Other Fan Fiction / Horror Fan Fiction ❯ Terror ❯ Bloody Boy ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I tried to make this one-shot as gorey as possible. Tell me what you think, R&R!

Bloody Boy

All they could see was blood. Well, there were insides, bodies, and limbs; but the was so much blood. That's when they noticed to sounds. Then the figure.

They came upon this scene when hunting. Little did they know that they were to become part of it.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?"
"The dogs are 'fraid, Sir,"
"Sir, these dogs were trained to kill a lion. If they are scared, we should leave."
"Sir?!?!" The men were startled for a second. Except when they noticed their master's face.
"Whoever has done this, com-"
"Hush those dogs,"
"It wasn't the dogs, sir,"
"Your stomache the-"
At this moment the dogs wrentch themselves from the slaves' hands and take off for the woods behind the hunting party.
"Go catch them!"
"But si-"
"Yes sir!" About three slaves disappear into the woods after the dogs.
"Now! Whoever has slaughtered these paople, reveil yo-" Once again the 'Master' was not able to finish his sentence before he was interrepeted.
"What is it now?"
"That was Jim's scream, Sir,"
"It was Ji-"
"I know what you said you id-"
"Who's there?"
"Sir, I don't thi-"
"Shut up. I said, 'Who's there?'. Answer me, dammit!"
"I'm here,"
"Yes and your name?"
"My name?"
"Yes your name! Did you do this to this village?! Who are you?"
"Sir, you shou-"
"Shut up! I am not addressing you at the moment! Now you! Whoever you are, answer me!"
"You should listen to your aids. You never know when their knoweldge will come in handy,"
"Don't tell me what to do! I am a duke! There is nothing, that these slaves can know that I don't know!"
"Sir, stop addressing the monster. You're only provocting it. Your only it's pl-"
"For the last time, shut up! This is no monster! It's a man who killed his villa-"
The 'Duke' was interrupted to the horse beneith him crumpled to the ground. The horse neck had been slit.
"I am no human. And I have a present for you."
All of a sudden there was a shish and a wet thud of something landing in the 'Duke's' lap.
"What the hell? Who the hell do you think you a-"
"What is it man?!"
"The thing in your lap, ssiirrr,"
The 'duke' looked down and paled. There was a head in his lap. More importantly, Jim's head.
"Your aids are mighty tasty,"
During these chains of events, a cold, dreary mist had begin to roll in. The clouds got darker and the wind got harsher. This is when the two men saw a crouched figure about five hundred yards away from them. And it looked like it was getting closer.
"Yyyeess, ssiirr?"
"Give me my musket,"
"Bbbuuutt, sssiii-"
"Don't question my orders. Give me my musket."
"That won't help you. Not at all. But I cannot be wounded, so actions must be made."
"Wait, Tho-"
The 'duke' was to late. Thomas crumpled to the ground with a hole in his chest.
"You asked me for my name correct?"
"No! I didn't!"
"You did. And I shall tell you. My name is Bloody Boy,"
As soon as he heard those words, the 'duke's mouth went dry. There was a superstition concering village people being slaughtered and eaten. The name 'Bloody Boy' was well-known because the name was always written with a finger. And the only body that usally was missing a finger, was a dukes' body. They always found the dukes with their eyes gouged out of the sockets. Their hearts ripped out and stuck on spits that would be roasting over a fire. Their tonages were no where to be found.
"Ppplleeeaasse, dddon't kkiill me,"
"Why not? I'm hungry,"
The 'duke' saw a flash of red eyes before his heart was ripped out of his chest.

"What is this?!"
A traveling traven stopped at the nearest village to get some more supplies. What they came upon was a village cloaked in red. On one of the houses was the name, Bloody Boy...

A/N: Damn! Its finally done! I had gotten this idea one day to write a really bloody story that invovled a hunting party getting killed by something that goes by the name Blood Boy. At first I only had the title. Then as I begin writting, I got even more excited. I had started writting this around nine o'clock at night and got halfway through until I decided to go to bed because I was starting to get the chills. As in chills I mean chills-run-up-your-back-because-something-is-watching-you chills. So I stopped so I wouldn't get even more creeped out. Then I told someone that I had wrote a one-shot and was still working on it. They said to hurry up and finnish it, so I could post it and they could read it. Here it is! Anyways tell me what you didn't like and what you did like. Tell me what needs to be improved and what needs to be left alone. I will also accept any ideas that you want to tell me. Maybe the will make it on...... I use compliments to make myself feel good inside. I use flames to burn my homework and roast marshmellows. Review please!