Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Kaulitz ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN just a note to you all, the letter was forwarded by Dani's mom to her new residence, k? just thought I'd clear it all up, it didn't really work into the scene so I though I'd put it here.
“Dani, can I see you in my study?” Dani turned to Gerald Sr. the only person at her new employment that was even slightly civil to her.
“Yes sir,” she answered, a little surprised that he wished to talk to her, he had never said more than a few words in passing to her. She walked into the room and he shut the door behind her. He motioned for her to take a seat in the old Victorian style lounge in front of his large desk. He made his way to his desk and opened a drawer, withdrawing an envelope from it, he handed it to her. “This came for you this morning,” he offered.
The envelope had been opened, but it was what was inside that drew her attention. Inside was a letter from Bill, in it he asked how she and the baby were doing, if she had the results back from the test yet, it also spoke of how the tour was going and how Tom had actually said something about being a father the other day. It would have been very clear to anyone who had read it that Dani was pregnant with a rock star's baby.
Dani gulped nervously and looked up at her employer. “Y-you read this?” She asked, scared that he actually had.
“Yes,” he answered, “and I'm willing to keep it's contents a secret for a small favour,” he finished as he leered at her, a look she had never seen on his face before, it made her shiver in repulsion, he was not an ugly man but well on his way to fifty, not to mention married.
“I don't think I could do what your asking of me sir,” she spoke quickly, “what would you wife think?”
“She wouldn't know,” he offered.
“No, I can't do that sir,” she replied stubbornly, as she stood, what kind of man would ask such a thing from his employee, let alone a pregnant one?
“Oh well then, that's it for now, you may leave,” his tone scared her, but she obeyed and quickly left the room.
Once she was gone, Gerald Sr. picked up his phone and dialled. “Hello? My name is Gerald Epp; I have in my employ a girl who is pregnant with the child of a German rock star.”
Dani opened the front door expecting one of Mr Epps associates to be standing there, instead, there was a man holding a microphone and another man behind him with a video camera balanced on his shoulder.
“Yes, can I help you?” Dani felt a weird fluttering in her stomach, something she had come to recognize as a warning that something bad was about to happen.
“Yes you can, I'm looking for Dani Milton, are you her?” He smiled, and Dani couldn't shake the impression she got of a shark smiling at its prey. “Y-yes,” she stuttered unsure if she should have answered. The man beamed even harder and pressed the microphone to her face.
“Is it true that you are pregnant with the child of German rock star Tom Kaulitz?”
I-I'm sorry but I'm on duty right now,” Dani almost shouted and attempted to close the door, but Mr. Epp appeared beside her and held the door open.
“Yes it is true, I have proof right here.” Gerald Sr. held up a copy of Bills letter to Dani. Dani gasped and made to grab the sheet of paper form the man, but he was expecting it and handed the letter to the reporter. “This is a copy, you can keep it,” Gerald offered, a grin spreading across his face.
Dani felt like screaming, that man had sold her out to the press, and how the heck did the press even know who Tom Kaulitz was, Tokio hotel wasn't very well known in Canada.
it had been three weeks since the news had gotten out of a girl in Canada claiming to be pregnant with Tom Kaulitz baby, and David was having a very hard time keeping the news away from the twins, there had been a flood of interview invites to talk about the rumours and David had turned them all down, the boys would not hear about it.
There had also been a rush of fan mail from other girls claiming to be pregnant with Tom's, Bill's, and some even Georg's baby, among them another letter from Dani asking for help with dealing with the press, that letter joined the ones already in David's drawer.
“Now we have the boys from Tokio Hotel joining us,” The Viva musica interviewer shouted happily at the crowd. The crowd, which mostly consisted of girls, screamed and cried as the band members mad their way onstage.
“Welcome, welcome, so how is the new tour going?” the interview started off normal, but halfway through Kris, who was the interviewer, asked a question none of the boys had expected.
“So, what about these rumours of a Kaulitz baby, what do you have to say about that?” the boys were quiet for a moment, Tom was the first to recover.
“I haven't heard anything of the sort, when was this?” he smiled his playboy smile at the camera, and Bill nudged him with his elbow.
“We have a clip; can we play the clip now?” Kris laughed as she asked for the clip to be played. Bill's eyes nearly fell out of his head, the clip started with a reporter knocking at the door of some big mansion like house. When the door opened Bill barely recognized Dani, her hair was longer and she was wearing some ridiculous maid's uniform. The clip was in English but with German subtitles, the reporter asked is she was Dani Milton, and when Dani tried to close the door she was pushed to the side by another man, Bill got a good look at her growing belly.
The man held out a piece of paper, which the camera zoomed in on, and Bill recognized the letter he had sent to Dani, his distinctive writing was easy to read, Bill was thankful that it was in English and most of the viewers wouldn't be able to read it. The clip was paused and Kris began to speak. “We actually have a translation of the letter and it reads as such…”
Bill actually wished that he wore baggy clothes like his brother so that something could just swallow him up, he knew he was in for it when the band returned to the hotel. Tom began to fidget uncomfortably next to him, and Bill wondered if it was because he wanted to hit him, or if it was because he was as uncomfortable and nervous as he was.
There was some booing in the crowd, and shouts of `lying skank' and other such derogatory insults.
“Now with the girl's reluctance to cooperate with the press I'm rather inclined to believe that it might be true.”
Bill swallowed hard and prepared his answer, he may as well tell, he was already in for the lecture of a lifetime. “We actually became aware of Dani's claim in June, and I when tot go visit her to see if she could prove it, we have yet to receive the results from the paternity test.” He felt Tom shift in his seat again, and when Bill turned to look at him he saw how scared and nervous he looked. Bill turned his gaze to David who was just behind the wall separating the set form back stage, he was white as a ghost but nodded for Bill to continue.
“So it's been two and a half months since you found out, and she still hasn't sent the results, that sound suspicious. But why did you go and see her isn't the baby rumoured to be Tom's?” Bill had no idea what to say to that.
“Yeah, she says it's mine, but Bill was the only one who had free tie so we sent him down. I actually flew down to meet her the next day, she seemed sweet enough, but I can honestly say I can't remember if I ever, you know, spent tie with her before that time. We'll just have to wait and see what the paternity test says.”
“Alright that's fair enough I suppose, but we actually have the results from the babies DNA sampling, but of course there are no DNA samples from Tom to test them against, we also have photos from the most recent ultrasound, can we see those please,” Kris seemed to be greatly enjoying the twin's discomfort.
David was going to have an aneurism, all his careful planning thrown out by an overeager interviewer, he was back stage right now looking over all the evidence that the press had collected on Dani Milton. It was defiantly incriminating, they would have to either disprove it all, or bring Dani in.