Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Janacder Files ❯ Subject 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Janacder Files
Subject 1: Them Trufle
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'-10”
Weight: 185lbs
Eyes: Light Blue-lined w/ a ring of black
Hair: Dark-brown; shoulder length; slightly curly
State of person at
surveillance station: Subject wearing black Arizona leather jacket; slim-fit black Hanes T-shirt; black, steel-toe high-top boots; Levi's tight-fit boot-cut jeans. Bleeding. Bullet tip found in subject's arm. Burn marks scattered on hands.
Surveillance Ch.1- Pleasant Childhood
Doc.- So, Them, right?
Sub.1- No, it's pronounced Tem- Tem Truflay.
Doc.- Anyway, that's not that important. What we need to know is-
Subject mumbles.
Doc.- I'm sorry, what did you say?
Sub.1- Oh, nothin'.
Doc.- Excuse me once again, but we have to record everything. Everything.
Sub.1- Believe me- it's nothing useful.
Doc.- What did you say?
Sub.1- (sarcastically) I said you're a pompous ass and you don't really care about any of this incident.
Doc.- (awestruck and quiet) Just----- begin.
Sub.1- I remember…
It was August and me and the other outcasts of our “neighborhood of three houses” were sitting in a little circle tossing around a baseball with nothing left but the inner-cork We were sad, but we lived in a small place and had nothing good. We had no phones, but the town fire department was stationed about three-quarters of a mile down the road- thankfully. I was about five years old at that time. After about ten minutes or so, I got passed the ball. I was filled with joy, until I looked up at my “friends'” faces. I shuffled around to face my little cottage being burned to the ground. I could do nothing, so I just sat there and watched as my parents were roasting alive. As the government was taking us to a facility like this for questioning, they presumed that my father's alcohol (as he was a big drinker) and my mother's cigarettes (as she was a smoker) had gotten close and well-
Doc.- The alcohol caught aflame.
Sub.1- Is this my story or do you want to tell it?
Doc.- I'm sorry. Please continue.