Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Various One-shots ❯ Raping Ferals? ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Pokemon is a copyright of Nintendo. Pokègirl and Pokèwoman come from the Pokewomon Forum at http://disc.server.com/Indices/169881.html.

"Wild Horses and Pokègirl" is the creation of Metroanime.

C&C, MSTs are welcome E-mail: kelvins.choice@comcast.net

      He tested the chain attaching his wrist to the tree and sighed, for the hundredth time. A man of my experience and stature, he thought as the ache in his legs began to creep back into the tolerable pain range, And advanced age, should be smarter than this. No bets, even if it is with that smug Fellow of the College of Advanced Anthropology.

      He listened carefully, and the sounds he heard were not entirely from sounds generated. The spell he was using told of the presence and position of the Ferals around him. I know I'm right in theory, I just didn't know it was going to take so long. And shouting in rage and frustration just pushes back the timeline, he remembered the mistake he'd made several hours earlier.

      He wasn't exactly unpleasant to look at, for a 60-year-old man wearing shorts, sandals and a wide-brimmed hat. But I'm still a 60-year-old man, he thought ruefully, Not prime stud Tamer material.

      The Tarantella came through the greenery surrounding the lone tree. He could barely keep from jumping for joy. This will prove that idiot's theory wrong! And another TRIUMPH for the Applied Magic department! Now get to it you horny thing, and we can both get out of here!

      The spider-girl brushed the crumbs from her mouth as she circled warily, sniffing as she spiraled in.

      Too bad it's not a Wolf Spider, he thought as he moved only his eyes to watch her, She would have come straight in. No, they probably sent the lowest ranked in to get killed. I wonder if she realizes that, or that unless she hurries, the others will displace her and she'll never get what she knows she wants.

      He forced himself to remain calm, the anti-venom spell had more than a day's potency left, and the Stamina spells would let him catch the whole group. To remain calm, he remembered all the painstaking preparations that went into this experiment. We had to find the nest . . . no, we had to find some hunters who wouldn't poach the nest, until we were ready. While we waited, the endless debates on what kind of food, would Lust Dusting the food invalidate the experiment, and make me lose the bet? The right dietary supplements and composition to make the food nutritious and filling. All this to prove that give enough to eat, a Pokègirl will come to a non-threat Tamer of her own free will. As if the testimony of dozens, if not hundreds of domesticated Ferals wouldn't have answered the question of 'can you rape a Feral?'

      The spider-girl had circled around front again and was just watching him. He saw the nonhuman intelligence in her eyes, and understood her confusion. Even sympathized with it.

      You know you want something, and have a good idea what it is, he thought silently, But you can't quite work out how to get it. You 'caught the car', what do you do with it? He heard the others circling or shifting in closer. "You'd better hurry," he said quietly, and cursed himself as she skittered back a few feet to stare fearfully at him.

      No, better to do it now, he soothed his anger, Rather than make a noise and have her bite me.

      She approached slowly, and two or three others broke the treeline to watch or take advantage. She touched him cautiously, right where he'd expected her to.

      We know what you want, he thought, Let's see how aggressively you'll try to get it.

      She knelt in front of him and scratched at the shorts in frustration.

      Don't tell her to pull them down, he reminded himself, It'll scare her away, and she probably wouldn't have any idea what you were saying. She'll figure it out. The hunter reported they all wore clothes, and she is, although three tattered handkerchiefs barely qualifies. She knows how clothes work, but these aren't knotted like hers are. 'Without a knot to untie, how do I get them off?'

      She tugged at them, and seemed satisfied by the movement, so she pulled harder. Then pulled the shorts down past his knees. He wasn't wearing underwear and was pleased by her gentle interest. She stared at what she'd revealed. Her hand slipped down towards her crotch, and froze as she looked over her shoulder. She turned back and concentrated on what was in front of her.

      We've figured it all out, including what would happen if you just gave into instinct.

      The first lick was tentative. If she doesn't get to it, she won't get to finish, he thought as some of the others were jostling each other and moving closer. The sticky rope that swung around his chest and attached itself to the tree by the sticky ends, didn't surprise any of the girls. Now their leader gets into the act and . . .

      The girl engulfed him completely and began bobbing her head feverishly.

      Now you realize you have a time limit, he thought as he spirted. She fell back, and sat down hard, staring in confusion. Before she could collect her wits, another had rushed forward and tried to do the same, only to be pulled away by another. The first girl moved off a short distance. She seemed to be enjoying her treat, and was waiting for the other, higher-status trio to establish the pecking order. But she looked up when his eyes fell on her. She stood up a bit more confidently, and walked a wide circle to avoid the seething mass of fists and snarls that debated who was next.

      The first one stayed almost out of reach, running her hair over his free arm and hand, offering and teasing, as he tried to twist his hand fast enough to grab it.

      The louder, angrier snarl stopped the fighting, as the girls separated and took on various postures of submission. The first girl knelt beside him, but leaned against him.

      Submissive, but still pointing out her claim. 'MINE! If that's all right with you, of course.'

      The Xerablondi didn't skulk, she walked straight in, and sneered at the first girl, who responded by clutching his leg tightly.

      Oh ho! Methinks first-girl might have moved up in the standings a good ways. Not ready to challenge, but seeing that there's another power to appeal to.

      The Xerablondi looked him over, her long hair the same color as the rope plastered across his chest. She smiled, then her head snapped sideways.

      They said this area was clear! he thought as a Feral Tigress snarled and leapt into the clearing. The Tarantella pack snarled back and moved.

      "He must be coming back," the Fellow of the Anthropology department said to the two waiting grad students, as the teleport circle flared, indicating an attempt to teleport.

      The tech-mage adjusted the spells to receive the signal and divert it here. "Given what happened, do you think he prefers me sending him into the volcano?"

      "Let him arrive, and then decide."

      The mage materialized. His shirt was torn, his shorts dirty, and he wore an expression of deep frustration. He nodded to the Fellow and his student-assistant, then the tech-mage. He handed the belt of six Pokèballs to his waiting assistant.

      The Fellow smirked. "Tamer's Journey at your age?"

      "Get those though a Healing cycle. Then a Taming Cycle. The one with the red dot, use a level one, the others level three," the arriving man told his assistant. The younger man scurried off. "No Professor - "


      "Yes, I always thought that too," he replied tartly, and handed over two memory sticks. "Doctor, these will show that I was correct. Given sufficient food and no apparent threat, a Pokègirl will seek out Taming with a human. Even a used-up, old specimen like me."

      The Fellow frowned at that. "I suppose that you'll insist on public repayment?"

      "As stipulated," the other professor said, "After I bathe and change. Also, you're comment about disparate packs working together, versus Ferals feeding on each other? The feeding is more correct than you previously suspected. They'd fight each other for a chance to stop being Feral. As if I wouldn't have found a way to get to all of them if they'd just queued up."

      "Not perfect, but adequate," the Fellow admitted, "I shall have to - amend - my thesis."

      "Well done," the other professor said, "I'm for a shower, then a bath." He sighed. "I should have told the lad to bring the red dot to me when she finished. Well, I know he'll find good homes for them." He sighed again and headed for his quarters. "Taming Journey, the reason we send out the young, is they're still stupid enough to think physical pain is 'cool'."