Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Legacy of the Winds ❯ Book 1 chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Book One
Kibbi's friend Lili raised a hand. “Elder, if Kaishaa killed the other Winds, then where did the current Winds come from?”
Cam looked at her with a smile. “An excellent question Lili. I was just going to tell you that part. You see, on that day, 4 children were born who would change the future of the land. None knew of their destiny. Their names were Cody, Malcolm, Caleb, and Kisanla.
Chapter 1
“Come on boy, you can do better than that!” Malcolm's teacher glared down at him. Malcolm got up, and took his stance, his V lance held in front of him as it was supposed to be. “Of course I can Master. I just don't wish to embarrass you in front of the others.” He grinned.
“Embarrass me? Whatever do you mean? You're the one being embarrassed.” He lunged with his own lance, attempting to hit Malcolm in the chest, a kill.
Malcolm, despite his size, dodged aside with apparent ease. He flicked his lance forward, robbing his teacher of his lance, then brought the end up to the throat and scored a kill. “I apologize for embarrassing you, master, but you know I will not be beaten by such an amateur move. I felt insulted that you would use it.” He bowed.
His teacher bowed in return. “Yes, I was hoping to provoke you, but it appears I misjudged how you would react. You are getting better every day.”
“Thank you Master.”
The master looked around at the other students, then back at Malcolm. Then he looked at the sky. “Come let us return to camp. A storm is brewing.” He looked around as the students gathered up equipment, then gathered his own. They turned and headed back to camp.
* * *
“Cody, wake up. Come on, wake up.” The voice, he couldn't place it. Then someone poked him. “Wake up Cody. You're going to be late for the race!” That got him up. Cody looked around. He was in his room. His sister had her arms folded, looking at him with one of her patented disapproving looks.
“The race? Oh, I forgot!” He leapt out of bed and threw on his gear. He ran for the starting point. He arrived just as Elder Mikk was about to give his instructions for the race.
The Elder looked at him. “Cody, so glad you could make it.” The other boys laughed. The Elder gave them a disapproving look. “Refrain from laughing, as this is no laughing matter. The race through the Ice fields is the Crossing to Manhood among our people. There have been deaths, many deaths, in this race. Young men who did not take this challenge seriously enough. We have had one of our colder summers, so the ice will be fairly stable. But be careful, it is still weak in places. The real danger will come from the Creatures of the Ice. With the Ice this thick, some will have had trouble getting to food beneath the ice. This means that they will be hungry, and in their eyes, you are an excellent meal. You have only your dirks to defend you, so be careful. This race will test your will, heart, strength, spirit, and endurance. Who is the first to complete the course isn't the point. It's who can complete the course in the best condition, or for some of you, who can complete it at all. Now, please line up on the line.” He indicated the rope stretched across the Ice. Once everyone was in position, The Elder sounded the call. Cody started at a dead run.
* * *
Caleb sighted along the arrow, corrected his aim, and released. A dead center bulls eye. Again. “Good work Caleb. This will make an excellent dinner.” His master stepped out and retrieved the rabbit that Caleb had hit, and removed the arrow from it's head.
Just then a screech issued from above. A gigantic eagle came flying overhead, pursued by four air raptors, the Dark Wind's “Guardians of the Skies.” Obviously they were out to either capture or kill the bird. They were gaining on it slowly. The eagle wheeled, slipping by them and coming back overhead. It screeched again. And with that screech, Caleb saw in his mind an image of himself shooting at the raptors, distracting them so the eagle could deal with them. He didn't think about it, he just reacted to it. He brought his bow up, put an arrow on the string, and let loose. The arrow burst into flame as it sailed straight into the neck of one of the raptors, killing it and burning it. The fire came as a complete surprise to Caleb. He looked at his teacher, who had a look of utter disbelief on his face. Whether it was because of the fire, or because Caleb had actually shot at one of the King's Raptors, he didn't know. He turned back to the skies. The eagle was now pursued by only two raptors, as the third had veered off to deal with Caleb. He set another arrow on the string, and fired, hoping it would again burst into flame. It did. It went right into the brain of the Raptor, a dead center hit, which was a miracle in and of itself. The raptor dropped out of the sky, crashing to the ground.
The eagle, in the mean time, was turning the tables. It had maneuvered behind the raptors, and was obviously going to attack. The raptors split up, and the eagle slipped in behind the second. Then the first dived from above. The eagle spun, avoiding the raptor and diving after it. This time it caught the raptor, hooking claws into the reptile and almost tearing a wing off. Then it turned back to the second raptor, which was fleeing the battle field. The eagle let off a challenging screech, then came into land. When it did, Caleb, ignoring his teacher, who was worrying his head off about what would happen if the king found out, ran to the bird.
* * *
Kisanla looked out the window. “Father, why can't I go play with my friends?”
“Because, my lovely daughter, such play is beneath a proper lady of the court.” He father Moko stated. He looked at his daughter, and sighed in frustration. She was a tomboy. She didn't want to become a lady, she preferred to fight and play. He should never have given her those self-defense lessons. While it was true that she needed to be able to defend herself, if she hadn't had those lessons, she would have most probably grown into a fine young lady, and would already be married to a proper gentleman in his majesties court. Instead, the only way to make her behave was to threaten to stop her lessons. She had thus far driven away every suitor that had approached her.
“But Father, I don't want to be a proper lady of the Court. I have never wanted such a thing.” She reached down and stroked the head of her guardian, the tiger Lashka. “I want to go off and adventure, travel, see the land.”
“Must we have this discussion every time? You will be a proper lady, and marry a proper Husband, one with respect to the unwritten codes of the court, and the laws of our King.” He sighed again. It never ceased. “I leave you now to your studies. I expect you to complete them, and you will be tested to ensure that you have.” He turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. The key scraped in the lock, and it clicked.
“Oh Lashka, I'm so tired of father and his rules. I don't want to be a “Proper Lady of the Court, or marry some rich idiot.” She laid her head down on the tiger's neck. “I especially don't want to be a part of the king's court. I've heard the tales of how he came to power. He frightens me. What shall I do?”
The tiger purred as she stroked it, then, when she lifted her head and looked at it, the tiger looked at her. Run away. Leave and don't come back. Travel as you have wished. And know that I will be with you all the days and nights, guarding you and guiding you. You are a very special person, Kisanla, and I do not believe your destiny lies with the Court.
“Oh Lashka, what a splendid idea. We shall escape tonight, after everyone is asleep. I must gather my things up.” The tiger purred. You must also complete your studies for today, so your father will not suspect. Kisanla sighed, “It seems I can't escape my studies no matter what I do.”