Pokemon Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Queen Megan ❯ Vol 4: Chap 38: Boat Trip ( Chapter 38 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Boat Trip
Dateline: The royal family went on a Sunday church picnic. Tai and Amberus attacked them but Gezzele, Kristy, and Grace defeated them.
"Do you think the kids will like it?" asked Matt as he helped Mitch push the boat into the river. "Of course they will." said Mitch. "I even got Megan's approval." "How about Mimi's and Jordan's?" asked Matt. "Oh yeah." said Mitch. Once the boys got the boat into the water, Matt anchored the boat tying it to the dock so it wouldn't float away and Mitch turned to Ash and said: "Ash, Go and round up the kids for this. You'll find them on the deck in the backyard at the house." "All right." said Ash. Then he ran off to find them.
"So what are we doing today Genius?" asked Jimmy. "Why are you asking me?" asked Grace. "Uh... Because you're the leader." he said. "I don't know." she said. "You're supposed to know." he said. Jessi hit him in the head. Then Grace saw Ash running towards them. "Hi daddy!" yelled Jen as she waved at her father. "What is it Ash?" asked Grace. "Mitch wanted you all come by the river." he said. "What for?" she asked. "It's a surprise." said Ash. "Oh." said Grace. "Let's go!" yelled Nina. Then he and the children went to the river.
"Ahoy there kids!" yelled Mitch when Ash and the kids got there. The children saw him standing by a big white rowboat. "So this is the surprise." said Grace. "Climb on board and don't forget your life jackets." said Mitch. One by one the children put on the life jackets and boarded the boat. Then Ash and Matt got onto the boat and grabbed a pair of oars. Then Mitch picked up his microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome aboard the royal cruise. I'll be your captain Mitch. The rules are: Keep your arms and legs in the boat at all times. Keep your life jackets on at all times. And have fun." said Mitch over the microphone. The children just sat there like why are you telling us this. "Okay, Well, let's just go." he said. Then Ash and Matt started rowing.
Meanwhile in the huge black star shaped object, Sepheroth was spying on the princess, her uncle, Ash and Matt, and the other children. "Ah, the brats is going out for a boat trip." he said. Then Sepheroth turned to Taichi. "I want you to go and attack the royal family." said Sepheroth. "Yes Master." said Taichi. "Shir!" yelled Sepheroth. Then, Shir teleported down to the Sepheroth and Taichi. "You called?" she asked. "Go with Taichi and attack the royal family." he ordered her. "With respect." she said. "Now don't fail me like your sisters did." said Sepheroth. "Yes Sir." said Shir. Then Shir and Taichi teleported down to the river.
"So where are we going cap?" asked Nina. "We're just going to be cruising around on the river." answered Mitch. Then he turned to the front. "Land ho!" he yelled. "Really? Where? Where?" Nina asked in excitement. "Land hover there and hover there." he said as he pointed to the banks. "Huh?" asked Nina. The other children were laughing at her. Nina quickly got it. "It's a joke Nina." said Mitch. "Oh." said Nina. Taichi and Shir were waiting for them along the bank. "There they go." said Taichi. Then Shir got out her black boat and put it in the water. She and Taichi climbed into the boat. Taichi started rowing to catch up with them. "Where's the entertainment?" asked Gezzele. Then Mitch got out his guitar and started playing it. The children, Ash and Matt were stunned. " Can I stop now? My arms are getting tired." said Ash. "Yeah sure." said Mitch. "Are any of you boys stronger enough to row the boat?" Jimmy raised his hand. "Are you sure?" asked Mitch. "Yes." said Jimmy. "All right." he said. Then the immortal of death stood up and walked over to his father. Then Jimmy started rowing.
A few minutes later, Jimmy turned his head and saw Shir and Taichi chasing them. "Captain Mitch!" he yelled. "Not now!" said Mitch. "Captain Mitch!" he yelled. "I said not now!" said Mitch. "TAICHI AND SHIR ARE CHASING US!" he yelled. Then Mitch picked up he telescope and looked though. He saw Shir and Taichi coming towards them. "MATT! JIMMY! ROW FASTER!" yelled Mitch. Matt and Jimmy began rowing as hard as they could. "They're getting away!" yelled Shir. "But not for long!" said Taichi. Then he put the rudder into the water. Jimmy turned his head and saw Shir and Taichi catching up with them. "Dad! Faster!" he yelled. They paddled even faster. "I've got an idea." said Shir. Then she threw a magic ball into river and it went straight to their boat. Jimmy looked into the water. Then the ball went straight in front of the boat. The ball became a huge wave. Taichi and Shir finally caught up with our friends. "Don't think it would be easier for you to surrender?" asked Shir. "Daddy! Why are you doing this to us? It's me, Kristy! Remember?" Kristy pleaded. This made Taichi stand still. He was slowly getting his memory back. Shir picked her sword and pierced into abdomen. Tai was screaming in pain. "Daddy Noooooo!" yelled Kristy. The stab made him evil again. Katrina got onto her computer and did some research. "Snow angels!" yelled Gezzele. The water froze quickly. "Nina! Sabrina! Her powers are water so you'll have to fight fire with fire or in this case: water with water." said Katrina. "Right!" said Sabrina and Nina. "You also have some new attacks." said Katrina. "Really?" said Nina. "Yes, Nina, you have the marine illusion attack: which is a shield, and Sabrina you the hydro pump attack: which is a super strong attack." said Katrina. "Let's try them out." said Sabrina. "Marine illusion!" yelled Nina. "That's pathetic!" said Taichi. "Water bomb!" yelled Shir. The bomb blew up on the wall. "But... But.... That's now possible!" yelled Shir. "Hydro pump!" yelled Sabrina. Her new attack smashed Taichi and Shir's boat. "It's about time we gave up for now!" said Taichi. "You brats may have won this round but we'll be back!" yelled Shir. Then they teleported away. "Daddy." thought Kristy.
Our friends managed to faster their boat trip. Kristy seemed sad. "I'll walk you home." said Grace. Kristy just gave weak smile and came with her. "Thanks Grace." Kristy said softly. "Anytime." said Grace.
The End