Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Rays Of The Black Moon ❯ The end of it all ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

And now I'm back. I guess I could spend the day writing; I'm beginning to like how this story is progressing. Anyways, here is chapter three!!! Please enjoy and review!!! I don't care if you insult my work or appreciate it, just take two minutes to tell me how I'm doing on my story. By the way, this is the end…I just might kill them off in the end of this chapter with an evil mutated explosion like a nuke. Bye then .
Chapter Three
Sora Avalon just got out of the girls restroom when she was almost impaled by a rush of students, running as if their lives depended on it. She saw Gary at the end of the stamped and pulled him out. Roughly, she pushed him against the wall, “What the hells going on? Why is everyone running?” Gary was shaking uncontrollably; all he could get out was one word “Demon”.
Sora dropped Gary and ran down the end of the hall. In one of the open doors, she could see swirling purple mist. Only one thing ran through her mind `Zamia knows'.
She entered the classroom with determined hast only to find her best friend lying unconscious on the floor. She bent down to help, but Zamia clasped her hand on Sora's wrist, making her jump just a little. With her eyes still closed, her mouth moved, but no words came out. Sora picked up her friend and shook roughly. Zamia blinked, she gazed up at Sora with blank eyes “S-sora…is it gone…what happened?” Her eyes fluttered as she fell limp, fainting in Sora's arms. It was at that time when the other three arrived.
“Neko! Is Zamia ok? Is she alive?” Connie asked, fear clouded her voice.
“She'll be alright, when it first happened to me I did the same thing, she'll need to get used to it” She tugged on Zamia, trying to lift her, then she turned an expecting look to her friends “You gonna help me or what?”
Two seconds later, they heard a defining explosion go off. The Nuke dropped from an unknown planet killed everyone and the day was not saved. Oh well. End chapter two. Bye the Bye, my last chapter, so you don't have to review, I won't even read it….or maybe I will.
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