Other Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Ryujin & Suzaku-The Chronicals of the Twins: Rebirth of a Hero ❯ The Return ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Ryujin & Suzaku~
The Chronicles of the Twins
Rebirth of a Hero
When I stepped through it was the yeah 1960 and it was a bright summer day. We were in Hedrick, Iowa the hometown of my father. I chose this time and place because I wanted to meet my grandfather when he was younger. I had appeared at the church he attended when he was a child.
"Suzaku, take her somewhere safe. Wait for me for further instructions; do you think you can handle that?"
"Yeah, I'll let you do this one on your own." He said
Walking up the road, I changed my appearance to that of a tall, young, and handsome man in his 30's. Carrying the briefcase with the six billion, I began walking to my grandparent's house. After about five minuets, (the house and church weren't more then a quarter mile from each other) I reached the gravel drive to the house. Staring at the house that lay before me, soo many memories came back. When I was seven or eight, I had helped put the letters on the side of the mailbox with my grandpa Landon. He was always my hero.
Taking a deep breath, I began my slow walk up the quarter mile drive. Walking along, more memories came. The woods along the left hand side were filled with mushrooms and was a stream running through it. On time, my grandpa had taken me mushroom hunting and we picked sixty-one pounds. My grandma Grace in turn cleaned, and fried them up for all of us. To the right there was a steep hill and one time my uncle Joe and his son Tim and myself all went for a ride in his jeep named Christine. During that ride, we rolled the jeep and I skinned both my elbows. When we returned Grace kissed them and made them feel all better.
Continuing on I reached the old windmill and beneath it would one day lay Bud, my grandma's miniature pincer. I'd always blamed myself for the dog dying, it was me who had let him out and that day I forgot the whistle to call him back. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I walked up the steps and knocked on the front door.
Approaching the door was a young woman no more than twenty with a child in her arms and a swollen belly from another.
"Can I help you?" she asked apprehensively
"Yes, yes you can. Are you Grace O'Connor?" I asked
"I am"
"And your husband is Landon O'Connor?"
"He is, why is something wrong?"
"No, not at all" I smiled
"This was my grandma, and that must be my dad in her belly." I thought
"May I please speak to you both, if it wouldn't be too much a burden?"
"One moment, come in please."
Stepping inside was as natural as breathing itself. Soo many memories of the enclosed porch I now stood in. When I was a child, there was the head of a deer mounted on the wall that my dad had killed and tons of toys for Tim and me. Now there was nothing of the sort and wouldn't be for another twenty-eight years.
"Landon sweetie, there's a man here to see you." I heard my grandma say
"One second, do you know what he wants?" I heard my grandpa ask quietly
"No, he didn't say."
Stepping from their bedroom to the living room, my grandpa walked out onto the front porch to greet me.
I smiled ear to ear. Never had I seen my grandpa soo young or with soo much hair. We had very little pictures of his as it was, let alone when he was young.
Grasping my hand he said, "Hello, I'm Landon, can I help you?"
"Yes Landon you can. You might want to sit down for this though, both of you." I said calmly
"Please, come in and have a seat."
Making my way into the living room, I sat in an orange lazy-boy.
"Man, this was here when I was a kid. They've had this thing for a long ass time." I thought to myself
"Okay, now Mister and Misses O'Connor, my name is Thomas Rains and I'm here to make you an offer. All you need do is a couple things for me, that's it."
"And that would be?" my grandpa asked suspiciously
 "That's simple; ensure that the child your wife Grace carries right now, your son and any other children you may have, grow up comfortable, healthy, and happy. As well as the child, you carry now, names its child after your grandfather."
"Grandpa Ryujin Amadan O'Connor?" Landon asked
"Yes, precisely, ohh and you keep the house here and buy this shop in Oskaloosa called Osky Cycle." I added
"Sir, you said it was simple, why the hell do you care about my children?" grandpa asked raising his voice
"Please sir, I mean you and yours no ill intent. It is simple; I am prepared to offer you three billion dollars for yourself and an account for your unborn child's child with three billion in it as well, not to be touched until its fourteenth birthday. My interest in your kids is special, let's just say I know things, and have seen things. After today you will never be bothered by me ever again." I spoke softly
"I don't know sir; your requests are awful odd. I'll have to talk to Grace."
"Very well"
"One moment" said Landon
Watching the two walk out, I could hear there low mumbling from the kitchen. During their conversation, they had left little Joe on the floor.
"Hey there little guy, come to nephew Ryu."
As awkward as it sounded it worked.
Joe began crawling towards me on his little hands and knees. Looking up at me with his big brown eyes, he had no idea who he would become.
"Awe, Uncle Joe you're soo cute. You look just like your daddy and your future son."
Even stranger sentences, wow it wasn't everyday that you talk to your uncle in this manner.
Coming from out of the kitchen, my grandma picked up Joe and sat him on her lap.
"Well, Mr. Rains, we have decided to accept your offer." Grandpa said
"Excellent, all I need to do is for us to go to the bank and create the account."
"Very well, let's go." He replied
Getting up, I walked outside and waited for them to join me.
Watching them walk out the front door grandpa asked me where my car was.
"Ohh, um, I had a friend drop me off, don't worry I live in Oskaloosa anyways."
"Very well" Grandpa said cocking a brow
Climbing into the back seat, grandpa started up the 1940's Ford Idon’tknowwhatmoblie and started down the gravel.
Riding in the car, there was complete silence except for the rumble of the gravel and the occasional babble from little baby Joe.
"So, you're sure you can't tell us why exactly you're doing this." Landon asked
"Gran… I mean Landon, even if I wanted to tell you, you still wouldn't believe me. Please can we just leave it at that? That I have the best of intentions for you and your family."
“Whew, I almost let it slip with the grandpa thing." I thought
“Okay then, fine, but Thomas, I have to be honest with you, I’m fairly suspicious of you.” Landon said
“Fair enough” I said calmly
Riding along we soon reached Oskaloosa, and boy did it ever look different.
The streets were not as crowded with traffic, Wall-Mart was nowhere to be seen, and the city square looked newer and more populated.
“Continue down on Market Place, to Mahaska Co. bank.” I said
Pulling up to the bank, we parked and got out. Walking in I strode straight up to a clerk and asked;
“Please ma’am, I’d like to see your manager.” I said
“Is there something I can possibly help you with, I’m sure I can manage whatever it maybe that you need.” The female teller asked
“Well, I’d like two separate accounts opened, one inaccessible until the year 2002 and only under special circumstances and the second…”
“I’m sorry sir, but I’m not qualified to make such specifications, you’ll have to talk to my boss.” She said breathlessly
“Very well, fetch him would you.”
Turning, the teller went into the back and was gone a few minuets, eventually returning with the bank manager, an older man with thinning gray hair, wearing a sharp suit and bifocals.
“Yes sir, my name is Ron Thompson and I am the manager for today. How may I help you?”
“As I told this fine lady, I need two accounts opened, one being inaccessible until the year 2002.” I began to explain
“Okay, very well, please step into my office and we can discuss this inside.” He said gesturing towards the back room
“This couple is with me as well.” I pointed to my grandparents
With the four of us all crammed into the back office, Ron began to orchestrate the files.
“Okay then, two accounts. One secured and the other I’m guessing is to be open then?”
“Alright, the open one, who will it be for?” the manager asked
“These two right here, Landon and Grace O’Connor.” I replied
“And the second, what are the exact specifications you’d like.”
“To be made inaccessible until October 17, 2002 by a
Ryujin Amadan O’Connor II.”
“And we will be able to verify his authenticity how?”
“Birth certificate, photo id, the usual” I replied
“Anything else you want to add?”
“No, nothing other then the deposits”
“And how much are you going to deposit?” Ron asked cocking an eyebrow
“Three billion per account” I smiled
“Thra…thra…three billion per account, there is no way you could have that kind of money.” Ron gasped in disbelief
 “Really, how about we begin counting this then” I said as I opened my briefcase
“Well sir, if you truly do have six billion dollars then we’ll have to use a counting machine. Hand counting this would take entirely too long.” Ron said wringing his hands
“Yes, I was anticipating on that.” I said closing the case and getting up.
“This way” Ron said leading the way
Thompson took us into the back where there were several workers counting out stacks of bill and coins. Taking us over to a machine, Ron turned it on and asked for the case.
Handing it over, he began unwrapping the stacks of bills and feeding them into the counting machine. We sat for roughly a half an hour, when Thompson had stopped.
“Okay, we have the first set of three billion, surprisingly you actually did have at least that much.”
Setting the first half aside, Ron began with the second, and another half an hour later, he was just finishing up.
“Alright then, two sets of three billion dollars. One set per account. Is there anything else?”
“No, I think that will be all. I’m guessing all that needs to be done now is sign the documents.” I replied
“Indeed, I’ll draw them up myself. Just sit tight and I’ll be back shortly.”
Making our way back to his office, we sat and waited quietly. Looking around I noticed some pictures on the man’s desk, and realized how tacky they dressed back then.
Not long after the bank manager came back in with the forms and had grandma, grandpa sign them, and I signed where I was to as well.
With every i crossed and t dotted we finished.
“Well that’s about it folks” Thompson said
“Very well, I guess we’ll be off.” I smiled
Walking my grandparents out to their car, I turned and smiled.
“Well Landon, Grace, thank you for doing this. You don’t know how much it truly means to me.” I said shaking both their hands
“Umm…okay, thank you.” Landon said skeptically
“Good-bye and take care,” I said as I turned and began walking away.
Making my way behind the nearest house, I transformed myself into a man in his mid twenties with long blond hair and tattoos. Opening a portal, I stepped through to reemerge back in Oskaloosa, only twenty-eight years later.
This time it was the year 1988 and still the summer. Looking around not only did I have the right time but I also had the right place.

I stood outside my first house, a one story white place with green porch, and an old white garage in the back. One day my grandparents would live here as well.
Walking up the sidewalk, I approached the door, hesitated a second and then knocked.
Hearing the footsteps from within, I began to get nervous. I had hoped that my dad hadn’t gotten into the wrong crowd… the crowd that would cost him his freedom.
Opening the door was a beautiful woman, short at only five foot and except for a baby bump surprisingly thin.
“Umm…excuse me, but are you Shelly O’Connor?” I asked slowly
“I am, do you need something? Maybe my husband Rob can help you,” my mom said
“Yeah, that’s actually who I’m looking for, but I’m just surprised to see you. Last time I saw you, ya weren’t soo thin and striking.” I smiled weakly
“Yeah, Robert treats me right, he got me to loose a lot of weight and take better care of myself.” She said
“Soo is da… I mean Robert home?”
“Yeah, one second, um… you can come in if you want.”
Entering, I sat on the sofa and waited for my mom to return.
Coming out from their bedroom, I saw my fathering a pair of shorts and a   tank top, and hair.
“Can I help you?” dad asked
“Yeah, Robert do you think the two of us can talk…in private.”
“Sure let me just grab my sneakers.”
Returning, he headed for the kitchen and gestured for me to follow.
Following him, we exited through the back door and out by the garage.
“Okay, what’s this about” dad asked coldly
“My name is Thomas Rains, umm and I just need to ask you a few questions that’s all.”
“Like what” Robert asked glaring at me
“Okay, you love Shelly right?”
“Of course I love her, she’s my wife.”
“And you want to be with her forever…right, and help take care of your son?”
“Absolutely, I wanna be the best daddy possible to little Ryujin Amadan.”
“You’re naming him Ryujin?”
“Yeah, after my great-grandfather, my dad said it would be a good idea.”
“Ryujin is a great name”
“Yeah, it is”

“Okay, if what you say is true and you want to be a good husband and father then get off the dope. Stop with everything you’ve been doing and go clean. Go to collage, get a job. I know you have plenty of money and shit, in fact get a better house. I know your mother in law has an empty house there on Jefferson Street in Sigourney. It has plenty of rooms in case you want to have a few more kids. .” I explained
“How do you know I smoke dope?”
“Ohh, forget it dude. Just get off the shit. You’re a damn billionaire and you live like you’re middle class.” I stressed
“Okay, Okay, I get the picture”
“Sorry, I just…want the best for you…alright. Shelly’s taking nursing classes right?”
“Yeah, she’s always said she wants to be a nurse and help people.” Dad said
“Well I know she’s smarter than that, she should go to med school and become a doctor at least.”
“Ya got a point, she does have potential”
“I’m serious though, get off the drugs, and go clean.”
“Fine, okay I will”
Walking back inside, I sat down and looked at my mom.
“Okay, it’s your turn” I smiled
“My turn for what?” asked mom
“Well, I’ve been talking to Rob here and giving him some advice. You see I know Rob and you love each other and want what’s best for little Ryu when he’s born”
“Ohh, he kicked” mom said
“Awe, did he?” I asked with a chuckle
“Yeah, as soon as you said his name he kicked.”
“May I?”
Putting my hands on my mom’s stomach, I spoke my name.
“Ryujin, hey there little guy, how you doing?” I spoke softly
Sure enough as soon as I said my name, I felt a small kick.
(Strange isn’t it, I’m feeling myself kick myself as I talk to my fetal self)
Placing both hands upon my mother’s stomach, I imbued my powers and soul into my still growing fetal form.
“Whoa, my stomach just got all warm for a second.” Said mom
“It’s Ryu showing his love for you?” I said questionably
“Maybe” mom said
“Anyways as I was saying, I know you want what’s best for him and each other. Soo I told Rob here to go to collage and get a good job. In addition, I challenge you as well to instead of becoming a nurse to go to med school and become a doctor. Plus the house you grew up in, on Jefferson Street is empty and well, why not move there?” I said
“He does have a point there Shelly.”
“Yeah, I know”
“How would you like to be called Dr. Shelly O’Connor?” dad asked
“Sounds nice” mom admitted

“Well then, that’s all there is to it. Go to med school, it’s not like you don’t have the money or the brains for it.” I said
“I will, we both will, go to collage that is.” Rob said
“One more thing, I don’t know what your beliefs are but look into druidry. I’m just saying don’t knock it till you try it. Give it a chance, to put it simple, they’re priests of nature that honor the seasons and the Earth.” I explained
“I don’t know, I’ll research it, but I can’t guarantee anything on that.” Dad said
“Alright, well anyways I gotta go. Thank you for your time and take care.” I said
Getting up, I walked outside and down the block.
“Suzaku, if you can hear me I need you.” I said mentally
With a pop Suzaku appeared with a still dead Pinky.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I need you to release her soul back into the universe; I then need you to kill me. Then on October 17th, 1988 I need you to come back so we can be reborn as twins.”
“Gotcha boss man” Suzaku said with a smile
Placing his had on her heart; Suzaku withdrew Blink’s soul from her chest.
It glowed with a pinkish-purple hue. Suzaku released it and I watched it disappear.
Bending down, I pressed my lips to her dead cold ones, kissing her soft yet deeply. I felt a tear run down my cheek and splash on to her eyelid. Softly I brushed it away from her long lashes.
“Good-bye my love, may we meet again someday, till then.” I cried
Standing up I looked at Suzaku, he at me, and I nodded.
Then, I died.

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