Other Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Ryujin & Suzaku-The Chronicals of the Twins: Rebirth of a Hero ❯ Let the Fun Begin!!! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
14 Years Later…
After we went home from the hospital, we were taken to live at our home on Jefferson Street in Sigourney Iowa.
We lived across from a corn mill at the end of the street.
Our first four years were really, as a child's should be, we both began walking and talking at a young age. We revealed our "secret" that we had powers to out parents around three years of age.
Though obviously shocked at our maturity when we asked them to keep it quiet and tell no one, that we'd reveal ourselves when we were ready, our close family took it well.

We both attended the pre-school down the street from the elementary school and while mom worked at the University of Iowa as one of the head psychiatrists and dad worked at John Deere as a foreman, we would spend our days at one of our best friends' house. They were Alexis and Misty Eastman, their mother; Crystal would watch us while our parents worked,
The two of us were pretty much spoiled by all of our family members on both sides. By the age of four, mom had given birth to our younger brother, Brian, and during this time, we had many cousins born as well.
Amanda and Heather by mom's sister Beth, Dani, Rachel and Tom by mom's sister Kirsten and Tim by dad's brother Joe.
We'd see Tim the most and grew up with him mainly. Suzaku and I took the best of care to little Brian, and we would fight over who would get to change his diaper or feed him.
In the fall of '94, we started kindergarten, which obviously was totally easy for two children with a genius IQ.
 Soo the years went on and our family expanded, more cousins and met more friends; I met my best friend Nergal Bittle and his sister Shayla, who happened to be Misty's best friend, as well as Brittany Summers, our cousin.
Over the years, the two of us developed a love for sports including wrestling, baseball, football, kickboxing, martial arts, gymnastics, and dance/ballet and Boy Scouts.
I won't lie we used our powers to win our matches. (You can call it unethical, I don't care)
Also over the years, we'd both had our share of girlfriends, (I'd lost my virginity to Alexis at the age of twelve, she was 14, and Suzaku lost his to Kayla around the same time.) yet none of them we'd take too seriously, I was still looking for Pinky's reincarnate and for Suzaku…who ever knew.
Our parents did hold to their word about looking into Druidry and the three of us were raised as druids from birth.
I served the deities I'd said I would and gave devotions regularly, showing my unprecedented love for them all.
When we were like nine or ten, Suzaku and I went out on a trip to Colorado and went on our first hunting excursion. Obviously we'd each gotten a kill and ever since we'd become avid hunters as well.
The year we turned fourteen our mom had found out that she was pregnant again, this time a girl.
It was a crisp cool fall morning as I got up, put my shorts and t-shirt on, and began running.

Heading out the door, I had a lot to do on this Saturday, for it was our fourteenth birthday on Monday the 17th and I would finally inherit all the money and move out of the house and into our grandparent's farm house out in Hedrick.
We'd talked it over with them and they had said it would be fine with them, we'd had the deed reviewed, and on Monday, the two of us would sign it making it ours.
I'd already had contractors ready to refurbish and bring the old house up to date.
Running along, I passed the houses and businesses I'd seen all too often.
I couldn't wait till Monday when I'd be able to drive to school.
I'd already had my car picked out; a 1968 Shelby Mustang Cobra GT-500 and I would be making the call as soon as my money was available to me.
I ran all the way out to the school, down to the sale barn and expo and then back again, a good six-mile run and not even a sweat.
Going inside, I got my hygiene ready and headed to out shower upstairs.
Casting a glance at my twin, he was still in bed as usual and snoring loudly, on purpose.
Getting undressed, I turned the shower on and climbed in letting the hot, steaming water wash away my troubles.
(Hey, it ain't easy being Shifter!)
I thought about what we'd done in the past fourteen years to improve the Earth.
The two of us had helped develop clod fission, a completely clean, high-energy output source of power. Also, constantly we were planting trees and plant life in the rainforests all over the world.
One of the more useful things we'd done for the world is create a bacteria that would eat waste and trash, making landfills obsolete and allowed the area to be used for positive things, such as land for farming, homes or even better yet, tree sanctuaries.
After cleaning my body, I got dressed and went to go pick on my younger brother Brian.
Walking into his room, I saw him laying there sleeping.
Creeping up to his bed, I jumped and belly flopped on top of him.
"Rise and shine, it's morning time." I laughed
Brian began squirming and squealing as I wrestled him down.
"Let go Ryu, Let go." Brian whined
"Nope, you'll have to make me." I teased
"Come on, get off Ryujin, please." He whined again struggling to push me off
"Nope, not gonna do it." I said again with a laugh
With a kick from Brian, I jumped back and flung myself against the wall so as to make him think that he had the strength to kick me away.
"See, you're getting stronger everyday."
"Wow, I did that?" Brian asked
"Ya sure did, pretty soon you'll be able to beat up both of us at the same time." I laughed
Getting up, I went back to my room, got on my computer, and began checking my e-mail.
I spotted one from Misty and quickly opened it.
When you get this, I need you to come over or call me soo I can talk to you. It's very important.
Love always,
            &nb sp;                 Misty
"Huh, I wonder what's soo important?" I mumbled
"Maybe she loves you and she wants to profess her undying admiration to you." Suzaku said
"Somehow I doubt that, she's like our sister for fucks sake."
"And, they say incest is the best." He chuckled
"Sick mother fucker, shut up." I growled
"Heh heh heh, I dunno why don't you call and ask her."
Checking the clock on my computer, it read 8:42 a.m.
"I dunno if she'll be up, but let’s give it a try." I said
Grabbing my cell phone, I brought up Misty’s number and gave her a call, and after the first four rings, I heard her voice pick up.
“Hi Ryu, did you get my message?” she asked
“Yeah, I did. What’s soo direly important?”
“Come to the park, I’ll explain everything there.” She said
“Be there in a few.”
Hanging up, I rushed downstairs and outside.
Running down the street, I didn’t use my super speed to its full power but I did run faster than normal and with my incredible endurance it felt like a light jog.
For Misty, the park was a few blocks away and me, the other side of town.
As I arrived, I saw Misty coming up the street.
I sat down on a bench and closed my eyes, as if I had been sleeping.
“Ryu, are you asleep? Wait, how did you get here soo fast?”
“Ohh, hi Misty, I guess I ran really fast.” I said faking a yawn
“Yeah okay, anyway come on let’s take a walk.” She said pulling up of the bench
We walked down by the baseball diamond and over to a wooded area. Walking through the trees, soon Misty stopped and looked at me in a very serious way.
“Ryu, there’s something I wanna tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.” She said calmly
“Yeah sure, what is it sis?”
“And promise you won’t laugh at me?”
“Sure whatever, now what is it?” I asked impatiently
“I think I have superpowers!” she whispered
“Sure, so do I!” I said excitedly
“No really, I do.” She protested
“And so do I, look I can fly.” I said jumping up and down, flapping my arms as if I were a bird
“No, really watch!”
Pointing to a fallen branch near a tree, Misty flicked her wrist upward and the branch went sailing upward.
“That’s not all, watch this.” She said running up a tree and kicking off; she landed, curled up in a ball
“Wow, telekinesis, agility, and contortion.” I said surprised
“That’s still not all, watch this.”
Looking at me, Misty closed her eyes and began to concentrate. Her long auburn hair began turning blonde and she grew several inches. Her shoulders widened and her breasts shrank into pectorals. I now stood there looking at myself.
“I can transform myself too.” She giggled
“Wow, when did this happen?” I asked in amazement
“Well, I’ve been able to do this for a few years now but I was afraid to tell anyone until now. Please don’t tell anyone.” She plead
“Misty, sweetie, come here.” I said walking over to her
As I did, she transformed back into her own form and I wrapped my arms around her.
Rising up, I levitated a few feet off the ground.
“Look down” I said holding her tight
As she looked down she quickly squeezed me all the tighter.
Looking up she asked,
“How are you doing this?”
“Like I said, I can fly, and soo much more.” I smiled
“I thought I was the only one.” She gasped
“Heh, hell no, Suzaku and I have had powers for years.”
“Really…wow!” she smiled
“Yeah, umm, I kinda sorta travel through time and dimensions.” I said beginning to explain out story of how we have acquired our powers
“So, you’re telling me that you’re a mutant and Suzaku is your alter ego, your evil half ad not your brother?” she asked amazed
“No, no he’s my brother, just my alter ego, and my dark half as well. Watch, and learn.” I said
Summoning Suzaku to myself, he appeared in a flash, strode over to Misty, and placed his arm around her.
“Hey baby, how you doin’?” Suzaku winked
“Umm…hi” Misty replied nervously
“Suzaku, stop hitting on our sister” I glared
“Nah…it’s fun” he smiled
“Oookay, soo what about Pinky, you girl, have you found her yet?” she asked
“Alas no, we haven’t, though we still search for her, Ryu will know when he sees her.” Suzaku said with a sigh
Anyways Misty, were not the only ones who are mutants. I have a friend of mine who lives in Cedar Rapids who is a mutant.” I said
“Really, who” Misty asked
“I can’t tell you that, he hasn’t decided to go public with it and neither have we. I quite enjoy using my powers without anybody knowing I can.” I smiled sinisterly
But, we can take you to see him tomorrow. We have a meeting and yo can come along by my invite.” Said Suzaku
“I think I’ll go, you’ll have to come and get me, or is your mom taking you?”
“No, I’m taking them, most of our family knows about our powers. We just keep it a secret from those outside the family and close family friends. For example, your mom and dad know about us.” I explained
 “Soo, how are you gonna get us all there?” she asked
“By teleporting of course.” I smiled as I teleported five feet away
“Is that how you got here soo fast?”
“No, I did run…with super speed.”
“Figures that you’d cheat”
“It’s not cheating…it’s extra help” Suzaku smirked
“Well anyway, you’re gonna need a mutant alias now that you have superpowers.” I said
“How about Stripperella, because I can transform myself in to anyone I want. I’d be the perfect stripper.” She giggled
“Or Exotica, I love the stripper angle.” Suzaku said with a toothy grin
“You would,” I said annoyed
“No really, it sounds good. Imagine Exotica, different hairstyle every time, wearing a black eye mask and a white blouse unbuttoned revealing a black bra and wearing a micro-plaid skirt with a white g-string poking out and knee high stiletto boots. It sounds like a sexy vixen to me.” Misty said
“Well alright, whatever”
“Soo, what’s your outfit and name?” she asked
“I don’t wear an outfit, I wear whatever I have on, and my mutant name is Shifter, because I love to shape shift.” I said
“Anyways we gotta go, we have a mess of a house to clean up, don’t we Ryu.” Suzaku said
“Yeah we do. We’re going to clean up our grandparent’s old farm house and get it ready for the two of us to live in come Monday when we turn fourteen.”
“Do ya mind if I help? It’ll give me something to do for the day.” Misty asked
“Sure, let’s go” I said grabbing her wrist and teleporting to the farm house in the country
Appearing in the front yard, Suzaku showed up moments later.
“That was soo cool!” Misty squeaked
“Yeah I guess. Come on let’s go get started.” I said as I made fifty clones
I sent about five off to each of the barns and ten to the machine shed, ten for the back yard and ten for the front, leaving the last and remaining ten to help Suzaku, Misty and myself inside the house itself.
And you can clone yourself?” She asked with a look of bewilderment
“Yeah, we have a lot of powers, just think of a power and we most likely have it of can do it.” I chuckled
Walking up the front steps, I pulled out my key and unlocked the front door.
Stepping inside, I held the door for the twelve of them and immediately my clones went into action, picking up the sofa and dressers on the enclosed porch.
We began picking up the porch, taking out the glass gun cabinet and wardrobe as well. Leaving the clones to pick it apart, Misty, and I moved on to the living room and Suzaku to the dining room.
“Soo, where do I start?” She asked
“Grab anything you can find and just start moving it to the front porch; the clones will haul it from there to the lawn.”
Grabbing the couch, I set it next to the door and began dismantling an entertainment center. After about a half of an hour of taking things apart from the entertainment center, I got up and realized the rest of the room was empty.

I began looking in the dining room, where Misty, the clones and Suzaku were spread out picking up. Misty was grabbing the antique salt & pepper-shakers and putting them gently in a cardboard box while a couple clones moved tables and chairs out, and Suzaku took it upon himself to pull out the furnace.
Walking into the kitchen, I ripped the stove and microwave free from the wall, as well as the fridge.
“This place will look a hell of a lot better by the time we’re done with it.” I yelled
Setting the fridge and stove out in the dinning room some clones grabbed them immediately and hauled them away.
Next went the cupboards and the tall dry-goods cabinet.
Tossing all the items in the cupboards into boxes I’d brought previously, I made quick work of the kitchen.
Next, I hit the bathroom, which took very little time.
I unloaded the cupboard and the medicine cabinet and moved on.
After all this was done, Misty, Suzaku and I headed into the bedroom.
We set to raiding the closet, putting clothes and shoes in boxes and garbage bags. I picked up the old dresser, phased through the walls of the house itself, and walked it out onto the lawn.
Once out there, I saw several clones hauling boxes of old tools and one had an old truck from the machine shed, another had an old Ford (probably the same Idon’tknowwhatmoblie that I’d ridden in when I set up the accounts).
Others were hauling to the heap pile, old washers, and crates.
Heading back into the bedroom, I began grabbing more stuff.
The last thing we grabbed was the king waterbed, in which we took the bladders and drained them in the front lawn, far off from all the other stuff on the lawn.
We took a break and watched some of my clones pick up the random debris around the yard.
A few were tending to the trees, cutting dead limbs off and picking up branches that had fallen. Others were leveling the grass to the same growth rate and size. One in particular was cutting down the tire swing my grandpa Landon had put up for Tim and myself when we were little kids and another was cleaning up the sandbox we used to play in as well.
“Not too terribly bad soo far. We have one floor done, only the basement, attic, and the upstairs to go.” I said with a smile
“When do you have to have this done by?” Misty asked
“Well we don’t have to have it done till I have the contractor come and start working.” I explained
“We’ll have it done most likely by tomorrow.” My brother said reassuringly
Checking my watch, it read 1:30.
“Wow, time flies when you’re having fun, come on it’s been a day.”
Ordering my clones to continue until everything was done and then to send everything to the storage unit in Oskaloosa that my grandparents had bought, I grabbed Misty and absorbed Suzaku and teleported back to our room.
Arriving in our room, I sat down upon my bed.
“Soo Misty what do ya wanna do? We can eat, go out and eat, go shopping, eat…what?” I asked
“I like to go shopping and go out to eat.” She replied jumping up and down
“Okay, fine, I need to get you fitted for tomorrow anyhow.”
“Fitted, for what?” she asked
“You’ll see, just trust me.” I smiled
Grabbing Misty’s hand, I teleported to the Coral Ridge Mall. Arriving invisible, soo as none could see us just up and teleport in, we hid behind a dumpster and reappeared into the visible spectrum.
Releasing Suzaku, we set off into the mall to have some fun.
Walking in the front, we passed the carousel and walked straight to the food court.  
“Where do you want to go first?” I asked
“I want some chicken.” She replied
“Ewww” I detested
 “Misty, chicken will give you cancer of the brain.” Suzaku said
“No it won’t, you two just don’t like it, and just because you two don’t eat bird doesn’t mean I can’t.” She said annoyed
“And, what’s you’re point, it’s still nasty. Dirty little birds they are.” I said crinkling up my nose at the idea of eating a bird
“I still want chicken.” She protested
“Okay, fine it’s your funeral, let’s go.”
Walking into the actual food court, we looked around at the different restaurant stall.
Misty chose the Panda Express and got the sweet & spicy sesame chicken, while I went to Quiznos and got a seafood sub. Suzaku on the other hand wet to Baskin Robins and ordered a gallon of Raisin Rum ice cream with tootie-fruitie sprinkles, hot fudge, caramel, and nuts with whipped cream and cherries on top.
Once the three of us had gotten our lunch (if that’s what you can call it for my brother), we found a table and sat to begin to dig into our food.
“Damn Suzaku, ya think you have enough ice cream there?” Misty asked with a laugh
Hell no girl, you can never have enough ice cream.” He replied shoveling a giant scoop of the mess into his mouth hole
“Well whatever, when you get done come find us.” I said as I finished my sandwich
“Hell no, I’m taking this bitch with me.”
“And how do you presume to keep it cold while we all walk around in the mall?” asked Misty
Ice powers” the two of us replied in unison
Gawd, you two have an answer for everything don’t you.” She sighed
“Pretty much so” Suzaku huffed
“Our first stop is Ancient Ways Clothing, Candles and More.”
Walking past the endless shops, we reached Barnes & Noble and turned to the left when we reached a door marked “Janitorial”.
“What are we doing here?” Misty asked
“Just watch and see sis.” I replied

Walking up to the door, I grabbed the door handle and twisted it once to the right, twice to the left and four more times to the right again and then spoke the secret password.
???? v?????” I whispered
The door unlocked with a small pop and I pulled the door open.
”Through here” I said leading the way
Stepping through the doorway, we descended the few steps and stepped through a satin veil covering the doorway at the bottom of the steps.
“Welcome to Ancient Ways.” I said
“Ohh…wow” She gasped, looking at all the secret shop had to offer
“First let’s get you fitted…okay.” I said escorting her over to a worker
“Excuse me sir, I have a lady who is in need of a fitting.” I said as I approached the counter
Turning around was a gentleman who appeared to be in his late twenties, with a short cropped head of dark brown hair with bright blue swirls within.
“Ohh, Chuck, I didn’t realize it was you in this dark light.”
True it was, for the lighting in the shop was little more then candles, hanging from chandeliers and in brackets on the walls.
“What kind of clothes does she need to be fitted for Ryu?” Chuck asked looking Misty over once
“For tomorrow night, she’s our guest.” I explained
“Ahh, soo you wish to learn about paganism.” Chuck replied softly
Paganism, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Ryu didn’t tell me anything about what’s going on.” Misty replied with a slight frown
“You didn’t tell her what she’s going to?” Chuck asked surprised
“No, we were going to surprise her.” Suzaku said, stuffing more ice cream into his mouth
“Ohh, by no means do I object to going, I want to. I’m actually interested in paganism. I just don’t know what it’s all about, that’s all.” She replied
See, she’s practically asking to join.” Suzaku said throwing his hands up
“Anyways, fit her for any clothes that will be appropriate for tomorrow”
“Follow me my lady.” Chuck said gesturing to a counter off to the left
Getting a tape measure and a clipboard, Chuck began to take several measurements of Misty for the proper fit of ritual attire.
“Soo, Chuck this is our “sister” Misty, soo to speak and she’s one of us if you know what I mean.”
Really, what can she do?” he asked, raising his brow in interest
“Shape shifting, agility, contortion, and telekinesis,” I said listing off Misty’s powers
“Hey, I thought you said you wouldn’t tell anyone!” Misty exclaimed
“Calm down sis, this is Chuck McFielding, the guy I was telling you about, also known as the Celtic Knight.” I explained
“Ohh, soo like what can you do?” she asked
“Oh, the usual, super strength, rapid healing, and Ki manipulation.” He said proudly

“Yeah, and the ability to be a complete boob at times” Suzaku added in a whisper
“Fuck you” Chuck swore
 “No, fuck you man” Suzaku glared back
“Children, please” I said grabbing them both by the front of their shirts
“Let’s get this over with,” sighed Chuck
Continuing on, Chuck made the necessary measurements and went to the back.
“I’m going to go and look around. Wait for Chuck and he’ll get you all prepared and stuff.” I said
Looking around, I walked among the eclectic array of merchandise.
Candles, cauldrons, wands, and staffs, tarot decks, robes, pentacles, oils and herbs, “herbs”, bottles of tonic and more.
I remembered I needed to pick up some new candles, for my vanilla and lilac were running low. I grabbed a couple of each along with a trio of Dragon’s blood as well.
I also remembered I needed some more herbs and oils, so I grabbed some essence of dittany, and some sandalwood, as well as some St. John’s wort and aconite.
After a half an hour, I returned to find Chuck with several robes and cloaks for Misty to try on to her liking.
“What do you think Ryu?” She asked, modeling a robe
“Well, what do you think? That’s the important part.” I said
“Well, I’m partial to the black with the gold stitching and the pentagram on the back, but I also like the silver cloak with the triple moon.”
“We’ll get them both.” Said Suzaku
“We’ll pay for them, a gift to you.”
“Thank you, I’ll take them both.” Misty said
Purchasing my materials and Misty’s robe and cloak, we left and went topside of the mall.
“Well, now that we have what we came here for is there anything you wanna do?” I asked
“Let’s go shopping!” Misty said
“Well, I’m going to Slingin’ Ink to get some work done.” I said pointing off in the direction of the tattoo parlor
“And I’m heading to Hot Topic.” Suzaku added
“Tell you what, here’s five hundred dollars, go splurge.” I said handing five bills to Misty
“Yay, I love you Ryu.” She squealed
“Yeah, I bet.” I said rolling my eyes
Heading to Slingin’ Ink, I stopped by Spencer’s Gifts. Looking around I saw a shit ton of wickedly cool things.
Walking up the aisles, I grabbed a few things including a lightning ball (one of those balls that when you touch it, the lightning follows your fingers) as well as a dozen black lights and a couple wicked skull necklaces.
Purchasing the merchandise, the clerk gave me a wired look.
“What, don’t I look like I belong here?” I asked
“Well now that you mention it, no.”
“Ohh, soo I have to be all pierced up and tatted huh?”
“Most of out customer are.” She said
“Well, I am off to get some ink and steel done if it makes you feel any better.” I said rudely
“I really don’t care.” She said rolling her eyes
“Ohh, you just don’t know do you, you just don’t know.”
Walking away, I clenched my fists picturing her eyes exploding, blood bursting from her sockets.
Moving on, I walked across the way to the tattoo parlor.
The shop that was Slingin’ Ink was brightly lit with florescent lighting, the walls were covered in works of art form various customers.
The sound of piercing needles and tattoo guns mixed with heavy metal and idle conversation filled the air.
Approaching the counter, I got the managers attention.
“Yeah, can I help you…kid?” the man asked
“Kid, you can be that much older than I am. Anyways, yes, you can help me. I’m here to get some tattoos and piercings.” I said
“How old are you? I doubt you’re even eighteen.”
“Old enough” I said, lacing my words with telepathy convincing him that I was
Watching his face turn from a scowl to a blank stare, he nodded his head.
“Right this way sir. We’ll get you set up with an artist right away.” The man said escorting me to a booth
As I arrived at the booth, I could see that the artist wasn’t present at the moment. Sitting in the reclining chair, I took in for a moment the décor of his booth.
It was covered in posters of several rock and death metal bands and pictures of rot, filth, and decaying bodies.
I noticed as well to be what looked like a small shrine below lit with candles and a bowl filled with what appeared to be blood.
“Wow, this dude is into some seriously heavy dark shit, fucking sweet!” I thought to my self
Soon after, a man rounded the corner and entered the booth I was.
“Hello, my name is Ereshkigal Shadrach and I’ll be your…hey you’re not old enough. What the hell are you doing in here?” Ereshkigal asked
The man was in his late teens, maybe early twenties and probably stood around six -three and about two-hundred and sixty-five pounds.
He was bald with a huge scar stretching from his right ear to his left cheek. What I noticed to be quite particular was his eyes, one green the other gray.
His statute was that of a body builder, there wasn’t an ounce of fat to be seen.
“Of course I’m not old enough, but who cares. I’m a paying customer and I want work done.” I said
Sniffing, Ereshkigal looked at me and glared, scratching his massive jaw.
“I’ll tell you what guy, I know what you are, can smell it on you from a mile away. I’ll do this for you if you promise me this.” He said
“What’s that, and what do you mean you know what I am?” I asked raising a brow
“A mutant you fool, what else? Just promise me you won’t make me come and hunt you down.” He growled
“Ooo…kay, whatever, why would you need to hunt me down is beyond me.” I said showing my palms in an act of innocence
“Just don’t get stupid.”
“Okay, okay I won’t. Wait…how do you know I’m a mutant?” I asked
“Because I’m a hunter, they call me Hunter-X.” He said with a smile
“Soo, what are you a bounty hunter or something?”
“Yeah, something like that.” He chuckled
“Moving on, I wanted some ink and steel done.”
“Right, what’s on your list?”
“Well, I am wanting my ears pierced, five hoops each, and in my tongue a double barbell. I want to get a fish-hook snake bite and single barbells through my nipples and finally a double vertical barbell through my cock.” I explained
“That’s a lot of steel bud, you sure you want all this at once?”
“Trust me; the pain won’t bother me at all.”
“Okay then, let’s do this shit.” He sighed
Sitting back, I closed my eyes and let Ereshkigal do his work.
We carried on idle conversation and we soon began to become something of friends. I asked him about the shrine and sure enough, he was a pagan as well.
More specifically, a sorcerer, a man who followed the Middle Eastern pantheon, Sumeria, Babylon etc.
We exchanged cell numbers and then he began asking of my powers.
I told him I had a variety of abilities and powers but I use them for my advantage and to right wrongs and what not.
Eventually Ereshkigal was ready to pierce my cock and I unzipped my pants and pulled it out.
Just to wow him, I grew it to a good thirteen inches. (Thanks to Mr. Fantastic and his stretchiness) With no reaction, I was disappointed and he continued to insert the barbells and clean up the blood.
“Soo, what ink are you wanting done Ryu?”
“Well, I wanted a bunch of things actually. To start with, I want a neon green and black bio-hazard on my right shoulder, the red and white Umbrella Corp. symbol on my left.
On my right wrist, I want dotted lines in dark red and the words “Cut Here” in black. I want a huge wicked jester covering most of my back and the Grim Reaper on my right shoulder blade.
On my right forearm, I want the Irish flag and in the center of the flag, in the white I want in black to say “Eringobrah”, do you think you can do it all, I’ll pay big money do have it all done today.” I said
“I’ll talk to the boss man, but I can’t guarantee anything.”
“Just do what you can.” I said
After about five minuets, I saw a group of men and women come in and glove up.
“Mr. O’Connor, we’re here to ink you up, soo prepare yourself.” A lady said smiling
“Do your thing then.” I said closing my eyes
Putting myself into a light trance, I contacted Suzaku.
Suzaku, what ya doing” I asked
Buying clothes and stuffs, I’m about done though. Misty’s here with me spending money on clothes as well.” He replied
Figures, women and clothes, if she needs anymore money, give her some.”
Can do, getting your work done I see.”
Yeah, I’ll be done later, so try keeping out of trouble.” I said

After disconnecting with my “Master” soo to speak, I continued my shopping.
I chose some Tripp pants in a variety of colors and picked out some shirts as well.
Misty came up beside me and held out two outfits, one a black and purple plaid skirt, thong and bra complete with a matching tie and white blouse.
The other was the same outfit only baby blue and white.
“Suzaku, which do you like better,” she asked
“The purple one, much cuter” I replied
Moving on I grabbed some nail polish, eyeliner and some incense sticks as well.
Walking over to Misty, I told her that I was heading to Barnes & Nobles and I’d be there when she was done.
“Wait up; I just need to pay for this stuff and I’ll be done.” She said
Funny, she’s such a nice girl, yet she’s like my sister so to speak. I’ll have to talk to Ryu about this.” I thought to myself
Walking out of the store, I heard a scream and quickly ran towards the sound; it came from Spencer’s Gifts.
Rushing into the store, there was a teenage girl screaming and pointing at a middle-aged woman slumped against the counter, blood sprayed everywhere.
Walking up to the girl, I grabbed her shoulder.
“Don’t worry miss; everything is going to be okay.”
Turning around she gave me a look of horror.
“No…no, it’s not, how can you say that? The lady’s dead and her eyes are gone!” she screamed
“Shut up NOW!” I growled
“Fuck you bastard.” she spat
“Fine then, die.” I growled again
Deploying my claws, I tore into her spinal cord and ripped it out from her body.
Blood sprayed everywhere, covering my face and clothes.
Licking my lips and fingertips, I waved my hand and made all the blood and both bodies disappear.
Hearing footsteps approaching, I spun around quickly.
“Suzaku, what happened? I heard a scream and I saw you take off.” Misty asked
“It’s nothing dear, let’s go quickly.” I said hastily
Moving quickly, we hurried along to Barnes & Noble. There we walked among the aisles idly looking at books. We looked at different titles and what not, talking about different subjects and eventually we made our way over to the café and sat to have a cup of coffee.
“You know, it’s not easy being me, being evil and all. Even though I am what I am, I too have feelings.” I told her

“Yeah, I can dig that. I mean everyone wants to be loved by someone.” She replied
“Yeah, by someone” I said staring into her eyes
Those deep green eyes, ohh how long I’d thought of them.
Of course, Ryu never saw Misty in the same manner as I did.
But the taboo, but then again what did I care? I am Lord Suzaku, and I have no moral. Still I’d need to talk to Ryu about it.
“Soo, Ryu will be awhile, he’s getting some piercing and tattoos done.” I said to her
“Ohh, I want some piercings too!” she whined
“Okay, okay anything for you girl.” I smiled
Getting up we headed for Slingin’ Ink.

Being there wasn’t anyone in the front lobby; we headed to the back to find someone who could help us.
As we were looking for anyone that could help, we found Ryu in one of the booths surrounded by several artists being inked up.
“Excuse me, how much longer is m brother going to be?” I asked
Turning around a gentleman replied,
“He’s almost done; we’re putting the last of the shading on as we speak.”
“We’ll our sister here would like a piercing or two.” I said indicating to Misty
“Very well, come on let’s get you ready.” He sighed
Escorting Misty to an empty booth, the man got his equipment read and set up.
“Soo, what did you have in mind?” he asked
“Bar in the tongue, triple hoops in both ears, hoops in the nipples, bar through the bellybutton and a bar through my clit.” She said
The very sound of this aroused me, and I began to get an erection.
“Want me to hold your hand?” I asked
“Sure Suzaku, your soo sweet.” She said smiling
I watched as he pierced her ears, tongue, and squeezed her hand as her got the next set of hoops ready.
“Please lift your shirt.” The man said calmly
I watched as Misty lifted her shirt and bra to reveal two lovely round breasts each tipped with a large pink nipple and began to get lightheaded as he put the clamp on each and pierced them.
Moving on, the man put in the bar to her bellybutton and I clenched her hand tightly as she unzipped her pants and wiggled her thong down to reveal her small, smoothly shaved lips.
Once pierced, Misty got dressed and gave me a look, halfway between embarrassment and flirtatious.
“You alright?” she asked
“Yeah…yeah I’m fine.” I sighed
“Ohh…okay if you say so” She said patting my shoulder
Shortly after, Ryu came out, freshly pierced, and tattooed.
I walked into the room to find Misty patting Suzaku on the shoulder.
“What’s up bitches, ya dig the ink and steel?” I laughed
“Yeah, looks great.” Misty smiled
“Dude, that shit’s sick!” Suzaku whispered
As I was paying the bill, I noticed that Mist too had gotten some piercings.
“You got some too I see.”
“Yeah, I got my ears, tongue, and my bellybuttons too, see.” She giggled as she showed it all off
Looking at them, I smiled
“I also got my nipples and my clit too.” She giggled once again
We’ll talk about that later.” I said mentally to my brother
“Anyways, let’s go get something to eat.” I said
“I’ve still got ice cream!” Suzaku said
“Ohh well, I’m hungry, soo where are we going?” Misty asked
“I was thinking Red Lobster.” I replied
“Sounds good to me” Said Suzaku

Leaving the tattoo parlor, we were on out way out of the mall when Misty said she had to use the restroom.
Following her, we made our way past the food court, the rent-a-lockers, and to the restrooms.
As soon as she rounded the corner I turned and looked and my dark half.
“Soo, what’s this all about?” I asked him with a glare
“Okay, so you caught me, jeez” He shrugged
“Explain,” I said tapping my foot
“Look, she’s pretty and funny and she’s got a great personality. I like her and I think she likes me.” He replied
“She’s also eleven, and not to mention we both fucked her sister Alexis.”
“She’ll be twelve next month, and I doubt Alexis will mind.” He said
“She’s our sister.”
“She can be your sister, but I choose to make her my girlfriend.”
“Whatever, look just don’t hurt her, and please talk to Crystal and Matt first.” I sighed
“Of course I’ll talk to Crystal and Matt, and as far as hurting her, you should know I’d never do that.”
“Okay then, now that we have that settled.” I said
“Hey, I just remembered, do you know anything about a dead bitch in Spencer’s?” my twin asked
“Nope, I know nothing of it.” I smiled mischievously
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I had to clean up your mess by the way.”
“Ohh yeah, I forgot.” I laughed
“Typical blond” Suzaku hissed
“All ready now” Misty said coming around the corner
“Hold on a sec, let’s send our stuff home first.” I said
Creating a portal, I sent me and Suzaku’s stuff home to Sigourney and Misty’s stuff to her home as well.
Closing them up, I grabbed her hand and teleported to Red Lobster.
With a “bamf”, Suzaku appeared next to us.
“Shall we” I said opening the door
Walking in, the line was long soo I pushed my way to the front, making up excuses that I had a reservation.
Finally getting to the front, I looked at the patron and smiled.
“Look man, I got five Benjamins with your name on them to get us a booth for three now.” I said pulling out my wallet
“I’m sorry sir I can’t do…”
“Fine make it seven.” I hissed
“Very well sir.” He sighed
Sending a message to Suzaku, I told him we had a table.
Watching them struggle to get through, I saw them emerge from the crowd holding hands.
A sharp stab of jealousy pained me. I missed my Pinky and wanted to be able to have a romantic dinner with someone as well.
As they approached, I forced a smile and let the man escort us three to our table.
A middle-aged couple was in the middle of eating when we approached their booth in the back.
“I’m terribly sorry, but it seems these three want your booth.” The man said
“But it’s our booth.” The lady detested
“I know that ma’am, but they want it.” The man explained
“This is absolutely atrocious.” The middle-aged man said
“What give you the right to take our table from us?” the lady asked
“Because I have money, that’s why.” Suzaku spat
“Young man, if I had half a mind, I’d…”
“But that’s just it; all you have is half a mind. Now move it you twit.” Suzaku growled
“Or what?” the lady asked
“Or I’ll gut your husband and feed you his entrails while my buddy here rapes your old ass dry with his cock wrapped in barbed wire.” Suzaku whispered
They immediately left, hurrying out the door.
“I’d like a menu, please.” I smiled
With a smile, I watched the man go and fetch us our menus.
Once he returned, he asked us what we all wanted to drink.
"A beer for me" I said
"Irish whiskey if ya got it" said Suzaku
"Umm…a strawberry margarita" Misty said hesitantly
Raising an eyebrow, the man looked at us and then wrote down our drink orders.
"Wow Suzaku, you were harsh with that couple. But I like it!" Misty said smiling at my evil half
"Yeah, it was kinda cool" he said puffing himself up
"Ohh Gawd, bare me the agony, fuck!" I growled
"What, what's wrong?" Misty asked
"Look Suzaku, you've got the hotts for Misty right?"
"Umm, yeah" he replied bluntly
"Misty, do you want to date this fuckhead?"
"He…he…he…maybe" She giggled and turned a deep shade of red
"The get it Sam the hell over with then, please." I sighed
"What's wrong Ryu?" she asked, climbing into the seat next to me
"It's just…well you have Suzaku and I have no one, I'm waiting for Clarice, Pinky." I said quietly
"Oh yeah, that's right, Clarice Fergusen the woman you died for. I'm sorry Ryu, what with Suzaku and me flirting right in front of you like this. I'm sure you'll meet her someday though." She said
"I hope so." I mumbled
Misty began rubbing my back, which I have to admit, made me feel better.
Sighing I looked up.
"Anyways, go ahead and get together, I'm happy for you, really I am. Just remember Suzaku what we talked about." I said sternly
"I will"
After about five minuets, the waiter man returned with our drinks.
"Have you all decided on what you'll be ordering this evening?"
"I'll have the lobster and the shrimp kabobs." I said
"I'll have the king crab and the shrimp basket." My twin replied
"And I'll have the grilled chicken and a baked potato." Misty said
"What no fish for you?" the man asked
"No, no fish for me. I prefer poultry." She answered
Turning, he left to give our orders to the chef.
"Soo, what did you tell Suzaku to remember?" Misty asked
"To ask for permission from your mom and dad to go out with you," Suzaku answered
"And not to hurt you, or else." I added
"Yeah that too"
Drinking my beer, I sat back and relaxed. I thought about Pinky and the short time we had to spend together. I was promised that she would come my way, and I knew that I'd recognize her. I knew that she'd recognize or special words, Enok Veresekum.
Maybe I'd just have to mention it to every girl I got intimate with.
"No, that's foolish" I thought to myself
Closing my eyes, I let the background noise consume me.
Before I knew it, I was awoken to the clinking of our platters upon our booth table.
"Here's your meal sir's, madam." The waiter man said
Sitting up straight, I began eating my meal and joined in the conversation with my sister and evil brother.
Eventually we finished and paid the bill leaving a generous tip.
Strolling out, I turned and looked at Misty and Suzaku.
"I'll let you take her home, I'm going to bed." I said
Spinning on heel, I opened a portal and stepped through.
I watched Ryu leave. Grabbing Misty's hand, I teleported her with myself to her front porch. Checking my watch, it read 6:15.
“Plenty of time to talk to your mom and dad” I said
Walking up the steps, Misty opened the door and I followed in suit.
Once inside, I removed my boots and followed Misty into the dinning room where her parents and siblings were at the table eating.
“Hi mom, dad, Alexis and Arnold” Misty said
“Where have you been?” Crystal, her mother asked
“Been with Ryujin and Suzaku all day, we were cleaning up his grandparent’s old farmhouse and then we went shopping and then later had some supper.” Misty replied giggling
“Ohh, hi Suzaku” said Alexis
“Hello” I said with a nod
“Soo, what have you been up to?” Crystal asked
“Ohh the usual, you know. If I can, I’d like to talk to you and Matt later on, if it’s not too much to ask.” I said
“Sure, it’s fine. Let me just finish up here.” She replied
“Cool, I’ll just chill in the living room till you’re all done.”
Walking with Misty to the living room, we sat on one of the sofas together and held hands.
I looked into her green eyes and her into my gray. A warm and heavy sensation flooded the place where my heart should be.
“Soo, do you like me enough to date me?” I asked
“Yeah, you’d be my first boyfriend, but I can’t think of anyone better than you to be with. Although we’ve been like brother and sister, we know soo much about each other it seems like the right thing to do.” Misty said
“Well, obviously I try not to see you as my sister if I want to be with you. Ryu and I, we may be the same in looks and all, but we have different feelings on certain things. Though we do tend to agree on most things,” I said
“And that’s what I like about you, you’re different form Ryu, well you’re just plain different.” She said
After a few minuets or soo, Crystal and Matt, along with Alexis as well all came out to join the two of us in the living room.
“As you can guess by the obvious display, I’d like to court and date Misty. I have spoken to Ryu and Misty both and both seem to not have an issue with it. I would like both you and Matt’s blessing before we actually begin to see each other.” I explained
“Okay, well I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Misty wants a boyfriend, and I couldn’t ask for anyone better than you or Ryu, but you do realize that she’s only eleven…right.” Crystal said
“I am well aware of the fact.” I replied
“And you’ll be fourteen on Monday.” She added
“Yes, I will be”
“Well, she is at the age to start liking boys and that can’t be helped.” Matt said
“I give my solemn vow that I will never harm Misty and I will protect her with my life.” I said looking into Crystal’s eyes
“Hmm…I guess” Crystal sighed
“And you Matt?” I asked patiently
“What am I to do to stop you …really?” he said
“Yay” Misty giggled
“Yay” Alexis giggled as well
“What are you soo happy about?” I asked
“My little sister is getting all grown up.” She replied
“Ohh…god” Misty groaned
“Well, I gotta get going, that’s all I stopped by for.” I said getting up off the sofa
Misty got up as well and followed me outside.
“Well, I gotta get going home, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said
“Yeah, see ya” she mumbled
Leaning in, I kissed her on the cheek and stepped away.
Ohh, you are such a tease.” She whined
“Heh, I know.” I said mischievously
Turning on heel, I ran home.
Coming in the front door, mom sat there watching TV with Brian on the floor playing with some Legos.
“Hey Suzaku” Brian said getting up and hugging my leg
“Hey there bro”
“Suzaku, where have you and Ryu been all day?” mom asked
“Out at the farm, getting it ready for when we move in, why”
“Just wondering, that’s all,” she said
“Dad in the bedroom” I asked
Walking through the dinning room, I took a left and headed into my parents bedroom. Knocking, I heard my dad tell me to come in.
Lying there on the bed, dad sat reading a motorcycle magazine.
“Hey pops, got some news for ya.” I smiled
“What’s that?”
“Misty and I are dating now, ain’t it great?” I smiled
“Really, but she’s like…”
“Like a sister, yeah I know. Well Ryu and I have discussed it, as have Misty and I and we’ve come to an agreement that it really doesn’t matter. Besides, Ryu slept with Alexis like two years ago. Ryu just said not to hurt Misty, or else.”
“Yeah, let’s not piss your brother Ryu off shall we.” Dad chuckled
“Well anyways, I’m gonna head upstairs now. Just thought I’d tell you the good news,” I said getting up
Climbing the stairs, I walked through Brian’s bedroom and into Ryu’s and mine.
Looking up, I saw Suzaku walk into the room.
“I talked to Crystal and the family. They say they don’t have an issue with us being together.” He said
“All right, just don’t hurt her.” I sighed
“Look, I know you’re a bit jealous, what with you having to wait for Clarice and all. But don’t you think you can be just a little happy for me?” he asked
“Yeah, I suppose soo. You know exactly how I feel, I mean how can you not, we do share a psychic link and all. Soo, I guess that does make it a little easier that someone knows what I’m going through and how I feel inside.” I sighed
“Yeah, well try and get some sleep. I know I am, we have a big day tomorrow after all.” My twin said
Watching Suzaku, he went to his bed and crawled under the covers and I too turned my sheets down and crawled in bed.
Closing my eyes, I fell quickly to sleep.
The next day I awoke to my younger brother Brian jumping on top of me.
“Get up Ryu, get up!” Brian said with great enthusiasm
“Ahh, what” I groaned
“Today is the ritual, today, you gotta get ready!” he yelled
“Uhh” I groaned again
“GET UP!” Brian shook me
“Alright, alright” I said
Getting up, I rolled over to see Brian sitting on the foot of my bed.
With a wave of my hand, I levitated him and sat him atop a shelf in my room.
“Hey! Hey, Ryu let me down. Ryu, come on, let me down.” Brian cried.
Turning over, I saw Suzaku propped up on an elbow watching the entire show and roaring in laughter.
Lying back down, I closed my eyes.
“Don’t go back to sleep, come on, get me down from here.”
“Shh, we’re trying to sleep.” Suzaku winked
“Let me down.” Brian plead
“Fine” I said
With a nod, I let him fall from the shelf.
“Ahh” he screamed
Before he hit the carpet, I stopped him in mid-drop and gently set him down.
Suzaku burst out laughing again.
“Did you really think that I’d let you fall and get hurt?” I asked with a chuckle
“No” he mumbled
I did” Suzaku commented
“Then why were you screaming?”
“I dunno,” he mumbled again
“It’s okay, let me get changed and I’ll be down in a moment.” I laughed once again and watched as Brian left
Grabbing my shower shit, our bathroom upstairs.
Climbing into the shower, I turned on the hot water and let myself absorb the heat.
Lathering up, I quickly washed my self and dried off.
Getting out, I used my shape shifting ability and removed all my body hair, save the hair on my scalp. I grew a goatee and transformed my hair into draping blond cornrows.
Returning to my room, I quickly donned some work clothes.
“Hi Ryu” dad said as I came downstairs
“Sup’ dad, what’s going on?”
“Suzaku told me about him and Misty going out.” He replied
“Yeah, I’m soo jealous, wish I had someone! I proclaimed
“You’ll find someone someday, hell you’ve had enough girlfriends as it is, don’t you like any of them?”

“Yeah, Sasha and Taylor are great and all, it’s just…there not the on, ya know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I do”
“But thanks anyways, I’m off to go finish up cleaning the farm house. I’ll see you all later on tonight.” I sighed
Appearing at the farm, I cloned myself and got to work.
Suzaku came about twenty minuets later and cloned himself as well.
I took about twenty clones and headed for one of the barns.
I knew Suzaku had taken my weapons and buried them there once I’d died, soo I went to retrieve them.
Walking inside, my replicas searched for anything that might be salvageable.
I went directly to the hidden wooden door that led to an underground cellar.
Climbing down the ladder, I created a ball of light and shed some on the area.
Towards the back was a large footlocker secured with a rusty padlock.
Twisting the lock, I opened the lid and saw my swords, gleaming as new.
Grabbing the footlocker, I set it to Sigourney via a portal.
Climbing back up the ladder, I looked around, clones everywhere, looking for something, anything worthwhile to salvage.
“Anything” I asked one of my replicas
“Not really, lots of hay, some pitchforks and crap, but not much else.” I/he replied
“Then just toss it in the junk pile.”
Going into the house itself, I went upstairs and witnessed Suzaku’s clones cleaning up and dragging mattresses downstairs.
Once I found my twin, he explained that pretty much all the trash was taken care of and they were just finishing up.
Informing him that I was going to leave and for him to be ready for tonight, I disappeared.
Reappearing in my room, I removed my clothes and sat in the center of my room.
Closing my eyes, I entered the Alpha State and placed my self into a deep trance.
I began to contemplate the past twenty-eight years (14/life).
I had accomplished very little in my first life.
I had gotten a criminal record at the age of nine for stabbing a kid with a knife, all because he spit on me and I spent two and a half years in a group home for it.
After I was released I straightened out mainly, I began smoking and drinking around the age of thirteen. Little stuff really.
Then came my transformation (which you all know about already).
The next fourteen years went well, with millions upon millions of dollars, perfect grades and super powers, what more could a teenage boy ask for.
Love, that’s what. I longed for someone to call my own, someone to cuddle with and truly connect with on more than a physical level.
“Ohh Lugh, Lord of the Light. I beseech thee now for I BloodOak of the Grove of the Oak Blossom do ask of your guidance. I have been faithful and I now ask for your wisdom in the manner of love. And as I know that you are not Angus the Lord of Love but…”
“Hush BloodOak” Lugh spoke
“My Lord, you speak!” I gasped
“Yes, BloodOak my brother, wait until after tonight, and then ask what thou will.” Lugh said with a smile
“Very well, until then” I bowed
Opening my eyes, I glanced at my watch, 8:30 it read.
“Shit” I sighed rolling my eyes
Getting up, I materialized my kilt, tartan, robe, and cloak.
The tartan was of three colors (though druids were allowed seven) black, green, and silver.
Placing my kilt on along with the tartan, I also donned my emerald green robe (which stands for me being an herbalist) and my black cloak (for being a warrior priest).
With a deep breath, I descended the stairs to collect my family.
“Hey everybody, I’m ready to go, soo look alive.” I hollered as I came into the living room
There sat my mom, dad and Brian, all who were wearing there own kilt, tartan, robe and cloak.
Out stretching my hand, I opened a portal and waited as my family walked through.
Appearing on the other side, we arrived at Misty’s house.
“I’ll be a minuet.” I said
With a knock on the door, I entered and hollered in.
“Hey, it’s Ryu and I’ve come for your daughter Chuck.” I said in a gravely voice
“Hey Ryu” Alexis said crossing the room to give me a hug
“Hey, how you doing”
“Not too bad, I’m just watching some TV. Misty will be down in a moment” She replied
Sitting down next to Alexis, I began to watch some sort of movie about cops or something.
After a few minutes, I heard footsteps coming downstairs, there emerged Suzaku and Misty.
"Fuck nuts" I glared
"Calm down, chill man. Nothing happened, come on, let's go." Suzaku breathed quickly
"We'll talk later" I roared inside my brother's head "Come on sis, let's go"
"Yeah, let's go" she giggled
Stepping outside, I opened a portal and the six of us stepped through.
We appeared in a clearing of trees and mom, dad, and Brian began to take off.
"Hey, where the hell do you think your going?" I asked
"Ohh sweetie, don't worry, we'll be here to see you two get initiated. You must go and find the Chief Druid and make your request, in the mean time, the three of us are going to go and mingle like we usually do." mom replied
"Yeah, you'll be fine son, just remember your studies and teachings." said dad
With a sigh, I watched my parent and younger brother walk off into the night.

The moon was high and full in the clear night sky. There was a large fire going in the center of the grove and already many people had arrived.
I told Misty to go and join the rest of the congregation and mingle while Suzaku and I went and preformed the requirements we had to do.
"But I don’t know anybody." she whispered
"That's what we gather for, to get to know one another, well that and to worship the Divine. Now go, and mingle, work that charm like you usually do."
Watching Misty slowly make her way through the crowd, we began our search for Chuck.
We eventually found him on the eastern edge of the grove, sitting with his eyes closed.
"Excuse me, Chuck" I said quietly
"Yes BloodOak?" He replied
"Ohh…I apologize, forgive me. StormRyder"
 "Once again, yes BloodOak, how may I help you?" he asked
"Both I BloodOak and my twin brother NightWraith of The Grove of the Oak Blossom come at the age of fourteen and wish to be initiated as a Peregrine, a Druid Apprentice." I said
"And how do you come to be here?" asked StormRyder
"I BloodOak, do come now in perfect love and trust in the names of Lugh & Brigid." I replied
"And you NightWraith?"
"I NightWraith, dark embodiment of BloodOak come in strength and power of Lugh & The Morrigan."
"And have either of you ever come to know an entity known as Satan?" StormRyder asked
"No, I haven't"
 "Nor have I" Suzaku replied

"Good, then tonight, I StormRyder of The Grove of the Oak Blossom, a recognized Chief Druid do agree to initiate the both of you to the rank of Peregrine, a Druid Apprentice."
"Thank you StormRyder" I said with a bow
"Thanks" replied my twin
Returning to the general crowd, we mingled with others finding misty talking with some others.
"Misty, you doing alright" I asked
"Yeah I'm good. These people are soo nice and polite"
"Of course they are, umm… are you comfortable with getting naked in front of these people? I'm sorry I didn't mention this before hand but all rituals are done naked, it's called going sky-clad." I explained
"Ohh… yeah I guess soo, sure," she said turning a deep shade of red
"Brother BloodOak, NightWraith will you please come with me." a long haired blonde lady asked
"Sister and Chief Druidess Golden Star, hello" I greeted the druidess
"Hello BloodOak, I need you and NightWraith to come with me"
"Okay, I'll see you later sis." I said walking away
Following Golden Star, we left the immediate area, far away from the general population.
"NightWraith, BloodOak. StormRyder and I will both be initiating you tonight. But first you must be restrained and blinded." She said producing a black cord and cloth
"Do you willingly submit to these?" StormRyder asked coming from behind us
"Of course Chief Druid" we said in unison
Closing my eyes, a black cloth was placed over my eyes and a cord bound my wrists together in front of me.
"I consecrate you in the name of Lugh, Lord of the Light." StormRyder said tracing a sun wheel in oil upon my brow
"And I consecrate you in the name of Brigid, the Triple Goddess of the Forge, Fertility, and the Flame." Golden Star said tracing a triquetra upon my throat
Once Suzaku had been consecrated, we were told to wait until they were ready for us.
It was sometime later before someone came to get us.
"Gentlemen, it is time," a male voice said
Taking me by the shoulder, I was led for some way before we stopped.
"Children, there comes a time in every druid's life when he or she comes of age and should be initiated. Tonight is that night for two special young men. Brothers BloodOak and NightWraith, as a child is reborn at birth, soo are ye now. Naked at birth are we and naked at the rebirth to the Goddess ye shall be now." Golden Star said for all to hear
Once she had finished, my robe, cloak, kilt, and tartan were removed from me. I could feel the chill of the night air move all across my body.
"First, both of you must be shown to the elements." StormRyder said
I was gently led to my right and then stopped.
"By the powers of the Earth, and the Great Bear of the mountains, I StormRyder present Blood Oak & NightWraith to you. For tonight, they are prepared to be made Peregrines, Druid Apprentices. Heed now and take witness."
I was then slathered in a cold wet substance that smelled of mud.
"Be now one with Earth," Golden Star said as she rubbed mud all across my body
I was then led once again to my right for a distance and stopped.
"By the powers of Air and the Blackbird of the Skies, I Golden Star present Blood Oak & NightWraith to you. For tonight, they are prepared to be made Peregrines, Druid Apprentices. Heed now and take witness."
Once spoken, I was enveloped in a sweet smelling smoke; I could feel the heat covering me from head to toe.
"Be now one with Air," StormRyder said
Once again, I was led and then stopped.
"By the powers of Fire, and the Great Dragon of the land, I StormRyder present Blood Oak & NightWraith to you. For tonight, they are prepared to be made Peregrines, Druid Apprentices. Heed now and take witness."
I was led a few steps and felt the heat of the fire getting closer.
"Be now one with Fire. And be quick about it" Golden Star added in a whisper
I made my way blindly through the blazing bonfire. I could feel the flames lick at my arms and legs as the flesh was burnt away only to be healed and regrown almost instantly.
The smell of singed hair filled my nostrils as my hair was burnt to the scalp.
I reemerged from the flames and a hand pulled mine helping me through.
I was then led to the last element.
"By the power of Water, and the Ancient Salmon of Wisdom who dwells in his sacred pond. I Golden Star present Blood Oak & NightWraith to you. For tonight, they are prepared to be made Peregrines, Druid Apprentices. Heed now and take witness."
"Be now one with Water," StormRyder said ass he dumped cold, clean water over my head washing away the mud, smoke, and heat form my body
For the last and final time I was led some distance, and then stopped.
"BloodOak, NightWraith, do you both swear upon your lives as druids and fellow humans that you will uphold nature to be the most sacred and do all in your power to defend our Mother Earth and her children? And that you will follow the way of the wise and continue your quest for greater knowledge?" asked StormRyder
"I do, with all hopes to return to the Land of the Sidhe and to my ancestors." I answered loudly
"Then so shall it be" Golden Star bellowed
"See now with your new eyes, as a Peregrine" StormRyder said removing my blindfold and cutting the cords that bound my wrists
Blinking my eyes, I quickly adjusted to the dark.
"There is one more thing we still must do before we can merry make," said StormRyder picking up a white handled athamé
"You must be bled into the grove, so that all may have a piece of you and you them." Golden Star added picking up a chalice
StormRyder first cut himself, letting a few drops fall into the chalice held my Golden Star who in turn let some of her own blood into the chalice as well.
Then the chalice was passed to Suzaku and I, each of us bled into the cup and then it was passed to the members of the grove.

Once it had been returned to StormRyder, he offered it to Golden Star and she to him.
Then to the grove, and then us, eventually us drinking each others precious life fluid.
Once everyone had drank, the chalice was returned to the altar and StormRyder and Golden Star went through the closing of the grove and putting things away.
Once the grove had closed and fellowship was called upon, I regrew my hair back into the cornrows and the two of us went looking for our parents and Misty.
Looking through the crowd, we were congratulated my many, each telling us how proud they were of us.
After what seemed like an eternity, I found our parents, Misty, and StormRyder who at the moment were explaining each integral part of the ritual to her.
"Little sis, what did you think?"
"It was all soo different, yet beautiful." She replied
"Yeah, now we can all get dressed and commune with one another." I said noticing that she'd yet to robe herself
"Ohh…I forgot", she giggled
"Fuck man, I was enjoying the view" Suzaku whined
"Suzaku, behave yourself!" mom frowned
"Yeah, shut up!" I growled
"Heh…heh" Misty giggled again
"Do you really need to think out loud about your hotts for her…really?"
"Heh…awesome" she laughed
"Not when you have to listen to it all the time its not"  
 "Oops, sorry" she said sticking out her lower lip
"Its okay" I said putting an arm around her shoulder
"I gotta go gather my clothes and get dressed, be right back"
"You know Ryu, Suzaku, both us of are really proud of you tonight. Finally you're both fully initiated druids." Dad said
"Its true sweetie, we both are really proud of you." Mom added
"Thanks mom, dad" I said
"Yeah, thanks," replied my twin
"You know it really is annoying to hear you though," I said mentally
"Put up with it mutha fucker" Suzaku snapped
"Fuck you man, she's my sister…please," I growled
"Thank you…Jew"
"Bitch" Suzaku snapped
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes
By the time the two of us had stopped arguing Misty had returned, fully dressed with all her possessions.
"We ready to go?" she asked cheerfully
 "Yeah, let's go, come on mom, dad, Brian…time for home." I said
Opening a portal to Misty's house, I watched her step through.
With an additional portal, the five of us went home.
Once home and in my room, I sat upon my bed and placed myself back into a trance.
"O' Lord Lugh, I BloodOak beseech thee once again…"
"Yes BloodOak, what is it?" Lugh asked
"Uhh, well for fourteen years now I have waited for the return of my love Pinky, Clarice Fergusen. I know that I have many years ahead of me…"
"Shh… I know and I understand. Angus promised you her return and you shall have it. You just must be…patient." Said Lugh
"But for how…"
"Just a bit longer, just wait. That is all I will say. Goodbye and congratulations on your initiation tonight." He said
"Very well Lord and thank you, Blessed Be."
Awakening from my trance, I got undressed and climbed under the covers and went to sleep.

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