Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ School of ghosts and humans ❯ Don't let it slip! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer - I own this storie so deal with it!

Ok I got two reviews!

Kashumaru - Thats for the review and I'm glad ya liked it and I'll spell the word Hai other than Hi from now on (If I rember...) So hope ya like the next chapter and don't forget to review!

School of ghosts and humans Ch.3 Don't let it slip!


"Kizke-san...KIZKE!" Yelled a voice.
Naru looked up to find the shineing face of her new best friend Takahashi.
She had been eating her lunch on the roof top of the school.

"What ya doing up here?" He asked as he sat beside her, opening his lunch bag and snacking on a few chips.

"Just wanted to get away from all the loud sounds ya know." She said.
Naru looked into the cup she had gotten from home because she had never bought her lunch at school but there was a reason behind that. (You'll find out later! *Runs away from mean people holding fire*)

"What ya drinking Naru-kun?" Asked Takahashi through a mouth full of his chips. Naru laughed at how cute he looked right then.

"Umm nothing just cranberry juice is all." Said Naru with a nervous laugh.
'I hope he doesn't find out.' Thought Naru takeing a sip of her 'cranberry juice'.

Naru finished her drink and stood up, her white now hair flowing behind her.
"Naru-kun." Said Takahashi. Naru turned around but lost her footing and fell.

She would have fell over the roof if Takahashi had not of been there.
Naru fell into Takahashi. It was almost like a hug except Naru was not suporting her self.
Her cheeks flushed a bright red hue but he couldn't see it because her face was beside his neck.

"Are you ok Naru-kun?" He asked.
"...Ha-Hai Takahashi-kun..." Said Naru.
She looked at his neck.

Her eyes dilated into small slits as her teeth grew sharper and her eyes blood red.
Naru leaned into him to get to his neck and was just about to take some blood when she fought agenst it. Her molten gold eyes came back and her teeth reverted to their sposed size.

Naru slumped agenst Takahashi and passed out.
"Naru-kun? Naru?! KIZKE-SAN!" Takahashi yelled as he held her to him on his back while he ran down to the nurse's office.

'It-It is a known fact that- that we the vampires will never find happyness dozo...have I found my place to be happy? With-With Takahashi...-kun?' Thought Naru as she fell asleep once more.

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Ok not long but so what I got another chapter done!
alright please review oh and I wonder why I don't have a review for my other storie broken wings oh well just keep reading and thankyou for staying with me this far! And yah Naru is a vampire so lets see what happens in the next chapter ok and lets see how many slips Naru can take with blood being so close.

- Koi13