Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Just A Little Bit Different ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Cossette put her iPod in it's stereo system and put it on shuffle. Yoochang pulled out Cossette's N64 and plugged it up to her TV. "Do you have Star Fox?" he questioned, as he hooked up the console. "No, I don't." came her reply as she checked her e-mail. "What do you have?" he asked, going over to her video game shelf. "Check." she responded, eyes glued to her monitor. "I got it." he mumbled, picking up Donkey Kong 64. A few minutes after Yoochang began playing, a noise came from outside Cossette's bedroom window. Cossette stood up, opening the window. "Hey, Tae." the boy smiled, hopping through the window. On his way through, he tripped, landing on top of Cossette, "Hey, Hottie." he grinned. The crash from their falling alerted her mother, Samantha. "Cossette?" Samantha asked, opening the bedroom door, Yoochang was laughing at the sight. Cossette pushed Tae off of her. "Hello, Makoto." Tae stood up, smiling, "Hey, Mom." He replied. "Call him Tae, Sammy-mommy!" Yoochang stated. "Okay, Tae." Samantha smiled stressing out the word Tae. Reila peeked in behind Samantha, "Makoto, what are you doing here?" "I came over to hang out." he replied looking to Samantha. "Mom, is it okay if I stay the night?" Samantha nodded, "That'll be fine with me, Mako-Tae."

Tae pulled his flash drive from his jeans pocket, "Hey, Ozzy. I'm going to use your computer, okay? I need some songs." Cossette nodded as she played against Yoochang on Mario Kart 64. "Noona! Quit cheating!" Yoochang whined keeping his eyes on the screen, "I am not cheating! You just can't compete!" She replied, smirking. Reila made her way through the room, and sat next to Tae, "Hey, Makoto... why do those two call you Tae?" he looked at her, "Because I look like him... that's what those two say." he motioned toward Cossette and Yoochang. Reila tried to keep a straight face, "Isn't he like sixteen or something?" Tae nodded. "Yes." "And you're eighteen." she continued, "Yes, I am." he stated looking at her. "You're not a SHINee fan are you?" Tae questioned, "I like their music, but I am a NYAPPY Princess all the way." she smiled, pointing to the pink NYAPPY bunny tattooed on her chest just above her heart. Tae shook his head, going back to downloading music.

There was a slam that came from downstairs, stomping up the stairs and a slam of a bedroom door. Everyone got up from what they were doing and rushed down the hallway toward the farthest bedroom. Samantha stood at the doorway in shock as Ophiliah sat on the bed with the youngest child of the house, Earien. Earien was sixteen, blonde haired and blue eyed, she wasn't the tiniest girl, but she wasn't fat either. Ophiliah held onto the sobbing child and tried to calm her. Reila pushed forward, "What happen to her?!" she yelled eyes narrowed. Samantha pulled Reila back by her shoulders, "Earien got attacked at school again." Samantha whispered. Reila's eyes widened. This had been the third or fourth time Earien had been beaten up. "Earien, baby... Mama will do her best to stop this." Ophiliah mumbled into her daughter's hair. Reila pushed out of Samantha's grip and stormed off. Cossette quickly ran after her. "Rei!" she cried, as the front door slammed shut.

There was a group of girls at Earien's high school who teased her about having two mothers. They beat her up every chance they got, the principal turned away, not really caring. Tae was a Senior at Earien's school and whenever he could he'd fend off the girls, but this day he hadn't seen her at all. Cossette turned to Tae, "You didn't see her today, did you?" He shook his head, "No, I had classes at the other end of the school today. Ozzy, I am sorry I wasn't able to help." Cossette shook her head, "I'm going to go and find Reila. I know where she went." Tae sighed. Yoochang came walking down the hallway with Earien, he led her into the bathroom to clean her face up. Tae walked into the bathroom, and kneeled to Earien's height. "Earien... you know I am here for you." Earien nodded and winced as Yoochang brushed over a bruise on her collarbone.

Reila was beyond angry. This was bullshit! She knew where the lead bitch lived, and she was going to fix this once and for all. Reila hopped up the stairs onto the porch. She knocked on the door and waited. A girl about seventeen answered and looked at Reila, "What do you want?" she asked, leaning against the door. Reila snatched the girl up by her hair and threw her down the stairs into the front yard. "You like beating up Earien Dionna so much?" she growled kicking the girl in the stomach. There a sharp yelp that escaped the girl's throat. "Do you!?" she screamed kicking her again. "I am sick and tired of this, you little bitch!" Reila bent down and grabbed the girl by the back of the hair. She began to drag her across the yard by her hair and the girl started to scream in pain and fear. Reila dragged the girl to her feet and smacked the hell out of her. "Shut up! SHUT UP!" She yelled never letting go of her hair. The girl tried to fight back, clawing Reila across the face. Reila slammed her foot into the girls stomach. Reila kneeled before the girl, lifting her chin, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "Touch her again, I swear I will kill you." Reila stood, dragging the girl to her feet. "Tell your friends the same thing. There is nothing wrong with having two mothers. I'd rather have two mothers, than a crack whore as a mother." She pushed the girl toward her house. "Get in the house." Reila growled out as she watched the girl stumble toward the front porch. The girl yelped as she tripped over the bottom step, her head bounced off the third step. Reila turned around to see Cossette standing there in shock. Reila walked by, "What?!" she barked brushing past Cossette. Cossette turned and quietly followed after Reila, biting her lower lip.

Reila stormed into the house, and went into the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror, her hands gripped the sides of the sink as she leaned forward. That little bitch got her pretty well across the face. The scratch marks were actually bleeding pretty bad. Reila scoffed as she reached for a wash cloth to wipe the blood from her lips and cheeks. She turned on the water and plugged the sink up to wash her face properly. "Reila FaeLynn Dionna..." came her mother's voice from behind. Reila sighed, turning the water off, staring at the diluted water in the sink. "Yes, Mother?" she replied keeping her back to Ophiliah. "What happened to your face?" Ophiliah's voice was calm, but there was an underside of anger. "What do you WANT me to say, Mom?" Reila growled spinning around to face Ophiliah. "What I WANT you to say is, "No, Mom, I didn't just beat a girl senseless. I was running and I tripped and fell." That's what I want to hear!" Ophiliah yelled.

As soon as the yelling started, Cossette shut and locked her bedroom door. She looked to both boys, "Do you guys still want to stay?" she questioned, crimson eyes glassy. "Of course, Noona!" Yoochang smiled, leaning back on her bed. Tae smiled, "I got the floor." Cossette smiled. That's why she loved these boys to death. They were always there for her. "How about.... we leave? Just... until things get quiet again." Cossette suggested. "Let's bring Earien." Tae said as he unlocked the door and went down the hallway. Cossette snatched her iPod from it's stereo and slipped the headphones on.

Earien held onto Cossette's hand as they walked around the downtown area. "What happened to Reila?" Earien questioned, keeping her eyes on her feet. "Well..." Cossette started, "Sissy defended you." Earien blinked looking up at her sister. "Seriously? How could she..." Earien's eyes widened, "SHE DIDN'T GET INTO ANOTHER FIGHT, DID SHE?!" Cossette cleared her throat as she checked her phone. Earien frowned, "Cossie!" Cossette looked to the younger girl. "Mhm... yes... she... did." she mumbled. Earien frowned, clenching her fists. Reila had always been a wild girl. This had to be the what? Umpteenth fight she'd gotten into? There was something different about this fight, though. Back then, Reila was still a minor. Reila was nineteen now, the law could do something about her outbursts now.

Earien squeaked as Tae slung an arm over her shoulder. "What's wrong, Earien?" he questioned. "Nothing, just didn't expect you to do that." she replied. As they walked around, Yoochang turned to Cossette ready to say something, "Noona-" Earien frowned, "Yoochang, speak Japanese, not everyone here can understand Korean." Yoochang closed his mouth and gave Earien a look, "Fine. Noona, let's go into that store." Yoochang finished in Japanese, pointing to a store across the street from them. "Earien and I are going into this store, Ozzy, I'll call you when we are ready to leave." Tae stated, pointing to a clothing store a block away. Cossette nodded as she was dragged into the store by Yoochang.

"What did we come in here for, Yoochang?" she questioned in Korean. "Ramune!" he exclaimed holding up a box of the carbonated drink. Cossette smiled, "Should have known." Cossette started to wander down the aisles looking around. "Hey, Yoochang!" she called, stopping in front of the cookies, "You want some Panda Yummies?" No answer came, "Yoochang?" she frowned walking back down the aisle looking for her friend. "Where did you go?" "YAHHHH!" came a scream from behind her causing a yelp to leave her lips, "YOOCHANG!" she nearly screamed holding her chest. "You nearly gave me...." her eyes widened as five boys entered the store. Yoochang frowned, "Noona?" He waved his hand in front of her face, "Noona! You're not daydreaming about On-" she dragged him down the aisle, slapping a hand over his mouth, "Shut up!" she hissed in English. "Why?" he replied back in English. "Because!" she pointed to the five boys that had entered, "Holy!" he blinked wide-eyed. SHINee had walked into the store. "The post about them being in Japan was two weeks ago, so no wonder they are here." Cossette sighed, grabbing two boxes of Panda Yummies. "You have the Ramune?" Cossette asked, trying to be as calm as possible. Yoochang nodded, "Yes, but the youngest is coming our way." he stated in English. "Let's go, I'll call Earien." they moved to the front to pay for their things, when she bumped into a person, nearly tripping. She was caught by the shoulders, "Sorry." she mumbled in Japanese looking up, before her was Key. "It's fine." he stated, smiling at her. She moved around him, looking at Yoochang who had made it up to the counter. In her pocket, her phone vibrated, "Oh no..." Her phone was on "LOUD" as "Senorita" by SHINee started to play, "Damn it!" she muttered in English. She could feel many eyes on her as she quickly answered, paying for her snacks. "Hello?" she stuttered badly. "Hey, me and Earien are heading your way." Tae stated. "Okay, T-Makoto." She dashed out the front door with her face bright red. Yoochang slung his arm over her shoulders, trying to calm her down as Tae replied, "Makoto, what happen to Taemin?" "Uhm.... it's a long story." she mumbled, "I see you." she continued as she walked toward him, hanging up.

"Why is your face all red?" Tae asked as Earien hugged Cossette's arm "Uhm, me and Yoochang ran into a few people." she mumbled yanking them across the street. They headed back to her house. When they got back, Cossette flopped on the couch. "We ran into SHINee." Yoochang said, smiling broadly. "Seriously?" Tae asked as Earien blinked rapidly. "Yes, that's why I called you Makoto instead of Taemin!" she buried her face in her hands. "And like a dumbass, I had to run into one of them." she inhaled deeply. "You ran into Onew?" Earien questioned frowning. "No... Key, but still!" Cossette cried. Earien rubbed Cossette's arm trying to calm her down. "That had to be the COOLEST thing to happen in the history of FOREVER!" Yoochang stated looking at Tae. Ophiliah came down the stairs, looking toward the living room, "Are you all alright?" Earien stood up, looking at her mother. "Mom...Cossette and Yoochang RAN INTO SHINee!" Ophiliah blinked, "You mean those boys you all are always talking about?" Earien nodded her head. "I came down here to tell you all, I have to go to America in a week to promote the new video game my company is making. Which means, the only people beside my children allowed in my house is Makoto and Yoochang." "So Mama's going with you too?" Cossette questioned, "Yes." Ophiliah replied, grabbing her car keys, "I'll be back soon, I am going to the store."

Reila walked down the stairs, heading into the kitchen. Earien followed her, "Sissy?" "Hmm?" Reila looked to Earien, "Thank you for helping me." Reila smiled as Earien hugged her. "I'll always be there for you." Reila replied, grabbing a bottle of water, and going back to her room.