Pokemon Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Queen Megan ❯ Vol 5: Chap 42: Portal of Darkness ( Chapter 42 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Portal of Darkness
Dateline: Grace and others went into underworld to defeat Sepheroth. Taichi tried to embarrass Grace by getting her to confess feelings for Takeru. She did and almost rescued Taichi. But Sepheroth took him away and he is now making him evil again.
"Where do we go now, Katrina?" asked Grace. "I'm thinking! I'm thinking!" yelled Katrina as she looked on her computer. "We now have to cross through the portal of darkness." said Katrina. "Where is the portal?" asked Jessi. "Ahead of us." said Katrina. "Well, what are waiting for?" asked Grace. The children got up and walked over and into the portal. Then the opening closed behind them. "I'm scared!" yelled Gezzele. "You know, it is said that if a person crosses though the portal, they'll see their fears." said Katrina. "Now I'm really scared!" yelled Gezzele. "There's nothing to be afraid of. All just a legend, Right?" asked Grace. Then it started to get darker. "Now what now?" asked Takeru. The children's gems and the digidestined parent's crests began to light up. "Does that answer your question?" asked Jimmy. (Noiz: This is where the immortal children's fears start kick.) Just then, the children going up for some odd reason. "Katrina, does this portal go up?" asked Grace. "No, Why do you ask?" replied Katrina. "Because we seem to be going up!" said the princess. Then, a view of crystal city from the top the appeared below them. Jessi screamed really loud. The other children turned around.
"What's wrong Jessi?" asked Grace. "Look down!" yelled Jessi. The other children saw the view of crystal city from the top. "So?" asked Jeffrey. "I'm scared of heights." said Jessi. "All of these fears are illusions." said Katrina. This gave Grace an idea. "Could one of you give me something to throw down there?" she asked nicely. Jimmy picked up Gatomon. "Hey! What are you doing you nutcase?!?" she yelled. "I meant like a rock or something!" yelled Grace. Patamon gave her a grape. "This will work." she said. Then Grace threw it down. The image of the view of crystal city from the top faded away. "It's okay Jessi, you can look now." said Grace. Jessi looked down. The city was gone. The immortal of life began to relax. Then the children walked on. "Once the person has seen their fears, they won't see them again in the place." said Katrina. "That's good." said Grace. Then suddenly the portal began to get crowded. The children got separated. "Chil... Eri... Serenie.... Gracey... anybody." said the immortal of art and healing. Lisa became nervous. She remembered the time she, Chillie, and their mother went to this art museum when she and her sister were little and she got lost. Tears came through her eyes. While the children were lost, their fears came to them. Soon the portal was hot (Gezzele's fear) and water (Jeffrey's fear), cops (Venus' fear), math tests (Nina's fear), frogs (Brandy's fear) bugs (Kasumi's fear) and other fears were all over the place. The children were scared to death.
Grace and Jessi were looking around for the group. Jessi had all ready had her fright. For some odd reason, Grace wasn't affected by her fears. It was like she knew all of these were illusions. "Grace, what are we doing? At this rate we've never to rescue Taichi." said Jessi. "I'm thinkin'! I'm thinkin'" yelled Grace. Then she figured out how to chase these illusions away. So she picked up her bloodstone gem and wished the illusions away. Soon, the illusions faded away. The children were no longer scared. "All right everyone! The show's over! Let's go now." said Grace. Then she and the others walked on.
After a whole lot of walking, the children saw a bright light up ahead. "Katrina, what does this mean?" asked Grace. "We're almost out of here." said the physic immortal. "All right!" yelled Takeru. Then the children began running towards the end. Iris: They may be out of the portal of darkness but what new challenges await our friends? Find out when you read the story.
The End