Peach Girl Fan Fiction ❯ A Name Without a Name ❯ Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8:

"Why did you bring me here?" A manly voice asked.

"Why? You aren't that stupid." A female said, walking closer to him.

I was able to see behind the girl and watched the two behind some bushes. I knew it wasn't nice to listen to people's conversations, but something pulled me to them.

I couldn't see the girl because her back was to me. I watched her grab the man and kissed him, pulling his hands down so they were touching her butt. It looked like the man was trying to touch her more or he was trying to get away. Either way his head turned slightly and I was able to see his face.

"KILEY?" I yelled, felling stupid for showing myself.

He looked at me shocked and tried to say something. I stared at him for a second then ran away. In the back of my head I was beating myself up for not looking at the girl, but I was so upset I didn't care. It was amazing that I just read about him cheating on me and then catching him with a girl the same night I read it.

"Momo, come back. Please, Momo... let me talk." Kiley called after me.

I stopped, slightly interested in what he had to say.

"What do you want to say? What does your little perverted mind have to say?" I yelled, shocked to feel tears sliding down my face.

"I want to tell you I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Sorry? Why should you be sorry? I'm just a girl with no memories of who I was and you're telling me sorry. It's not like I have feelings for you or anything. I'm just here and it doesn't matter what you do." I lied, crying more.

Kiley walked over to me and rubbed the tears from my face. "You aren't just a girl without a memory. You are someone who I care about, more than you know." he said holding my face.

I stopped crying and looked up into his eyes. Something in my mind was telling me to say something.

"Kil-kun, I-"

"Angel, I would never hurt you." he said letting me go and began to walk away.

I slowly started to panic. I didn't want him to leave me so I yelled whatever came to my mind. "I remember how you got me in trouble with the water gun. I also remember taking you to the toy and manga store on our first date. You were so shy when you asked me if love was to fast and everything."

When I stopped speaking he was standing in front of me again.

"Did you get your memories back?" he whispered.

"No, I found my old diary," I sighed, glad to have him near me again.

"So you know about what happened? Why we aren't together?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I still don't understand everything, but I wish I could. I think I might not get them back I-I-"

"You're wearing the necklace," he interrupted, putting his hands on a chain I was wearing.

"I forgot I had it on. I wore it to that party we went to a few weeks ago. I guess you might want it back." I said, about to take it off.

His hand grabbed mine and an odd look came across his face.

"I'm so sorry, don't think I'm a pervert," he said, pulling me to him. Our lips touched and he pulled me into a loving kiss.

I was shock at first, but surprisingly I returned the kiss with as much passion I could offer.

Kiley and I kissed for sometime but I suddenly stopped responding. He pulled away form me and gave me a confused look.

"Kiley, why did you kiss that girl?"

"I've been trying to te-"

"It's like it's all going to happen again," a voice, laughed behind us.

Kiley and I turned around and meet eyes with the two people we least expected to see.

"Eric, Kevin? Why are you here?" Kiley asked, moving in front of me.

"We are only here to get what's ours." Kevin smirked.

"What would that be?" Kiley asked.

"Momo, of course, can't have the little lady getting back her memories." Eric said, pulling out a gun.

Kiley and I gasped in surprise and Eric smirked.

"Now give us the girl." Kevin yelled.

"You'll have to kill me first." Kiley yelled.

I looked at Kiley surprised. I didn't think he would say something like that. It was flattering, but I didn't want him to get hurt over me.

"Want to join your brother fast I see." Eric laughed.

"You bastard," Kiley yelled, running towards them.

There was a loud bang and Kiley stopped.

"Why are you doing this?" I yelled.

"It's not why WE are doing this. It's more like a WHO is doing this?" Kevin smiled.

"You're crazy, what do you want from me?"

"We don't want anything... it's who wants it." Eric said.

"Come with us or we'll kill Kiley. Easy isn't it?" Eric said as Kevin held the gun to Kiley's head.

"Momo, don't go." Kiley pleaded.

"Come or watch him die," Kevin and Eric taunted.

I nodded my head and walked towards them. Kevin grabbed me right away and started to pull me away.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill her on the spot." Eric smiled, walking off.


okay, don't be mad! I left off at another cliffhanger. BWAHAHA, but at least I updated right? I promise you guys I won't take as long next time. Please review and the next chapter might magically be fast.