Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Pain and... pain? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh shit, shit shit!
He was bigger than me. Older than me. Definitely better fed than me and they put me up against him?! Shit!
I was panting heavily even though the fight hadn't even started yet and kept my eyes glued to the other boy in the room. We were shirtless, wearing only jeans, no shoes, no socks. I hated being barefoot. The floor was concrete and it was fucking freezing in the warehouse we were in. It was January, the fucking coldest month in the year if you ask me and I missed summer. I wanted to feel warm again.
The other boy made a move closer to me. He wasn't older than eighteen, maybe nineteen but just well built and I backed away from him instantly. I so didn't want to do this. I still hadn't healed from the last time they threw me into a fight. I got beaten then and I had a feeling I was about to get beaten again. I didn't understand why they always had to put me against older and bigger boys. Why they always wanted me to be the one who got their ass kicked. I had a feeling it was him that told them to make sure I got beaten. So he wouldn't have to do it himself. Ha, like that really mattered, he was going to beat me anyways, just to release stress and have fun. Him being my loving father. Fuck him.
Shit! I really needed to stop zoning out in the middle of a fight. Maybe that was why I always got beaten, because I didn't try hard enough. A fist connected with my cheeks and little white stars flashed before my eyes.
Fuck that hurt.
I could hear the men around us cheer and sidestepped away from my opponent. He let me move away, knowing as well as I did that if the fight would end too quickly, we'd both get whipped. The men wanted their entertainment. They paid good money to see kids fight each other and gambling was a big part of the `sport'. I shook my head sharply to clear my mind a bit before taking a deep breath and attacking the other boy. Not fighting was not an option. I had tried not fighting before, thinking that if I wouldn't give them the entertainment they wanted, they wouldn't force me to fight. I was so fucking wrong. If I wouldn't fight, they'd find away to make me money with me and fighting was the lesser evil. Sure I got beaten on regular basis but who didn't?
Oh, fuck.
I felt like my head was exploding. Actually, I felt like my whole body was exploding. I wrenched my eyes open and saw that I was in my room. Must have passed out. Yeah, I lost. Again. Nothing new there. Dad must have dragged my ass out of there and brought me home. I should be thankful for that, sometimes he left me there after I lost and that was never a good thing. My door opened and I looked up from my thin mattress.
“Looser. You're fucking useless, you know that?”dad asked from the door and I tensed when he walked closer.
“Get the fuck up and clean yourself up. And clean the house. I'm having the guys in for poker.” he spat and before I could do anything, grabbed me by the neck and dragged me out of the room, down the hallway to the bathroom. I should be thankful for that too, I don't think I could have moved. He just shoved me in the shower before turning on the water and walking away. Warm water fell over me and I closed my eyes for a moment. It burned in my cuts but felt good for my sore muscles. Wait, did he say poker? Shit. That meant he probably wanted me out of the house. Great. Just, great. Just what I needed now, a night in the cold. I started washing myself slowly, checking my ribs carefully and sighing in relief when none of them were broken. That other kid knew what he was doing. He knew how to hurt me but not to break my bones while doing it. It never went well if bones were broken. That meant that they couldn't use you for fighting and when they couldn't use you for fighting, they'd use you for.. well, the other thing.
I managed to wash myself and grinded my teeth together when I crawled out of the shower.
Holy fuck.
My thin body was shaking from pain and I grabbed the towel from its hook with a quiet yelp. I didn't want dad to hear me, he didn't like to hear me whine and would be angry if he did. I guess he did win last night, otherwise he wouldn't have helped me to the shower. He would have just left me at the warehouse and let the men use me for the rest of the night. One time when he lost a lot, he sent me to The Cave for a month. The Cave is a.. I guess you could say it's a club. A private club for perverted bastards. That's where you get sent if you break your bones and can't fight. That's why all the boys try not to break each others bones. Because you can't really hate someone you don't even know so much that you'd sent them to that hellhole.
It took some real effort to get dressed and up. I had to take support from the walls while I moved around the apartment and sighed when I saw the state of the kitchen. What the hell did he do last night? The kitchen was clean when he dropped me off at the warehouse but now you could barely see a kitchen underneath all the crap. I mean, how could anyone possible make so much mess in one night? I glanced towards the livingroom and saw dad sitting on his barker lounge, drinking beer and watching football. Better get to work or he'd just get angry.
I was wiping the tables when dad finally got up form his chair and walked into the kitchen. He took a look around the kitchen before looking at me.
“At least you can do something right, you little shit. You can stay in tonight but stay in your fucking room, got it?” he asked and I nodded quickly.
“Yes, sir. Thank you.” I said and dad shoved me on his way to the fridge to get another beer.
“Fuck off.”
“Yes, sir.”
I mumbled quietly and tried to breath through the pain. He didn't say I could eat and I was too afraid to ask for anything. I wasn't allowed to touch the food in the house unless given permission to and that didn't happen often enough. I was skinny and short for my age, people usually thought I was fourteen while I was really seventeen. I had muscles but in a skinny type of way. When I got to my room, I crashed onto my thin mattress and swore from pain.
This was going to be a looooong night.