Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Deeper Than Death ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mimi collapsed one of the two rough, uncomfortable mats on rectangular boxes that served as beds. She was locked with in a sickly white room, with a single window placed above her head. This was not a bedroom she was accustomed to or any room for that matter. However, it's not everyday you end up in a juvenile detention center for killing someone.
Mimi curled up on the mat in the disgusting puke-orange uniform she was forced to wear. She shouldn't be here, she thought hugging herself tightly, she was protecting herself, was self defense really that bad in the eyes of the law? Tears flooded down her cheeks as she allowed her emotions to show for a solitary moment.

A few hours later the door creaked opened and a dark haired girl calmly walked into the room. Mimi jumped up and wiped away her tears, if she knew anything she knew you don't show weakness in front of someone you'll be locked in a room with. The girl no older then seventeen sat down on the bed opposite to her, staring at her intently. “I'm surprised they let me have another roommate, after what I did to the last one…”The girl trailed, laughing mischievously. Mimi just gulped audibly and pressed her back against the wall, causing the other girl to burst out into laughter. “Oh my god, I can tell this is your first time. I'm just joking so chill…”She said between breaks of her laughter. Getting a hold of herself she continued “The names Sasha. Here for 2nd degree assault on a teacher, and you?”
For a few seconds all Mimi did was blink in disbelief, how could someone talk so casually about being charged for a crime. “My name is Mimi…I'm here for…Murder…” She said looking down in shame.
“Ah, there's a few of you here” Sasha said with slight smile on her face as she offered her hand. Not wanting to make an enemy with her new roommate, Mimi shook hands with her and smiled back. Maybe this place wouldn't be that bad.

Then again there was tomorrow to deal with.

The next day
Sasha and Mimi sat outside, watching the other female inmates play various games in the fenced in yard. A few guards in dark uniforms patrolled the small area. “Pretty much the staff here is pretty finicky…A few of them are border line crazy.” Sasha explained to Mimi, if a girl didn't know the ropes it was easy to become prey to abuse and beatings. “The girls here can be categorized into three categories. The good, the bad… And Janet,” Sasha finished pointing to a bleach blonde currently being held back from clawing another girls eyes out. “Fucking psycho bitch she is.”
Mimi gulped and sat closer to Sasha, “She doesn't look like the type to mess with”
“Just don't go near her…” Sasha warned
before the center's psychologist approached her. “Got to go Meems, try to keep safe `Kay?” Mimi nodded as Sasha followed the short woman back into the building. Mimi sighed and laid down on the grassy field, attempting to relax if only for a moment.

Too bad her moment was cut short.

“What do we have here, fresh meat no doubt,” Sneered a highly annoying voice. Mimi's eyes fluttered open to see the apparently
`Psycho Bitch' Janet standing over her, a smug look on her face as she placed her boot clad foot on Mimi's chest.
“Excuse me? Can you please remove your foot from my chest?” Mimi replied rolling her eyes. Janet glared and pressed her foot harder. Mimi's blood begun to boil, she had to deal with the odd bitch
now and then, but now was not the time. Mimi grabbed the girl's foot and threw her back a good 10 feet before standing up and glaring at her. Her rash actions got her no where as Janet jumped back up and grabbed Mimi by the throat and slamming her into the wall.
“You want to fuck with me, Bitch? You picked the wrong girl!” Janet spat, retrieving a small pocket knife from her boot and dragged it across Mimi's cheek, drawing a thin line of blood. No longer was Mimi the tough girl in control of the situation, her breath caught in her throat and her body remained frozen, her eyes locked onto the now blood stained blade. Using her knee to press Mimi tightly against the rough limestone wall, Janet
dug the blade into Mimi's right arm, carving an X just an inch above her wrist, “Fucking piss me off again and there will be more where that came from.” Janet whispered into her ear before hiding the blade and walking off calmly.

Mimi ran back into the building and ran to her room, falling onto the bed and for the second time, bursting into tears. The blood from her new wounds, her marks of her encounter with Janet, spilled on
to the bed. The coarse fibers of the blanket stung the damaged skin as Mimi's fragile body shook with sobs. `I want to go home…' She repeated in her head over and over until the emotional exhaustion of everything finally took its toll as Mimi drifted into a nightmare-filled sleep.