Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ School of ghosts and humans ❯ New Student ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer - I own this well kind of ok!

Alright this is one of the first none Anime I’ve done so I might put some stuff from Anime in here so it’s sort of an Anime with my twist but there is no Anime called by this title so enjoy!
Oh and this a modern times fanfic.
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School of ghosts and humans Ch.1 New student

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“To day we will be learning of the old ages!” Said a happy teacher as she opened a text book on her desk.

Then there was a knock on the sliding door.
“Come in. Ok class we have a student.” Said the teacher with a smile.

The shoji doors opened to revel a girl wearing the school uniform which consisted of a light blue skirt (Oh stop drooling Perverts it goes to the knees!) and a sailor shirt.

Her dark blue eyes looked over the class room while her long snow white hair fell in to the nape of her back (I wont explain why she has white hair now but remember she’s 15)

Everyone looked at her like she was from another world as she steeped into the class room and stood beside the teacher, Miss.Hemari.

“Ok would you like to introduce your self?” Asked Miss.Hemari with a smile.
“My name is Naru Kizke I was born here in Japan but moved to America for three years and then back.” Said Naru with a frown on her face. She didn’t smile to much with a lot of people.

“Ok Kizke-san please take a seat beside Hisome-san.” Said Miss.Hemari as a boy with short black hair raised his hand so Naru could find her seat. (The san at the end shows respect in Japan and using the last name does to)

Naru sat in her chair as class started.
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It turned out that during class Naru and Hisome had talked a little in class and had gotten to know each other and became friends.

Naru found out that Hisome’s first name was Takahashi (Tak-a-ha-shi).
The school bell rung signaling school was over for the day as students littered the hallways and then left the school but Naru stayed behind because the teacher stuck her with clean up duty. (In Japan students are required to clean the class room but they take turns doing this)

Naru was done with the floor, dusting, cleaning the tables, and washing the windows.
She packed up her school supplies and headed for the door and opened it to find Takahashi standing there about to knock.

“Hello Naru are ya done with clean up duty?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his head meekly.
“Hi I have Takahashi-san.” Said Naru with a half smile. (Hi = Yes)
“You can just call me Takahashi you don’t have to put san in it.” He said with a laugh as his dark chocolate brown eyes held laughter.

“Ok Takahashi.” She said with an even bigger smile now that she had a friend.
“Hey where do ya live I might go that way.” He said.
“It’s in Kizke shrine my family owns it.” She said.

“Oh I go by that all the time going home so want to walk with me?” Takahashi asked.
“Sure that would be fine.” Naru said as she walked out of the class room with Takahashi.

The sun was setting as Naru and Takahashi made there way through the streets but what they didn’t know was that something was watching them with blood red eyes that glowed like fire in the night as they walked into their own houses.


AN:// Ok that was kind of short but hey I have a life to so bye and please REVIEW!

- Neiko14