do anything short of murder and he won't do anything about it."Jase stands,gathering up his binder which was decorated with skulls, bones,and whatever demonic creation his mind could come up with."Go on ahead Rich. I'll catch up." Jase waves Rich off,and Rich instantly bolts for the door."God...what a geek.." Jase mumbles to himself. He sighs as he walks past the other tables,the hood on his sweatshirt pulled over his head,even though it was not at all cold.As he passed one table,he noticed a small gold piece."What's this.....?" Jase reaches down,and grabs the shining object." necklace....looks genuine....I'll keep it just in case...but maybe I should take it to the lost and found.."He thought for a moment and laughed" Ha,yeah,right!" Jase pulls back the hood on his shirt and slips the gold necklace around his neck. All of the sudden,the necklace starts to glow,letting off a comfortable heat,and starts to surround him.
"What the f-"Before he could finish the sentece he disappeared.
--------In the One piece world, on the Go Merry--------
"Haha! Is that the best ya got?!" Luffy jumped around the deck,taunting the Navy ship that was chasing them."Luffy! Shut up and start helping!!" Zolo called to him from where he was fighting off a group of Navy soldiers, a sword in each hand,and one held tight between his teeth. Zolo rushed the group, knocking them off the baot and into the water before they had a chance to react."Hey Nami! Get us outta here!!" Usopp shieked as he shot down soldiers coming down on ropes."I'm trying!" Nami yelled back, as she stood at the wheel, trying to catch the wing as she pulled the wheel hard to the side.Anothber group of Navy soldiers dropped onto the deck, swords drawn and headed straight for Nami. In a flash a dark boot hit the soldier in the lead and knocked him back into his comrades ,sending them toppling over the side of the ship."Nice kick Sanji!" Luffy laughed as he sat on the rams head of the ship, laughing wildly."Well you're going to see an even better one if you don't get down here right now!" Nami and Sanji yelled in unison ,both with viens throbbing on their heads."Oh,ok." Luffy jumped down from the rams head and laughed as he glided over a smaller group of soldiers "Gum-gum.."He pulled his arms behind him"..gatling gun!!!" With this his arms shot forward in rapid blurrs, knocking out many in the group andsending some running back to the ship.
A dark shadow hung over the small ship for a moment before a loud thud of boots shook the air. There stood a man, at least 6' 11" to 7' tall, with smoke eminting from his mouth endlessly. His eyes looked at his fallen men and then fell on Luffy. "I'm finally going to catch you rubber freak.." The smoke billowed, making a fog cover the ship. Shouts were heard but nothing could be seen."Damn,it's Capn' Smoker!" Sanji moved in circles, prepared for an attack on any side."Damn it.." Zolo mumbled at he looked around, also blinded by the fog.Hollow thups of boots mase there way towards the front of the ship,right at Luffy."W-where'd he go?!" Luffy yelled as he turned around looking. A man appeared looming behind Luffy."Gotcha'rubber freak..."Smoker's hand moved up and as it was about to grab Luffy a bright light flashed and then disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared
"--uck!!!"A resounding fall of a body was heard and then an "Ouf!" as it hit something else. The fog started to disappeate and when it was all gone there,in the middle of the deck,was a young boy,and he had landed right on top of Smoker!
Jase groaned as he stood up"Where am I....?" He looked around and saw all the people staring at him."Wha..?" His reaction made it seem like he fell out of the sky all the time. He then looked down at the unconcious man by him and he jumped back."Holy crap! It's Smoker!" He runs to the edge of the ship and looks over."Damn...water.."
As the shock wore off Luffy ran forward and grabbed Smoker by the collar. With a big grin he swung Smoker around and tossed him back onto the large Navy ship. Luffy lat out a laugh of victory" Nami,let's get goin'!" Nami came back to her senses and steered the ship away,taking off in the oppisite direction.
Jase was breathing heavily as he looked down at the water,watching it move along with the ship."How did I get here? And why are all the characters from One piece here?!" Jase let out a sigh and turned around,only to be met by the Straw Hat crew all surrounding him,staring supiously."Who are you?" Zolo was the first to speak,and his tone wasn't the kindest."Uh..uh..." Jase just looked back and forth from one crew member to the next,his mind blank."Wow,that sure is a funny name.Uhuh!" Luffy laughed and recieved a group smack in the back of the head."The guy's obviously in shock you dummy!" Nami shouted right in Luffy's ear."Alright alright!" Luffy yelled back,rubbing his head.Jase stopped looking back and forth and set his gaze on Luffy. He took a step forward."Hmm?"Luffy held his hands locked behind his head."Hey,is something wrong?"Jase just took another step towards Luffy until he was right in front of him. He reached up slowly...and pulled out Luffy's cheeks!"AHHH!!!"Jase jumped back." It isn't a dream!" With that he fell unconcious.
Well how do you like it? Good,bad,so-so? Tell me so I can improve it!! :3
P.S If it gets alot of good reviews I might be able to slip one of YOU into the story,even if just for a couple never know....o.o/)